The Protagonist System

75 School Is Cool

75 School Is Cool

The sorting ceremony was only a bit different than canon, thankfully. Most of them went where they normally went, except for the Slytherin students. Millicent Bulstrode went to Hufflepuff, as did Tracey Davis. Daphne Greengrass went to Ravenclaw, which had turned a lot of heads in surprise. Funnily enough, the only Slytherin student sorted was Blaise Zabini.

Oh, and Neville went to Hufflepuff. The bright smile he had as he was warmly welcomed by his house had made a lot of the Hufflepuff girls give him searching looks, even the older years. Unlike the pudgy and shy version he should have been, he was in shape and was proud of his skills in growing things.

I went into Griffindor, of course. The hat barely touched my head when it yelled. It's whispered words of supreme arrogance and confidence excused me from every other house, made me laugh. I couldn't even argue that I was a better fit for Ravenclaw after all the books I had read to get ideas for spells.

Not surprisingly, Hermione also went to Griffindor. I hadn't had a chance to talk to her privately to convince her to go into Ravenclaw, which meant I might have to take a more active role in guiding her to become a more well-rounded person. Either that or give her a compulsion spell or two. She loved attention from authority figures and I would need to stop that and not let her ostracize herself.

I would also have to do something about my sleeping arrangements. Staying in a dorm with four other blokes was not going to be conductive to my extracurricular activities or allow me freedom of movement. I had a lot of things I needed to do as the Boy-Who-Lived and couldn't be hampered like that.

Ron had tried to barge into my personal space after his own sorting and he tried to shove off Hermione from one side and Lavender from my other side, because he wanted me all to himself. I pointed that fact out and reminded him that I was not a bloke's bloke and he needed to go find someone else of a like mind. It made everyone around us laugh and his face went red from embarrassment.

I felt a hand run up my thigh and smiled at Lavender, whom looked a little surprised I wasn't saying anything or stopping her hand's progress. When it reached a certain area and she felt a distinct hardness there, she let out a little gasp and then her hand roamed and made sure to discover exactly how big it was.

Lavender shuddered slightly when her task was done and gave me a fairly sultry look. I nodded slightly and continued eating, as if I hadn't just agreed to let her see it first-hand. She gave me a little squeeze and patted it before she also concentrated on eating.

After the meal and some nice desserts, treacle tart for the win, the headmaster stood up and declared the third floor corridor on the right-hand side was out of bounds and students would suffer a painful death if they went there.

I glanced around at the older Griffindors and saw all of their eager faces. Challenge accepted, Albus. I thought with a smile and held in my chuckle.

We were dismissed and the fifth year prefects brought the first years to the Griffindor common room in the tallest tower in the castle. There was no house meeting, no rules set, and no explanation of anything.

Perfect. I thought and slipped on my invisibility cloak when no one was looking. I went to the prefects that were chatting and whispered a question about the head boy and where he would stay. The seventh year prefect grumbled that it was a slimy Slytherin that had won it this year and he had wanted to move into the apartment-like room at the very top of the tower.

I walked away and went up the spiral stairway all the way to the top and the door was locked and spelled to not be entered by anyone but the Head Boy. I chuckled at the simple solution and formed a doorway next to the door and added another door and cast a notice-me-not charm on it. I stepped into the room and smiled at the extravagance.

“Nanny?” I asked and a few seconds later, the nanny elf popped into the room.

Nanny glanced around the apartment and nodded several times. “This room bees appropriate.”

I chuckled and gave her a hug. “I thought so, too.”

“I bees staying here to takes cares of youse.” Nanny said, her voice sure.

“That's why I called you. I can't trust anyone else to do your job as well as you do it.”

Nanny looked pleased at that. “I bees helping youse unpack.”

I took out my trunk and she made quick work of getting my clothes sorted and put into the closet. She had to expand it to make it all fit, too. When she was done, she helped me change into my pyjamas and tucked me into bed.

“You miss taking care of us when we were young, don't you?” I asked after she kissed my forehead.

“It bees a nanny's only job to takes care of the little ones.” Nanny said and petted my messy hair.

“I'll do my best to give you a lot more work in the future.” I promised.

Nanny smiled at me. “Youse always say the bestest things, Master Harry.”

“I don't want to remain the last Potter, Nanny. The only way to fix that is to make many more little Potters.”

Nanny chuckled. “Youse bees having lots of funs to doos that.”

I chuckled as well. “You always remind me of the important things, Nanny.”

Nanny patted my head one last time and stepped back. “Youse goes to sleep for now. Playtime can start tomorrows.”

“Goodnight.” I said and closed my eyes.

“Goodnights.” Nanny whispered and popped away with barely a sound.

The night passed quickly and I woke up just before dawn, like always. I climbed out of bed, stretched like a lazy cat, and pulled off my pyjamas. I went to the bathroom and did my duty, then took a shower to clean myself of sweat and dried off when I was done.

Nanny popped in when I left the bathroom and helped me dress in a custom Hogwarts uniform that she, Butter, and Moppy had made for me. It looked just as expensive as my costume and it fit perfectly, which showed off my muscular physique even better than my costume did.

“That reminds me.” I said out loud and pulled Nanny into a tight hug. “Those fancy robes were the best. They fit perfectly and made me look extremely professional and that I had dressed up specifically to meet my fans. They loved seeing me done up like that, so thank you. Thank you very much.”

Nanny blushed. “It bees my job to makes youse look youse best.”

I eased my hold on her and smiled. “I like how you can choose to change your ideas of how to properly take care of me.”

Nanny let out a little laugh and pushed me away. “Youse not be getting any ideas, Master Harry!”

It took me a moment to get what she meant and I had to laugh, too. “You're right. I should stick to my own species.”

Nanny nodded and clicked her fingers to make a hairbrush appear and it quickly combed my hair. “Youse bees presentable.”

“Thank you.” I said and glanced in the mirror on the bathroom door. I really do look good. “If you want to introduce yourself to the castle elves as my personal elf, just so they don't think you're an intruder, go ahead.”

“I bees doing that last night.” Nanny said, a little smugly.

I chuckled at that look on her face. “How many of them propositioned you?”

“Sixteen, including the heads elf.” Nanny answered proudly.

I barked a laugh and patted her head. “If you need my permission to socialize with them, you have it.”

Nanny beamed a smile at me. “I bees taking it seriously and will choose a good one, Master Harry.”

“That's entirely up to you, Nanny.” I said and walked over to the new door. “Have fun with it.”

Nanny nodded and waved at me as I left. I went down the stairs and it was still really early, so I had a choice to make. Do I sneak into the first year dorms and pretend I slept there or do I go do what I want? Decisions, decisions. I chuckled and walked across the empty common room to the doorway and expanded it into an actual walkway and not the tunnel it had been.

I patted the reformed stone in thanks for allowing the change and pushed open the fat lady's portrait. She didn't say anything as I walked down the hallway and down the stairs. I thought about how I could fix my problem with my detection spell overloading my head with too much information and almost slapped myself in the face for being so stupid.

I turned around and went back to the Griffindor common room and up the stairs to the third year dorm as I put on my invisibility cloak. A quick spell told me where the twins kept their trunks and one of them glowed when I asked for the Marauder's Map.

Instead of dispelling the wards and protective spells on the lid and lock of the trunk, I levitated the whole thing into the air and cut open the side. I reached in and pulled out the piece of old parchment that was the map and copied it, shoved it back inside the trunk, and repaired the damage. I put the trunk back and left the room with the solution to my problem.

I took the cloak off again and stored it as I left the common room. The fat lady stayed quiet and I went down the hallway and the first set of stairs. I cast a notice-me-not charm on the parchment and activated it with the password, then instead of casting my detection spell, I funnelled it into the parchment.

I felt the thing connect to Hogwarts through the wards, which told me exactly how the map was able to track everyone in the castle. It was using the castle's own detection wards to do it. It was no wonder my head felt like it was splitting open when I tried to do the same thing, because it wasn't just things in my range, it was everything and everywhere inside the castle.

I chuckled at that and used a few more spells, mostly to see what other wards existed and what they could tell me. I almost laughed out loud at the dozens of exceptions that had been made to the malevolence protection wards, including the dark mark and the curse on the Defense Against the Dark Arts job.

Should I tweak things? Would Hogwarts let me and not notify Dumbledore? I asked myself and shrugged. I would only make little changes and see if the headmaster reacts. If he doesn't, I'll change some of the bigger things. So, I removed the exceptions for the curse and casting spells with a wand in the hallways. Let's see how long before someone complains to Snape and him to Dumbledore.

I followed the map down through the castle to the front doors. They opened for me and I patted the door on the way by. I made my way down to the Black Lake and easily found an out-of-the-way spot to ward off and created a teleportation circle. I joined it to the others and felt the magic drain as it connected to all of them.

I had built a pretty intensive network of teleportation circles all across Europe by this point, thanks to Petunia's penchant for travelling in style when Amy was old enough. I had one in every country of note, including several in Australia, Africa, South America, Asia, and the Caribbean. That's why it was so draining. The best part was that the cost to use them afterwards was negligible.

When I checked the invisible clock in my head, it was close to the time I needed to make an appearance back in the Griffindor common room, so I went back into the castle wearing my invisibility cloak. I used the map to avoid anyone that was already up, like several professors, Argus Filch, and his cat. I did give her a scratch under her chin and behind her ears at the same time as I passed her.

Mrs. Norris let out a purr and then stopped walking as she looked around and wondered what the hell just happened. It made me chuckle and her little cat eyes stared at where my disembodied laugh came from. I took out a bag of cat treats and tossed her one. She easily caught it and chewed as she kept staring at me. I tossed her another one and quickly walked away.

I made it back to the tower just as a bunch of the upper years came down the stairs and populated a good portion of the common room. They sat down and started chatting about different things and I walked by and up the stairs. I thought about waiting to reveal myself, then shrugged and took off my cloak and walked back down the stairs.

“Look at that, Alicia. The conquering hero is up before breakfast is served.” A black skinned beauty said when she saw me. Four other girls sat around her on two facing couches.

I walked over to her with a smile on my face. “And how exactly does Miss Johnson know what my morning routine is like if she didn't experience it for herself?”

Alicia let out a laugh. “He's got you there, Angelina.”

Angelina swatted her friend's knee. “He's two years younger than me. Hero or not, that's a bit too..”

“My ex-girlfriend was six and a half years older than me and she graduated last year.” I interrupted her and the group of girls gasped. “It shouldn't be that surprising. When I'm legal age, no one will care how old the people I date are.”

“That's true.” The brown-haired girl with them said and gave me a pretty close examination with her eyes. “Did you really date a girl from Hogwarts?”

“Yes I did, Miss Bell. She gave up her Hufflepuff ways this summer and dumped me to focus on her future career.” I answered.

“Well, the Duffers aren't known for their brains.” Katie said and patted the space beside her.

I sat down next to her and put my arm across the back of the couch. She gave me a raised eyebrow and I smirked and wagged my eyebrows at her. She softly laughed, leaned back and against me, and I put my arm around her shoulders.

“That was pretty slick.” Angelina admitted.

I couldn't resist saying what I said next. “I have a free arm right here.” I said and raised my hand.

That made all the girls laugh and I joined them. Angelina and Alicia seemed to have a silent battle of wits as they stared at each other, as did the two other girls, then Angelina accepted the challenge and moved from where she sat and sat down beside me.

I put my arm around her shoulders right away and hugged her in close. “I love Griffindor bravery.”

That made all the girls smile and they resumed their previous conversation as if I hadn't just interrupted them. They were talking about Quidditch plays and how they would start training with their insane coach next week after the first year flying lessons. The other two girls, the fifth and sixth year prefects, promised to drum up interest with the rest of the house to get them to show up.

“They don't allow first years on the house teams, do they?” I asked and they all shook their heads. “Is that because they aren't allowed to bring their own brooms?”

That made them all pause and think about it.

“Probably.” Katie said. “They would have to use the school brooms and those are terrible.”

“Or borrow a broom from an older student that's not using it.” Alicia said. “That almost never happens, even within families, since no one would spend that kind of money on a broom if they weren't going to play.”

“Trust like that would take a long time to earn for something that important.” I agreed, since I knew how much brooms cost. I was tempted to let them know what I planned and chose to wait. I didn't want to get their hopes up of having me on the team or remind them of the story in the newspaper where I couldn't buy the brooms from the shop.

Angelina turned slightly towards me and she looked into my eyes. “Are you asking for a specific reason?” She asked and then her eyes widened. “Wait a minute! You're Harry bloody Potter!”

I had to clamp my mouth closed to not laugh at her shout. She clearly saw my amusement, though.

“Did you ignore the first year rule and bring a broom to school?” Angelina pointedly asked me and all of the girls gave me similar pointed looks.

For some reason, I knew I shouldn't lie to her. “I can freely admit that I did not bring a personal broom to school.”

The other girls started to slump in disappointment before Angelina sucked in a sharp breath.

“What is it?” Alicia asked.

Angelina's eyes almost smouldered as she stared into mine. “You actually did it.”

I kept my mouth shut and didn't say anything.

“Do what?” Katie asked as she leaned out to look at her.

“Remember how much we talked about that article during the summer about some random kid going to Quality Quidditch Supplies on behalf of Harry Potter to buy brooms for Hogwarts?” Angelina asked and the other girls gasped. “Yeah, that's right. Can you guess who managed to do it?”

I actually felt the shift in magic in the room around me and slowly turned my head to see the hungry looks on their faces. “I... ah... think I need to go.” I said and started to stand up.

Two hands grabbed my robes and pulled me backwards onto the couch to almost lay down. Angelina and Katie loomed over me as they held me down and the other girls surrounded us.

“Why don't you tell us about what you brought to school?” Angelina said in a deep sexy voice.

I felt myself grow hard and all five girls looked down at it and back at my face.

“I think someone doesn't mind if a girl asserts her dominance a little.” Angelina said and her other hand went to my erection. She rubbed it and hummed in approval at the size. “So... Harry... darling.” She whispered and leaned down to put her face barely an inch above mine as her other hand kept moving on me. “What...” *rub* “...did...” *stroke* “” *caress* “...bring...” *tug* “...for us?”

I glanced up at all of their expectant and eager faces. “I may have... bought a few... Nimbus 2000s.” I said between panting breaths.

“How many?” Katie asked and her hand joined Angelina's and rubbed me. “Merlin, he's really hard.”

“I bought... 50 of them... to give to Madam Hooch.” I admitted.

Both Katie's and Angelina's hands tightened on me through my expensive pants, then Angelina dove for my mouth and Katie went for my neck as they kept jerking on me. It didn't take them long to get me off after that and I moaned into Angelina's mouth. She seemed to really like that and broke the kiss to show me the smug look on her face.

“Ladies, we need to let the rest of the team know.” Angelina said and gave my waist a look and saw the wet spot. Bold as brass, she slipped a fingertip under the waistband of my pants and pulled it back out with a bit of white fluid on it. “I think you need to get cleaned up, Mister Potter. You seemed to have made a mess.” She gave me a pointed look and slowly licked her finger off.

“Why don't you help me?” I asked and her eyebrows went up. “You don't think once is all I have in me, do you?”

Angelina's smug look changed to a smirk as she moved back to let me sit up. “I don't mind seeing if bragging is all you can do.”

I sat up and then stood, took her hand, and helped her stand as well. “Katie, do you want to wait until later or are you joining us?”

Katie looked a little surprised, then she laughed. “Griffindors fly where cowards fear to walk.”

I helped her stand as well and led them both over to the stairs.

“Hold on, we're not going to the first year boy's dorm to let them see...” Angelina protested.

“No, we're not.” I interrupted her and led them up the stairs to the very top. I brought them into the room through the new door and they looked surprised and also happy that no one else was there. “We only have half an hour before breakfast is served.” I said and started to strip off.

“It lasts an hour and a half. We have plenty of time.” Angelina said and started to strip off, too.

Katie didn't comment and took off her clothes as she watched me.

I dropped my boxers to the floor and both girls let out happy sounds. “Ladies, the bath is this way.”

“Screw the bath.” Angelina said and kissed me hard, pushed me onto the bed, then shoved her mouth onto my still hard member. She moaned at the feeling and I moaned at her giving me some great feelings in return.

Katie looked a little lost, so I pointed at her dripping wetness between her legs and then at my face. “OKAY!” She yelled and dove onto the bed to climb over me, straddled my face to let me lick her, and moaned loudly as she leaned against the headboard to hold on.

Angelina stopped sucking to look at us. “Merlin, that's so hot.”

“I'm Harry, not Merlin.” I said and then suckled on Katie's nub to make her scream.

“The great Harry Potter, savior of the wizarding world...” Angelina said and stroked me with her hand several times, then she straddled my waist and rubbed my tip over her soaked opening. “ about to go on another great adventure.”

“My first.” I said and both girls paused. “My ex's mother made sure I didn't waste my first time.”

Angelina blushed hard at that. “It won't be a waste, Harry. I promise.”

“I know.” I said and reached for her hips and pulled Angelina down as I shoved my tongue up into Katie. Both girls cried out in pleasure at being penetrated.

“Sooo good!” Angelina moaned and started to move.

“Deeper, Harry! Dee... OHHHH!” Katie yelled and moaned as she came hard. She shook and shivered and took several deep breaths as she reached for my hair and pulled on it to hold my mouth on her. “Don't stop. Don't stop.” She begged, so I kept going.

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