The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 87: At Last, We are Here

Chapter 87: At Last, We are Here

Neban and Siren walked through the building, noticing how it was empty, and no one was present. They tried to take the elevator, but Mother must have broken it down because it did not work. 

They used the stairs, making their way to the top floor. Neban's hands itched as he could not wait to see if his family was safe. He also could not wait to kill Mother finally. 

Siren did not fare any better as they began to imagine how they would kill Mother. After thousands of years, they can finally do what they craved since she captured Siren. 

As they continued walking up the stairs, Neban glanced at Siren's bloody appearance. "Should I clean off that blood on you? I do not want my son to see it when we enter." 

Siren rolled their eyes as they flicked their wrist. 

The blood instantly disappeared as their clothes had no flaws on them. Siren's long hair even became a bun again, looking neat. "Is that better?" Siren asked with attitude in their tone. 

"How long have you been able to do that?" Neban asked, ignoring the attitude he heard from Siren. 

"Since I had Narith and the clan leader's blood. I'm finally reaching where I used to be before Mother trapped me." 

Neban nodded, humming as he cut the conversation. It was good that Siren is in top condition; he would admit that Mother is stronger than him, so he would need Siren's help in killing her. 

The rest of the walk was a silent one as they finally reached the top level. Neban and Siren opened the door leading into the area as they entered a long hall. 

The air was colder up here as even ice covered the walls. Neban shivered as Siren did not feel the cold at all. 

There was a door at the end of the hall; it was open, but they could not see anything inside like a barrier cut them off. 

Neban and Siren walked towards the door, stopping in front of it as Neban put his hands through the open space. 

His hands fell through a barrier that wavered with his touch. Siren and Neban looked at each other before walking in. 

They entered the room, only to see nothing; there was open space, a throne, and a few windows. 

Siren and Neban did not see anyone. 

Neban frowned as he walked forward, getting ready to look around when the sound of someone clapping entered his ears. 

They grew stiff as the room wavered like an ocean when Mother and Neban's family appeared. 

Mother sat on the throne, looking at them with glistening eyes. Neban's family were lying on the ground, asleep, as a white transparent ball surrounded them. They were near the corner of the room. 

Seeing everyone, Neban rushed forward, only to hit another barrier. But this one did not want to let him through. His anger built as he frustratingly hit against the thing. "Let us through!" Neban yelled at Mother. 

Mother stood up as she shook her head. Siren moved closer to Neban as a weapon appeared in their hand. 

Mother slowly walked towards them, letting her sheer, long black dress drag along the floor. "You need better manners, human. Because I do not take orders from anyone." 

Neban bared his teeth at her. His knuckles were turning white from how he was clenching them. He wanted to get through, but Neban knew it was not time to use big moves yet. 

"Mother," Siren started, "enough with your games. It is time to kill you for everything you have done." 

Mother laughed, "Did you have fun killing your tormentors, Perditor? Do know, I will never be an easy target like the others." 

Siren sneered, "We will see about that, bitch." 

"Watch your mouth! You seem to forget who you are talking to." Her face was scrunched up in anger, turning her beauty into something ugly. Her hands itch to strangle Siren. 

Before Siren could respond, Neban slammed his fist on the barrier, catching everyone's attention. 

Neban's face had fury written all over it as a shadow of fire began to grow around his hand, "Enough of this chatter. Open this barrier, or are you scared? I heard you were someone so powerful, but all I see is a coward." 

Mother let out a scream as her throne turned into ice before bursting in flames. She grabbed Neban by the throat, lifting him as she pulled him through the barrier.

Siren tried to reach through and enter but couldn't. Even if they had 96% of their powers returned, they would not be able to break through. Mother was also the best at caging people. 

"I am going to wake your family and rip you apart in front of them!" The woman yelled as her hands tightened around Neban's throat. 

"I-I would l-like to see you t-try," Neban spoke through gritted teeth as it was getting hard to breathe. But he did not struggle against her as he raised his hand with shadow fire still in it. 

Neban quickly touched the wrap around Mother's left eye. Mother let out a cry of pain as she dropped Neban. The fire burned her wrap, catching her eye too. 

Moving closer to the barrier, Neban laid his shoulder on it as he coughed. A small part of his shoulder went through the thing, causing him to cut his coughing short. 

He swallowed as his eyes grew a bit watery. 

'Come here.' He called Siren through their mind link. 

Siren came near him. Neban reached out, grabbing Siren's free hand as he pulled them through. They stumbled a bit before balancing themselves. 

Siren was finally on the other side. 

Mother stopped the fire, but she did not look up as she created an ice mask on her face. It covered her eyes. 

She looked up at them, watching as the human got on his feet, standing next to Siren. 

She crazily laughed, "Aww, how cute, you realized you could pull Perditor over. If you think this means you can defeat me, guess again." 

Mother opened her arms as the temperature in the room dropped but grew at the same time. "Come attack me." 

Neban pulled a sword from his subspace as Ice Queen was outside the building. Once the weapon was in his hand, Neban and Siren rushed towards the defenseless woman. 

But as they neared her, swinging their weapons, an invisible force threw them back. Neban and Siren flew to the other side of the room, hitting the wall. 

Neban swiftly used [Warrior Shield] to catch most of the damage for them. When they hit the wall, the shield broke as they fell to the ground. 

They were fine as the shield took most of the damage for them. 

Siren and Neban moved to stand up when Mother appeared in front of them, grabbing them by their throats as she lifted them. 

Mother slammed them against the wall, causing cracks. Siren did not flinch as Neban held back a pained cough. 

"You two are nothing when it comes to me." She spoke. 

Neban lifted his hand, getting ready to use another move when it felt like his abilities drained from him. He couldn't access anything. 

Mother looked at him with a smirk, "I am the one who gave your abilities, and I can take them away just as easily." 

Neban gritted his teeth as he swallowed down his panic, "I will never fear you, even if my abilities are gone." 

Mother chuckled before cutting herself off as she dropped to the ground. Her hands let go of Neban and Siren when she fell to her knees. 

Siren grabbed Neban, keeping the man up as the surrounding gravity was heavy. Siren moved them away from the woman. 

Mother laughed as she felt Siren's powers holding her down. "Oh, I remember when you used this move long ago. But that could never stop me." 

She started to slowly stand up, shaking off the gravity holding her down. When Mother was on her feet, the feeling utterly disappeared. 

Siren glared at the woman when she turned to look at them. Neban's body started to feel sluggish as his legs were beginning to get weak. 

Mother's eyes turned towards him as she chuckled, "The drained feeling will be there for a few hours since you were one of the ones with strong abilities." 

After speaking, she rushed towards them. Siren softly dropped Neban to the ground as they blocked the woman. 

They put most strength into their foot as they picked it up, kicking the woman. Mother only flew a few feet back as she slammed her feet into the ground, cracking it. 

'I got this, Neban.' Siren told him before moving towards Mother and taking a swing at her. 

Neban did not respond as he looked up at Mother and Siren fighting. He gritted his teeth as he tried to stand up, but his body would not move.

Moving his eyes towards a different direction, Neban looked at his family that was still asleep. His eyes dropped to Theo as he wanted to hold his son to make sure he was okay. 

But even if he wanted to crawl over there, his body felt like someone put heavy chains around it. Neban tried to reach within himself to see if he had any abilities left, but his body felt empty. 

He ground his teeth, wincing at the noise of it as he thought of what to do. He did not enjoy being weak, especially when his family was right there for him to save. 

Then it hit Neban. 

He reached in his subspace, pulling out a small ball filled with a dark aura. 

The surrounding area began to turn dark as the aura sunk in all the light. 

Neban turned the ball in his hand as he thought about when he first received this. When he initially used the abilities of a Shadow Walker once he became a hunter, this ball appeared. 

He asked others if something appeared when they first used their abilities, but they told him no. 

So, he never used it. 

Now, Neban thought that this would help him. 

He swallowed the ball without hesitation, forcing it down his throat. Once the thing entered his body, everything began to grow dark around him before he disappeared into the shadows. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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