The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 56 Interdimensional Rift

As the battle between the Thunder Storm Dragon and the Space Kraken raged on, the leader's aura continued to grow stronger and more intense. The chancellor was doing his best to keep up, but he could feel his strength waning with each passing moment.

"Chancellor, you cannot keep this up forever," the leader taunted. "Your beast is no match for mine."

The chancellor gritted his teeth and focused all his energy on his Thunder Storm Dragon. But the Space Kraken began to use its advanced skills, such as its ability to manipulate the space element, to gain the upper hand. It created rifts in space that allowed it to move and attack with lightning speed, making it almost impossible for the Thunder Storm Dragon to keep up.

The chancellor tried his best to counter the Space Kraken's attacks, but he was constantly on the defensive, barely managing to avoid being hit by the beast's powerful tentacles and psychic attacks. He knew that he needed to come up with a new strategy if he was going to have any chance of winning this battle.

But before he could think of a plan, the Space Kraken launched a devastating attack, combining its psychic and space manipulation abilities to create a powerful beam of energy that hit the Thunder Storm Dragon directly in the chest.

The Thunder Storm Dragon roared in agony as it was hit by the attack, its body writhing in pain. The chancellor cried out in anguish as he felt the connection between him and his beast being severed.

The Space Kraken let out a triumphant roar as the Thunder Storm Dragon fell to the ground, defeated. The chancellor stumbled backward, his body shaking with exhaustion and pain. He knew that he had lost this battle.

The leader walked over to him, a cruel smile on his face. "I told you that you were no match for me," he said, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You should have surrendered while you had the chance."

The chancellor struggled to stand, his body battered and bruised. "I will never surrender to the likes of you," he said, his voice filled with determination. "I will fight to the end, no matter what."

The leader chuckled. "I admire your courage, but it's pointless. You've already lost, and there's nothing you can do to change that."

The chancellor glared at him. "We'll see about that," he said, his eyes blazing with fury. "This isn't over yet."

But deep down, he knew that he had been defeated. He had failed to protect his team, and now he was at the mercy of the enemy. He only hoped that his sacrifice would not be in vain, and that someone would be able to carry on his mission to stop the evil organization from continuing its dangerous experiments.

As Orion watched the battle between the chancellor and the leader, he knew that something needed to change. The chancellor was overwhelmed by the leader's power, and it seemed like there was no way he could win.

Orion took a deep breath and summoned his own beasts, Nova, the Primordial Fenrir, and Stella, the Primordial Garuda. They appeared before him in a flash of light, their eyes glowing with fierce determination.

The leader turned to face Orion, a sneer on his face. "What, you think you can take me on with those weak beasts?" he taunted.

But Orion was undeterred. He knew that Nova and Stella were powerful creatures, and he was determined to use their full potential to turn the tide of the battle.

"You underestimate the strength of my beasts," Orion replied, his voice steady.

Nova let out a powerful howl that echoed through the room, causing the leader to stumble back in surprise. Stella let out a burst of flames, scorching the ground beneath her feet. The leader's eyes widened in shock as he watched Orion's beasts charge towards the Space Kraken with renewed vigour. He had not expected such a powerful resurgence from the opposing side.

But the Space Kraken was not going to give up easily. It let out a piercing screech that sent shockwaves through the room, causing the ground to tremble. The tentacles of the beast writhed around, trying to fend off the primordial beasts' onslaught. However, Nova and Stella were relentless in their attack, and their combined powers were causing significant damage to the Space Kraken.

As the battle raged on, the chancellor struggled to regain his footing. He watched in awe as Orion and his beasts fought against the Space Kraken with all their might. The chancellor knew that they needed all the help they could get, so he summoned his remaining beasts to join the fray.

The chancellor's beasts, Nidhogg the Dragon King and Garon the Blackened Phoenix, emerged from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with fury. Nidhogg let out a deafening roar that shook the room, while Garon soared through the air, leaving trails of black flames in its wake.

The leader's face contorted in anger as he watched the chancellor's beasts enter the fray. He knew that the odds were now stacked against him. He had to do something drastic if he was going to turn the tide of the battle back in his favor.

The leader let out a furious roar, his aura flaring up with an intense power. He began to channel all of his energy into one final attack. The Space Kraken let out a burst of psychic energy that enveloped the entire room, causing the ground to shake and the air to crackle with electricity.

Orion and his beasts were caught in the blast, and they were knocked back, their bodies bruised and battered from the impact. The chancellor and his beasts also felt the force of the attack, but they managed to stand their ground.

The leader laughed triumphantly as he watched his attack hit home. "You are all fools to think you could defeat me," he said, his voice dripping with arrogance. "I am invincible, and you are all just pawns in my game."

But the chancellor was not about to give up. He stood up, his eyes blazing with determination. "We may be pawns, but we are not weak," he said, his voice ringing out through the room. "We will fight until our last breath, and we will not let you win."

The leader scowled, his aura flaring up in anger. "You are all so naive," he said, his voice filled with venom. "You cannot defeat me. I am the most powerful being in this realm, and nothing can stand in my way."

But the chancellor and his beasts were not backing down. They charged forward, their eyes fixed on the Space Kraken. Orion and his beasts also got back on their feet, ready to join the final assault.

The battle that ensued was epic, with both sides unleashing their full powers. The leader's aura grew stronger with each passing moment, but the chancellor and his beasts were determined to stop him at all costs.

Orion and his beasts combined their powers with the chancellor's beasts, creating a barrage of elemental attacks that battered the Space Kraken. The creature roared in fury, lashing out with its tentacles and psychic energy, but the combined strength of the beasts was too much for it to handle.

The leader watched as his beast was being defeated, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief. He had never encountered such a powerful force before, and he realized that he might not be able to win this battle.

The chancellor and Orion took advantage of the leader's momentary distraction and unleashed their most powerful attacks. The leader was hit with a barrage of elemental energy that sent him flying across the room. He crashed into the wall, his body wracked with pain.

The chancellor and Orion approached him cautiously, their beasts standing by their side. The leader glared at them, his eyes blazing with anger and frustration. "You may have won this battle, but the war is far from over," he growled. "I will not rest until I have crushed your rebellion and reclaimed my rightful place as the ruler of this realm."

The chancellor shook his head. "Your time has passed," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "We will not rest until we have defeated you and put an end to your tyranny once and for all."

The leader let out a bitter laugh. "You think you can defeat me with your little rebellion?" he scoffed. "You are all weak, and you will soon realize the futility of your efforts."

Orion stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the leader. "You underestimate us," he said, his voice calm and steady. "We may not have your power, but we have something more important. We have the power of unity and the strength of our convictions. We will fight for what is right, no matter the cost."

The leader sneered at him. "You speak of unity and conviction, but they will mean nothing in the face of my power," he said, his voice filled with arrogance. "You may have won this battle, but you will never win the war."

But the chancellor and Orion were undeterred. They knew that the battle for their realm would be a long and difficult one, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. They exchanged a look of determination, their eyes filled with a fierce resolve.

Suddenly, the leader's expression changed. He seemed to be listening to something, his eyes darting around the room. The chancellor and Orion exchanged a look of confusion, wondering what could be distracting the leader in the middle of their confrontation.

Suddenly, the Space Kraken let out a burst of energy, creating a rift in space. The leader stepped back, his body surrounded by a pulsating aura. "You may have won this battle, but I have other plans for you, Orion," he said, his voice cold and calculating.

Before anyone could react, the leader gestured towards Orion, and the Space Kraken shot out a beam of energy that hit him directly. Orion cried out in pain as he was enveloped by a bright light, and then he was gone, disappearing into the rift in space.

The chancellor and his beasts were stunned, not knowing what had just happened. They stared at the rift in space, feeling a sense of loss and confusion. They had lost a powerful ally, and they were unsure of what to do next.

The leader laughed triumphantly, his aura flaring up in victory. "A genius like Orion was not needed in this world," he said, his voice filled with contempt. "He will not be missed."

The chancellor clenched his fists, his body shaking with rage. "You will pay for this," he said, his voice low and menacing. "You cannot just take someone like that and expect to get away with it."

But the leader merely smiled. "I look forward to our next encounter," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "It will be even more entertaining than this one."

With that, the leader and the Space Kraken disappeared into the rift in space, leaving the chancellor and his beasts alone in the room. They stood there for a few moments, unsure of what to do next.

Finally, the chancellor spoke up. "We need to regroup and come up with a plan," he said, his voice determined. "We cannot let the leader get away with what he's done."

The beasts nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with a fierce determination. They knew that they had lost one of their own, but they were not about to give up. They would continue to fight for their realm and for the people who depended on them.

Together, they left the room, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. They knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but they were determined to see it through to the end.

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