The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 74: The First Ones Down

Chapter 74: The First Ones Down

When Siren finished drinking the twins' blood, they made their way to Neban. 

Neban was still sitting on the throne, watching the screens when Siren stood next to him. "Are you finished?" He asked, not once looking away from watching the hunters fight. 

"Yeah. Are you ready to go downstairs?" 

Neban hummed before saying, "You think the monsters will stop fighting if we go downstairs with the clan leader heads?" 

"Yeah," Siren answered. 

Finally, looking away from the screens, Neban looked at the bodies before getting up. He pulled out a regular sword and walked over to Elora's body. He swiftly cut the head off. 

Once he finished, he bent down, wiping the sword's blood with the woman's clothes. Neban put his weapon up and grabbed Elora's head, standing back up to make it to Lora's. 

He grabbed hers with his other free hand. 

When he had the heads in his hands, Neban called for Siren. "I'm going down. Can you turn pocket-size for me?" 

Siren rolled their eyes, making their way to Neban, grabbing his shirt. Once the shirt was in their hold, they turned pocket-size. Siren was on his shoulder before crawling down to his pocket. 

Neban walked out of the room and made his way downstairs. It would have been a silent walk, but Siren started to hum during the whole stroll. 

When he finally reached the first floor, the noise of fighting entered his ears. He walked near the battle before throwing the heads towards them. The noise they created caused everyone to stop fighting as they turned towards it. 

When the monsters saw the heads, they dropped to their knees, making their way to the clan leaders as they touched the heads. The monsters called out their leaders' names, crying over the heads. 

Some hunters looked at them, not knowing what to do. A few hunters with Angel, Tessa, and To, being at the top, killed the monsters during their distraction. 

The monsters did not move nor fight back as they mourned over their leaders. Once those hunters finished killing the monsters, they put their weapons away. 

Angel looked towards Neban, who walked more into the room before turning back to the others. "We should burn the building down to tell the others that we are coming for them next." 

The hunters were silent for a minute before agreeing with Angel. 

Some had heavy wounds as they leaned against others, while the rest had torn clothes and blood on them. Even though many hunters are still alive, there are still some dead bodies on the ground. 

The hunters made sure to remember the others' faces since they cannot bring them back with them as they walked out. 

Neban stayed behind, so he could be the last one out as he watched the others go. After a couple of minutes, Tessa and Angel were the last ones left. Tessa walked out, but Angel stopped in front of him. 

"You know, you could have others fight with you," Angel spoke. 

"I did not need anyone to; I took care of it," Neban answered. 

Angel clicked his tongue before walking away. Neban followed after him. Once they were outside, and a few feet away from the building, a Mage stepped forward and burned it down. 

They watched the burning building for a while before walking away, making their way back to their side of town. 

When they reached the border, the Warriors that were on the other side let them in. 

The ones with grave injuries quickly went to the hospital while the others went home to clean up. Angel and Tessa went to talk to the government about what happened and who they lost. 

Neban walked to his house, opening the door as he walked in. Before anyone could see him, he used [Shadow Travel] to enter his backyard. 

"Turn back to your normal size." He told Siren. 

Siren jumped out of his pocket before turning back into their normal size. Neban walked over to his hose, turning the water on. Before Siren could walk away, Neban turned the hose towards them. 

Once the water hit Siren, they cursed. "What the fuck, human!" They yelled, putting their hands in front of their face to keep the water away from it. 

They were moving left and right, trying to get away from the cold water hitting them. Siren started to think back to when Mother used to do this. 

"I told you I was going to hose you. I do not want Theo seeing all that blood on you." Neban responded as he continued to spray the water on them. 

"You have blood on you too!" Siren yelled as they ducked down, wiping their face from the drops coming down them.

Neban put the hose down, watering the same spot. "I'm finished." 

Siren glared at him as they grabbed their wet hair, twisting the water out of it. "Hose yourself too." 

Neban looked at them as they continued to glare him down while silence began to fill the area. Even the small spot of grass began to overflow with water. 

Another minute passed before Neban rolled his eyes, turning the hoses towards him as he watered himself down. He shivered at the coldness but did not move away from it. 

Once he finished cleaning the blood off him, Neban turned the hose off. He wrapped it before setting it down. 

"Now we are both wet, happy?" 

"Very." Siren gave a fake smile before getting up and walking into the house, causing water to drip on the floor. 

Neban followed after them, closing the back door behind him. 

"Papa, your home!" Theo yelled once he saw Neban. He ran over, not caring that his dad was wet as he hugged him. 

Neban patted Theo's back, ignoring how his arms still had a soreness to them. Siren ignored them, walking away to dry off and change their clothes. 

"Hey, you are dripping on the floor!" Neban heard his mother yell, sounding like she was making her way towards his location. 

Neban held onto Theo before using [Shadow Travel] to make it to his room. He knew that if his mother saw him also dropping water on the floor, she would start fussing at him. 

When they entered the room, Neban let go of Theo. "Do you want to turn on the TV while I go shower and change?" 

Theo nodded as he moved away, going for the TV remote. "Can we watch a movie with Wey and Isona?" 

Neban nodded as he went to his dresser, pulling out some clothes while taking a healing potion out to drink. 

Theo put the remote down before running out of the room to get Wey and Isona.

He walked into the bathroom, drinking the potion before stripping his clothes and getting into the shower. 

Once he finished, he put on clean clothes, keeping his wet ones on the floor as he walked out. When Neban entered the room, he saw that Wey, Isona, and Theo were sitting on the bed looking for what movie to watch. 

"What are you in the mood for?" Isona asked, rubbing her stomach. It became a habit once it started to grow each month. 

"I want comedy," Wey answered even though he knew the question was not for him. 

Theo put on his thinking face before saying, "I want to see an action movie." 

Neban joined them on the bed, picking Theo up, so he could put his son in his lap. He wrapped his arms around Theo, "I think we should do both." 

Isona laughed at that, "Action-comedy it is." 

She flipped through the movies before finding a nice action-comedy to watch. She pushed play before leaning back and setting the remote down. 

Wey leaned close to him, whispering in his ear, "How was it? Are you okay?" 

Neban turned towards him, "It was okay and quick; we did come back once night hit. And I barely got hurt." 

"I will be checking if that is true later." 

"Trying to get me naked?" Neban jokes. 

Wey shook his head at him when Isona shushed them. "We are trying to watch a movie." 

Wey raised his hands in surrender while Neban chuckled. "Wey started it." He felt a hit on his shoulder after he spoke those words. 

Isona gave them both a look before rolling her eyes at them, "Stop being children." 

It was silent for a second when Neban decided to comment, "I feel like you and Wey switched personalities." 

Isona and Wey simultaneously hit him on his shoulders. "This is abuse," Neban mentioned. Before either of them could say anything, Theo talked instead. 

"Papa, we are trying to watch a movie." Theo shushed him. 

Neban kissed him on the head before apologizing, "I'll be quiet." 

They started to pay attention to the movie when Siren walked into the room with chips in their hands. They walked to the bed before lying on the edge of it. 

"Your mother said that dinner would be ready in an hour." 

Neban hummed in response as no one else replied. It was quiet after that as they watched the screen. He felt his phone vibrating but ignored it so that he could enjoy his time with his family. 

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