The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 32 The Day Of Competition

That night Orion was in his house, and he could feel that something was changing inside his body. He knew that Nova and Stella, his beasts, had become stronger again.

Orion smiled to himself, feeling proud of his spirit beasts for their constant growth and improvement. He knew that they were preparing for the day of the competition, and he couldn't wait to see them in action.

As the night wore on, Orion's senses became even more acute. He could feel the power of the moon and the sun pulsing through his veins as if he was connected to his spirit beasts in a way that went beyond words.

With a sudden burst of energy, Orion stood up and walked outside, gazing up at the starry night sky. He could see the moon shining brightly, its light illuminating the world around him. And he could feel the warmth of the sun on his skin, even though it was still hours away from rising.

Orion closed his eyes and breathed deeply, taking in the power of the celestial bodies that surrounded him. He knew that his spirit beasts were ready, and he was ready too. The day of the competition was coming, and he was determined to give it his all.

Orion's Primordial Mastery Talent had brought about significant changes to both himself and his spirit beasts. With the primordial energies flowing through him, he felt a sense of power and potential that he had never experienced before.

As he continued to cultivate and grow his abilities, he knew that his spirit beasts were changing as well. They were becoming more attuned to the primordial energies, their bodies transforming into something more akin to the powerful creatures of ancient times.

Nova's fur had become sleek and silver, her eyes shining with a fierce determination that Orion had never seen before. Stella's feathers had taken on a brilliant golden hue, and her talons glowed with the power of the sun.

As he looked at his spirit beasts, Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. They had come so far together, and he knew that there was still so much more that they could accomplish.

"I never could have imagined that we would come this far," Orion said to Nova and Stella, a sense of pride in his voice. "But with our Primordial Mastery Talent, there's nothing that we can't accomplish together."

Nova and Stella both nodded in agreement, their eyes shining with a fierce determination that mirrored Orion's own. They had come to trust and rely on him as their tamer, and they knew that they could achieve anything as long as they worked together.

And as they continued to train and cultivate their powers, Orion knew that the future held the limitless potential for them all. They were truly a force to be reckoned with, and he was grateful for the bond that he shared with his spirit beasts.

"Let's keep pushing ourselves, and see where our journey takes us," Orion said, a smile on his face. "With the power of the primordial world on our side, there's nothing that we can't achieve together."

With a sense of peace and contentment settling over him, Orion settled down to sleep. He knew that there were still many challenges ahead of him and his spirit beasts, but he also knew that they were more than capable of facing them.

As he drifted off to sleep, he could feel the primordial energies still coursing through his veins, filling him with a sense of power and potential. And he knew that his spirit beasts were experiencing the same thing, growing stronger with each passing day.

In his dreams, Orion saw visions of ancient worlds and powerful beasts, all connected by the primordial energies that flowed through them. He saw himself and his spirit beasts standing at the centre of it all, harnessing the power of the primordial world to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

And when he woke up the next morning, he felt a renewed sense of determination and purpose. With a smile on his face, he set out to train and cultivate his abilities once again, eager to see just how far he and his spirit beasts could go.

Together, they were a true force to be reckoned with, their connection to the primordial world allowing them to achieve feats that were once thought impossible. And with each passing day, they grew stronger and more powerful, ready to face any challenge that lay ahead.

The day of the friendly competition between Orion's Apex Academy and the Skywing Academy had finally arrived. Orion was part of the advanced class at Apex Academy, a school known for its small size and high quality of students.

He knew that the competition would be tough, especially since they were up against the Skywing Academy, a renowned institution that specialized in flying beasts. But Orion was determined to give it his all, and he knew that his spirit beasts were up for the challenge.

As the competition was about to begin, the Apex Academy Arena was packed with excited spectators. The special seats for the chancellors of both academies were situated near the front, allowing them to have a clear view of the competition.

The Skywing chancellor, a man with a smug expression on his face, turned to the Apex chancellor and said, "I hope you're ready to witness the power of our flying beasts. They're unbeatable in the air."

The Apex chancellor simply smiled and replied, "We'll see about that. Our tamers and spirit beasts are more than capable of taking on any challenge."

The Skywing chancellor scoffed. "Your academy may have produced some strong tamers, but they're no match for the expertise and training of our academy."

The Apex chancellor rolled her eyes. "Talk is cheap. Let's see what happens when the competition begins."

To summarize, the battle format between Skywing Academy and Apex Academy involved 60 advanced beast tamers from Skywing Academy and 30 advanced beast tamers from Apex Academy, with every two students from Skywing Academy being equivalent to one student from Apex Academy.

The competition was divided into three stages. The first stage was a team competition where 20 advanced beast tamers from Skywing Academy fought against 10 advanced beast tamers from Apex Academy.

The second stage was an elimination one-on-one battle where each advanced beast tamer from Skywing Academy would face off against an advanced beast tamer from Apex Academy. The winner of each match would advance to the next round until only one tamer remained standing. This stage involved 35 advanced beast tamers from Skywing Academy pitted against 15 advanced beast tamers from Apex Academy.

The final stage involved the top five advanced beast tamers from Skywing Academy facing off against the top five advanced beast tamers from Apex Academy. This stage was designed to showcase the strongest and most skilled tamers and their spirit beasts, with the ultimate goal of determining the winning academy.

Throughout the competition, Apex Academy faced a numerical disadvantage, but they remained confident in their tamers' abilities and their spirit beasts' strengths. The competition was an opportunity for both schools to showcase their skills and see how they measured up against each other.

Orion cheered on the 10 students from his advanced class as they stepped onto the arena floor to face off against the 20 advanced beast tamers from Skywing Academy in the first stage of the competition.

The students from Apex Academy were confident, and Orion could see the determination in their eyes. He knew they had been preparing for this moment for weeks, and he had full faith in their abilities. The students of Apex Academy had been trained to be confident in their battles.

"Alright guys, this is it," Orion said, addressing the group of 10 students. "We've trained hard for this. Let's show them what we're made of."

The students nodded, a mix of excitement and anxiety on their faces. They knew that the competition would be tough, but they were determined to give it their all.

As the battle began, the students from Skywing Academy summoned their flying beasts, including eagles, falcons, and a few wyverns. The Apex Academy students responded with their own beasts, including a big elephant, a strong panther, and several other powerful creatures.

The battle was intense, with the two sides trading blows and unleashing their beasts' special abilities. The Skywing Academy students had the numerical advantage, but the Apex Academy students' spirits were not deterred.

Orion watched from the sidelines, cheering on his fellow students and analyzing their strategies. He saw four students of the Skywing Academy work together to take out an Apex Academy student's beast with a powerful gust of wind, but another Apex Academy student countered with a dazzling display of fire-based attacks that took out two Skywing beasts at once.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that the Apex Academy students were holding their own against their Skywing Academy counterparts. They were using their beasts' unique abilities to outmanoeuvre and outsmart the Skywing Academy students.

Orion was impressed with his classmates' performance, but he knew the battle was far from over. The Skywing Academy students were skilled and determined, and they wouldn't go down without a fight.

"Keep it up, guys!" Orion shouted, trying to encourage his fellow students. "We're doing great so far!"

One of the Apex Academy students, a young woman with fiery red hair and a fierce look in her eyes, responded. "We won't let you down, Orion! We'll fight until the end!"

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