The Protagonist System

74 Hogwarts Or Bust Part Two

74 Hogwarts Or Bust Part Two

“...and that's how I found out our boobs are nearly the same size, except Susan's are bigger around and mine are more pointed.” Hannah said, a bit proudly.

“You could have figured that out without groping me so much!” Susan said with a laugh.

“But not as much fun.” Hannah and I said at the same time, as if we planned it, and we laughed.

“I can't believe you're as big of a tease as she is.” Susan said, clearly amused.

“I can't help it. I had a steady girlfriend until this summer and she was a shameless tease.” I defended myself.

Both Hannah's and Susan's smiles faded.

“I'm sorry to hear that, Harry.” Susan said.

“I was, too.” I responded. “She wants to become an Auror and had to devote all her time to training.”

“I want to be an Auror, too.” Susan said, not realizing she was essentially taking herself off of the market as an available girlfriend for me. “I want to be a great one like my auntie.”

“What about you, Hannah? Any big plans for the future?” I asked to distract them.

Hannah shook her head. “I don't want to think about that until I pass my OWLs. I'll have two years after that to make any big decisions about what I want to do for the rest of my life. That's plenty of time.”

“What about you, Harry?” Susan asked me.

“Me? I thought my future was already set.” I answered. “I'm the savior of the wizarding world.”

“You're not going to try for another job?” Hannah asked me.

“Why settle for mediocrity when I'm already at the top?” I asked back and Hannah softly laughed. “Although, I doubt anyone would refuse to hire me. That's assuming they don't claim I'm over-qualified. That would be embarrassing!”

Both Susan and Hannah giggled.

“That really would be embarrassing.” Susan agreed.

“And really funny!” Hannah added. “I'm sorry, Mister Potter. You are just too popular to wait tables at the Leaky Cauldron. We can't handle the extra workload from all the fans that visit. Ha ha!”

The three of us laughed pretty hard at the thought of Tom the barman turning me down because I would bring in too much business for him to handle. We spent the rest of the trip to Hogwarts coming up with a bunch of ridiculous situations and outrageous excuses for people to not hire me. It was a great time and both girls looked quite pleased about that.

I tried to stand and excuse myself for them to get changed and it was Hannah that stopped me, to my surprise. She gave me a shy look and gave my arm a light squeeze before she whispered about being there when Amelia had convinced Susan to thank me on her behalf. I couldn't refuse a sincere offer like that, so I sat back down and gave her my full attention.

Hannah blushed as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse. She didn't hesitate as her fingers worked, though. When she decided she was going to do this for me, she choose to go all out and gave me a very nice striptease. It was only missing a bit of background music as she slid her top off and revealed a fairly nice bra.

Her fingers danced slightly across the top of her bra and highlighted the barely restrained flesh there. She even tugged it a little and showed me a bit of her nipples. Her fingers moved down her chest, her waist, and to her skirt. She unbuttoned it and held it, gave me a pretty sexy look, then turned around and slowly slid the cloth down and bent over at the same time.

That was when I knew she hadn't quite thought that move out, because as the skirt hit the floor and she was bent right over to show me she was only wearing a thong, she hadn't realized the thong had shifted aside and wasn't covering anything. At all.

“Do you like what you see?” Hannah asked, her face still red, and she braced her hands on the seat.

“Yes, I really do.” I said, my eyes wide. Damn, that's a really nice view!

Susan saw my expression and had to lean out from her seat to look at what I could see. She caught her breath at Hannah fully exposing herself. “Hannah, your... um... your panties are...”

“I know they're wet.” Hannah interrupted. “This is... I knew I would like... well...” She stammered. She also didn't try to stand up and stayed bent over. “It's exciting and my heart's beating so fast!”

Susan's mouth dropped open as her friend reached back and caressed her own butt with a hand and pulled her cheek aside, then she slapped it!

I stared at Hannah being bold like a Griffindor, then realized something. She was a Hufflepuff and hard working, so she wasn't going to half-ass a striptease. It also gave me an idea. “May I?”

Hannah looked back over her shoulder as she wiggled her ass at me. “If... if you want to.”

“After a show like that? Of course I do.” I said and she watched as I knelt on the floor behind her. “It's even nicer than my ex-girlfriends.”

Hannah's blush went deeper. “Th-thanks.”

I smiled at her. “She also liked it when I did this.” I said and leaned in and slipped my tongue into her dripping slit.

“OHHH!” Hannah gasped and came. Her body shivered and she had to drop to her elbows on the seat to brace herself. That managed to stick her ass out more and gave me easier access.

I took full advantage of it and dug my tongue right in there and kissed and suckled on her. She started to loudly moan as I did so and I had to cast both silence and notice-me-not spells on the door. I didn't pause in working her over, though. She was nice enough to show off for me, so the least I could do was thank her for it.

Susan sat there with her mouth hanging open and watched as I pleasured her best friend. Her eyes were wide and she seemed to be memorizing everything I was doing. I also figured she was regretting not doing this herself. It was debatable whether she wanted to be the giver or the receiver.

After about ten minutes, Hannah's legs were quivering so much that her ass shook and her cheeks lightly slapped the cheeks of my face. It was a pretty neat trick, actually. When I slipped a finger inside of her, careful of her hymen, she screamed out and came so hard that it splashed onto my chin. Her legs buckled and she dropped to her knees and her head rested on her arms on the seat.

“W-w-wow.” Susan whispered and stared at her trembling friend.

I licked my finger off as Hannah look back at me. “Thank you for the thank you.”

Hannah let out a little giggle and seemed proud. “I want to... do that again... when I recover.”

I chuckled and took out my wand to clean myself up and then did the same to her. “There's not enough time left before we reach Hogsmeade.” I reminded her.

Both she and Susan gasped.

“I think... I need a hand.” Hannah said and blushed again.

“Allow me.” I said and levitated her trunk down and took out a Hogwarts uniform for her and then I levitated her into the air and used my wand to put it on her without touching her.

Both Susan and Hannah stared at me using so much magic.

“I doubt using my hands and touching you all over would have helped.” I said with a smirk.

Hannah giggled as she thought about it. “Probably not.”

I twisted my wand and she turned around and I eased her backwards to sit on the bench seat.

“Thank you, Harry.” Hannah said.

“It was my pleasure, Hannah.” I said and put her trunk back up onto the rack and sat down again. I looked over at Susan and she looked conflicted. “It's all right, Susan. Hannah was quite loyal to do that on your behalf.”

Susan blushed and looked away from me and at Hannah's face.

“She's quite the Hufflepuff.” I commented and Hannah looked happy.

“Yes, she is.” Susan said and leaned down to hug her.

Hannah hugged her back. “You need to change, too.”

Susan let out an odd sound and let her go. “I can't do that!”

Both Hannah and I laughed.

“I think what happened was just a happy consequence of Hannah's choice to strip instead of just changing.” I said and both girls looked over at me. “If she had only pulled her clothes off and put on her uniform, I would have barely seen anything and she wouldn't have looked so sexy or tempted me so much.”

Hannah softly laughed and looked pleased again.

“Maybe the next time we're on the train, I'll be the one to strip for you?” I asked her.

Hannah caught her breath and blushed hard. “I think I would like that.”

Susan gave her friend a look, gave me one, and sighed.

“Shall I get your trunk for you?” I asked and she nodded. I levitated it down and Susan quickly pulled off her clothing and put on the school uniform with the outer-robes. “You see? That was pretty efficient and I barely saw any of her milky-white skin.”

Susan blushed and sat down. Hannah put an arm over her shoulders and gave her a one-arm hug.

I put the trunk back onto the rack and went over in my head about certain events that usually happened during Harry's first train ride to Hogwarts. The first event was meeting Ron Weasley as he lied and said everywhere was full, which I changed by ignoring him and saying I didn't know his name.

The second event was meeting Hermione Granger as she looked for Neville's toad. Since Neville didn't lose his parents, his uncle probably never gave him a toad after trying to kill him to see if he had magic. Being tossed off a pier and out a second story window would have never happened with Alice and Frank around. He probably had his own wand, too.

The third thing was Draco Malfoy searching for the famous Harry Potter to try and sway him to be friends with Voldemort's death eater children. Since all the death eaters except Severus Snape had been caught, their magic stripped, sent to prison, and eventually died, most of the wives and the children fled the country to avoid persecution.

That should mean most of Slytherin House will be empty. It made me wonder how the house could even function with most of the members in prison or in another country. Would they bother trying to gain house points anymore? Did they have a Quidditch team to compete for the cup? Have they gained any new students the last few years or were they smart and chose to go to another house?

The train pulled into Hogsmeade station and I stood up and held my hands out to the two girls. They exchanged amused looks and each took a hand.

I helped them stand and smiled at them. “Should we wait a minute or join the throng trying to get off the train as quickly as possible?”

“That depends on if you want to cause another riot like you did at King's Cross Station.” Susan said.

“Oh, you were there and just avoided it all?” I asked and she nodded. “I didn't get to embarrass... I mean impress you in front of the reporters.”

Susan laughed. “I knew that's what you were doing, considering the things you get up to in your books.”

“Hey, in my defense, I have no choice what happens in my books.” I said with a grin.

Hannah laughed. “Of course you don't.” She said and kept hold of my hand as she went to the compartment door. “It should be okay now.”

I followed her and Susan walked behind me as we joined a smaller crowd in the hallway and ignored the whispered conversations that picked up when the other students saw me. When we exited the train, Hagrid called for the first years. It made me wonder if he would have said anything if I hadn't left the train. He tried to get my attention, only his eyes kept sliding over me and he was frowning.

I tried to not laugh at his attempts to work through the aversion ward I had copied onto my protection amulet. I couldn't leave such a great thing behind and had to take it with me. It worked and kept people from doing Dumbledore's assignments where I was concerned. The funny thing was, I wondered why I was allowed onto the train when I didn't have a ticket.

I shrugged the thought aside and held Hannah's hand as we went down the path and to the edge of the Black Lake. The boats were big enough to hold four teenagers, so Susan, Hannah, and I entered one and a brown-haired boy joined us. It was Justin Finch-Fletchly and I greeted him by name, which shocked him and he stayed quiet for the entire ride across the lake.

Susan and Hannah had their mouths clamped shut to stop their laugh and gave me pointed looks. I smirked at them and pointed to the castle. When they turned and looked at the brightly lit up castle, I couldn't resist casting a few spells and slipped my wand out to add more power.

Way above the castle, a firework exploded and a bright red circle of sparks expanded. A blue one went next and all of the students made 'oo' and 'ah' sounds as several more went off in different colors, then a whole series of them went off in a row and words formed.

“Really?” Susan asked.

“What?” I asked with a chuckle. The words welcomed the new and returning students to the castle on behalf of Harry Potter.

“Never mind.” Susan said with a sigh. Hannah giggled and lightly elbowed her side.

We arrived at the docks and climbed the stairs and walked around the castle to the front doors. Hagrid knocked and Minerva McGonagall opened them. Her glare was nothing compared to Vernon's, so I easily ignored it. She gave a speech about houses being like family and I barely held in my laugh, because some students had horrible families and a bad home life.

I glanced around and recognized a lot of the students listening to the drivel and saw a happy Neville, a pensive Hermione, a frowning Ron as he stared at me, and a bubbly Lavender as she licked her lips and also stared at me. I winked at her and she smiled and made a kissing motion. I nodded slightly and she beamed a smile at me.

“Follow me.” Minerva said and turned away.

We followed her and entered the castle for the first time. I used a magic detection spell and a sharp pain lanced through my head. I cancelled the spell and held in my groan at not testing that beforehand. Either the wards were preventing me from casting that kind of spell or there was too much magic around for it to make anything out and shoved the jumbled details of everything into my head.

I did a quick healing spell on myself and several of the students behind me made surprised sounds as I briefly glowed gold. I didn't turn to acknowledge that they saw anything and hoped they didn't ask me why I glowed when I entered the castle. They might make the wrong assumptions. Then again, I was Harry Potter, the savior of the wizarding world. Their assumptions might actually be right.

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