The Priest of Corruption

Chapter 62: Bandits? Bandits?

Chapter 62: Bandits? Bandits?

"Did you pack everything?"

I asked. Dachia nodded vigorously in response.


We had been on the road for five days since leaving the capital. If we left the village where we were currently staying and walked for about a day, we would reach the coordinates written on the key. Of course, things hadn't gone smoothly.

"Do you really think the bandits' hideout is nearby, as the rumors suggest?"

Dachia, who was walking briskly beside me, asked.

"It would certainly be easier if it weren't, but I have a feeling it might be."

"Well, we should be able to handle ordinary bandits just fine between me and Priest Marnak, so I guess it's okay!"

Her tone was strangely lively. Since we left the capital, Dachia had become noticeably more animated towards me. Not to mention, she followed me wherever I went.

"Let's get going. It will be harder to climb the mountain when it gets dark."


We left the village early in the morning, and as we entered the deserted mountain path, Mother sprang out of my arms, bathed in a faint light.


Mother, who had jumped out and landed on the ground, narrowed her eyes and looked around before showing me her open palm. I took a snack out of my bag with a familiar gesture and handed it to Mother, then picked her up.

'Kill, kill.'

Mother, who had received the snack from me, chewed it and looked around. Lately, Mother had taken to spending more time in human form. Dachia watched Mother munching on the snack with a pleased expression, then spoke lightly.

"The weather is quite nice. But the path is becoming more of a rugged trail. Maybe we should have hired a guide."

"There wasn't anyone suitable, what could we do?"

"True. Besides, if we had hired a guide, it would be difficult for Priest Marnak to use his powers freely."

Dachia chattered away as she walked briskly beside me.

"Still, it's quite scenic climbing the mountain from the morning. It's my first time leisurely climbing a mountain trail."

The path that people used ended. I stopped and called Dachia over.

"Wait a moment. I think it's time to get our bearings."


I spread out the crude map I had bought in the capital and compared it with the surrounding terrain.

"Lady Dachia, could you please check the coordinates?"


As a wizard, she could feel the general direction of the location of the ruins of the ancient empire by reading the coordinates written on the key. Dachia pointed to one of the mountain peaks.

"It's over there."

I roughly estimated the distance by comparing the direction she pointed with the map.

"Assuming there are no blocked paths, if we walk a bit faster, we should be able to reach there in half a day."

Dachia nodded and smiled brightly.

"Assuming there's no bandit hideout! If there really is a bandit hideout, can we blow it up? It would certainly help the kingdom's citizens."

Seeing Dachia actively suggesting the extermination of bandits, I felt she had changed a lot.

"Let's keep that in mind. But be careful. The bandits who have settled here, not far from the northern kingdom's capital, may have some kind of backing."

They could just be foolish bandits blinded by the prospect of getting rich quick. If they could rob a caravan heading to the capital, they could live a life of luxury for the rest of their lives. Of course, robbing such a caravan wouldn't be as easy as it sounds.

Dachia nodded.

"I'll be careful."

"I'll lead the way."


Mother, who had been nodding vigorously in my arms every time I said something, stretched out her finger and pointed at the mountain peak where the ruins of the ancient empire were said to be.


'Let's go!' was her energetic cry. We pushed through the green mountain path and headed towards the ruins of the ancient empire.


Swish. My froststeel sword severed the branches before they could hit the ground. I swiftly caught them, peering through the gaps I had created to survey my surroundings.

Crudely constructed buildings and a large cave came into view, with a handful of armed people milling about. Dachia, peeking over my shoulder, whispered in a soft voice.

"Bandits, perhaps?"

"Seems highly likely."

"Hold on. Let me double-check the coordinates."


Dachia held the key in her hand, reading the coordinates and roughly estimating the location of the ruins. After a moment, she pointed towards the heart of the mountain hideout.

"That's where the ancient empire's ruins lie. I'm afraid we can't avoid a confrontation."

Our task was simple: go to the designated coordinates and enter the ruins of the ancient empire. However, given the value of the relics of the ancient empire, it seemed unlikely that the men wandering around would easily grant us permission, even if we asked politely.

Moreover, if we escaped from the ruins of the ancient empire in the traditional way, we would emerge at the same coordinates. Even if we broke through them and rushed into the ruins, they could set a trap while waiting for us to come out. Dachia could be seriously injured.

Should we eliminate them?


Mother's cry urged me to wipe them all out and unseal the holy relic. While I was contemplating, Dachia asked.

"Where should I cast a spell to cause the most chaos? Would it be most efficient to start a fire and cause an explosion?"

The season had already passed winter and was in full spring. If we set everything on fire, a forest fire could break out. Observing the men wandering around, I responded,

"We're not even sure if they're bandits yet."

"That's true. But isn't it more dangerous if those hiding deep in the mountains with weapons aren't bandits? They certainly don't look like kingdom rangers."

Dachia had a point. If they weren't bandits, they must be involved in something sinister and secretive.

I made up my mind. I couldn't just stand by and watch forever.

"Lady Dachia."


"Please prepare to cast a spell here and wait. I'll try to negotiate with them first. We can't rule out the possibility that they might be innocent."

Dachia, with her golden eyes blinking, nodded quietly and smiled.

"Sure. But what will be the signal?"

"When the Butcher howls, cast your spell. And when you do, please aim in a direction that won't start a forest fire."

"Got it!"


I slowly approached the crudely made wooden fence. Upon spotting me, they began to move hastily. I observed them leisurely and spoke up.

"What are you folks doing?"

A man who climbed up the fence shouted at me.

"That's what we want to know! Who the hell are you?"

I slightly lifted my robe to reveal the priest's robe of maintenance I was wearing.

"I received a request to subdue bandits rumored to be hiding around here."

I was ready to bring out the Butcher if they attacked immediately. However, contrary to my expectations, instead of attacking me, the man opened the gate.

"Come in!"

Following their command, I entered the wooden fence. A man who approached me extended his hand.

"Put down your weapon. If not, we can't let you in any further."

I glanced at his hand and grinned.

"As long as there's a chance you folks might be bandits, I can't easily give up my weapon."

"Then you can't come in any further!"

Once inside, I could see more than I had from a distance.

The clothes they wore, which seemed different because they were so worn out, were actually similar when looked at closely. It was highly unlikely that bandits would have a uniform, so they were probably something other than bandits.

"What are you folks doing?"

"That's classified!"

"Then why did you let me in?"

"Because you found our exact location!"


The information that the man in front of me, who was excitedly babbling, was a three-fingered individual. Without any signs of training, the fact that he was a three-fingered individual suggested his identity, assuming he wasn't an evil god worshipper. Especially his disrespectful tone, knowing that I was a priest, confirmed my suspicion.

"You're a wizard, aren't you?"

"H-how did you...?!"

Honestly, I still didn't particularly like wizards who lacked basic manners. Dachia was an exception.

"Please call someone else who can communicate better. I have no intention of being hostile."

"W-what?! Are you implying I'm an idiot who can't communicate! You...!"


My fist met the man's jaw. The wizard, knocked unconscious by the blow, collapsed. It was essential to neutralize the agitated wizard capable of magic.

Leaving the unconscious wizard behind, I yelled out.

"Is there anyone else here?!"

Suddenly, I sensed a turbulent surge of magic.

Simultaneously, a cascade of water descended from the sky. The man-made rain drenched the dilapidated buildings, sparing the spot where I stood.

Dachia, who had been in hiding, sprang up and slid down the slope, charging towards me while shouting.

"I'll electrocute anyone who dares to show up! I'll wipe them all out!"


Dachia, who had sprinted towards me, cocked her head.

"You just knocked that man unconscious with a punch to his jaw. Weren't you going to wipe them all out?"

"It appears there's been a slight misunderstanding."

"What's this? Sudden rain?! Hey! We've hit the jackpot! Guys! Gather the water! Now!!! We don't need to fetch water today!!!"

A strong woman's voice resonated. A woman in work attire, wielding a massive pickaxe, emerged from the cave. Her muscular arms, as formidable as any man's, were on display due to her sleeveless top.

Her loosely tied red hair, sensual figure, and distinct facial features that couldn't be concealed by mere dirt and dust were all striking. A single large horn protruded from her forehead, and she was as tall as an average adult male.

The one-horned woman, with a colossal pickaxe slung over one shoulder, noticed the man lying next to Dachia and me. She frowned and asked.

"Who the hell are you two?"

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