The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 71: The Germa Clan (2)

Chapter 71: The Germa Clan (2)

The person did not come out after speaking as another knife came flying towards him. Neban ducked the weapon, grabbing Siren as he moved back. The monster threw two more knives. 

Neban hit them by using Siren, causing the weapons to hit the wall and get stuck. Once he put Siren down, the monster was in front of him. 

He did not get a good look at the monster since it was dark, but he saw that thing was male. 

The monster had another knife in their hand as they tried to slice his throat. Neban blocked it as sparks flew with their weapons hitting against each other. 

The man did not move his hand back when their weapons touched. He pulled out his leg, tripping Neban. 

Before falling back, Neban grabbed the monster's collar with his free hand. He brought the man down with him. 

Once they hit the ground with the monster on top of Neban, the man tried to pull himself back up. But Neban switched to copying a Mage as he used [Fire Blast]. 

When the monster felt the collar of his shirt and neck burning, he punched Neban hard. Neban's head turned sideways as the man busted his lip; a bruise started to form. 

And due to the hit, Neban's hand fell from the man's collar. Once the monster was free, he stood up, getting ready to kick Neban. 

As he sensed the incoming hit, a blade appeared in Neban's hand. He stabbed the knife in the monster's foot once the shoe was close to hitting him. 

The monster let out a cry as he stumbled back. The man leaned against the wall, picking his leg up as he reached to take the blade out. 

Once the man pulled the blade out of his foot, Neban was already on his feet. He swung Siren at the man, aiming for the monster's head. 

The man leaned back, the sword passing over his head as he shot the blade out. Neban moved to the right, almost hitting against the wall as the knife flew towards him. 

Since he moved out of the way, the blade nicked him on his side rather than stabbing him. 

The monster was already reaching out, trying to grab Neban. Neban backed away from the hit as he called for [Shadow String]. 'Turn back into your original form.' He told Siren. 

Once he let go of Siren, they turned back into their human form. Neban had a string in his hand that the visible eye could not see as he threw it around the monster's hand. 

The man did not know what to react to, the weapon turning into their human form or something tightening around his hand? 

But he did not get the chance to figure out an answer as Neban pulled the string. The monster stumbled forward from the pull as he could not take his hand back. If he did, his hand would most likely come off. 

There was already blood pooling around the string, making them visible. 

"Siren," Neban called once the monster was close. 

Siren stuck out their hand, reaching into the monster's chest before pulling their hand back out. There was a beating heart in Siren's hand. 

Neban made the strings disappear, causing the monster to fall to the ground as there was no life in the man. 

Siren smiled at the beating heart in their hand before sinking their teeth in it. Neban saw them do it as he turned back around, trying to hold back from gagging. 

"Can you not do things like this? Or go somewhere else and do it? It is disgusting to see." Neban complained. 

Siren rolled their eyes as they sucked the heart dry. Once they finished, they threw it to the ground, stepping on it. "Don't be a baby." 

"Stay in that form; I am going to use a different weapon," Neban told them. 

Siren shrugged, not caring about the change, "That is fine. It has been a while since I fought like this." 

Neban pulled out Ice Queen from his sub-space. The temperature in the area dropped a bit due to the weapon. 

Siren looked at the weapon before a few knives appeared in their hand. They hooked the blades to their pants. Neban waited until they finished before saying, "Ready to go?" 

Siren nodded. 

They started walking down the hall as no other monsters came out to fight them. When they reached the stairs, they made it to the third floor. 

Nothing special happened on the third floor as they walked through it with no problems. It was the same for the fourth and fifth floors. 

But once they reached the sixth floor, there were five monsters in the middle of the hall waiting for them. 

The hall was different from others as it had light. The walls were white, while there was barely anything in the area. There were a few doors, but the monsters must have boarded them up. 

One monster was like the ones in the street with four legs and resembling a vast dog, while the others were in their human forms. There were three males and one female. 

No one said anything as they stared each other down before Siren was the first to open their mouth. 

"So, human, which ones do you want?" Siren asked. 

Neban shrugged, "It doesn't matter." 

"You will regret not choosing," Siren responded before rushing towards the monsters. 

They had knives in their hand, shooting them out. The monsters dodged as two flipped towards Neban; Siren started fighting the remaining ones. 

One of the monsters coming towards Neban had a weapon appear in their hand. The other one disappeared. The man swung their sword as Neban caught the move with his. Ice emitted out as the surrounding walls started to glaze over. 

The man smiled, "Not bad, human." 

Then Neban felt something getting ready to attack him from behind as he kicked his foot back. But the woman must have evaded because his foot met with air. 

The man laughed before pulling his weapon away while moving back. Neban saw an opening as he was getting ready to stab the man when he felt another attack coming. 

He moved back while ducking down when he felt air passing by. The woman appeared with one leg sticking out, showing that she was aiming a kick at his head. 

She winked at him before disappearing again. 

Once she was gone, the man was already rushing towards him, swinging his weapon at him. Neban picked up Ice Queen to block it, but the monster suddenly threw his sword down as he punched Neban in the stomach. 

Neban leaned forward, holding back a sound as he saw the monster getting ready to knee him in the face. At the same time, he felt an attack coming towards his back. 

[Water Slide]. 

Water filled the ground, causing both the monsters to slip and fall. It was a funny sight, but Neban did not laugh as he used [Shadow Travel] to move back and away from the water. 

During that time, the monsters were getting back up as Neban stabbed Ice Queen into the ground while using [Shadow Travel]. 

The water froze, causing the monsters' feet to get caught in the ice. They tried to walk forward, seeing that the ice had their feet trapped. Before the man and woman could pull their feet up with force, Neban had his hand pointing towards their head. 

[Shadow Beam x2]. 

The beams went through both monsters' heads as they fell to the ground, causing the ice to break. 

Neban walked forward, looking at the monsters to make sure they were dead before pulling out Ice Queen. Then he turned towards Siren and their fight. 

Siren was sitting in a pool of blood, licking their fingers as dead bodies surrounded them. When they noticed Neban looking, Siren teased, "I thought you would never finish." 

Neban rolled his eyes as he walked over, "You are messy and disgusting." 

Siren stood up, wiping their hands on their clothes, making everything worse. "And you are slow." 

"If you have a problem with my speed, then fight by yourself and don't be my weapon." 

"That is a bit boring. I like us fighting together." 

Neban did not answer as they walked to the stairs, making their way to the seventh floor. 


On the Fifteenth Floor: 

Two people were sitting on thrones as they stared at the screens in front of them, watching the humans fight with their children. 

Someone entered the room, landing on one knee as they bowed to the two people. "Madams, the human with Mother's weapon, is already making his way to the seventh floor. He will reach this floor in no time.

"Shall I send out stronger reinforcements?" The person spoke. 

The one on the left hummed as she continued to watch the screens. It was almost like the woman was ignoring the person on the ground. 

The one on the right looked towards the person and answered, "No. Send no one and keep the floors clear. Let them come. Tell everyone else to fight the humans still on the first floor." 

The person kept their head down before saying, "As you wish, madam." They disappeared. 

The one on the left giggled, "Oh, I hope the human will be fun to play with." 

"I do too." The one on the right answered as she looked away from the screens. She started to watch the only door that led into the room. The woman could not wait for the human to come. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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