The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 86: The Lynai Clan (2)

Chapter 86: The Lynai Clan (2)

The clan leader with the sword made the first move as they swung their sword at Neban. Neban stopped the weapon with his. 

Once their weapons hit against each other, a shockwave came out of it, spreading to the streets. Neban moved back, stopping himself by planting his feet into the ground. 

The cars behind them started to alarm as they flipped over from the shockwave. 

Neban's hand trembled on his weapon as he still felt the shockwave from the clash. He also felt something wet dripping down his forehead. 

The clan leader picked up their sword that had a drop of blood on it. They licked it off as the dark aura shone around the weapon. The monster licked their lips, "You taste delicious, human." 

Neban sneered at the comment before rushing back into the fight. He did not show any fear as the other clan leader jumped in, stopping his weapon with a spear. 

The spear burst in flames as Ice Queen cooled them down with its ice. 

"Please excuse, Ji; they do not have any manners." The clan leader nonchalantly apologized. 

"I do not care," Neban responded as he pulled Ice Queen back before slicing down. 

The clan leader caught the movement once again, holding Neban's weapon back. The spear and Ice Queen were fighting against each other as the ice and flames seemed to grow brighter. 

Neban clicked his tongue as he picked up one of his fingers, using [Shadow Shot]. 

The clan leader quickly moved their head as the shot went through a piece of their hair. It also almost hit the other one behind them as they jumped away. 

The shot landed on the entrance instead. There was a hole in the door from the hit. 

"Hey, don't dodge when I am behind you, Mi," Ji complained before throwing a blade at the clan leader. 

Mi moved away from Neban, appearing next to Ji. The blade soared through the air, hitting the wind as the target moved away. 

But Neban was still in the blade's view as he used Ice Queen to block the weapon from hitting him. 

The weapon clattered to the ground once it hit Neban's sword. And instead of staying on the floor, the knife melted, sinking into the ground. 

"Ji, learn to be serious for once." Mi scolded. 

Ji leaned their body, using their sword as a stand as they struggled their shoulders. "Why? This fight is boring, and it just started." They yawned, showing how bored they were. 

Mi glared at the other clan member with a sneer. Their fangs poked out as they stuck up their upper lip. "Do you want me to kill you? Because I will." 

"I would like to see you try." 

Neban watched them with clenched fists as he held in his anger. It showed that the clan leaders played with him as they fought with each other while ignoring him. 

He looked at Ji's hand before using a move he has not used since he first became a hunter. 

[Shadow Ice]. 

Ice pierced through Ji's hand out of nowhere as their veins started to turn black from the ice entering their bloodstream. 

Ji picked their hand up with an angry, panicked expression. "What the hell is this!" Their hand started to turn blue with black veins, moving to his wrist and arm.

"Fuck, get this off!" Ji screamed as they tried taking the ice out of their hand. But the ice block would not move. 

Mi twirled their spear, stopping the fire before turning it on the sharp part as they cut half of Ji's arm off. Blood splattered on the ground as the wound bleed out before closing itself up. 

Before any of them could react, Neban rushed over, swinging his sword towards Ji's neck. Mi reached out, grabbing the weapon as they scrunched their face in anger. 

"How sneaky, you insignificant human," Mi spoke, tightening their grip. 

Neban heard a crack as Mi simultaneously moved closer, kicking him in his stomach. He flew back into a pole, hitting his back as he coughed up blood. Ice Queen clattered to the ground as there was a long crack on it. 

Mi was going to make their way over to Neban when Ji stopped them with their weapon raised. 

"That human is mine," Ji said through gritted teeth as his fangs nicked his bottom lip. 

As Neban used the pole to stand up, Ji appeared in front of him with their sword's tip on his throat. Neban had to put his head back as the weapon made a shallow cut. 

The aura around the weapon made Neban's body feel sluggish like the sword was taking his energy. 

"Good job on making me lose an arm, but that is far as you can go. Do you have any last words?" 

"How do you feel about a hole in the ground?" 

Ji looked confused as Neban secretly used [Erosion], causing the ground to crack under them. 

Ji fell in as the ground caved under him first. The clan leader cursed on their way down. Neban held onto the pole, using it to move away from the caving ground. 

When there was enough space, he used [Shadow Travel], appearing near Mi. 

Mi watched from their spot, and when Neban appeared in front of them, they clapped their hands. "Wow, you managed to outsmart an idiot." They sarcastically clapped even though there was still a hint of anger under their tone. 

"No, I was only buying time." 

Once Neban spoke those words, Siren appeared near them. There was blood all over them as they threw a bone to the ground, licking their fingers. 

Their eyes did not change from being completely black. And with their hair crazily flowing with the wind, added to Siren's eerie look. 

The air seemed to grow heavy as Siren stood there. 

Neban's body trembled from the heavy air as Mi took a step back with fear entering their eyes, "Perditor." 

"Oh, you said my name? What is the matter, Mi? What happened to all those times you beat me down because I was nothing but a weak dog?" Siren spoke as their voice was still creepily deep.

"You-" Mi could not find the right words to say as their throat felt like it was closing up. They turned around, running towards the entrance. 

But they did not get far as Siren grabbed them, slamming Mi to the ground. The ground cracked under the clan leader as blood spilled from their mouth. 

Siren clicked their tongue as they bent over Mi. Their long hair fell on the clan leader's body. "I did not say you can leave. I only want to play with you as you did to me." 

Mi opened their mouth to speak, but Siren grabbed their mouth, cracking their jaw. "You are not allowed to speak unless they are screaming." 

Neban turned around before saying over his shoulder, "They are all yours." 

Siren viciously smiled at Mi as blood and a few small pieces of meat were between their teeth. The clan leader closed their eyes, internally crying out for help. 

Neban looked towards the hole in the ground as he saw Ji climbing out of it. He walked over with his cracked sword. 

Neban swiftly attacked the clan leader once they were on their feet. Ji quickly put his sword up, going for a block. But Neban changed last minute, throwing Ice Queen down as a string appeared in his hand. 

He used [Shadow String], throwing it around Ji's neck as the clan leader couldn't react fast enough to the last-minute change. 

Neban pulled, causing Ji to lean forward. They dropped their weapon to grab the string and pull it off. 

A fire appeared along the string, making its way towards Ji's neck. The clan leader clicked their tongue as they used their sharp nail to cut it off. 

The fire burned their throat a bit as the string fell to the ground. The flames burned out as they touched the floor. 

"Enough with your tricks!" Ji yelled as they swiped their hand at Neban's face. 

Neban stepped back from the swipe. He did not move far enough as he felt a scratch appearing on his cheek. 

Tiny drops of blood fell down his cheek as Neban ignored it like his other wounds. Ji licked Neban's blood off his finger, causing him to drop to the ground as his body felt heavy. 

Neban was on his knees as he tried to pull himself up, but it felt like there was a heavyweight on his back. 

Ji laughed, "The body becomes heavy when I lick off the person's blood that appeared on me rather than my sword." They bent down in front of Neban, grabbing his chin as he lifted his neck. 

"And when I drink directly from the person, they become permanently paralyzed." Ji moved their lips towards Neban's neck, brushing against it. 

They opened their mouth, not asking Neban if they had any last words as they were getting ready to bite down. 

But before their fangs could break the skin, Ji felt that his stomach was wet and cool. They moved back, only to see that there was a wide hole in their stomach. 

Blood dripped down the hole as Ji's hand went through the wound. 

"You should have gone with paralyzing me first," Neban spoke before using [Shadow Beam x4] again.

Multiple holes appeared on Ji's body before they dropped to the ground, no longer moving. Neban did not trust that the clan leader would stay dead as he saw the body healing itself before. 

So he stood up, walking towards Ji's side as he put his foot on the clan leader's cheek. Neban taped it a few times before picking his foot up and slamming it down with all his strength. 

Blood and brains splattered everywhere as Neban caused the head to cave in; he did it a few more times to make sure. 

When there was barely anything left, Neban wiped his foot on the ground with disgust. 'I do not know why I did that.' He thought before turning around and walking towards the entrance. 

He stopped in his track, gagging when he saw Siren eating Mi. "Siren, can you not be disgusting, please?" 

Siren looked at him, "What?" Chunks of meat fell from Siren's mouth as Neban kept from vomiting his insides on the ground. 

"Get off the monster already. It is time to save the others and kill Mother." Neban told them as he walked around the mess, not looking at it. 

He made his way to the door, opening it as he waited for Siren to enter with him. 

Siren shrugged as they swallowed the meat in their mouth, getting up. 

Once Siren was next to him, they walked into the building. 

'We are almost there.' Neban told himself. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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