The Protagonist System

77 Professing Secrets

77 Professing Secrets

On the other hand, the afternoon classes were the worst. History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts were both double classes and the professors were terrible. Binns was only a ghost, so I had to make an allowance for that. Why would they keep a ghost around that was so boring, when he was alive, the man had died and kept working and no one noticed the difference?

The bumbling fool they brought in to teach the DaDa class almost made me regret taking care of Quirrell already. At least with the stuttering, you could almost make out what he was saying, even if it was annoying. This man was pretty much a drunkard that read from the assigned book with so much slurring that I thought he was having a stroke.

When the class was over and we left and entered the hallway, I couldn't stop myself from commenting. “I'm looking forward to having the afternoons off three times a week. No, four. We have Fridays off already.”

Everyone looked at me in surprise.

“Both he and Binns were reading directly from the books and weren't teaching us anything. We can read it ourselves at a much faster rate and would learn more on our own.” I said and most of them nodded, except for Hermione.

“But, they're the teachers.” Hermione objected.

“An old ghost that can put other ghosts to sleep and a drunk that could barely keep his eyes open long enough to read a single sentence every ten minutes.” I said and she frowned. “I heard he was a last minute substitution for a professor that didn't show up.”

“I heard that, too.” Lavender said. “He was the Muggle Studies professor last year.”

I chuckled and Seamus did, too.

“What's funny?” Hermione asked me.

“Do you really think someone that taught wizards about non-magical things, had an Outstanding in his DaDa NEWT or earned a mastery in under a year to accept the post?” I asked her back.

Hermione sighed. “Maybe he did something important in the field and they gave it to him?”

I smiled, because that was exactly what had happened. He had let Voldemort possess him and had him stuck in the back of his head. “That doesn't fill me with confidence for some reason.”

Lavender and Parvati giggled.

Hermione huffed. “Well, I'm going to go search for the library and get started on our homework.”

“Madam Pince is on the second floor, in the east wing, behind the big double doors at the end.” I said without thinking.

Everyone stared at me with wide eyes.

“I tagged all the teachers and know where they are.” I hedged, since technically I did by using the modified map.

“Where's the headmaster?” Dean asked.

“His office, pacing back and forth.” I answered.

“What about Sinistra, the hot astronomy teacher?” Seamus asked, of course.

“In her quarters beside the Astronomy tower.”

“Professor Flitwick?” Fay Dunbar asked.

“His office beside his classroom.”

“Professor McGonagall?” Hermione couldn't resist asking.

“Fourth floor corridor heading for the stairs. I think she's going to Dumbledore's office.” I told her.

We reached the main staircase and we kind of bunched up into a tight group and just stood there.

“Are you making all of that up?” Lavender asked.

I checked the map and smiled. “In five seconds, Filch's cat Mrs. Norris will come around that corner.” I said and pointed with a splayed hand, and folded a finger each second. When my thumb folded, Mrs. Norris walked around the corner and seemed to freeze when she saw a large group of students staring at her. “And with that proof, I'm going for a walk. See you all at supper.”

They all watched as I took out a cat treat and tossed it to Mrs. Norris, she caught it and chewed as she glared at me, since I gave away that it was me that had scratched her earlier. I waved to her and went down the main staircase at a good speed, easily outpacing anyone trying to follow me.

I made it to the ground floor and went through the Entrance Hall and out the main doors. According to the wards, Madam Hooch was in the equipment shed beside the Quidditch pitch, so that's where I went. I had a delivery to make and a promise to keep.

Little did I realize that Madam Hooch was going to be very grateful for the expensive gift, especially since I was giving them to her and not to the school. The school governors wouldn't be able to take them from her or sell them to line their own pockets and leave the students with the old failing brooms.

I also didn't realize she only wore a wedding ring to scare off suitors that she didn't approve of and that she hid an extremely fit and muscular body under her Quidditch Coach robes. Oh, and she was flexible. As in sitting on my face and bent over backwards to suck me off flexible.

When I stumbled into the Great Hall for supper, with my glasses askew, my hair messed up, and my robes rumpled and crooked, the entire Griffindor Quidditch Team burst out laughing and congratulated me for surviving The Hawk's attack. I mumbled that I would get them back somehow and they just laughed harder.

I ate like a man possessed to get my strength back up and even asked Nanny for a pepper-up potion, because I was sure Professor McGonagall was going to have me do something like endless lines for hours, sorting her already sorted bookshelf, or straightening up her entire classroom. I just had a feeling it was going to be something strenuous and I knew I shouldn't ignore my instincts.

I kept an eye on the map in my storage space and saw her approaching where I sat. I excused myself and stood to greet her, which surprised her briefly. She schooled her face and nodded to me to follow her and I did so. It wasn't difficult to keep up with her longer strides.

When we reached her office, she looked back to see how long she had to wait for me to catch up to her. Again, she was surprised that I was right there with her. She nodded in approval and opened her door, ushered me inside, and closed and locked it. She also waved her wand over the door and cast several silence and privacy spells. That made my eyebrows raise and my mind raced as I wondered what she was going to have me do.

“Your behavior has been less than stellar, Mister Potter.” Minerva said and walked over to the front of her desk. She turned around and leaned her butt against it and crossed her arms under her chest. “In fact, I expected better of you.”

I opened my mouth to defend myself, then sighed. “Honestly, I have a good grasp of my celebrity status and can handle most situations. However, I've not interacted with magicals on a regular basis in a constantly evolving social situation like a boarding school.”

It was Minerva's turn to raise her eyebrows at me.

“Dudley and I were very popular at school while growing up. We mentored the younger kids, helped our year mates get better grades, and we were well known by pretty much everyone in the school.” I admitted and her eyes widened. “Having to go to a new place and trying to reestablish myself into a similar role is a little taxing.”

“I see.” Minerva said and looked thoughtful for several moments, then she nodded. “Very well. I won't feel as guilty about this as I normally would. Correcting behavior is my specialty, after all.”

I opened my mouth to ask her what she meant and she stood up straight as she uncrossed her arms. My words caught in my throat as she opened her robes at the same time and dropped them to the floor.

Underneath was a shockingly sexy dominatrix outfit with a leather corset that hefted her bare breasts up to be easily sucked and crotchless panties that revealed she trimmed her hair into a neat triangle. She reached back and opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a wooden handle with nine thin leather straps attached to it.

Minerva held the handle tightly with one hand and slapped the straps into the palm of her other hand, caressed them tenderly, then slapped them into her palm again. “Mister Potter, do you really believe that I don't know exactly what goes on inside the Griffindor dorm rooms?”

My mouth went dry as she stalked over to me and her breasts jiggled enticingly. “I... uh... had hoped you didn't, professor.”

Minerva pointedly slapped the straps into her palm again. “Mister Potter, for the next three hours, you will refer to me as Mistress McGonagall.”

I gulped as she carefully put the straps around my neck and tightened them. “Y-yes, Mistress.”

“Good boy... and good boys get rewarded.” Minerva said and smiled wickedly. “You may kneel.”

I felt her push down on my shoulders, so I knelt on the floor and she let the end of the straps go to not choke me. With me on my knees, it put my face at the perfect height to see her damp opening.

“Service me.” She said and spread her legs a little.

I hesitated and looked up at her, only to see her hand move with the handle and the straps slapped against my back. My clothing protected me; but, I winced for her anyway and she looked satisfied.

“I commanded you to service me, Mister Potter.” Minerva ordered.

“Yes, Mistress.” I said and leaned in to start licking her. This is going to be a long three hours.

It was. Minerva really got off on having someone act like a slave for her. I took every order she gave and followed them without question, and she came like a fountain every time. Maybe she was really pent up and hadn't had sex in a while? Not that she considered it consensual sex. I was commanded and did my duty to service her needs. She still lapped up my own expulsions like a cat with cream, though.

I stumbled into the Griffindor common room with my glasses askew and my robes on backwards. Everyone laughed. When they asked what happened, I told them I had to move every piece of furniture the hard way, without magic, and then had to clean it all when I was done. I did not tell them how I moved the furniture or what I was cleaning off of it, because Mistress McGonagall commanded that I keep it a secret.

Angelina came right over to me and took me into a hug. “You poor thing. She really put you through a lot and it's only the first day!”

“I broke the record for earning the quickest detention.” I told her and she laughed.

“Let's get you changed and into bed.” Angelina said and kept an arm around me as we crossed the room and took me up the stairs.

I opened the door and we entered the room. I heard the door close behind us and I thought it was Nanny keeping the apartment secured, so I thought nothing of it. I let Angelina go and took a minute to strip off all of my clothes. I turned to help her undress, only to pause because it was a half-naked Alicia standing there.

“You weren't kidding, Angelina.” Alicia said and put her hands on my arms to caress them. “How did you get all these muscles, Harry?”

“You don't think I could fight off a Manticore and rescue the vampire princess with spaghetti noodle arms, do you?” I asked instead of answering and she laughed.

“He still has the scorpion tail mounted in his trophy room.” Angelina said and came over to us and kissed me. “They wouldn't let him keep the head, unfortunately.”

“It was a small price to pay to get away with kissing his daughter.” I joked and both girls laughed. “I need a shower after my detention.”

Angelina perked right up and took my hand. “Alicia, you're going to love this part!”

I chuckled at her enthusiasm and put an arm around Alicia's waist. “She's not wrong.”

Alicia gave me a smirk. “I believe I will accept the challenge.”

The three of us went to the large bathroom and both Angelina and I made sure Alicia had a great time. We made it to the bed half an hour later and things quickly devolved into a lot of moans, grunts, and fluids. The three of us had a lot of fun before we fell asleep in each other's arms.


The rest of the week passed by and I did my best to not upset Minerva to get another detention. She watched me like a hawk to try and catch me doing something, too. During the last class on Thursday, I passed by her desk and whispered I would do something tomorrow and she could sentence me to detention Friday night. Her wicked smile made me shiver and she looked pleased.

Friday was Double Potions day and it was the only class we had that day. We all showed up in the morning and entered the classroom. The Griffindor side was full and the Slytherin side was almost completely empty with only Blaise Zabini there. When I whispered to Hermione that I wanted to take pity on the poor kid, she sighed and nodded.

“Hey, Mister Zabini! Want to join us at our table? You're the odd one out without a partner.” I called across the room.

Blaise looked surprised at the offer and looked from me to Hermione. When she nodded, he gathered his things up and we shuffled over to make room. He grabbed a chair and sat beside us, then nodded in thanks. I was tempted to offer him a plushie to hug and he must have seen it on my face.

“Don't you dare.” Blaise whispered at me with squinted eyes.

I had to muffle my laugh with one hand and patted his arm with the other.

The classroom door slammed behind us and most of the students jumped at the scare. I didn't because I was waiting for it. Professor Snape strode across the room and over to his desk. He gave his classic speech and sneered at everyone, then looked down at his desk. He started the roll call and paused when he reached my name.

“Ah, yes. Harry Potter. Our... new... celebrity.” Snape sneered.

“I object to that description, professor.” I said and Hermione gasped beside me. “The whole wizarding world knows my name. I've been a celebrity since I was 15 months old and I'm 14 years old now. That's hardly new.”

There were a few muffled laughs behind me.

Snape glared at me. “You're as arrogant as your father!”

“No, I'm not. He wasn't a celebrity. You're confusing pompousness with arrogance.” I corrected him.

More muffled laughs came from behind me as Hermione gasped again.

“That will be 10 points from Griffindor and a detention for disrespecting a teacher.” Snape snarled.

Hermione made a distressed sound and slapped a hand over my mouth before I could speak. “Don't!”

I moved her hand out of the way and kissed the back of it. “Thanks for the save.”

Hermione blushed and took her hand back.

“Professor McGonagall has assumed full responsibility for all of my detentions.” I said and he looked murderous. “You can ask her yourself. She's been trying to get me back into her office all week.”

“Be assured that I will do that.” Snape growled and went to the chalkboard at the front of the room. “The first potion to be brewed is a simple one to cure boils. If you cannot follow such easily performed instructions, then I have little hope that you will do well in this class.”

I put my hand up and he ignored me. I sat there and waited for almost ten minutes with my hand in the air and did nothing else while the rest of the students gathered the ingredients and started prepping them.

Snape let out a growling sigh. “What do you want, Potter?”

“You didn't write the number of stirs needed for the second step or that you have to add in one counter-clockwise stir before removing the cauldron from the heat and adding the porcupine quills.” I said and dropped my hand.

Complete silence fell in the room, because everyone had stopped working and stared at me, especially Snape. He looked shocked, actually.

“It's 7 clockwise stirs with a number 2 neutral glass stirrer, if you're wondering.” I said and Hermione quickly wrote that down. “I suggest using the dull edge of your knife to crush the quills first, too. They'll dissolve quicker and give you a stronger potion.”

“Thanks, Harry.” Hermione said, her voice full of gratitude.

“You're welcome.” I said and pulled out the ingredients from my pockets and started my own work. Everyone else did as well and I ignored the piercing look from the still irate potions professor.

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