The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 5 The Day Of The Battle

Orion and Ember woke up with a sense of excitement and nervousness. Today was the day when Mrs Claire would teach them about battles, and they would have their first battle against each other.

As they got ready for the day, Orion and Ember talked about their strategies and their beasts' abilities.

"I think Nova is good at attacking and dodging. I'll focus on his speed and agility," Orion said.

"I agree. Blaze can take hits, and he has a strong defense. I'll try to use his flames to create a barrier and confuse your wolf," Ember replied.

Orion and Ember finished their breakfast and went to the classroom, where Mrs Claire was waiting for them.

"Good morning, students. Today, we will learn about battles and how to use your beasts effectively. You will also have your first battle against each other," Mrs Claire said.

Orion and Ember looked at each other, feeling a mix of excitement and fear. They knew that this battle would be a test of their skills and their bond with their beasts.

Mrs Claire explained the rules of the battle, which were simple. The first team to knock out the other team's beast wins. The battle would take place in the training grounds, and each team would have ten minutes to prepare.

After the preparation time, the battle would last for thirty minutes. Mrs Claire also reminded them that they could use their talents to strengthen their beasts during the battle.

Orion and Ember nodded, and Mrs Claire signalled for them to go to the training grounds.

As they entered the grounds, Orion and Ember saw that the area had been set up with obstacles and terrain that would provide cover and enhance their beasts' abilities.

Orion and Ember took their positions on opposite sides of the grounds, and they released their beasts. Nova and Blaze appeared, ready for battle.

The battle began, and Nova immediately charged at Blaze, using his speed to dodge Blaze's flame breath. Blaze responded with a tail whip, but Nova was able to dodge it and land a claw attack on Blaze's side.

Blaze growled and retaliated with a powerful flame breath, which engulfed Nova in flames. Orion was worried, but he saw that Nova was using his claw to deflect the flames and protect himself.

Ember saw the opportunity and commanded Blaze to charge at Nova while he was still deflecting the flames. Blaze used his size and strength to tackle Nova, sending him flying across the ground.

Orion was surprised, but he quickly recovered and commanded Nova to use his bite attack on Blaze's leg. Nova's sharp teeth dug into Blaze's flesh, causing him to roar in pain.

Ember saw that Blaze was in trouble, so she used her talent to strengthen Blaze's defence, creating a barrier of flames around him. The barrier protected Blaze from Nova's attacks and gave him time to recover.

Orion was impressed by Ember's quick thinking, but he knew that he had to come up with a plan to counter it. He commanded Nova to use his claw attack to dig a hole under the barrier, causing it to collapse.

Blaze was exposed, and Nova charged at him with his claws and teeth, but Blaze was ready. He used his powerful tail whip to knock Nova back and then tackled him again, pinning him down.

Orion was worried, but he remembered Mrs Claire's lesson about using his talent. He closed his eyes and focused, feeling a surge of energy flow from him to Nova. Nova's muscles bulged, and his fur bristled as he absorbed Orion's energy.

Ember saw the transformation and knew that she had to act fast. She commanded Blaze to use his flame breath on Nova, but it was too late. Nova had already transformed, and he was now covered in a golden aura.

Nova stood up, and his eyes glowed with a fierce intensity. He charged at Blaze, his speed and strength enhanced by Orion's energy. Blaze tried to defend himself, but Nova's claws and teeth were too fast and too powerful.

In a matter of seconds, Blaze was knocked out, and Ember was defeated.

Orion and Nova had won their first battle, and Mrs Claire congratulated them on their victory. She praised their teamwork and the use of their talents, which had helped them win the battle.

Orion and Ember returned their beasts to their beast spaces, feeling exhausted but also exhilarated by the experience. They had learned a lot about battles and the importance of teamwork, and they knew that they still had a lot to learn.

As they walked back to the classroom, Mrs Claire announced a school competition that would take place in a week's time. The competition would be a tournament-style battle, and students would compete against each other until only one remained.

The news of the competition caused a buzz among the students, and Orion and Ember felt both excited and nervous. They knew that they would face tough opponents and they would need to train hard to have a chance of winning.

Mrs Claire noticed their apprehension and reassured them, "Don't worry, students. You still have a week to train, and I will be here to help you. Remember, battles are not just about strength and skills, but also about strategy and teamwork."

Orion and Ember nodded, feeling grateful for Mrs Claire's guidance. They knew that they had a lot of work to do, and they were determined to train hard and improve their skills.

Over the next few days, Orion and Ember trained tirelessly, honing their beasts' skills and practising their strategies. Mrs Claire provided them with feedback and guidance, helping them to identify their weaknesses and improve their strengths.

Orion focused on improving Nova's speed and agility, teaching him new techniques to dodge and counter his opponent's attacks. Ember worked on strengthening Blaze's defence and enhancing his flame breath, making him a formidable opponent.

In addition to their individual training, Orion and Ember also worked on their teamwork. They practised coordinating their beasts' attacks and defences, learning to anticipate each other's moves and communicate effectively.

As the day of the competition approached, Orion and Ember felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. They knew that they would face tough opponents, but they were also confident in their skills and their bond with their beasts.

Orion and Ember had improved many things in a week's time. Nova and Blaze also learned new skills. They were ready for the school competition that would take place in a few days. The day before the competition, Mrs Claire called them to her classroom to give them some tips.

"Good morning, students. Tomorrow, you will be facing some tough opponents, and I want you to be prepared. Battles are not just about skills and strength, but also about strategy and teamwork. Remember that," Mrs Claire said.

She went on to give them some tips on how to improve their skills and work together as a team. She showed them how to use their talents to strengthen their beasts and how to take advantage of the terrain to gain an advantage over their opponents.

"Your beasts have unique abilities, and you should use them to your advantage. Nova's speed and agility can help you dodge attacks and land quick blows. Blaze's fire can be used to create barriers and confusion," Mrs Claire said.

Orion and Ember listened intently, taking notes and asking questions. They wanted to make sure that they were fully prepared for the competition.

Mrs Claire also reminded them of the importance of communication during battles. "You should communicate with each other and your beasts during battles. You should let your partner know when you are about to attack, and you should also let them know if you need their help," she said.

Orion and Ember nodded, feeling grateful for Mrs Claire's advice. They knew that they had a lot to learn, but they were determined to do their best in the competition.

The day of the competition arrived, and Orion and Ember felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. This competition was the first for them.

This competition was made in order to help the students to understand their beast more. Before they went to the arena, Ember and Orion looked at their beast's information panel.


Name: Blaze

Species: Flame Lizard

Grade: Common Beast

Skills: Flame Breath, Claw, Tail Whip, Fire Ball


Name: Nova

Species: Grey Wolf

Grade: Common Beast

Skills: Claw, Charge, Bite, Sprint


Blaze and Nova had learned a new skill in a week. Even though it was not really strong but there is an improvement here.

Blaze's new skill was Fire Ball. This skill was almost the same as Flame Breath, but this skill did more damage to the enemy because of the stronger ball of fire that was launched into the enemy.

Nova's new skill was Sprint. This skill was a bit special because when Nova used this skill, his speed would become faster, and he could dodge and attack the opponent faster than before. Using this skill, Nova could also defeat the enemy faster.

Not all the students will get to participate in the competition and from the week that they were practising. The teachers had chosen 16 students that would compete in the competition. Fortunately, Orion and Ember were among the chosen ones.

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