The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 75: The Dedia Clan (1)

Chapter 75: The Dedia Clan (1)

It was the next morning when Neban finally answered his phone that has been vibrating all night. He woke up to Isona softly slapping him on his forehead. "Your phone is ringing." She sleepily told him. 

Then he heard Wey talking next to him, "It is near me; I can get it." As Wey started to move to reach for Neban's phone on the nightstand, so did Theo. 

Neban could hear his son muttering, "Five more minutes," in his sleep. 

But, what had Neban fully opening his eyes besides his phone going off is the fourth voice he heard in the room. 

"You humans talk too much." Siren's voice sounded in the room. 

Neban quickly sat up, looking towards the edge of the bed as Wey simultaneously handed him his phone. He grabbed his cellphone with a confused look because he wondered why Siren was in his bed. 

'Siren, why are you sleeping on the edge of my bed?' Neban asked, talking through their mind link because he did not want to bother the others. 

'I can be in your sub-space, I can play as your weapon, but I cannot sleep in your bed. You, humans, are weird.' Siren rolled their eyes as they turned to stare Neban down. 

Neban rolled his eyes back at them, ignoring the vibrating phone as he was getting ready to say something. But Isona cut him off. "Answer the phone, Neban. We are trying to sleep." Isona groaned. She ended up resting on his side as she threw her arm over Theo. 

Theo was lying on him while Wey was sleeping on his other side. 

Neban apologized because he knew that a cranky Isona was not a good Isona. He answered the call, not checking who was on the other side. 

"Yes?" Neban whispered as he did not want to disturb his son and partners. 

"Finally, you answered the phone; I have been trying to reach you since last night." The voice answered. 

Neban's expression quickly turned frosty when he heard the voice of the person on the other side. "Even if I knew you were calling, I would personally ignore it and block it." 

"Haha. I am not using your number to bother you; I can use things that matter for that. I am calling you to tell you that the government wants us to hit the Dedia Clan in two hours." Angel answered. 

Neban frowned, "Are you serious? We just got rid of Germa Clan. There are even injured hunters. Why are they rushing this?" 

"That is why we have high-grade healing potions, meaning they are good to go. And they are rushing this, so we can finally get rid of those monsters once and for all. Plus, if we sit around, it will only give them enough time to retaliate.

"So it is time to get up, eat, get dressed, and meet the other hunters at the borderline. And the government is not taking no for an answer." Angel hung up after he spoke those words. 

Neban glared at his phone as he pulled it away. He set it between him and Isona before sighing while running his hand through his hair. 

"Are we going back to the battlefield?" Siren asked with a whisper. 

Neban nodded his head. He softly took his son off him as he crawled out of bed, so he would not disturb Wey and Isona. Once he was off the bed, Neban stretched. "We will be leaving in two hours." He told Siren before walking out of the room. 

When he reached the kitchen, his mother was already there, preparing to cook. "Morning." Neban greeted. 

His mother turned towards him with a smile, "Good morning, have a nice sleep?" 

"Well, Wey, Isona, and Theo love sleeping in a bed that does not have enough room for all of us, and now it seems like Siren wants to join in." 

His mother laughed, "You are going to need a bigger bed." 

"Yeah. Especially when the baby comes." 

"You know the baby can sleep in the crib." 

Neban tapped his mother's shoulder with his own. He never did anything like that before, but Wey and Isona made him grow the habit since they always did it to him. 

"I know. But I cannot help but get excited." 

His mother smiled, "I am too. My son is giving me grandchildren, and I love it." 

He rolled his eyes at his mother before saying, "Siren and I will have to leave soon." 

"This quick? Didn't you fight just yesterday?" His mother slammed the pan down, showing how she did not like the idea. 

"Yeah. But the government wants us to finish this quickly, so they are healing the injured hunters with high-grade potions." Neban answered, holding his mother's arm to calm her. 

She sighed before standing on her toes, leaning over to kiss her son's temple. "I do not like this, but stay safe." 

"You know I will," Neban moved away, "oh, give me some of Siren's breakfast." 

His mother waved her hand while shaking her head, "You two need to stop acting like children." 

Neban shrugged before walking away to get ready for the day and wake up the others. He wants to spend the little time he has with his son and partners. 


Siren was in Neban's sub-space, once again, making their way to the borderline. Most of the hunters were already there, waiting for others to show up. 

Neban looked out and could see that the fire to Germa Clan's building already died out as the flames destroyed the place. The lingering smoke stayed, but Neban was surprised that no one attacked them last night for getting rid of Germa Clan. 

'They do not care. Even though the clans have alliances, they still do not care for each other. And Mother especially doesn't care. She would rather see everyone dead while being the only one alive to show her superiority.' Siren answered his thoughts. 

Neban hummed at that when Angel made his way to the front again with Tessa next to him. "Now that everyone is here, we will be going to the Dedia Clan next. Remember, we need to be fast like we did with Germa Clan." 

The hunters nodded as the Warriors, from last time, opened the barrier and let them out. Once they were in the streets on the other side, the Warriors closed the dome behind them. 

Like last time, they stayed on their guard while walking to Dedia Clan's building. 'Will the leaders be on the top floor?' Neban asked Siren. 

'They will always be there. The leaders love being on top.' Siren answered. 

'Should we go straight to them?' 

'We can. But there will be watchdogs that will try to stop us.' 

'Doesn't that mean more food for you?' 

Neban could practically see Siren's vicious smile, 'It sure does.' 


Mother's Palace: 

Narith was on his knee, bowing in front of Mother. This time there were no humans chained at the throne as Mother has already finished them. 

Her youth started to shine through her looks once again as she could finally see with perfect vision. 

She leaned forward, touching Narith's head before running her fingers down it. "My favorite pet, how does it fare outside?" 

Narith kept his head down, not once looking at Mother, "The Germa Clan is gone, and now the humans are currently going for the Dedia Clan." 

Mother cruelly smiled at the news as her hand stopped moving on Narith's head. She pulled away before standing up, walking to the window. 

Narith stayed in his spot since Mother had not asked him to move. 

"Is there a way we can watch them fight?" 

Narith was getting ready to answer when Mother put her hand up, stopping him. "Wait. Is there a way to watch the human that has my weapon?" 

Smiling on the inside, Narith could not help but think about Siren. The dog has been his favorite to play with, and he wants nothing more than to torture them once again. 

Siren's screams and begging were the sweetest to him. 

"There is. Before the building completely burned down, I stole one of the screens from them." Narith answered. 

Mother turned towards him, walking up to Narith as she crouched down, grabbing his chin. She moved her face close to his. "You always know how to get things done. What would you like, pet?" 

"I want to play with Siren," Narith answered. 

Mother looked from his eyes down to lips before letting his chin go. She picked up her hand, backhanding him hard. 

Narith fell to his side, using his arm to keep his body up as blood flowed down his lip, making its way to his chin. 

She stood up, her heels stomping on the ground as she walked in front of Narith. She stepped on the man's leg before sinking her heel into his skin. 

Narith held back a cry at the heel, breaking the skin, causing blood to flow out. "My favorite pet, you have gone ahead of yourself. I do not want anyone torturing my weapon unless it is me, do you understand?" 

Narith kept his face to the ground, using his hair to cover his angry expression. "Yes, Mother." 

She pulled her heel out before sitting down at her throne. She crossed her legs, causing her dress to show a lot of skin. "Now get the screen; I want to see them fight." 

Narith went back to his original pose before saying, "Yes, mother," and disappearing. 

Mother drummed her fingers on the throne as she turned her head towards the window, "I cannot wait until you come here, my weapon." 

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