The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 72: The Germa Clan (3)

Chapter 72: The Germa Clan (3)

As they were making it to different floors, Siren and Neban realized that nobody was coming out to fight them. "Where are the monsters?" Neban asked out loud. 

Siren looked around with their arms crossed behind their head. They were humming until they stopped to answer Neban's question.

"The two clan leaders must know we're coming and told the other monsters not to bother us. They are most likely waiting for us on the fifteenth floor." Siren answered. 

Neban hummed in response as they walked in silence. He put Ice Queen back in his sub-space for now since it was making the area cold. Siren started whistling as they began to kick their feet out of boredom. 

Neban did not stop Siren from whistling because it was silent during the walk. So, the noise was welcoming rather than annoying. 

When they reached the fourteenth floor, there was a female monster sitting on the ground. The female threw a ball at the wall, catching it when it would come back to her. She kept doing it a few times, not acknowledging them. 

The female looked to be short with shoulder-length light blue hair. Someone had sewn her eyes shut, even though it looked like she could see correctly. The nails on her hands were short as her hands had scars all over them. 

She was wearing a silk dress that had a split on the side, making it easier for her to move. 

Neban and Siren walked near the woman, stopping before they got too close. Neban was already pulling Ice Queen from his sub-space. 

Once the temperature dropped in the area, the monster caught the ball one last time before looking towards them. 

"The madams told everyone to go to the humans downstairs and not bother you two. I find that boring, don't you agree?" 

Siren shrugged, "Does it matter? We will be fighting in the end with or without a break." 

Neban hummed, agreeing with Siren's words. 

The woman laughed as she stood up, tossing the ball in the air while catching it. "That is true. But it would be boring to me. I rather fight you two than the ones downstairs." 

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Siren spoke before making the first move. 

A blade appeared in their hands as they rushed forward, swinging at the woman. The ball in the woman's hand quickly transformed into a crossbow. She swiftly shot out arrows, causing Siren to duck and slide across the ground. 

The monster moved the crossbow to Neban, not worrying about Siren as she quickly shot out some arrows. Neban used Ice Queen to block them all. 

Once the arrows touched the sword, they turned into ice before hitting the ground and shattering. 

Siren was behind the woman as she went to stab her in the back. The monster flipped over Siren, appearing behind them as she was on one knee. Her crossbow turned into a double-sided spear as she looked at them. 

The woman's eyes were telling Siren and Neban to come on. 

Neban and Siren rushed towards her as they swung their weapons at the monster. The woman blocked each move while taking one step back each time. 

Neban called for [Shadow Web] to stop the woman from moving backward as they were attacking her. Once the monster's back hit the web, catching her, Siren went for her head while Neban went for her chest. 

But the monster turned, showing the web did not catch her as she used it to crawl up. Neban and Siren could not stop the movement of their weapons as they hit the web. 

The web began to ice over due to Neban's sword. 

The woman leaped and flipped over them to get away from the icing web. 

Neban and Siren pulled out their weapons, causing the web to break down. "She is a slippery one, huh?" Siren commented. 

Neban did not say anything as he clicked his tongue. He used [Shadow Fire] then switched to [Fire Blast] to hit the woman. Once the fires touched her, they disappeared, not doing anything at all. 

"I hope you are proficient in regular fighting because your human abilities do not work on me." The monster spoke before the spear turned into two shurikens. 

She threw the shurikens at Siren and Neban. 

Siren hit the wall to move away from the weapon as Neban hit the shuriken away with his sword. Instead of the shurikens hitting the ground, an invisible force caused them to get pulled back into the woman's hand. 

Before she could throw them again, Siren appeared in front of her, sticking her hand through the woman's side. "I don't feel like playing your games anymore." They spoke. 

The woman laughed, not caring that there was an arm in her. "But I love playing games." She disappeared, leaving Siren's blood-covered arm in the air. 

Neban's instincts told him to move as he used [Shadow Travel] to stand next to Siren. The woman appeared in the spot that Neban originally was in. The double-sided spear was in her hands again as she swirled it around. 

The wound on her side was beginning to close, healing itself. There was still blood dropping on the ground. 

This time, Siren clicked their tongue as Neban made the first move. He put Ice Queen back in his sub-space as he pulled out a whip that had a green aura emitting from it. 

He moved forward, striking the whip towards the monster. The woman dodged as the weapon hit the ground, making a loud cracking sound. But instead of the floor having a small crack, it started to melt. 

Neban pulled the whip back to him as the monster smirked at the weapon. "Oh cute, does it have a name?" 

"It does. I call it: creating a distraction." Neban smartly responded. 

The monster was confused for a second when she noticed that Siren was not next to Neban anymore. She swiftly turned around, getting ready to swing her spear, when Siren grabbed the woman's throat. They lifted the woman, bringing her an inch off the ground. 

"You-" the woman started but did not finish as the spear began to transform. 

"I think not," Neban said as he threw out his whip, catching the woman's hand holding the weapon. 

The whip wrapped around the woman's wrist as it began to melt; even the skin on the arm started to fall off. The monster let out a cry as she dropped the ball. 

The ball rolled to Neban, hitting his shoe; he picked up the ball and put it in his sub-space. He pulled his whip back as he watched Siren drop the woman. 

Before the monster could react, Siren quickly, but sufficiently, ripped the woman's head off. 

Neban turned around because he already knew what Siren was getting ready to do. After a minute of hearing Siren enjoying their meal, Neban turned back around. 

Siren had nothing in their hand as they licked the blood off their fingers. Neban walked over to them, "I am going to hose you down before allowing you in the house. I do not want my son seeing all that blood on you." 

Siren rolled their eyes as they started to walk towards the stairs, "Stop complaining. Are you ready to fight the clan leaders?" 

"Yeah, the quicker we kill them, the faster I can go home," Neban responded as he was putting his whip back. 

Then he asked, "Since there are two, do you want to stay like that or fight them together?" 

Siren thought for a while before saying, "Let's fight together. When we take on the clan leaders, we will fight together; other than that, we can do separate fights." 


They walked in silence to the last (or top) floor in the building. There was only one door in the hall, and it was at the end. 

The door was black with splattered dried blood on it like decoration. Siren and Neban walked to the door, stopping in front of it as Neban grabbed the doorknob. 

"Ready?" Neban asked. 

"Just open the door already." 

Neban opened the door, entering the room with Siren. 

The room was nothing to talk about, but there were thrones that had two women sitting in them. The one on the left was watching a few screens that were in front of her. In contrast, the one on the right was staring at them. 

The one on the right had black hair, eyes, lips, and clothes. The woman had on a robe with a hood. The hood was slipping down as she leaned against her throne, giving them a broad smile. Siren and Neban could see how sharp the woman's teeth were. 

The one on the left was the woman's opposite. The woman's hair, eyes, lips, and clothes were white. They even had on the same outfit, but the woman's hood was not on. She did not acknowledge them as she giggled at the screens. 

"Welcome, human," the woman on the right spoke before turning to Siren, "and Perditor; it is weird seeing you without your chains and collar. But you are still playing as a dog, I see." 

Siren bared their teeth at the woman but did not attack. Neban held their arm to make sure they stayed put for now. 

The woman laughed before saying, "I am Elora, and the one on the left is my twin Lora. Are you ready to play with us?" 

"We are always ready," Siren answered. 

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