The Protagonist System

53 Familiar Troubles

53 Familiar Troubles

An hour later, Louise entered the new bedroom and closed the door. “I should hate you for doing that in front of the princess.” She said and walked over to the bed, dropped the robe, and climbed into bed with me.

“And why don't you?” I asked as she cuddled up to my side.

Louise gave me a smug smile. “She immediately dropped her guard and demanded I tell her what that felt like.”

I laughed and put an arm around her shoulders. “She didn't try to follow you in here?”

Louise's smile grew. “She wanted to, except her guard pulled her away to get her beauty sleep.”

I gave her forehead a kiss and she almost purred. “I'm sure her guard heard every word and intentionally intervened.”

Louise nodded. “That makes sense. There would be no way they would allow the princess to have a man do that to her.”

I found the wording of that a little suspicious. “Now I have to ask if you know of any non-men that have done it to her.”

Louise blushed and tried to duck her head, which was a dead giveaway and admission on her part.

“I guess that might be why she showed up here so late.” I postulated and Louise squirmed under my arm. She didn't try to pull away, though. “You're a good friend to do that with her to let her relax.”

Louise lifted her head to look at me. “How did you know...”

“Apparently, good friends have no problem sharing kisses like that.”

Louise looked conflicted for several seconds and then looked determined. She nodded sharply, eerily similar to how Jeannie the maid did yesterday to show me where to buy things for the best price and to help everyone she knew. She slid down under the blanket and I felt a hot warmth engulf me.

I watched the bump in the blanket bob up and down and tried to not be surprised that Louise knew about it and could also do a fairly good job of it. I didn't fight the feeling when it was time and reached under the blanket to warn her. It was only polite.

Louise made several sounds, a mix of surprise and satisfaction, and her tongue and mouth worked me over to catch and clean up the mess. She climbed back up my body and poked her head out as she settled at my side again. She didn't say anything and she didn't try to hide her red face with the smug look on it.

“You rich noble girls sure do have a lot of secret skills that no one knows you're good at.” I commented and she looked a little more smug as she blushed deeper. “Still no contract?”

Louise shook her head and snuggled into me as she rested her head on my chest.

“Goodnight, partner.” I said and kissed the top of her head.

“Hmm mmm.” Louise hummed.

I clued in on her problem and created a napkin for her and held it over her mouth. She spent a few seconds spitting out what she had held in there and looked embarrassed. I used a bit of dissolving magic on it and stayed quiet as I petted her hair. She relaxed and closed her eyes.

We both slept well after our releases and the night passed by without anyone else trying to enter the room. We were up early again and I delivered the boxes of school uniforms to the other girls in the dorm. When I returned to the room, Louise and I took a shared bath again and relaxed in the tub for twenty minutes, then I helped her get dressed.

I asked when the competition was and she said after breakfast. It was a whole day thing with a stage show and a local festival. I dressed in normal noble clothing and put on my expensive cloak to almost match Louise and we went to breakfast. All of the girls looked inordinately pleased because they all had their school year markings and their clothing looked as expensive as Louise's now.

Louise fit in better with everyone and they all seemed to be friendly with the both of us as we joined them for the meal. We talked about the upcoming talent show and a few of the girls asked me what I was going to do. Louise successfully hid her own ignorance and told them we would all be surprised by what I do. I nodded my head enthusiastically in agreement.

The old man headmaster with the long white beard stood and declared that the festival would be starting soon and that the students would need to go and prepare, while all the invited guests should meet with the students not participating this year and gather around the stage to watch. The cafeteria practically cleared out after his words and the teachers laughed at how efficient we were.

“Saito, what are we going to do?” Louise asked me when we entered the area set aside for us to prepare behind the stage.

“You don't have to worry, Louise. I'm going to surprise everyone with what I'm going to do.” I said and checked my backpack. I was tempted to empty it of everything and chose not to. That would be when I would need something and wouldn't have it.

“It's not a magical attack, is it?” Louise asked with squinted eyes.

I shook my head no and started to pull out what I needed to get dressed from my backpack. “You warned me not to do that, so I won't, even if I can do some really neat attacks.” I said and she looked relieved. “You might want to look away for this part.”

“Why?” Louise asked and I started stripping. She blushed and turned around. “Good point.”

I chuckled, because she was already conditioned to get horny with me naked, which was fair, because the little tease did it to me twice already, knowing full well how I would react.

“Are you sure you're really married?” Louise asked.

“Honestly? Now that I'm here in another world, I'm not sure.” I didn't tell her that even though I could feel the powers and abilities I received in the last world, I couldn't feel or sense any connections to Hestia or any other member of my Familia.

“Really?” Louise asked, clearly interested in my answer.

“It's like I'm disconnected from what happened. My life there was important to me, as were the people I was involved with; but, it's like it was from another life and now I'm in this one.” I said, finally putting my scattered thoughts into word form.

The three separate sets of memories from three different and very similar people, was giving me a sense of disassociation. That was when I realized it was true. That was why I wasn't feeling guilty about going down on Louise and having magical contracts with two women to have as mistresses.

My Fatherhood skill was working overtime to let me help people, as was my Blessing of Fortune skill to have every situation benefit me in some way... which led to me being here in a talent show for familiars and it should benefit me greatly.

I dressed in my bodysuit and then put on each armor piece to strap in place. “You can look now.”

Louise turned around and she froze and gasped at the sight of me in my full armor.

“I figured this should show everyone I'm not to be trifled with.” I put on the helmet and then strapped my mythril sword to my hip. I put my backpack back on and smiled at her.

Louise stood there and stared, barely breathing. If she could feel the little bit of magic in a monster crystal, she was probably freaking out about the sheer amount of magic she could feel from my overly enchanted and magic infused armor pieces.

“When is it our turn?” I asked and she didn't respond. “Louise? Are you okay?”

Louise make an 'eep' sound and fainted.

I was by her side instantly and caught her. I balanced her with one arm and took a chair out of my backpack to sit her on. I had to stick her to it so she wouldn't fall off. My detection spell let me 'see' around myself for 200 feet and I watched the progression of familiars from the second years.

If they called by last names, we would be one of the last ones to be called, because Louise's name was Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière. Then again, did they include the La or only counted the Vallière part?

I listened and watched the ones that were called, and it must have been random. They had both Kirche and Montmorency called to perform before Louise and their last names were Zerbst and Montmorency.

Louise woke up and her eyes snapped right to me. “What are you wearing, Saito?”

“My full armor set.” I said and didn't say anything else.

Louise looked frustrated. “Where did you get something so magical and why are you wearing it?”

“I made it and I'm wearing it to show off.” I responded and she looked faint. “Don't pass out. We could be called at any moment.”

“Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière! Please bring your familiar to the stage!” Mister Colbert called.

I unstuck her from the chair and she stood, checked herself to make sure she was presentable, and nodded to me. I carried the chair over to the side of the stage and whispered for her to sit in it, because she was going to need it.

When we walked out onto the stage, all the girls gasped and the boys made distressed sounds. The teachers all looked stunned at seeing my orange-yellowish armor, even the headmaster. Princess Henrietta blushed and her eyes went over me, cut to Louise, and went back to me.

“Allow me to introduce you. This is my partner, Saito Bell Issei Hyoudou Cranel Hiraga. His type is...” Louise paused and saw the interested look on the face of the princess. “He is a magic user that I summoned from another dimension.”

Apparently, a lot of the other students hadn't known that and they all started talking.

“It's time for him to demonstrate some of his skills.” Louise said and bowed to the princess, then walked to the side of the stage and sat down on the chair I left there.

I had thought about what to do last night and chose something that should surprise everyone, especially the princess and Louise. I reached for the sword at my hip and nearly all talking stopped to watch what I was going to do. I smiled at gaining their attention and diverted my hand from there to place it over my heart as I bowed to the princess.

“I was warned to not use any magical attacks, in case the princess or her guards thought it was too dangerous, and I don't want to cause anyone harm or damage. So, I came up with something special to show off both my magic and one of my many skills.” I said and reached into my backpack.

“What is he going to do?” “Is it another weapon?” “Maybe he'll strip for us?”

That last comment came from the girl with the bunny familiar and the students around her laughed.

“What? He's sexy wearing all that fancy armor.” She defended and a lot of the girls nodded.

I pulled out my enchanted guitar and everyone stared at it. I knew they had instruments, since Montmorency played a violin for her frog Robin to dance to. However, since this was a medieval world like the last one, I was sure they didn't have anything like a guitar.

I strummed it and checked that it was still tuned properly, then I started playing and poured some magic into it to activate the enchantments. “Take me as I am... put your hand in mine... now and forever.” I sang. “Darling, here I stand... I stand before you now... deep inside I always knew.”

Complete silence came from everyone and they seemed to be frozen as the music and magic washed over them. They all glowed slightly, too.

“It was you... you and me... two hearts drawn together bound by destiny.” I sang and strummed the guitar. “It was you... and you for me... every road leads to your door, every step I take, forever more.”

Everyone was enraptured and I had their full attention, especially my party members.

I skipped a verse that didn't apply and sang the second chorus. “Just say you'll love me for the rest of your life. I got a lot a love and I don't want to let go-oo-oh. Will you still love me for the rest of my life? Because I can't go on... no I can't go on... I can't go on, if I'm on my own.”

Louise and the two teachers stood and sang the next bit with me, which I didn't know was possible.

“Do you believe a love could run so strong? Do you believe a love could pass you by?” We sang together in perfect harmony. It was then I realized Skill Sharing had activated automatically. “There was no special one for me... I was the lonely one, you see... Then my heart lost all control... Now you're all that I know.”

I played the strings and tapped the side of the guitar to simulate drums, then I sang the last chorus alone.

“Just say you'll love me for the rest of your life. I got a lot a love and I don't want to let go-oo-oh. Will you still love me for the rest of my life? Because I can't go on... no I can't go on... I can't go on... because I can't go on... no I can't go on.”

I finished with a few strums on the guitar and let the magic fade.

Again, there was complete silence for several moments and no one moved or spoke, then a single clap came from the princess. She slowly stood and clapped again. Her guards joined in and clapped, then the entire student body clapped and started to cheer.

Louise walked over to me and beamed a smile at me. I slipped the guitar into my backpack and took her hand, then we bowed to the audience. The two professors, Chevreuse and Cybil, joined us on the stage as we stood up straight. They joined hands on my other side and the four of us bowed. The applause was fairly loud.

“That was a very impressive feat of magic, my boy.” Osmand said as he approached the stage and stroked his beard. “Can you tell us what it was?”

“It's a buffing spell. It usually only works for people I'm close with; but, I chose a song that could involve everyone that heard it.” I quickly cast a diagnostic spell on him and smiled. “Everyone that has someone they care about close by, will have extra protection from spell damage and minor healing for the next six hours.”

What I didn't say was that they would also be fairly horny around them, too.

“I challenge you to an honor duel!” Guiche exclaimed as he and Montmorency strode over to us.

The headmaster sighed. “Perhaps I shouldn't have asked what the buff did.”

I chuckled. “It's all right, headmaster. I expected this to happen.”

“You did?” He asked, curious.

“Louise warned me he would need time to dig up the courage to face me again.” I said and both Guiche and Montmorency looked embarrassed. “Did you call in those favors, De Gramont? Montmorency?”

“We didn't have to. My Guiche can handle you all by himself!” Montmorency proclaimed.

I couldn't resist making a joke. “I knew he was a playboy with all the flirting and dating he does. I never thought he would be upset that he can't charm me, too.” I said without laughing and both she and Guiche blushed, Louise looked shocked, and Chevreuse and Cybil looked scandalized.

The headmaster just laughed. “We will perform it right here in front of the stage.” He said and waved where to go. We all went down the steps to the grass and stood fifteen feet apart.

The next few minutes were going to be interesting.

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