The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 78: The Dedia Clan (4)

Chapter 78: The Dedia Clan (4)

The two human form monsters moved behind the four-legged one. Due to them hiding behind the thing, the blades hit it instead of all three. 

The blades landed in the monster's head, leg, and neck. It went down in an instant. The remaining two smirked at their dead brethren before rushing towards Neban again.

When they smirked at the fallen creature, Neban used [Shadow String-Line] and [Shadow Web] to set a trap. He had to move a few feet back to lay the web on the ground as an invisible string stood above it. 

The monsters came forward, getting ready to swing when their feet caught on the invisible string. They did not have time to save themselves as they fell and hit the ground. 

They tried to get back up, only to notice that they could not move. Every time the monsters would pull themselves up, something would pull them back down. 

Frustration seeped through them as they tried to set themselves free.

As the monsters struggled, Neban watched them for a while before lifting Ice Queen. Since they were busy trying to free themselves, they did not notice when Neban swiftly, without preamble, decapitated them. 

When the heads hit the ground as they instantly turned into ice, they shattered on impact. 

Neban did not stay in the room long as he walked out, making his way back into the hall. When he looked out, Siren had blood all over them from head to toe. 

Neban sighed at the sight as he saw that Siren killed most of the monsters; only two remained. 'So much for half.' He thought as he wondered if he should join the fight. 

But Siren answered his question when they grabbed the remaining monsters, who were heavily injured, and threw them towards him. 

When the monsters landed in front of Neban, bleeding on the ground, he looked at Siren with his eyebrow raised. 

"Those are for you since I went back on our deal." Siren replied to his look. 

Neban tilted his head, but he killed the monsters without hesitation, so they could not escape. Once all of them were dead, Neban walked to the door covered with gold. 

Siren made their way next to him as Neban opened the door. 

Once he opened the door, Neban pushed Siren away as he hit the wall. 

Fire shot out of the door, almost hitting them. Neban could practically feel the heat of the flames almost burning him. Siren hit the ground, glaring at him through the fire. 

'I am not saying sorry.' Neban replied through the mind link. Siren continued to glare as they picked themselves up. 

Once the fire died out, Neban looked in the room and saw a child holding up a burned man. 

The child burned the man to a crisp before he turned to ashes. Instead of letting the ashes hit the ground, the child ate them, cruelly smiling when they finished it. 

"Thank you for being my sacrifice." The child spoke before turning towards Neban and Siren. 

The cruel smile turned into a fake sweet, innocent one as they bowed. "Welcome to my home. How would you like your deaths to be?" 

Siren snorted, "The only death that will be happening is yours." 

The child laughed as they leaned on their toes, moving back and forward in a rocking motion. "Hmm, I don't think so." 

Neban quickly moved as he slid to the ground. An arrow covered with poison hit the spot that he was initially in. 

Siren flipped back when two arrows came towards them. "Siren," Neban called as he rolled on the ground, trying to get away from another attack. 

Siren jumped towards him, turning into a sword midair. Neban took another roll before moving into a crouching position as he caught Siren. 

The child laughed, clapping their hands, "Beautiful catch." 

Neban glared at them as he stood up, only to scoot to the left when three more arrows came towards him. 

The child walked to their throne, sitting down as they said, "How boring. Maybe I should add a bit more." 

Once they spoke, parts of the ground caved in as boiling green liquid filled the holes. One of the drops hit the surrounding area, causing it to melt. 

Neban moved away from the holes when more arrows came towards him. He moved out of the way, only to almost fall into the liquid. Balancing himself, Neban leaned forward after letting out a sigh of relief. 

'Turn into a crossbow.' He told Siren. 

He could not find where the arrows were coming from, but at least he could try and attack the child. 

Siren turned into a crossbow as Neban continued to dodge the arrows, making sure he did not fall into the liquid. It looked like the hole was expanding as the substance continued to grow. 

He pointed the crossbow at the child, releasing a few arrows. They soared through the air, making their way to the child who did not move; they were smirking. 

Before the arrows could touch the child, a firewall appeared, instantly turning them to ashes.

Neban clicked his tongue before he pulled out ice arrows. He put them in the crossbow instead of using Siren's automatic ones. 

He shot those out, only for them to enter the same fate as the others. The ice did nothing to cool the flames. 

Before he could try anything else, the arrows that were coming towards them turned into golems. 

Five golems came out as they simultaneously attacked him. Siren turned back into a sword without Neban asking them. He swung at four of them while he kicked one of them into the liquid. 

The four dodged the weapon as the one he kicked landed in the liquid. It instantly melted upon contact.

The others attacked him without a break as he moved away from them before asking Siren to turn into a rope. 

Once he had the rope in his hand, he tied a hole before throwing it out. He caught two of the monsters, pulling them towards him as he grabbed them. 

The golems started to bite his hands, trying to set themselves free while the other two, who were still free, went for his feet. 

Neban kicked the ones at his feet away while ignoring the abuse his hands were receiving. They did sting, but he kept a straight face. 

'Toss them already.' Siren yelled. 

Throwing them in the substance, Neban ignored their melting bodies as he went for the remaining two. He twirled the rope around before throwing it at the golems. 

They both jumped in opposite directions, causing Neban to catch air instead. He pulled Siren back before trying again. 

The golems kept dodging, so he changed his tactic and had Siren turn back into a crossbow. Without hesitation, Neban shot multiple arrows at them. 

A few missed as they dodged them, but the rest landed in vital areas. The golems hit the ground as they lied dead. 

Neban looked towards the child, telling them that he was ready for the next thing they had. 

The child gave a bored sigh before clapping their hands together. The floor turned back to normal as the two golem bodies disappeared. 

A wall opened, forming a door, as a monster that resembled an Eatan, minus the second head, came out. The thing had two clubs in its hands as it slammed them together with a war cry. 

The thing ran at Neban, moving faster than an Eatan as it swung both of its clubs at him. He blocked it. The weapon vibrated from the impacts as Neban moved back from the force. 

The thing let up only to ruthlessly attack again. Neban held Siren in front of him as the monster kept hitting its clubs against the weapon. 

Small drops of sweat came down his forehead as his arms shook from the weight and force. He was slowly moving back as he tried to keep the clubs from hitting him. 

'Do something; this is not fun for me!' Siren complained. Even though they work as a regular weapon, they could still feel each hit's pain (the pain was diluted, though). 

Neban copied a Warrior as he used [Warrior Shield]. When the shield appeared, he put Siren down as the monster's clubs hit against it. 

The shield vibrated from the hit, but it did not break. 

As the monster started to hit the shield mindlessly, Neban used [Shadow Travel] to appear behind the thing. 

He sliced the monster's leg off. 

The thing hit the ground as its clubs flew from its hands. The weapons hit the wall, cracking it as they landed. 

The monster let out a cry as Neban cut the other leg off. The thing was practically screaming at this point as Neban walked in front of it. 

When it saw Neban, it reached its hands out, trying to hit him. He heartlessly cut those off too. 

Blood pooled on the ground as Neban put Siren against the monster's neck. In under a second, he pulled back the weapon before cutting the thing's head off. 

Blood dripped down the sword as it slowly hit the ground before disappearing off the weapon. Siren absorbed the blood. 

The sound of someone stomping their feet on the ground resonated in the room as Neban turned towards the source. 

The child was on their feet fuming, "This is so boring," then they turned towards Neban as a weapon appeared in their hand, "I guess I will fight you instead." 

They appeared in front of Neban, swinging their sword at him. He blocked it, only to fly into the hall when the weapons touched. 

When he landed on the ground, dropping his weapon, Siren turned back into their human form. "Siren, turn back into a sword," Neban told them as he put himself in a sitting position.

There was a sharp pain in his back, but Neban chose to ignore it. He even tried to block out the headache that was slowly creeping up. 

Siren tried to turn back, only for it not to work. They looked in surprised, trying a few more times. But they were still in their human form. 

Neban was getting ready to ask what was wrong when he saw the look on Siren's face, only for them to turn towards him with panic. 

"I cannot change!" 

Before Neban could say anything, the child appeared in front of them, looking down at them with a smirk. "You are in my playground." 

The surrounding area changed. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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