The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 35 The Second Round Against Skywing

Orion woke up early the next morning, eager to begin another day of training and preparation. He knew that the next round of the competition was fast approaching. The second round would be an elimination battle. Unfortunately, he didn't get chosen in the battle, but he was chosen as one of the top 5 students that would fight in the final round.

As Orion made his way to the arena, he felt a mix of excitement and nerves. He was proud to have been selected for the final round, but he knew that the competition would only get tougher from here on out.

When he arrived at the arena, he saw that the other students were already there, gathered in a circle as they discussed their strategies and prepared for the battle ahead. Orion approached them, his heart racing with anticipation.

As he got closer, he saw his friend Maya among the group. Maya had been assigned to the second round, and Orion was eager to catch up with her and see how she was doing.

"Hey, Maya! Good luck out there today," he said with a smile.

Maya turned to him, a grin spreading across her face. "Thanks, Orion! I'm a little nervous, but I'm ready to give it my all," she replied.

Orion nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me too. The competition is only going to get tougher from here on out."

Maya nodded, looking around at the other students in the circle. "I heard there are a lot of Skywing students in the second round. It's going to be an elimination battle between 35 of them and 15 of us."

Orion's eyes widened. "Wow, that's a lot of students to compete against. But I know we can do it."

Maya smiled at him, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Definitely. We just have to stay focused and work together."

As the other students finished their preparations and moved to their assigned battle areas, Maya and Orion exchanged a quick hug and wished each other luck. They knew that the competition would be tough, but they were both confident in their abilities and determined to come out on top.

As the battle began, the atmosphere in the arena became charged with excitement and tension. The Skywing and Apex students stood on opposite sides, their beasts at the ready. The Skywing students were determined to redeem themselves after their defeat in the previous round, while the Apex students were eager to prove that their victory was not a fluke.

The two sides began to taunt each other, trading mocking words and insults. The Skywing students called the Apex students overconfident and arrogant, while the Apex students accused the Skywing students of being weak and unprepared. The taunts continued even as the battle commenced, adding to the already intense energy in the arena.

The first student from Apex Academy called out his Shadow Serpent and Radiant Serpent, while his opponent from Skywing Academy summoned his Blazing Hawk and Thunder Hawk. The audience watched in anticipation as the beasts took their positions in the arena.

The Blazing Hawk immediately launched a fiery attack toward the Shadow Serpent, but the serpent was too quick, dodging the flames with ease. The Radiant Serpent used its radiant aura to deflect the Thunder Hawk's lightning bolt, leaving the Skywing student momentarily stunned.

The Apex student took advantage of this moment of weakness and directed his Shadow Serpent to strike at the Blazing Hawk with a barrage of shadow energy attacks. The Skywing student tried to counter with his Thunder Hawk, but the Radiant Serpent quickly moved to intercept, using its radiant aura to neutralize the lightning attacks.

Despite their best efforts, the Skywing students were unable to gain the upper hand. The Apex student continued to skillfully use his beasts' unique abilities, launching coordinated attacks that left the Skywing beasts struggling to keep up.

As the battle continued, the taunts between the two sides became louder and more aggressive. The Skywing students accused the Apex students of cheating and using underhanded tactics, while the Apex students fired back with insults about the Skywing Academy's lack of skill and strategy.

The battle finally came to an end when the Shadow Serpent and Radiant Serpent delivered a final, devastating blow to the Blazing Hawk and Thunder Hawk, knocking them out of the competition. The Apex students cheered and high-fived each other, reveling in their victory.

As the Apex students celebrated, the defeated Skywing students filed out of the arena, their heads hanging low in defeat. The taunts and insults from earlier had been silenced, replaced by a somber sense of disappointment.

The student who had tamed the Shadow Serpent and Radiant Serpent approached the next Skywing student who was up to battle against him. He was clearly enjoying his victory, and his confidence radiated from him. "You're up next," he said, a smirk on his face. "Good luck, you're going to need it."

The Skywing student was clearly intimidated by the Apex student's confidence and taunts. Nevertheless, he stepped forward and signaled for his beasts, Toucan Tornado and Night Owl, to take the field.

The battle began with both sides cautiously circling each other, waiting for the right moment to strike. The Toucan Tornado began the attack by unleashing a barrage of wind blades while the Night Owl circled high overhead, waiting for an opportunity to swoop down and strike.

But the Apex student was not so easily caught off guard. He commanded his Shadow Serpent and Radiant Serpent to dodge and weave through the wind blades, using their incredible agility to evade the attacks. Then, as the Night Owl began its descent, the Radiant Serpent launched a powerful blast of light, forcing the bird to veer off course and miss its target.

The Toucan Tornado, sensing an opportunity, dove in for a close-range attack, unleashing a powerful gust of wind that sent the Shadow Serpent tumbling backward. But the Apex student quickly recovered and, with a swift gesture, commanded his Radiant Serpent to release a burst of dazzling light. The Toucan Tornado was blinded by the light, giving the Shadow Serpent the perfect opening to strike. With a swift strike of its tail, the Shadow Serpent delivered the finishing blow, knocking the Toucan Tornado out of the competition.

The Night Owl, seeing its partner defeated, began to panic and fly erratically. The Apex student saw his chance and commanded the Radiant Serpent to use its hypnotic powers to lull the Night Owl into a trance. With the bird under its control, the Radiant Serpent then used its powers to heal the wounds of the Shadow Serpent, restoring its strength and vitality.

The battle continued with both sides exchanging attacks and counterattacks, but in the end, it was clear that the Apex student had the upper hand. With a final burst of light, the Radiant Serpent unleashed a devastating attack that knocked the Night Owl out of the competition, securing another victory for the Apex Academy.

The Apex student who had just won the battle approached the next Skywing student who was up to battle against him. He was clearly enjoying his victory, and his confidence radiated from him. "Good job out there, but it's not enough," he said, taunting the Skywing student. "I hope you're ready for a real challenge." He told the third student who was going to the arena.

The Skywing student didn't back down, and they both entered the arena ready to fight. The Skywing student had tamed a pair of ferocious beasts, an Ironwing Falcon, and a Darkwing Raven, and he was determined to show the Apex student what he was made of.

The battle started with the Ironwing Falcon launching an attack on the Apex student's Shadow Serpent, but the Apex student quickly countered with the Radiant Serpent's blinding light attack, stunning the Ironwing Falcon and giving the Shadow Serpent a chance to strike. However, the Darkwing Raven used its quick agility to evade the attack and strike back, delivering a sharp blow to the Radiant Serpent.

The battle continued with both sides exchanging powerful attacks, with the Ironwing Falcon using its piercing talons and the Darkwing Raven using its sharp beak and claws. The Apex student responded with his own beasts' unique abilities, using the Shadow Serpent's stealth to disappear from sight and reappear behind the Darkwing Raven, catching it off guard with a powerful strike.

The Skywing student, not one to back down, countered with the Ironwing Falcon's ability to create powerful gusts of wind, knocking the Shadow Serpent back and allowing the Darkwing Raven to swoop in and deliver a devastating attack. The Apex student quickly commanded his Radiant Serpent to create a blinding light, giving the Shadow Serpent time to recover and strike back, taking down the Ironwing Falcon.

As the Darkwing Raven continued to battle on, the Apex student used his quick thinking to command the Shadow Serpent to create a smokescreen, blinding the Raven and allowing the Radiant Serpent to deliver the final blow, ending the battle in favor of the Apex student.

The Apex student triumphantly raised his beasts' claws in victory while the Skywing student looked on in defeat. "You're pretty good," the Apex student said with a grin. "But it's going to take a lot more than that to beat us." The Skywing student gritted his teeth, vowing to train harder and come back stronger for the next round of battles.

As the Apex student emerged victorious yet again, the Skywing students looked on with a mix of disappointment and frustration. The Apex Academy had dominated the competition thus far, and the Skywing students were beginning to feel the weight of their losses. They had trained hard and put everything they had into the battles, but it seemed like nothing they did was enough.

Some of the Skywing students looked dejected, their spirits dampened by the string of losses. Others were angry. Their faces twisted in scowls as they watched the Apex students celebrate their victories. The taunts and insults from the Apex students only added fuel to the fire, further stoking their resentment.

As the third Skywing student was defeated, the mood in the arena grew somber. The Apex students were elated, cheering and high-fiving each other, but the Skywing students were silent. They had hoped for a different outcome, and the repeated losses were taking a toll on their confidence and morale.

Despite the disappointment, some of the Skywing students remained determined to keep fighting. They knew that there were still more battles to come, and they were determined to come back stronger and prove their worth. Others, however, were starting to lose hope. They wondered if they were truly good enough to compete at this level, and whether they should just give up and go home.

Overall, the atmosphere in the arena was tense and charged, with both sides feeling the weight of the competition. The Apex students were basking in their victories, while the Skywing students were struggling to find their footing. It was clear that the next round of battles would be even more intense, and that the stakes were higher than ever before.

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