The Protagonist System

10 Change Is Constant

10 Change Is Constant

Serafall performed the short ritual with her mutated Queen Piece and Mil-Tan glowed for almost a full minute before it faded. The newly changed magical girl jumped around like a kangaroo and wasn't tired out at all after doing that for a few minutes.

“Oh, sweet Lucifer.” Serafall whispered at the reaction and the change in the magic that Mil-Tan had.

My choice to make Mil-Tan into a magical girl first had apparently not been the insignificant thing I had thought it was. Her magical potential was staggering after converting into the Devil race.

The best part? Mil-Tan was still a temporary Party Member with me and I felt my own magic grow to the point that I received a box saying I needed to do something with the excessive bonus. When I asked inside my head about it, I received a text box that gave me several options.

Excess Magic/Karma potential detected. Please choose an option to deal with it.
Alter your own magic potential
Alter a party member's magic potential
Spend Karma points
Convert to Karma points
Convert to Store Credits

That was a huge thing to think about. I looked at each option and they were pretty self-explanatory. Out of all of them, it was the first one that I was the most interested in. I chose that and my eyes widened as more options appeared.

Sacred Gear Options:
Twice Critical First Upgrade to Quadruple Critical
Boosted Gear Unlock (Preliminary) x3, 10 second intervals
Communication with bound soul fragment (Ddraig - Red Dragon Emperor)
Sacrifice sleeping bound soul for Karma points (+20,000)

Oh, my God. I thought at what the system was offering me. Gaining a lot of power right way, gaining more power later, learning from the bound spirit, and the last gaining a ridiculous amount of Karma. The amount alone let me know that Ddraig had gathered a lot of negative Karma in his lifetime to have that as the reward for sacrificing him to the system.

The main question I had was if I gave up the bound spirit, what would happen to my Sacred Gear?

Your Sacred Gear would remain at the first stage of Twice Critical and your inherent magic would increase with each use. You can spend Karma points to upgrade it twice to the maximum of Octuple Critical, a rare Sub-Gear Variant.
Bonuses apply to all stats with the final upgrade.

I immediately chose to sacrifice the spirit and gained 20,000 points. I felt myself almost bursting with power and chose the upgrade to change my Sacred Gear to Octuple Critical, which was double of Twice and double of Quaduple, to get 8 times my stats instantly instead of having to boost several times. It only cost 2,200 Karma points, so I was way out ahead this early in the story.

On the other hand, I gave up the ability for both the Balance Breaker and Juggernaught Drive of the Boosted Gear, not that I could unlock those without some major personal sacrifices anyway. This way, I changed both my own Karma and changed all of the future antagonists that would come after me only because I had the rare Boosted Gear that would make me the Red Dragon Emperor.

I didn't want to lose anything that I had changed, so I chose to keep Mil-Tan as a Party Member.

“I can feel it! I CAN FEEL IT!” Mil-Tan yelled with joy. Her bat wings deployed and she floated up into the air to hover near the high ceiling.

Both Serafall and I looked at her with smiles on our faces.

“Come back down, Mil-Tan. I have a few spells to teach you, the first of which is this.” Serafall said and created a magical girl wand in her hand. She waved it around herself and floated up into the air as well and went through a glowing transformation that briefly left her naked and changed her business suit and skirt into a colorful magical girl outfit.

“IEEE!” Mil-Tan squealed and dropped down to tackle Serafall to the floor.

I laughed at Serafall struggling to stop Mil-Tan from cuddling her to death. “I warned you that she was a magical girl enthusiast.”

Serafall didn't look angry about it. In fact, she looked almost as happy as Mil-Tan. “Don't worry, Issei. I'm going to show Mil-Tan everything she needs to know to be the best magical girl she can be.”

I reached down to pick them up off of the floor to stand them on their feet. “I never doubted that, Levi-Tan. You are the Prime Magical Girl, after all.”

Serafall nodded to me and started the first lesson. After several minutes of basic instruction, Mil-Tan easily created her own magical wand and performed her own clothing transformation to give herself a magical girl outfit that she had always wanted to wear and never could. Her cheap store-bought costume had never satisfied her desire for a real outfit.

Serafall looked inordinately pleased. “Mil-Tan? Can you come with me? We can get started on the rest of your magical education right away.”

“I am yours to command, Levi-tan!” Mil-Tan said and posed like I had when I first met Serafall.

Serafall gave me an amused look. “Now I know for sure that you intentionally distracted me.”

“Keeping my word seems to be the best course of action for me as I try to redeem myself from my previous behavior.” I said and she gave me a questioning look. “It's too long of a story to share right now. Let's get back to the school and you can continue on to your own office with Mil-Tan. Lucifer knows we have a lot of work to get back to.”

Serafall couldn't stop her laugh as she nodded. “Here are my contact details. You should only contact me when it's important, if you get my meaning.”

I nodded and tucked the paper into my pocket.

“I'll send the details to you as soon as Levi-Tan hires me to be on her show, Issei!” Mil-Tan said to me and gave me another kiss on the lips.

Serafall gasped and looked at me with her mouth hanging open.

“That was my suggestion. You could always use another magical girl to spice things up on your show, either as a rival that you convert to good later on or as an apprentice to help you fight the stronger bad guys that don't expect for you to have back-up.”

“Those are wonderful suggestions, Issei! Absolutely wonderful!” Serafall said and reached out to pull us in close as she activated the teleportation circle. We disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared in the Student Council's office. Everyone there stared at the two lavishly dressed magical girls in front of them.

I stepped out of the circle and bowed deeply to Serafall. “I thank you for accepting my valuable contracted client as your apprentice, Magical Girl Levi-Tan.”

Serafall looked more regal as a magical girl than she had as the Foreign Affairs Minister. “This hasn't been a complete waste of my time, so you get to live for another day.” She said and winked at Mil-Tan, whom giggled at the teasing. “Be thankful I am so merciful.”

I dropped to a knee and took her hand. “I am more thankful than I can ever express, Levi-Tan. Perhaps you can bless me with the sole of your shoe?”

Serafall giggled like Mil-Tan and both she and Mil-Tan planted a foot on my chest, intentionally flashed the room with their black lacy panties, and strongly pushed me away. I fell back onto the floor and slid across the room to slam my head against Sona's desk.

“Consider yourself blessed.” Serafall said, haughtily.

“I do.” I wheezed and rubbed my chest.

“Thank you, Issei.” Mil-Tan said and waved her wand at me and I felt the bruises heal. I waved to her and Serafall nodded at her sister and activated the teleportation circle. Both magical girls disappeared in a flash of light and the office was filled with silence.

“Lucifer's balls, there's two of them now.” One of the girls in Sona's Peerage said with horror.

I felt a strong hand grab my uniform jacket and I was picked up to dangle in the air.

“What did you do?” Sona asked me as her Queen held me up with my feet off of the floor.

“I gave your obsessive sister something else to concentrate on.” I said and her eyes widened. “I even distracted her by offering Mil-Tan as a co-star of her show. The rewrites for her upcoming season should take months to work out and then they have to film everything and...”

“You're a genius!” Sona gasped and tackled me to the floor as she tried to kiss me senseless.

I didn't mind it at all.

Her Queen reminded us that lunch would be ending soon, so Sona reluctantly climbed off of me to allow me to eat lunch with her. We sat at her desk and ate while Sona ignored the amused looks her Peerage members sent her way.

When the bell rang, I quickly packed up and thanked Sona for inviting me to enjoy her company, brief as it was, and told her that I admired her for her bravery in facing her sister. Sona blushed, gave me a quick kiss, and glared at her Peerage members as if to dare them to say something about it.

I waved to them and left at a jog to get back to my homeroom class. My free time the last few days had been taken up by me trying to do as much as I could to change things. As far as I could tell, it was working.

I spent the afternoon half-paying attention to the teacher and wondering if I could hunt down the other Fallen Angels before they could attack me, since I knew Raynare was actively hunting me. The last thing I wanted was for her to get her evil scheming hands on Asia Argento and steal her Sacred Gear like she did in canon.

The bell rang to end the school day and I bid the Kendo Club leader and her best friend goodbye, packed up my books, and left the class at a jog. I easily avoided everyone in the hallways as I made my way out of the school building and went to the Occult Research Club.

“Hello, Issei!” Rias greeted me when I opened the door.

“Afternoon Rias, Akeno.” I said and walked inside. I took off my jacket and put it and my backpack on a chair behind one of the desks. I sat down on the couch to relax and the club room's door opened again.

“Hi, Koneko!” Rias greeted the younger girl.

Koneko nodded to her and Akeno and walked over to me, hopped into the air and twisted around, then landed on my lap in the perfect cuddle position. I obliged by putting my arms around her and kissed her cheek.

“Sign missing.” Koneko said and opened the small paper bag she had and took out a single layer mini-cake to much on.

I chuckled and took it out to slap it onto my forehead. “People's reactions were pretty funny this morning.”

Koneko nodded and snuggled in as she felt me grow hard for her and it pressed against her thigh. “Smell magical girl.”

“Two of them, actually.” I said and then explained what happened during lunch.

Needless to say, Rias and Akeno were stunned, as was Kiba. He had entered the club room about halfway through my story. Before they could ask for proof, I did the spell Serafall taught Mil-Tan and a magical girl's wand formed in my hand.

Koneko snatched it up immediately and jumped up to wave it over me. My clothes dissolved away, leaving me completely naked, then I glowed and the same dark blue mecha-girl undersuit appeared from the poster she had seen yesterday and the thin cloth form-fitted around me.

There was complete silence in the room for several seconds, then Rias and Akeno burst out laughing. Kiba looked like he was fighting from joining in. Koneko softly laughed as well and looked very amused at my current state, probably because the undersuit was just the same as the poster.

It covered everything like a one piece bathing suit and looked indecent at the same time. It also left nothing to the imagination... including the erection Koneko gave me. The laughing died off and all three girls had their eyes lower down to stare at me. I didn't really think it was that impressive, then I remembered Grayfia's reaction when she saw it.

Instead of shying away or trying to hide it, I stood up and did a magical girl pose and my erection really stretched out the thin cloth. “In the name of Love and Orgasms, I, Sailor Semen, will punish you with my Rod Of Justice!”

There was complete silence until Akeno did her 'ufufufu' laugh. “I don't know if I should keep laughing or be really turned on.”

Rias looked too stunned to speak. The light blush on her cheeks let me know what she chose. Kiba was pointedly not looking anywhere near me and Akeno's gaze was appreciative.

Koneko stepped close and her hand grabbed my erection. The thin cloth provided no protection as she slid her hand up and down my hardness exactly once. I hissed for her and she smiled at the look of desire on my face.

“Mine.” Koneko whispered.

I nodded and she kissed me, let me go, and stepped back. She waved the wand over me again and the outfit disappeared to leave me naked again, then my school uniform reappeared on me to completely cover me up once more. Koneko looked at me, at the wand, and at me.

“You can keep it.” I said and her eyes went down to my crotch. “Your choice, remember?”

Koneko nodded and tucked the wand into her skirt's waistband.

It took Rias a few minutes to shake herself out of her surprise and she handed out several sheets to us. “These are your clients for tonight. Issei, you did great with Mil-Tan, so you have four more clients on your new list.”

I glanced at it and didn't recognize anyone, so I folded it up and tucked it into my pocket.

“But first, we have had several missing person reports in a nearby prefecture and we are going as a team to investigate.” Rias said and stood. “My familiar tracked the incidents to a central location and we are going to head over there first. If what I suspect is there, a stray devil, we are to execute them as quickly as possible. Do not let them transform and power up.”

I nodded along with the others and I thought about the magic lessons that Grayfia had given me. I had imagination-based Devil magic and it was only limited by the amount of magic I had. Since I had a lot of information about various anime in my head and had a massive power boost from my Karma points, I was sure I could easily handle the stray devil by myself.

“Let's go.” Rias said and we left the room on an important mission.

I had actually forgotten about needing to take down the stray devil and I silently berated myself. I needed to be more active and not reactive, which meant I wasn't going to wait to be attacked first. The stray devil wasn't going to know what hit it.


Viser dragged the screaming girl into its warehouse lair to feed. It would have eaten her right away, except it could feel strong magical energies approaching. Retreating to its protective lair would give it enough time to kill the food and eat the essentials.

“DESTRUCTO DISC!” A manly voice shouted and a four foot wide bright energy disc tore through the wall, a pile of empty crates, and cut off Viser's right arm and shoulder. The food screamed as it dropped to the floor with the severed arm and then both disappeared in a flash of teleportation magic.

“You need to show me how you did that!” A young woman's voice exclaimed.

“Like this.” The manly voice said. “Koooo-senko-HA!”

A bright energy beam blew a huge hole through the wall and Viser screamed as its legs disappeared from underneath it. If it hadn't dodged, its main body would have been obliterated.

“It's quick.” A short girl said as the group of five teenagers entered the partially wrecked warehouse.

“Viser will eat you all and become powerful!” The stray devil shouted.

“Well, that clarifies who you are.” The tall redhead said. “Akeno, finish it off.”

“With pleasure.” Akeno said and lightning sparked all over the girl's arms.

Viser felt all the hairs on its body stand up. “Oh, shi...”


All that was left of the creature was a smoking crater.

“Great job, everyone.” The redhead said proudly and used her Power of Destruction to disintegrate the cut off pieces. She left the various half-eaten dead bodies for the police to find after she called it in. “Let's take care of the girl we rescued and go eat. My treat.”

The group celebrated and left the scene. The serial killer case would be closed the next day.

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