The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 31 Thunder Elemental Hawk

On the next day, Orion woke up early and prepared himself for a busy day ahead. He had planned to spend the day training with his own team of Beasts, as he wanted to ensure that they were all in top condition for their next battle.

As he was heading out of his dormitory, he bumped into Maya, who was already up and about.

"Good morning, Orion," Maya said with a smile.

"Morning, Maya. How's your new Thunder Elemental Hawk doing?" Orion asked, curious about the new addition to Maya's team.

"She's doing great," Maya replied. "I spent all night training her, and she's already showing a lot of potential. I can't wait to see what she can do in battle."

Orion smiled. "That's great to hear. Maybe we should train together sometime, and you can show me what she's capable of."

Maya nodded eagerly. "That sounds like a good idea. I think our teams could benefit from some joint training sessions."

Orion agreed with Maya's suggestion, and the two set off to the training grounds. When they arrived, they found several other Beast Tamers from the Apex Academy already there, training their own teams of Beasts.

Professor Sorenson had announced that there would be a friendly competition with Skywing Academy, so they were granted to train by themselves. That was the reason we didn't go to class.

Maya and Orion joined their classmates, excited to prepare for the upcoming competition. The competition was always a fun and exciting event, where Beast Tamers from different academies could test their skills against one another.

They spent the entire day training and strategizing with their Beasts, trying to improve their teamwork and coordination. Maya's Thunder Elemental Hawk quickly proved to be a valuable asset to the team, using its lightning-fast attacks to take down opponents in record time.

As the day went on, Maya and Orion decided to pit their teams against each other in a friendly match. Maya sent out her Thunder Elemental Tiger and Thunder Elemental Hawk, while Orion chose his Primordial Lunar Wolf and Primordial Solar Eagle.

The four Beasts faced off in the centre of the training grounds, circling each other warily. Orion and Maya stood on opposite sides, watching intently as the battle began.

Maya's Thunder Elemental Tiger charged forward, its thunderous roar shaking the ground beneath its paws. The Primordial Lunar Wolf responded with a howl of its own, and the two beasts clashed in a flurry of fur and lightning.

At the same time, Maya's Thunder Elemental Hawk and Orion's Primordial Solar Eagle took to the skies, their wings flapping furiously as they darted back and forth, exchanging solar and thunder attacks.

Maya's Thunder Elemental Hawk was swift and nimble in the air, dodging the Primordial Solar Eagle's solar gusts with ease. It retaliated with a Thunder Talons attack, imbuing its talons with thunder energy before diving down towards the eagle. The Primordial Solar Eagle attempted to evade, but the Thunder Elemental Hawk was too fast, striking it with a thunderous blow that sent it crashing to the ground.

Orion winced as he saw his eagle hit the ground, but he knew it wasn't over yet. His Primordial Lunar Wolf was still engaged in a fierce battle with Maya's Thunder Elemental Tiger, and he needed to lend his support.

"Nova, assist Stella!" Orion shouted, and his Primordial Lunar Wolf dashed towards the fallen Primordial Solar Eagle.

Maya watched as Orion's wolf approached, knowing that she needed to act fast. She signalled her Thunder Elemental Hawk, and it responded by summoning a Thunderstorm, causing a barrage of lightning bolts to rain down on the wolf.

The Primordial Lunar Wolf evaded the lightning strikes with its Shadow Pounce skill, jumping between shadows and avoiding the blasts of energy. It then countered with a Lunar Eclipse attack, unleashing a shockwave of lunar energy that temporarily disoriented the Thunder Elemental Tiger.

As the Thunder Elemental Tiger stumbled, Orion's Primordial Solar Eagle managed to get back on its feet, shaking off the blow it had received earlier. The eagle took advantage of the tiger's momentary disorientation and launched a Radiant Beam attack, focusing a concentrated beam of solar energy on the tiger.

Maya quickly ordered her Thunder Elemental Hawk to intercept the attack, using its Thunder Shield skill to create a protective shield of thunder energy around the tiger. The Radiant Beam struck the shield with a bright flash of light, causing the shield to crackle with electricity, but it held strong.

Orion and Maya continued to watch intently as their Beasts battled it out, each trying to gain the upper hand. They exchanged a few words, discussing strategy and sharing their thoughts on the battle.

"That Thunder Elemental Hawk of yours is impressive," Orion commented to Maya. "It's fast and agile, and its Thunder Talons attack is nothing to sneeze at."

"Thanks," Maya replied with a grin. "But your Lunar Wolf is just as impressive. Its Shadow Pounce skill is really useful for dodging our lightning strikes."

Orion chuckled. "Yeah, it's definitely come in handy a few times. But don't underestimate Stella's Solar Flare attack. It can do some serious damage if you're not careful."

As they spoke, their Beasts continued to fight on, each unleashing their skills and abilities with deadly accuracy. The battle was fierce and intense, but it was also a great learning experience for both Maya and Orion, as they discovered new ways to use their Beasts' abilities and improve their teamwork.

Maya couldn't help but feel proud of her Thunder Elemental Hawk as she watched it dodge attacks and strike back with lightning-fast precision.

"You know, I'm really impressed with my Thunder Elemental Hawk," Maya said to Orion, her eyes fixed on the aerial battle. "I knew it had potential when I first bonded with it, but I never expected it to be this powerful. Its Thunder Talons skill is especially impressive."

Orion nodded in agreement. "Yeah, your Thunder Elemental Hawk is definitely a force to be reckoned with. And it seems to have a great connection with you, too. You two make a great team."

Maya smiled at the compliment. "Thanks, Orion. I've been working hard to train it and build that connection. It's always important to have trust and mutual understanding with your Beast."

Orion nodded again, his attention shifting back to the battle. "Absolutely. And it looks like our Beasts are still evenly matched. This is turning out to be quite the fight."

Maya couldn't agree more. As the battle raged on, she and Orion continued to cheer on their Beasts, revelling in the thrill of the fight and the excitement of the competition to come.

Orion nodded in agreement, "Yeah, the friendly competition is a great opportunity for us to showcase our skills and improve our teamwork. It's always exciting to compete against other Beast Tamers from different academies."

Maya smiled, "I couldn't agree more. And with the addition of my new Thunder Elemental Hawk, I feel like we have a stronger chance of winning this year."

Orion grinned, "Well, don't count us out just yet. With Nova and Stella on our side, we'll give your team a run for its money."

Maya chuckled, "I wouldn't expect anything less. But in all seriousness, I think this competition is going to be tough. The other academies have been preparing just as hard as we have."

Orion nodded, "I know. But we're Apex Academy, we have the best Beast Tamers and the strongest Beasts. I have no doubt that we'll come out on top."

Maya smiled, "I like your confidence, Orion. Let's work hard and make sure we're ready for anything that comes our way in the competition."

Orion agreed, "Definitely. We have two more days to prepare, let's make the most of it."

As Maya and Orion discussed their strategies for the upcoming competition, they noticed that the sun was beginning to set. The other Beast Tamers were packing up their equipment and heading back to the dormitories, ready to rest and recover for the next day's training.

Maya turned to Orion and smiled. "Thanks for the training session today. I think our Beasts worked really well together."

Orion nodded. "I agree. Your Thunder Elemental Hawk is an impressive addition to your team. Its speed and agility are unmatched."

Maya beamed with pride. "Thanks! I've been training it hard ever since I got it, and I think it's really starting to pay off."

Orion chuckled. "I can tell. It almost took down my Primordial Solar Eagle by itself."

Maya laughed. "Yeah, that was a close one. But your wolf and eagle are no slouches either. They put up a good fight."

Orion smiled. "Thanks. I think they're ready for the competition."

Maya nodded. "I agree. We'll have to see how they do against the other teams from Skywing Academy."

Orion's expression became serious. "Do you have any information on the other teams? Any idea what we'll be up against?"

Maya shook her head. "Not yet. Professor Sorenson hasn't given us any details on the other teams, other than the fact that they're all supposed to be really strong. I guess we'll just have to be ready for anything."

Orion nodded. "Agreed. We'll have to make sure our Beasts are in top condition, and we'll need to be on our toes during every match."

Maya smiled. "I think we're up for the challenge. We've been training hard for this, and I have faith in our team."

Orion grinned. "Me too. Let's show Skywing Academy what Apex Academy is made of."

The two Beast Tamers made their way back to their own house, feeling excited and energized for the upcoming competition. As they walked, they discussed their training strategies and shared stories about their past battles and victories.

When they arrived back at their own houses, they said their goodbyes and retired for the night, eager to get some rest before the big day.

The next morning, they were up early, ready to begin another day of training. They met up at the training grounds once again, this time with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

As they trained, they focused on their weaknesses and worked to improve their teamwork and coordination. They tried out new strategies and techniques, honing their skills until they felt confident that they were ready for anything the competition could throw at them.

Throughout the day, they trained with other Beast Tamers from their academy, learning from each other and sharing tips and advice. They also took breaks to watch other teams train, analyzing their techniques and trying to gain any advantage they could.

By the end of the day, they were exhausted but exhilarated. They had trained hard and felt ready for the competition that would begin in just two days.

As they walked back to their dormitories, they discussed their plans for the next few days. They would spend the next day reviewing their strategies and making any last-minute adjustments, and then they would rest and prepare for the competition the following day.

Maya turned to Orion with a smile. "I can't wait to see how our Beasts do in the competition. I think they're going to do great."

Orion nodded. "Me too. I have faith in our team, and I know we're ready for anything."

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