The Protagonist System

52 Entrepreneur Part Two

52 Entrepreneur Part Two

I knocked on the door to the kitchens and it opened right away with a pretty blonde maid staring at me. “Hello there. I'm sorry for bothering you if you're busy...”

“I'M NOT BUSY!” She yelled in my face, blushed bright red, and passed out.

There was a light chuckle off to the side and another blonde dressed as a maid walked over. “Just ignore her.” She said and waved at a dark haired maid to drag the unconscious girl away. “She was recently hired to replace another maid and she's still learning how to not freak out when interacting with nobles.”

“Then I'm glad to give her some practice in such a safe environment.” I said and she giggled. “I'm new here and haven't been to town yet. I want to hire one of you to escort me for the afternoon to help me buy supplies for my enchanting.”

The maid turned around and looked at the head cook, a man with an almost orange beard.

“We won't need you until the food's served for cleanup.” He said and waved her away.

“Thank you, sir!” The blonde said and turned back to me. “I would be honored to escort you, my lord.”

I chuckled. “No, none of that today. I'm going incognito.” I said and changed my clothing back to look like commoner clothes.

Everyone in the kitchens gasped at my casual use of magic. I slipped off the expensive cloak I wore and put it into my backpack. I held a hand out to the maid and smiled at her. “What's your name?”

“Jeannie.” She said and took my hand with a blush.

“My name's Saito. Can you give me a tour of the area and show me the best spots to buy things like cloth and leather?” I asked her.

“With pleasure, sir.” Jeannie said and stepped out and closed the door.

I started walking with her towards the main gate of the academy. “Do you mind if I ask you about the maid that left?”

“Not at all. Count Mott only just asked for Siesta to be sent over to his mansion.” Jeannie said. “She's pretty lucky to be chosen, actually.”

I gave her a questioning look.

“She'll probably be accepted as a mistress as well and she will be well taken care of for the rest of her life, especially if she bears an heir for the Mott family.”

That made me pause in my thinking of having to rescue her from the man. I knew that happened in the story and everyone seemed to accept it, only Jeannie's perspective gave me a different idea about the situation. Had Saito ruined the young woman's future by removing her from a rich family?

“That's the same look some of the lesser known nobles have when they hear about how things are.” Jeannie said and she didn't look upset or bothered about it.

“You're not assuming I'm trying to figure out how to steal her for myself?” I asked with a crooked smile.

“No, my lord... I mean Saito.” Jeannie giggled. “You don't have a manor house or other staff, so even if you did want to take a maid as a mistress, you need to have somewhere to do it.”

“I see. I am restricted by both social protocol and by my physical wealth.” I said, wisely.

“I'm sure that you can change that quickly with the magic you can do.” Jeannie said and pointed. “That's the best bakery in town. You can get cheap flour and other ingredients and they are just as good as the expensive ones in the upper class part of town.”

I nodded and brought her over to it. It really was exceedingly cheap and I only spent a single écu and nearly cleared out their entire stock of ingredients. The family that ran it practically fell over themselves to give me as much as I wanted and they only kept enough to make bread the next morning.

I handed the father a sou, the coin of middle class currency, as an apology for clearing them out and to thank them for their excellent service. He had tears in his eyes and clutched it to his chest as his wife hugged him. The two kids clung to their waists and looked really happy.

Jeannie hadn't been surprised when I easily packed everything into my backpack without trouble. She took my hand to lead me back outside and started to point to another business, then she stopped to give me a squinted look.

“I won't embarrass you like that again.” I promised. “I knew écu was a high class currency. I just didn't realize the commoners probably haven't seen one personally before.”

Jeannie sighed. “I should have warned you about that. When you said you were looking for supplies while dressed as a commoner, I thought you only had deniers to spend.”

I didn't comment that it was odd to have three different currencies for the class structure. “I do have them, I just didn't want to spend them all at the first place we stopped.”

Jeannie smiled at that. “You can hold a lot more than those baking things in that back carrier, can't you?”

“It can hold several tons of metal ore and not get any heavier.” I said and her mouth dropped open. “I won't be making new ones with the same enchantments, since most people don't need to carry that much around with them.”

“N-not even precious gem miners could afford such a luxury.” Jeannie told me.

“Wait. You have miners? Actual miners?” I asked and she nodded. It took me a moment to ask for clarification. “Are they magic users and they just summon the gems from the ground without digging them out?”

Jeannie giggled. “Why would they dig them out? Magic lets the ground flow around them.”

That told me my definitions of things were slightly different than what the people knew here. A miner wasn't someone with a lighted helmet and a pickaxe that dug underground. They were a specialized earth mage that summoned precious gems and metals from the ground.

I would need to be careful about the assumptions I made here. “Well, then. Lead me on to the best businesses that I need supplies from, like sturdy cloth, nice wood, and cheap metal. After that, we can hit the clothing shops to buy me some more outfits to fill my closet and perhaps some accessories for my room, like furniture and things.”

Jeannie gave me a sharp nod and her hand held mine firmly as she led me over to the best tailor for the commoners. After that, we hit the secondhand shops and they really were a treasure trove of items and things that were quite useful. I cleaned them almost completely out of stock, too.

By the time we left the district, it was just before supper and I had spent 25 écu by almost filling my backpack and we left a lot of very happy commoners behind.

I dropped Jeannie off at the kitchen and gave her several sou coins for her help. She blushed and tried to give them back, because she had so much fun spending the afternoon with me shopping. I chuckled and told her I would have given her an écu if I didn't believe she would throw it at me for insulting her. That made her laugh and she agreed as she took the coins.

I changed my clothes back to expensive ones and put on my cloak, did a cleaning spell, and made sure my hair was perfect. I entered the cafeteria for supper and easily found Louise, because she had a bunch of girls around her.

“Yes, that's right. The double lines show that I'm a second year. It's a new thing my partner came up with.” Louise boasted.

“Your cloak is unique.” Tabitha said and then saw me approaching. “Or was.”

I chuckled and sat between her and Louise. “Mine doesn't have the year markings or the soft purple velvet inside, so it's still unique.”

The other girls whispered about also trying to add the lines to their skirts and capes.

“I can do that for you and it will only cost you a denier coin per person.” I said and they all looked skeptical. “Bring all your school uniform skirts and cloaks to Louise's room before curfew and I'll have them all done by the morning.”

“Deal!” Kirche exclaimed and a lot of the other girls nodded.

“Then I'll see you all tonight.” I said and dished up some food.

“Did you find what you wanted in town?” Louise asked me.

“That and more. I'll have some bags for sale in a few days and some basic trunks ready by next week.” I admitted and that made a lot of the surrounding students perk up. “They won't be anywhere near as costly as what Kirche asked for, though. She had a really expensive trunk and I went all out.” I said and smiled at the tall redhead. “I bought lots of wood today from the lumber mill and I can install the stairs on the weekend.”

“Stairs?!?” Some of the girls around us asked, clearly surprised.

Kirche looked proud as she told them all about the 30 foot by 40 foot room she had inside her trunk. Tabitha backed her claims and said she even had her spare books stacked inside and their room now looks like a normal one and isn't cluttered up anymore.

That set off a lot of talking about how it was possible and a lot of them asked to see it as proof. Kirche definitely liked all the attention and preened as she described what I did for her so that she could get her money's worth. It was almost funny that she had forgotten how she despised me and how I had insulted her the day before.

When the meal was done, I bid Louise and the other girls a good evening and went to the head table. Professor Chevreuse smiled warmly at me, nodded at her fellow teacher, and the three of us left the great hall... I mean cafeteria... and went to Professor Chevreuse's room first.

I took out the securely wrapped and protected mirror and revealed it. Both women made appreciative sounds, because they could easily see the darkened sky and the clouds clearing to show off the two moons. I stuck it to the ceiling of her bedroom and enlarged it to fill the space and secured it in place.

When I explained that they could deactivate it and it would become a mirror again if they wanted, both women blushed and gave me very interested looks.

“I didn't mean to offer...” I started to say.

“I don't mind signing a mistress contract. Do you, Cybil?” Professor Chevreuse asked and her fellow teacher shook her head.

Before I could do more than protest that my wife would be upset about it, I had two binding magical contracts, two more strong party members, and both women were on their knees and happily sucking me off. They shared it when I blew my load and deeply kissed each other, then they demanded the mirror be normal as they dragged me into Professor Chevreuse's bed.

Having our reflection above us made both women go completely wild. They really enjoyed seeing themselves looking so sexy and having a man do them better than any other man ever had. Of course, they had shared each other's bed several times already and Cybil showed me a few interesting charm spells to use for a woman's pleasure. I used them ruthlessly and they loved it.

Needless to say, after a promise to install the second mirror tomorrow night and to repeat what happened, only in Cybil's bed this time, I barely made it back to the dorms before curfew. I was questioning myself mentally as to why I was okay with what happened when I saw a small line of girls in front of my room with their school uniforms in their arms and hopeful looks on their faces.

“I'm sorry about the delay, ladies. Professor Chevreuse had to thoroughly inspect the enchantment commission I delivered.” I said and the girls didn't look upset about that. I created cardboard boxes for the girls to put their clothes in and I marked them with their names. “I'll have them all ready by the morning and will deliver them to you before you need to get dressed for school.”

“Thank you, Saito.” The girls all said as one and left. They looked quite happy, too.

“You're winning them all over.” Louise said from the doorway to our room.

“I am trying my best to counter that immediate despise they felt when they first saw me.” I told her and carried the boxes into the room to stack just inside the door. “I can move your things after I remove the temporary wall.”

Louise nodded and watched as I took down the two expanded closet doors and put them back where they belong, then I took off my backpack and took out some very nicely stained dark wood. She let out a surprised sound and I told her about how the lumber mill didn't usually sell wood directly to customers and that the men there were more than happy to earn a ton of money for work.

I moved her things to the larger section of the room, expanded her bed to be twice as large, and put up the new ornate wall. It even had a real door that I hung and Louise looked very pleased with both the solid wall and her 'new' bed. I would wait to add a few more pieces of furniture tomorrow or the next day.

“By the way, tomorrow is the Familiar Exhibition Festival.” Louise said. “We need to come up with a routine to show off your skills.”

I gave her raised eyebrows. “You want me to show off? Like I did after the summoning ritual?”

“Nothing so destructive as that. Guiche is still nervous about it, if Montmorency's constant complaining can be believed.” Louise said.

“He believed her?” I asked and opened the top box. A quick bunch of transfiguration spells and the skirts looked expensive, had the double yellow lines, and I added the fluffy underlining to hide everything as they walked. I changed the capes to match Louise's, except for the monster crystals on the buttons. I just changed the buttons to add tinted glass spheres to them.

“It took some convincing and a few of the boys helped.” Louise waved a hand as if dismissing it.

“Maybe that will be enough to smarten him up.” I said and opened the next box as I kept working.

“I doubt it. You insulted him and his family. He won't let that stand.” Louise said. “What will you do if he challenges you to a duel?”

I paused casting spells and gave her a smile. “Am I allowed to kill him?”

“No!” Louise gasped.

“Then I'll teach him a lesson he will never forget.” I said and went back to work. If my memory of the anime was right, by the time I was done altering the clothes for the girls and changed for bed, there would be a knock on the room's door.

I closed the last box and set it beside the door for delivery in the morning. Louise was still right there and had watched me the whole time. I gave her a raised eyebrow and she smirked at me as she started undressing. I had to chuckle at her confidence and started to undress as well.

“I sold those six gold nuggets for 50 écu each.” Louise said and pulled off her panties. She was dripping on the floor and she reached down to spread her lips with her fingers to offer it to me.

I was across the room and had her upside down before she could blink. I held her tenderly as my tongue plunged into her soaked entrance. Her back was to me and she wrapped her thighs around my head as I reached down with a single hand to play with her breasts. Louise cried out as she came and her legs trembled. A knock sounded from the door and I knew who it was.

“Come in.” I said and Louise gasped and covered her face.

The door opened and Princess Henrietta entered and shut the door behind her. “Hello, Louise. It's been a long ti... what in the five elements are you doing?!?”

“It... it's not what it looks like!” Louise denied.

I winked at the princess and drove my tongue back into Louise.

“OHHH!” Louise moaned loudly and came hard. A little squirt made it past my mouth and Henrietta stared at us.

“Is it an insult to ask you to sign a mistress contract?” I asked.

“YES!” Both Louise and Henrietta said at the same time.

I gave Louise a few more licks and carefully set her back onto her feet. I cast cleaning spells on her and myself, then handed her a silk robe. “Go ahead and talk to your childhood friend and catch up. I'm going to bed.”

Both Louise and Henrietta stared at me as I entered the expanded room and closed the door.

“Louise...” Henrietta started to say.

“I'm sorry. He said it's his fault that he can't resist me.” Louise said to defend herself.

I held in my laugh at that and stopped listening to them as I climbed into bed. I had a show to plan for tomorrow and I had to come up with something appropriate.

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