The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 55 Beast Emperor

Orion and the others had managed to take down the enemy's main defence system, and now they were inching closer towards the main building. The sound of gunfire echoed through the mountain pass as they engaged the enemy soldiers in a fierce battle. Orion and his team fought with all their might, knowing that the fate of the world rested on their shoulders.

As they approached the main building, they saw that it was heavily guarded by armed soldiers. They knew that they had to be careful and plan their attack carefully. They huddled together and discussed their next move.

"We need to split up," said the chancellor. "Orion, you and your beasts will take the north side. The rest of us will take the south. We'll meet up at the entrance to the main building."

Orion nodded, and together with Nova and Stella, he made his way towards the north side of the building. The enemy soldiers were ready for them, and they engaged in a fierce battle. Nova's massive size and fearsome strength were a force to be reckoned with, and he quickly dispatched several soldiers with ease. Stella, on the other hand, was quick and agile, darting in and out of the enemy ranks and striking with deadly precision.

Orion himself fought bravely, using his skills as a Beast Tamer to control the beasts around him and turn them against their masters. It was a fierce battle, but they managed to overcome the enemy forces and clear the way for the others.

As they made their way towards the entrance to the main building, they met up with the rest of the team. They were panting and exhausted, but their spirits were high. They knew that they were close to achieving their goal.

"We need to be careful from here on out," said the chancellor. "We don't know what kind of traps or obstacles they have set up inside the building. We need to proceed with caution."

Orion nodded in agreement, and together they made their way inside the building. The interior was dark and foreboding, with narrow corridors and winding staircases leading deeper into the building. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and gunpowder, and the sound of gunfire could still be heard in the distance.

They proceeded cautiously, checking each room and hallway for any signs of danger. They encountered several enemy soldiers along the way, but they were able to take them down with ease. As they moved deeper into the building, they started to encounter more sophisticated traps and obstacles. They had to be careful not to trigger them and risk their lives.

Eventually, they reached the heart of the building, where they found the enemy leaders holed up in a heavily fortified room. The door was heavily guarded, and they knew that they had to act quickly if they were to succeed.

"We need to breach that door," said the chancellor. "Orion, can your beasts do it?"

Orion nodded and summoned Nova and Stella. Together, they charged towards the door, smashing it open with their combined strength. They found the leader of the group, but the leader didn't seem afraid at all. He even congratulated them.

Orion, Nova, Stella, and the Apex Academy team burst into the room, weapons at the ready, prepared to take down the leader of the evil organization. The leader, however, didn't seem intimidated at all. In fact, he appeared to be quite pleased with their arrival.

"Well, well, well," the leader said with a smirk. "I must say, I'm impressed. You managed to break through our defenses and find your way to me. Congratulations."

Orion stepped forward. His eyes narrowed in anger. "Cut the small talk," he said, his voice cold and firm. "We know what you've been doing with those dangerous substances, and we won't let you get away with it."

The leader chuckled. "You think you can stop us? You're just a bunch of Beast Tamers. We have more power and resources than you could ever dream of."

Orion clenched his fists, ready to strike, but the chancellor stepped forward and held up a hand, signalling for him to stand down.

"We're not here to fight," the chancellor said calmly. "We're here to put an end to your dangerous experiments and bring you to justice."

The leader laughed. "Justice? Ha! You think the law can touch us? We operate outside of your precious legal system. We answer to no one but ourselves."

Orion felt a surge of anger rised within him, but the chancellor's calm voice kept him in check. "You may think you're above the law, but you're not above the power of the people. We will bring your crimes to light, and the world will see you for what you truly are."

The leader sneered. "You're a fool if you think you can stop us. We are unstoppable. Our power is unmatched."

The chancellor remained unruffled. "Your power is nothing compared to the power of justice and the will of the people. We will not rest until you and your organization are brought down."

The leader let out a low growl, and suddenly, an intense aura began to emanate from him. The room shook with the force of his power, and everyone in the room was thrown back by the sheer force of it.

Orion struggled to stand up, his head ringing from the impact of the leader's aura. He looked up and saw that the chancellor was still standing, his own aura flaring up in response.

"You think you're powerful," the chancellor said, his voice calm but filled with a deep sense of authority. "But you're nothing compared to the power of a true Beast Emperor."

The leader laughed. "You think you can intimidate me with your power? You're nothing but a weakling compared to me."

The chancellor's eyes narrowed. "Is that so? Then why don't we put that to the test?"

The leader grinned. "Gladly."

Without another word, the leader summoned his beast, a massive Space Kraken that towered over the room. Its tentacles whipped around, knocking over tables and shattering windows with its sheer size.

But the chancellor was unfazed. He summoned his own beast, the Thunder Storm Dragon, a creature of immense power that crackled with electricity. The dragon's eyes glowed with fierce determination, and it let out a deafening roar that echoed throughout the room.

The two beasts charged at each other, their powers colliding in a burst of energy. Lightning bolts crackled around the Thunder Storm Dragon, while the Space Kraken shot out waves of psychic energy.

Orion watched in awe as the two beasts battled, each one determined to come out on top. The room shook with the force of their clash, and debris flew everywhere as the two beasts slammed into each other with all their might.

The Thunder Storm Dragon let out a burst of lightning, striking the Space Kraken directly in the chest. The beast roared in pain and lashed out with its tentacles, striking the Thunder Storm Dragon and sending it crashing to the ground.

But the Thunder Storm Dragon wasn't finished yet. It rose back up, its power growing stronger with each passing moment. The chancellor's aura flared up even more, and Orion could feel the sheer force of it washing over him like a tidal wave.

he leader let out a mocking laugh, his eyes filled with arrogance. "Is that all you've got?" he sneered. "You call yourself a Beast Emperor? You're nothing but a fraud."

The chancellor didn't even flinch. "You talk a lot for someone who's about to lose," he said calmly. "I'll show you the true power of a Beast Emperor."

The Thunder Storm Dragon let out a deafening roar, and lightning crackled around its body. It charged at the Space Kraken, its jaws open wide as it prepared to strike.

The Space Kraken lashed out with its tentacles, but the Thunder Storm Dragon was too quick. It dodged the attack and sunk its jaws into the Space Kraken's flesh, unleashing a burst of lightning that coursed through the beast's body.

But the Space Kraken was not so easily defeated. It began to use its power over the space element to warp and twist the environment around them, causing the Thunder Storm Dragon to stumble and lose its footing.

Orion watched in awe as the room around them shifted and twisted, the walls warping and distorting into impossible shapes. He struggled to keep his balance, feeling as if the ground beneath him was constantly shifting and changing.

The Space Kraken let out a triumphant roar as it continued to use its power over space to humiliate the Thunder Storm Dragon. It created small pockets of zero gravity that caused the dragon to float helplessly in the air, while it continued to pummel it with waves of psychic energy.

The Thunder Storm Dragon struggled to break free from the Space Kraken's grip, but it was no use. The Space Kraken was simply too powerful.

Orion felt a sense of helplessness wash over him as he watched the battle unfold. He knew that the chancellor was one of the strongest Beast Emperors in the world, but even he seemed to be struggling against the Space Kraken's power.

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