The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 34 Team Competition Against Skywing (2)

The Skywing Academy students were down to 10, while the Apex Academy students still had 8 of their participants remaining. But the Skywing Academy students refused to give up without a fight. They regrouped and began to strategize, determined to turn the tide of the battle in their favor.

Orion watched from the sidelines, his eyes darting back and forth between the two teams. He knew that the next round would be critical and that his fellow Skywing Academy students would need to give it their all if they hoped to win.

"Come on, guys, we can do this!" he shouted, trying to encourage his teammates. "We're not out of this yet!"

On the other side of the arena, two Apex students were being confronted by 3 Skywing students. The Apex students, a young man, and woman with fierce determination in their eyes, stood tall and ready for battle.

The Skywing students, on the other hand, sneered at their opponents. "You really think you can take us on with those weak creatures?" one of them jeered, gesturing to the Shadow Serpent and Radiant Serpent summoned by the Apex students.

The young man from Apex simply grinned. "Don't underestimate us," he said, his voice ringing out across the arena. "We've trained hard for this moment, and we won't let you take us down so easily."

The Skywing students scoffed. "You'll regret those words soon enough," one of them said. They summoned an Aqua Osprey and a Storm Swan.

The battle began with a flurry of attacks from both sides. The Shadow Serpent and Radiant Serpent slithered and glided through the air, dodging the fierce gusts of wind and water blasts sent their way by the Aqua Osprey and Storm Swan. But the Apex students were not deterred. They countered with powerful shadow and light attacks, striking their opponents with deadly precision.

The Crystal Pigeon summoned by another Skywing student joined the fray, using its earth-based attacks to shake the ground and create barriers to protect its teammates. But the Apex students were undaunted, using their serpents' stealth and speed to evade the Pigeon's attacks and strike back with even more force.

As the battle raged on, the Skywing students grew increasingly frustrated. "How are they doing this?" one of them shouted. "We have more beasts and more power!"

But the Apex students continued to fight with courage and skill, using their serpents' elemental attributes to their advantage. With each passing moment, they gained the upper hand, whittling down their opponents' beasts one by one.

The mocking words from the Skywing students grew more vicious as they realized they were losing ground. "You're nothing but a couple of sneaky snakes!" one of them shouted. "We'll teach you not to mess with the Skywing Academy!"

But the Apex students remained unfazed, their serpents moving with lightning-fast speed and delivering powerful blows to the Skywing beasts. The Storm Swan flapped its wings furiously, sending a gust of wind toward the Shadow Serpent, but the serpent easily dodged the attack and retaliated with a burst of shadow energy.

The Aqua Osprey swooped down towards the Radiant Serpent, but the serpent's radiant aura proved too much for the water-based attacks, forcing the Osprey to pull back.

Meanwhile, the Crystal Pigeon used its earth-based abilities to create a wall of stone in front of its allies, shielding them from the Apex attacks. But the Shadow Serpent and Radiant Serpent slithered underneath the wall, using their stealth abilities to surprise the Skywing beasts and strike at their weakest points.

Despite the Skywing students' best efforts, they were unable to overcome the Apex team's skill and coordination. The Radiant Serpent and Shadow Serpent proved to be a formidable duo, using their complementary attributes to great effect and working in perfect harmony with their handlers.

As the Skywing beast fell, the Apex team let out a triumphant cheer. The Skywing students hung their heads in defeat, their mocking words from earlier now a distant memory.

With their defeat, there were only 7 students left from Skywing Academy, whereas Apex Academy still had 8 students left in the competition battle.

The Skywing Academy students were feeling the pressure as the Apex Academy continued to dominate the competition. With only 7 of their members left, they knew that they needed to step up their game if they hoped to win.

The Apex Academy students were now on the offensive, using their remaining beasts to strike at the Skywing Academy's weaknesses. The Skywing students summoned their remaining beasts, including a powerful Thunderbird and a graceful Flaming Hawk, hoping to turn the tide of the battle.

The Thunderbird let out a deafening cry, summoning a bolt of lightning that struck down the Radiant Serpent. But the Shadow Serpent retaliated with a fierce barrage of shadow attacks, striking the Thunderbird with deadly precision.

The Flaming Hawk swooped down towards the Apex students, using its fire-based attacks to burn and scorch their beasts. But the Apex students were ready, countering with a powerful combination of light and shadow that overwhelmed the Phoenix and took it down.

As the battle raged on, the Skywing Academy students grew increasingly desperate. They summoned beast after beast, hoping to wear down the Apex Academy's defenses. But each time, the Apex students responded with skill and precision, their serpents' elemental attributes proving to be too much for the Skywing beasts to handle.

The Chancellor of Apex Academy watched the battle from the sidelines, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. He knew that his students had trained hard for this moment, and he was proud of their performance. "Well done, my students," he said, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

On the other side of the arena, The Chancellor of Skywing Academy watched in disappointment as his students were defeated one by one. He knew that they had put up a good fight, but the Apex Academy students had simply been too powerful for them.

As the battle came to an end, The Chancellor of Apex Academy walked over to his Skywing counterpart, a smug expression on his face. "Looks like my students have emerged victorious once again," he said, his voice dripping with satisfaction.

The Chancellor of Skywing Academy scowled. "Don't get too comfortable," he warned. "This battle may be over, but the war is far from won."

The Chancellor of Apex Academy simply laughed. "We'll see about that," he said, turning to his students. "Congratulations, everyone. You've done us proud."

The Apex Academy students cheered, their spirits lifted by their victory. They had worked hard to get here, and their efforts had paid off in the end.

As the Skywing Academy students filed out of the arena, heads hung low, The Chancellor of Skywing Academy knew that they would need to train even harder if they hoped to defeat Apex Academy in the next round. But he was confident that his students would rise to the challenge, and that they would emerge victorious in the end.

As the Apex Academy students were walking out of the arena, they spotted Orion standing on the sidelines, watching the battle. They rushed over to him, still pumped up from their victory.

"Did you see that, Orion? We crushed them!" one of the students exclaimed, a proud grin on his face.

"We used all of our best skills and strategies, and it paid off big time," another student added.

Orion smiled, impressed by their skills and determination. "Well done, everyone. You really came together as a team and showed what you're capable of," he said, his voice full of admiration.

The students continued to brag about their victory, talking excitedly about the skills they used and the strategies they employed to take down their opponents. They were clearly thrilled to have emerged victorious and eager to see what challenges lay ahead in the next round.

Meanwhile, back at Apex Academy, Orion's class was also celebrating their own victory against the Skywing Academy students. They had worked hard to train their beasts and hone their skills, and it had all paid off in the end. The students congratulated each other on their success, patting each other on the back and sharing stories about their favourite moments from the battle.

Overall, it was clear that the students were proud of what they had accomplished. They had faced formidable opponents and emerged victorious, and they were eager to continue their journey in the competition. As for Orion, he knew that his friends had the potential to go all the way, and he was excited to see what the future held for them.

As the night wore on, the students gradually dispersed, heading back to their homes to rest and prepare for the challenges that lay ahead. Orion was the last to leave, taking a moment to reflect on the day's events.

He thought about the intense battles that had taken place and the sheer determination and skill that his friends had displayed. He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that his friends had worked hard to get to this point and had come out on top.

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