The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 4 Beast Tamer First Lesson

Orion and Ember woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside their window. They had a good night's sleep and were ready for a new day. Today was a new day for them to learn and train their beasts.

Orion got up from his bed and went to his beast space to check on Nova. As he opened the door, he saw Nova curled up and sleeping inside. Orion smiled as he looked at Nova and thought about his plans for the day.

"Good morning, Nova. Did you have a good sleep?" Orion asked as he approached Nova.

Nova opened his eyes and looked at Orion. He stood up and wagged his tail, indicating that he was ready to start the day. Orion smiled and rubbed Nova's fur.

Ember woke up shortly after Orion and went to his beast space to check on his newly contracted Flame Lizard. As he opened the door, he saw his Flame Lizard curled up and sleeping inside.

"Good morning, Flame Lizard. Are you ready to train today?" Ember asked as he approached his Flame Lizard.

The Flame Lizard opened his eyes and looked at Ember. He stood up and breathed out a small flame, indicating that he was ready to train. Ember smiled and rubbed his Flame Lizard's head.

After they finished taking care of their beasts, Orion and Ember went to the dining hall for breakfast. The dining hall was already bustling with students, and the smell of food filled the air.

Orion and Ember grabbed their plates and went to sit with their classmates. They chatted and ate their breakfast, excited about the new day.

After breakfast, the students went to their classrooms to start their lessons. Mrs Claire greeted them and began to teach them about the different types of beasts.

"Good morning, students! Yesterday, we went to the forest to contract your first beasts. Today, I will teach you about the different types of beasts," Mrs Claire said.

She began to explain the different types of beasts, including common beasts, rare beasts, and Spirit beasts. She also explained their habitats, characteristics, and strengths.

Orion listened carefully and took notes while Ember looked fascinated by the different types of beasts. Mrs Claire also talked about the different elements, including fire, water, earth, wind, light, and darkness.

After the lecture, Mrs Claire told the students to bring out their beasts for the bonding process. She explained that the bonding process was essential for the beast tamer and the beast to understand each other's personalities and form a deep connection. Mrs Claire added that the bond was the key to the success of the beast tamer and the beast's relationship.

Orion and Ember eagerly went to their beast space and brought out their beasts. They followed Mrs Claire's instructions and sat on the floor in front of their beasts. They closed their eyes and took deep breaths, trying to calm their minds and connect with their beasts.

Orion felt Nova's presence in his mind and opened his eyes. He saw Nova looking at him with a curious expression. Orion smiled and looked into Nova's eyes, trying to understand his feelings.

Ember felt his Flame Lizard's warm energy and opened his eyes. He saw his Flame Lizard looking at him with trust and loyalty. Ember smiled and looked into his Flame Lizard's eyes, trying to connect with his emotions.

Mrs Claire watched the students and their beasts, pleased with their progress. She knew that the bonding process was different for every beast tamer and every beast, but she hoped that they would form a strong bond.

"Good job, students. Remember, the bond between you and your beast is crucial. Take time to understand each other and form a deep connection. Now, it's time for your training. Follow me," Mrs Claire said.

Orion and Ember followed Mrs Claire to the training grounds, where they would train their beasts. The training ground was a vast field with obstacles and targets, perfect for training beasts.

"Today, you will practice basic commands with your beasts. This will help you understand their personalities and train them effectively," Mrs Claire said.

Orion and Ember listened carefully and nodded, eager to start their training.

"Orion, let's start with you and your wolf. Your task is to command your wolf to follow you and jump over these obstacles," Mrs Claire said, pointing at the obstacles in front of them.

Orion nodded and turned to Nova. "Nova, come here and follow me," he commanded.

Nova obeyed and followed Orion. Orion led him to the first obstacle, a low fence. "Jump, Nova," Orion commanded.

Nova jumped over the fence with ease, impressing Orion and Mrs Claire. They continued with the other obstacles, and Nova followed Orion's commands without hesitation.

"Excellent job, Orion. You have a natural talent for beast taming," Mrs Claire said, patting Orion's back.

Ember was next, and Mrs Claire gave him a similar task. "Ember, your task is to command your Flame Lizard to follow you and breathe out flames on these targets," Mrs Claire said, pointing at the targets in front of them.

Ember nodded and turned to his Flame Lizard. "Blaze, come here and follow me," he commanded.

Blaze obeyed and followed Ember. Ember led him to the first target, a wooden dummy. "Breathe out flames, Blaze," Ember commanded.

Blaze breathed out a small flame, hitting the wooden dummy and burning it. Ember and Mrs Claire were impressed by the Blaze's accuracy.

Ember continued with the other targets, and Blaze followed his commands without hesitation.

"Great job, Ember. Your Flame Lizard has excellent accuracy and power. Keep up the good work," Mrs Claire said, patting Ember's back.

After the first week of training with their beasts, Orion and Ember were feeling more confident in their abilities as beast tamers. They had bonded well with their beasts and were eager to learn more.

The next day, Mrs Claire introduced them to the concept of beast tiers, explaining that Beginner Beast Tamers could only tame Common Beasts, Intermediate Beast Tamers could tame Rare Beasts, and Advanced Beast Tamers could tame Spirit Beasts. Orion and Ember were fascinated by the idea of taming more powerful beasts, but Mrs Claire cautioned them against being too ambitious and reminded them that forming a strong bond with their current beasts was essential for their growth.

As Blaze followed Ember to the first target, Ember could feel Blaze's excitement building. Ember pointed to the target and said, "Blaze, breathe fire on that target."

Blaze stepped forward and opened his mouth, unleashing a small flame that landed on the target. Ember smiled with satisfaction, and Mrs Claire nodded approvingly.

"Good job, Ember. Your Flame Lizard has a good aim," Mrs Claire said.

Ember continued with the other targets, and Blaze hit each one with precision. Ember and Blaze were getting into a good rhythm, and their bond was becoming stronger with each successful command.

After the training session, Mrs Claire called the students back to the classroom for a debrief. "Well done, students. Today's training was a success. I'm pleased with your progress, and I can see that your bonds with your beasts are becoming stronger. Keep up the good work," Mrs Claire said.

As the day went on, both Orion and Ember continued to show their progress in training their beasts. They went through several tasks and training exercises, each time improving their bond with their respective beasts.

Towards the end of the day, Mrs Claire gathered the students to give them a final lecture. "You all have done well today. Remember, the bond between you and your beast is essential, and it takes time to build. You must be patient, understanding, and compassionate towards your beasts. Only then will you be able to train them effectively and achieve success."

Orion and Ember listened carefully, taking in every word. They knew that they still had a long way to go, but they were determined to become the best beast tamers they could be.

As the lecture came to a close, Mrs Claire dismissed the students, telling them to rest and prepare for the next day's lessons. Orion and Ember went back to their respective beast spaces, feeling proud of their accomplishments for the day.

"Nova, you did great today. I'm so proud of you," Orion said, patting Nova's head.

Nova wagged his tail and licked Orion's face, showing his affection towards his beast tamer.

Ember looked at Blaze, who was curled up in his beast space. "You did well today, Blaze. I'm impressed with your progress," Ember said, smiling at his Flame Lizard.

Blaze opened his eyes and looked at Ember, indicating that he understood his words. Ember petted Blaze's head and went to his bed, feeling content with the day's training.

As Orion and Ember lay in their beds, they thought about their journey as beast tamers. They knew that there would be challenges and obstacles along the way, but they were determined to overcome them.

They closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep, feeling excited about the new day and the opportunities it would bring.

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