The Protagonist System

09 Magic Is Real

09 Magic Is Real

As we walked to school while holding hands, I couldn't stop staring at Koneko. She ignored me for most of the walk until we were near the gate of the school.

“Stop staring, pervert.” Koneko said with a flat voice.

“But... but... but... you gave my mom one of your precious mini-cake treats!” I exclaimed.

Koneko blushed at me making a big deal about it. “It was only a single layer one. I ate the double-layer one myself.”

I just kept staring at her.

“I can get more at the clubhouse.” Koneko said and looked away from me.

“Koneko.” I whispered and she turned back to look up at me. “I knew you liked me; but, for you to do that, I... I don't know what to say.” I bent down and gave her a very tender kiss for several seconds. “You are an amazing girl and I can't thank you enough for making my mother so happy.”

Miki must have a sixth sense about things like that and she had seen how reluctant Koneko was about sharing, then Koneko gave her the treat and blushed from embarrassment. Another epic boob hug had been given and several cheek kisses were awarded, by both Miki and myself. Miki gave us a nice Bento Box each for lunch and made Koneko swear to visit again as soon as she could.

“Hey, move it. You're blocking the line.” A guy's voice said.

I successfully stopped myself from punching the guy's lights out. “I'm sorry that me having a quiet moment with my girlfriend was too much for you to witness.” I said and turned away and walked towards the school's gate with a blushing Koneko tightly holding my hand. “Good morning, School President, Vice-President. Beautiful day, isn't it?”

Sona looked shocked at my words. When she didn't speak, I thought it might be because I was holding Koneko's hand.

I looked at her Queen's face and she was just as shocked. “I have a favor to ask and it's probably going to be a huge one, so I have no problem with...” I leaned in close. “...forming a contract for it.”

Sona blinked her eyes several times as my words took a few moments to register. “You will join me for lunch in the Student Council Office.”

I nodded and walked into the school's entrance. We were fairly early, so there was no rush to go anywhere, except for where Koneko needed to go. We walked around the school building to the old one where the Occult Research Club was.

“Be only a minute.” Koneko said and gave me a quick kiss on the lips and ran inside.

I was tempted to go inside myself, except there wasn't really a reason for me to do so. I was positive that I would be given more client assignments to fulfill because of my success with Mil-Tan and that could wait until we met in the club after school.

Koneko came out with a paper bag with half of her remaining treats inside. She took my hand and led me back to the main school building and showed me where her classroom was. All of the stares and mutterings were easily ignored, especially when all the sound around us cut off as Koneko pulled me down into a two second kiss.

“See you at club after school.” Koneko said and entered her classroom.

I walked through the halls and went up the stairs to get to my own classroom. I had about ten minutes before the Tennis Club showed up and I could apologize and give them flowers, so I went to homeroom to wait. When I entered, I saw several people were already there and they seemed to freeze when they saw me as all conversation stopped.

“I know my dick isn't hanging out, because I didn't hear any screams as I walked through the school.” I said and looked over at Murayama, the head of the Kendo Club. “Can I ask you what the problem is?”

Murayama didn't say anything and lifted a hand to point at my forehead.

I reached up and patted it, only to feel a piece of paper. “I completely forgot I still had that on my face.” I laughed and pulled off the Property of Koneko sign. “I guess that's why the School Council President looked so shocked.”

“Is it true?” Katase asked.

“Definitely. She gave me this long before I asked her to be my girlfriend.” I said as an explanation.

The two girls looked at me, at each other, let out a squeal of delight, and lunged at me. I didn't try to dodge and let them capture me, then they held onto me to stop me from escaping and bombarded me with tons of questions. I answered what I could between laughs.

When that invisible clock ticked over at the right time, I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek to surprise them into letting me go. “I need to get to the Tennis Club for their brief morning meeting to apologize and to give them flowers.”

Both girls held a hand on the spots I had kissed them and blushed.

“I'll be back before the bell.” I said and grabbed the package I picked up on the way to school. I left the room at a jog and made my way through the school building and left out a side door. I entered the gym and went to the small office that the Tennis Club leader used. I opened the package and knocked.

The door opened only a few inches and a quite tall girl stood there and stared at me with squinted eyes. “What do you want?”

I pulled out a single rose and handed it to her, then I bowed down at the waist. “I came here to sincerely apologize for my previous behavior. I let my perversion for beautiful girls blind me to the wrongs I have done to you and to your fellow club members.”

There were several whispered words behind the door and the tall girl opened it all the way.

“The rumors were true?” The Tennis Club leader asked. “You apologized to the entire Kendo Club?”

I stood up straight to look into her eyes. “I did, as well as a few girls not in clubs. I would have apologized to you personally after school yesterday if I hadn't been recruited away by the members of the Occult Research Club and had to attend to my new duties.”

“Recruited away.” She said and looked at the package in my hands.

“Unlike the Kendo Club, Tennis Club doesn't have the 'Only Girls' restriction.” I reminded her.

“Katase couldn't shut up about you offering to join if they weren't restricted to just girls.” One of the other girls said.

I nodded and stepped into the room. “I have many interests that were pretty much ignored as I obsessed over...” I paused and forced a blush. “I won't get into that. I promised myself to be a better man in the future and constantly thinking about beautiful girls like yourselves will only lead me to ruin.”

Every single girl blushed, even the one I had already given a rose to.

“With your permission, I want to personally apologize to each of your members and present a token of my pledge.” I said to the club's leader.

The other girls looked at her with hope on their faces and the leader nodded.

I started with her and gave her a more elaborate apology and gave her a rose. I went to each girl and surprised them all by giving them as much respect as I could while also keeping some dignity. I would have thrown it all away if it was needed; but, I knew it wasn't. Being humble and being a waste of their time were two very different things.

“Thank you. Thank you all for accepting my apology.” I said and bowed deeply one last time. “I hope you all have a great day.”

“You too, Issei.” The club leader said, her voice sincere.

“Club President, honorable members.” I smiled and nodded to her and the other girls. I left the office and had to jog to get back to class in time. It was worth almost being late to make up with so many girls.

Now I just had to wait through a morning of mostly boring classes to enact the next part of my plan during lunch.


Sona Sitri was a very smart girl. She was also fairly strict. She ran her Peerage like a well-oiled machine and all of the Student Council members were a part of it. At the moment, all of her hard-won composure was crumbling.

“You have got to be joking!” Sona almost spat at the young man standing in front of her. “That's not a favor! It's a disaster! What you're asking of me... if you knew what I have to go through every single time I allow my sister come here to visit...”

Issei's hand was on her shoulder and his other hand gently cupped her chin. “Heiress Sitri, Princess of the Sitri Clan, I formally ask you to contact Satan Leviathan on behalf of Princess Gremory's Pawn.”

The other people in the Student Council office gasped at the wording.

Sona's panic seemed to instantly disappear and her eyes narrowed at him. “Do you realize what you have just done?”

Issei leaned down to look deep into her eyes and his lips were barely a breath away from hers. “I removed your nervousness by making my request through your official channel as the guardian of this territory. You will have to deal with your sister only in an official capacity while she is here, because that is what I am asking you to include in the correspondence. Her presence will be part of a contract that I have with a valuable client and that is the only reason for her to be here.”

Sona blinked her eyes slowly. “She can't act in a personal capacity if she is here officially.”

Issei smiled and nodded. “As I said before, I know this is a huge favor to ask of you because of the personal danger. We can work out the details of the full contract later if you want.”

“No, I refuse to deliver such a dangerous communication without working out what I will get out of it.” Sona said and unconsciously licked her lips at the thought of what she could get from the handsome Devil in front of her, and her tongue just so happened to lick Issei's lips as well.

Both of them stiffened at the contact and Sona blushed. She hadn't meant to do that and opened her mouth to apologize.

“I accept the invitation as proof for a potential down-payment.” Issei whispered and kissed her.

Sona let out a sound between a moan and a growl before she wrapped her arms round his neck and kissed him for all she was worth. Everyone in the room stared at them making out like there was no tomorrow and not a sound could be heard except for their kissing.

Ten minutes later, Sona broke the kiss, her face was a deep red and her breaths panting. “I will agree to a future favor, with conditions.”

“Agreed, on conditions.” Issei said and stepped back.

They both nodded and sat down to work everything out before a letter was sent by special delivery.


I stood there in the Student Council Office and waited with baited breath. Depending on how the missive that Sona had sent was received, I could either be obliterated as soon as Satan Leviathan appeared or I could be embraced like a long-lost sibling.

When the teleportation circle lit up, everyone in the room with me became completely still and seemed to fade into the background, even Sona. I was almost pushed to the front as the flash of teleportation faded and revealed a short woman with pig-tails and she wore a business suit and skirt combo.

I bent over at the waist to greet her. “Satan Leviathan, I humbly greet you on behalf of the territory's ruling council.”

Serafall gave me a look that would have frozen a lesser man. As it was, I knew what would placate her and stepped close to look down at her short stature.

“Both I and my contracted client humbly welcome you.” I said and took the pose that any fan of a magical girl show would recognize.

Serafall's eyes widened at my ridiculous action and then she smiled. “You are distracting me.”

“I am, because Sona must treat you as an official for your current visit.” I said and her eyes widened, then she frowned.

“How dare you dictate...”

“Official channels of communication have been enacted, Lady Leviathan.” I reminded her and her mouth snapped closed. “Heiress Sitri, please present yourself to be greeted by the Foreign Affairs Minister.”

Sona stepped forward, clearly reluctant, and she held a hand out for her sister to shake. “Welcome to my territory, Satan Leviathan. I do hope that you enjoy your stay here.”

Serafall almost looked pained as she was forced to stay within proper protocols and shook the offered hand. “Thank you for the warm welcome, Heiress Sitri.” She growled out through gritted teeth.

I stepped forward and took Serafall's other hand that had become a fist. “Lady Leviathan, I have someone that wants to meet you immediately and that you definitely want to meet immediately, too.”

Serafall gave me a glare as she let her sister's hand go. “Why would I care that a Pawn wants my attention?” She asked, her voice full of derision and hatred.

“Because I have contracted with someone that must become a part of your Peerage.” I said and both she and Sona gasped. “If you will allow me, I will bring you there right away.”

Serafall looked at Sona's surprised face. “You didn't know.”

“No, I didn't.” Sona said and gave me a pointed look. “I will be asking some very important questions at the first opportunity.”

Serafall smiled and looked at me. “You've stepped into it now, Pawn.”

“I will accommodate Sona appropriately after I have presented your magical presence to someone that has been desperately wanting someone else that is similar to them.” I said and led her back over to the teleportation circle. I changed the destination temporarily and charged it up. “We'll be back before lunch is over.”

Sona nodded to us and we disappeared in a flash to reappear inside Mil-Tan's bedroom.

“IEEEE!” Mil-Tan squealed and tackled Serafall. They fell to the floor in a heap and I stared at them as Mil-Tan hugged and cuddled Serafall. “I can feel that you're full of magic!”

I chuckled and picked the both of them up to stand them on their feet. “Magical Girl Levi-tan, I would like to introduce you to a prospective new member of your Peerage, Mil-Tan.”

Serafall gave me a shocked look and then looked at Mil-Tan. She caught her breath at the magic the other woman was giving off. “She's really a magical girl!”

“Yes, and she has no clue how to cast any spells.” I said and pat Mil-Tan's shoulder. “You were the first person I thought of that could properly teach her, because you are the premiere magical girl in the entire world. I had to introduce you as soon as Mil-Tan became a magical girl, too.”

Serafall gave me a piercing look. “You set this up to make me avoid my sister, didn't you?”

“Avoid? No. Give her a break from having you assault her unnecessarily? Yes.” I admitted and Serafall sighed loudly. “It's all right, Lady Leviathan. I'll work on her and I'm sure I can convince Sona to give you a chance.”

“What are you saying?” Serafall asked me.

“I promise nothing.” I said and then smiled. “However, there's nothing preventing me from getting her worked up and then being mysteriously called away before completing the coupling.”

Serafall knew what I meant. “Why would you do that?”

I turned to look down at her. “You and Mil-Tan are the only magical girls on the planet. You need each other and I will do everything I can to make Mil-Tan happy. That includes making you happy, too.”

“I already confessed that I love him.” Mil-Tan said and hugged my arm. “He promised to introduce me to the only other magical girl in existence and here you are.” She said and jumped up to kiss my lips and then smiled happily. “I'm looking forward to learning everything I can from you, Levi-tan!”

Serafall looked from the short blonde to me. “A blank slate?”

“With so much enthusiasm for magical girl culture that she might put you to shame.” I told her.

Serafall looked absolutely delighted to hear that. “Mil-Tan, I think... yes, I believe that you can become my Queen.”

Mil-Tan's face lit up and her entire body glowed. “I would be honored to be chosen by you, Levi-Tan!”

I did not point out the obvious pun and kept my mouth shut. Both women were too happy for me to ruin the moment with a joke.

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