The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 77: The Dedia Clan (3)

Chapter 77: The Dedia Clan (3)

Once the lights were out, Neban felt something coming his way. He ducked down, crawling on the cold ground as he felt for Ice Queen. Another attack came while he was on the floor, causing him to move in a zigzag pattern. 

After a minute of dodging the attacks in the dark, his hand hit against something cold and hard. Neban touched it before bringing his hand up until he grabbed the handle. 

When another attack came, Neban got on his knees as he quickly pulled the weapon out. He caught the attack with Ice Queen. A loud clanging sound resonated in the darkroom. 

Neban shot out multiple [Shadow Beam] with his free hand when he felt the weight still on his weapon. It meant that the woman was in front of him. 

Once the beams shot out, the weight disappeared as he heard cursing before a cry of pain came right after. 

His ears finally picked up on the woman moving back as he switched to copying a Mage. He used [Bright Light] (which will only last for a minute) to see in the dark. 

A small light appeared in his hand as he could finally see the woman. 

There were small holes on her arms and stomach as she touched them, trying to stop the bleeding. Neban made it back on his feet as he took a step forward. 

Noticing the light, the woman looked up, pointing her weapon at him. "I am going to rip you apart, human!" 

"We will see." Neban dropped the small light that had half a minute left to the ground. 

They both simultaneously swung at each other as their weapons clashed. Sparks flew as they continued to hit them against each other. 

The woman moved back with each hit as Neban was adding more force when their weapons would touch. She tried to add in her strength, but due to the many wounds on her, Neban was overpowering her. 

She could feel the cold from the weapon trying to crawl on her skin. But her weapon's resistance made it impossible. 

As the woman was getting close to the room's bed, Neban secretly used [Shadow Web] behind her. 

Once her back and arm touched the web, she was stuck on it. Forgetting about Neban for a second, the woman tried to free herself, already feeling her arm coming off. 

Neban did not want to give her more time to escape as he cut one of her hands off. And before she could cry out, he got the other one. 

The woman let out a cry of pain as her blood hit the ground due to her cut hands. Neban cut her sounds of pain short as he harshly grabbed her throat. 

He lifted her, thinking about stabbing Ice Queen into her since she did not have her weapons to stop the effect. But Siren cut into his thoughts, 'I've finished. Are you still fighting?' 

'I am about done. Want a meal?' Neban responded. 


Neban dropped the woman to the ground before dragging her out of the room by her hair. He went through the broken wall, hitting her against the pieces as she left screaming complaints. 

Neban ignored her as he entered the hall and saw Siren with blood on their clothes; it almost looked like they bathed in it. 

Giving a disgusted look, Neban complained, "Can you not be so messy?" 

Siren shrugged before looking at the struggling woman. Neban threw the woman towards them, "Have fun."

Before the woman could run away, Siren stepped their foot on her throat. The woman had her back to the floor as Siren's foot was adding pressure to her neck; it held her in place. 

The woman looked up at Siren with a defiant and defeated expression. "Do it already!" She screamed. 

Siren gave a vicious smile as they did not respond. They removed their foot before stomping down on the woman's face. 

Blood flowed down, covering the dried-up one already there. Her nose looked out of place, worse than when Neban hit it. 

Siren did it a few more times until it was hard to tell how the woman's face initially looked. They laughed the whole time they stomped the woman's face before crouching down. 

The woman was breathing hard as she was still alive. Siren touched her face before their hands fell to her neck. They bent forward as they dropped their head towards it. 

Siren opened their mouth as they bit the woman's neck, draining her. 

During the whole time, Neban walked to the elevator. He did not look at what Siren was doing as he waited for them to finish. 

He leaned against the elevator, drumming his fingers along his pants with one hand while the other held Ice Queen. 

Two minutes passed when Siren let go of the woman. They did not look at her as they licked their lips, savoring the taste of blood. 

Siren stood up before turning towards Neban and walking to him. When Neban saw Siren coming his way, he spoke, "Are you ready?" 

Siren nodded. 

Neban pushed the up arrow on the wall. The button lit up as they waited for the elevator to open. 

They did not have to wait long when the elevator doors opened with a 'ding' sound. Neban and Siren walked into the elevator. 

Neban pushed the button to the eighth floor, watching the doors close in front of them. Luckily, the elevator ride was silent as they went up. 

The thing moved fast as it only felt like they were in there for a second when the elevator reached the eighth floor. 

Once the doors opened, Neban and Siren stepped out. 

When they entered the eighth floor, they could not observe the area as twenty monsters were filling the hall. 

The monsters were guarding a door that had gold surrounding it. Neban guessed that is where the clan leaders were. 

Siren looked excited at the monsters as their eyes were practically glistening. A weapon appeared in their hand as they leaned forward, looking ready to rush into the herd. 

"I love when food presents itself like this. I take half, and you take the other half?" Siren spoke, causing the monsters to growl as they heard them. 

Some had four legs, while the rest had human forms. They looked ready to pounce on them, especially after Siren's comment. 

Neban nodded. 

Once he did, Siren was gone as they appeared in front of the herd. Some monsters moved back as Siren swung at two while simultaneously kicking two more into the wall. 

Neban did not have any words to Siren's abrupt attack as he followed. He rushed towards two monsters in human form as he swung Ice Queen at them. 

Once their weapons clashed against each other, Ice Queen caused the others' swords to ice over. They pulled back in surprise when another monster rushed towards him, quickly hitting him in the stomach. 

Neban stumbled back a few steps, coughing, as he grabbed the four-legged monster's head. He stopped the movement of the thing as his nails sunk into its skin. 

Three monsters in human form chose to simultaneously attack him as Neban was a bit distracted as he held the four-legged thing in place. 

Neban moved to copy a Mage, using [Fire Breath] to blow out some fire at the monsters. When they saw the fire coming out Neban's mouth, they stopped. 

Since they stopped, Neban went to deal with the monster in his arms that tried to move. He breathes fire on its face, causing the thing to whimper as it lets go. 

The monster dropped to the ground, rubbing its face on it to get the fire out. Neban quickly stabbed his weapon in the thing's head. It started to ice over before Neban kicked it, causing the monster to shatter. 

The others looked on before glancing at each other. The five monsters in their human form decided to attack Neban at the same time. 

Seeing the looks, Neban got in position as he looked at the monsters with a provoking expression. Their faces scrunched up in fury as they rushed towards him. 

Neban moved back as his whip appeared in his other hand. He shot out his whip, catching one of the monster's legs. Then he used his sword to block the other two as he opened his mouth to blow fire at the remaining one. 

The one who had the acid whip around their leg fell to the ground as it melted off; they screamed from the pain. 

Neban held back the other two monsters with his sword in one hand. The ice began to climb on their weapons before dying out like they found a way to null it. 

The monster he blew fire on dropped their weapon as they began to slap the flames from their face. 

Neban focused on the two he held back as he pulled his whip back to him. 

He kicked out his foot, hitting one of the monster's knees before moving back and using [Shadow Travel] to give them space. 

The monster he kicked landed on one knee while the other rushed towards him. Neban struck his whip out. 

The monster evaded as the whip hit the ground instead. As Neban pulled his weapon back, they were already on him, slicing their sword towards Neban's chest. 

Neban picked his sword up, blocking it when another four-legged appeared out of nowhere. The thing had a light building between their horns before quickly shooting it out. 

Neban did not have time to stop it as the beam hit him, causing him to hit the wall. Once again, he was going through it as his back hit the ground on the other side. 

He picked himself up as a four-legged and two human form monsters were already advancing towards them. 

Neban put his whip away as he called out three blades to fit in one hand before throwing them out. 

The blades soared through the air, making their way towards the monsters. 


Note: (Yes, I am putting this under the chapter because I do not know if people read the Author's note.) I am busy in March, meaning that the updates will be all over the place. I apologize! 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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