The Protagonist System

76 A Class Above The Rest

76 A Class Above The Rest

By the time we were finished, and I had done Katie and Angelina twice each, once in the bed and once in the shower. We made it to breakfast with only twenty minutes to spare. Both girls were almost glowing after being healed of their soreness, since none of us had been gentle during our activities. Getting fully pleasured might have played a small role, too.

The pair of happy girls were only slightly reluctant to allow me to sit with my classmates and made me promise to attend their first training session. I did so, mostly because I wanted to see them flying around on the new brooms, which I also promised I would give to Madam Hooch before the flying lesson next week.

I had wanted to bring the crate out at the start of class to wow the other students and the pair of beauties convinced me to give them to Hooch first and let her make the announcement instead. A double blowjob was arguably one of the best bribes I've ever received, so I quickly caved to their reasonable request. I also couldn't say no to a girl that had my tender bits between her teeth.

A lot of the girls at our table gave us piercing looks as we sat. Unlike me, Angelina and Katie quickly leaned to the side to have a whispered conversation with the girls beside them. When said girls started giggling and giving me searching looks, I had no doubt that what happened would soon be all over the school, assuming the rumor mill was as prolific as I suspected it was.

“You almost missed breakfast.” A slightly high-pitched voice commented from beside me.

“Thank you for pointing that out, Miss Granger. I almost did, yes.” I said and quickly assembled two sandwiches. I used toast, scrambled eggs, two layers of bacon, a pile of hash browns, and salt and pepper with a touch of ketchup.

Everyone stared at me as I made my monstrosities.

I chuckled and wrapped one up in a napkin and slipped it into a pocket that it shouldn't have fit in as I stored it. “There's no time to eat a proper meal and one to go for the same reason.”

“That's a great idea.” Katie said from where she sat and kept talking to her friends as she made one, too. Angelina gave me a nod and did as well.

I spent a few minutes scarfing down the first sandwich and didn't make a mess or a fool of myself, which seemed to surprise the boy across from me. “Did you sleep well last night, Mister Finnegan?”

“Yeah, me mum gave me a charmed blanket that's always warm.” Seamus said.

I wiped off my hands and used my wand to expand my water glass and rinsed my hands in it, then used a napkin to dry my hands and changed the glass back. Once again, I had everyone's attention.

“Miss Granger, could I borrow your class schedule to copy it?” I asked and she nodded and dug into her backpack to hand it to me. I put it on the table and tapped it with my wand, then pointed beside it and created another one. I handed hers back and smiled at her. “Thank you.”

Hermione's mouth dropped open and she stared at me.

“Yes, I'll teach you that spell later.” I said and stood and looked over at Percy. “We have Transfiguration class first. Should we ask a Prefect to escort us the first time?”

“I'll do it!” The fifth year girl with the Prefect badge said and jumped to her feet.

“Thank you, Miss Birchgrove.” I said and she blushed. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have our expert escort for this class. Shall we go?”

Everyone stood up, except for Ron. He stayed sitting and added more eggs and sausages to his plate.

“Ronald, we need to go.” Hermione said and he ignored her.

I put a hand on her arm. “There's still five minutes left and he's not done eating breakfast. He'll find his way eventually.”

Hermione sighed and we all followed Eleanor out of the Great Hall. I wasn't surprised to see her glance back occasionally to see if I was watching her. I was, because I knew she expected me to, and I also ate my second breakfast sandwich. Eleanor had a smile on her face as she led us right to McGonagall's classroom.

“You need to hurry to get your books for your own classes this morning, Miss Birchgrove.” I said to her and her eyes widened. “If you're late, tell the teacher you were escorting the famous Harry Potter to make sure he gets to class on time.”

“Professor Snape would spit on me if I told him that!” Eleanor exclaimed.

I knew exactly how to respond. “Tell him I couldn't find the classroom on my own and you had to discipline such a dunderhead.” I turned around and pulled up my outer-robes to show off my butt in my tight trousers. “Go ahead and give it a slap, just in case he asks for proof.”

Eleanor blushed a little and then she hauled her hand back and slapped me good across the arse.

“YeOW!” I yelped and jumped to make her laugh. “You were only supposed to pretend!”

“I did.” Eleanor said with a smirk and quickly walked away.

I rubbed my sore cheek and saw a few of my year mates trying to not laugh. “Go ahead.”

Seamus and Dean burst out laughing and the girls looked both amused and aroused, especially Lavender. I could tell by the look on her face that she liked what she saw.

“If you don't have your book, that's okay. The first class in every subject is going to be mostly lectures and dictation anyway.” I said and opened the classroom door.

There was a cat sitting on the teacher's desk and I thought about going over and giving her a good rub, just so I could make the joke that I rubbed Minerva's pussy. It was too funny to not pass up, so I went over to her and dug my fingers into the sides of her cheeks where her scent glands were and gave her a good scratching.

The cat purred and I moved one of my hands to the back of her head and gave her a scratch, then ran my fingernails up and down her neck and the top of her spine several times. She ducked and stretched, as if to give me easier access, so I cupped a hand under her chin to hold her head steady and gave her a really good scratching where her claws couldn't easily reach.

The purring was really loud in the classroom as one more student entered, the sole Slytherin in our year, Blaze Zabini. I didn't scratch the cat for long, because I didn't want her angry at me when she changed back. I eased off the scratches and gently pet her fur to put it back in order.

“I hope that helped, pretty kitty.” I said and leaned down to kiss the top of her head.

The cat's eyes widened at me and I held in my laugh as I gave her one last pet from the top of her head to her tail, which I lightly tugged, then I went to the front desk and sat beside Hermione. Lavender was sitting with Parvati and she sighed at me sitting so far away.

“You really shouldn't be touching someone else's cat like that.” Hermione warned me.

“I'm pretty sure that's Professor McGonagall's pussy and as soon as I saw her, I had to pet her.” I said and I was sure the cat made a soft groan sound. It was really difficult to not laugh out loud at that.

The cat gave me a searching look for several moments and seemed indecisive as she looked at the other students, too. The bell rang and the class was supposed to start, only Ron wasn't there. So, the cat's decision was made for her and she sat there to wait for the final student.

Five minutes later, an exhausted Ron ran into the classroom and nervously glanced around. Before he could relax that the professor wasn't there, the cat leapt off of the desk and changed into Professor McGonagall.

“That was bloody brilliant!” Ron exclaimed.

“Well, thank you for that assessment, Mister Weasley.” Minerva gave him a slightly scornful look. “Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure you into a pocket watch, that way you might be able to show up to class on time.”

“S-sorry. I got lost.” Ron said, his face red.

“Then perhaps a map?” Minerva said and looked at the closest empty seat. “I trust you won't need one to find a seat.”

Ron shook his head and sat down in the indicated seat and took out his book and parchment.

“Now that you are all here, I can begin the lesson.” Minerva said and then gave us an hour lecture on her subject, what she expected from us, and what we were to never do in her class, horsing around... and then she changed her desk into a lion and it loudly roared.

I couldn't stop my chuckle as she silenced the lion and changed it back.

“Mister Potter, perhaps you would like to share what's so funny with the rest of the class?” Minerva asked and gave me a glare for interrupting her.

“I was amused at your hypocrisy, professor.” I said and most of the class made surprised sounds.

“EXCUSE me?” Minerva asked and her glare intensified.

“You told us there would be no carrying on in your class and then you literally scared most of the class by creating a roaring lion. I thought your blatant defiance of your own rules, immediately after stating them, was pretty funny.”

Minerva opened and closed her mouth several times, then frowned. “Perhaps your amusement will fade after you serve detention tonight for your disrespect.”

I barked a laugh and Hermione gasped beside me. “Professor, if I was going to disrespect you, I would ask if you were angry at me for petting your pussy in front of so many witnesses.”

Complete and utter silence filled the classroom and Minerva's frown changed to show anger.

“However, I was not disrespecting you. You are a Mistress of Transfiguration and you can't help yourself and showed off. You just chose the wrong time to do so and also without warning your class first.” I said and pointed at a shaking Parvati being hugged by Lavender. “Miss Patil is terrified after your little stunt and I was trying to diffuse the situation.”

Minerva barely managed to tear her eyes from mine and looked at the brown-skinned girl being comforted. She saw what everyone else did and she let out a soft sigh. “Miss Patil, I apologize.”

“As do I.” I said and everyone looked at me. “Instead of making a joke, I should have offered her a hug like Lavender did and perhaps one of my latest plushies.”

“I... I forgive you.” Parvati said and then blushed. “For the plushie.”

I chuckled and stood, walked over to her, and leaned down to give her a hug that also included Lavender. Both girls let out a contented sound. I let them go and reached into my pocket and pulled out a plushie I just created of myself that wore my Hogwarts robes and it expanded to be a foot tall.

“They'll be out for sale next week.” I said and gave it to Parvati.

“Thank you, Harry.” Parvati said and hugged it as she smiled.

“You're welcome, Parvati.” I said and went back to my seat.

Hermione gave me a very pointed stare mixed with a glare.

I wasn't sure what she was upset about, so I wrote on the side of my class notes. Do you want one?

Hermione's pointed glare changed to show she was thinking, then she looked conflicted.

I'll give it to you after class and no one will see that you have it. I wrote and she gave me a slight nod.

Minerva also looked conflicted over what just happened and the bell rang, which meant she didn't have to do anything about it. “Mister Potter, my office after supper.”

I thought about refusing and nodded instead. I slipped my notes into my pocket and stored them, then helped Hermione pack up. I picked up her heavy backpack to sling over my shoulder and she looked shocked. I smiled at her reacting like that and put a hand on her lower back before I led her out of the classroom. I handed her a plushie doll when we were in the hallway and she hugged it automatically.

Hermione kept staring at me as I checked the map in my storage space and saw where Professor Flitwick was. We went down the corridor, past the main staircase, and into the next hallway to get to the charms classroom. It wasn't until I sat her down in the front seat that she seemed to wake up and realize we were in the right classroom, mostly because Professor Flitwick was climbing up onto his desk.

“How did you bring us here?” Hermione asked me.

“I put one foot in front of the other and miraculously managed to walk! It was amazing!” I joked and heard two giggles from the table behind us. I turned my head just enough to give Lavender and Parvati a knowing wink.

“That's not what I meant!” Hermione exclaimed.

“I know.” I said and sat down. “Would you believe me if I said I've been here before?”

“No. It's the first day and none of us have had a chance to explore.” Hermione answered.

“What if I told you I tagged Professor Flitwick with a tracking charm and followed it to this classroom?” I asked.

Hermione huffed. “You're not allowed to...” Her voice trailed off and her eyes squinted slightly, as if she was in deep thought. “...there are no rules against that. Did you do that? How does it work? I didn't see you cast any spells and you didn't have a wand out. How did you do it?”

I barely held in my laugh at being bombarded like that in a single breath. “Take a breath, Miss Granger. Relax. In and out. That's it.” I said and lightly rubbed her back with one hand and put her backpack onto the table in front of us with the other. The loud thump let everyone know she had a lot of books inside it.

“Are... are you patronizing me?” Hermione asked after taking several breaths like I asked.

“No, I'm trying to make you realize that you don't have to get every single question out as quickly as possible and you shouldn't expect someone to answer them all in the same fashion.” I said, my voice kindly and my face smiling warmly. “Sometimes, patience isn't just a virtue, it's a code of conduct.”

Hermione's eyes seemed to bore right into me and I kept the smile on my face and my hand rubbing her back gently. She glanced at my moving arm and then at my face. “Why are you still doing that?”

“I could say my reason is that I'm touching a pretty girl without her objecting to it.” I said as my smile became a grin. “The real reason is because you need it and I have no problem fulfilling that need.”

Hermione opened and closed her mouth several times, not unlike McGonagall earlier, then she huffed and looked away. “Whatever. Do what you want.”

“Reeaaaally?” I asked in a soft whisper and leaned in so close to her that my breath tickled her ear. “Thank you for your permission, Miss Granger.”

“What do you.... ohhhh.” Hermione softly moaned as I kissed and nuzzled her neck. She bushed cutely as I peppered her with butterfly kisses and she turned her head to probably tell me to stop, so I moved up and captured her lips to kiss her deeply. She let out another soft moan as my tongue invaded her mouth expertly and one of her hands gripped the front of my robes to hold me close as her tongue danced with mine.

The class bell went off and Hermione jerked like she was slapped. She broke the kiss and looked completely embarrassed to have lost herself like that. Funnily enough, she didn't let the front of my robes go.

“You are a fantastic kisser, Miss Granger. Ten points to Griffindor for a great demonstration of your expertise.” I complimented her in a whisper and she blushed and ducked her head. “Perhaps we could continue this at a later time?”

Hermione lifted her head to look into my eyes, probably to see if I was serious, and I gave her a serious face to make sure she knew I was. After a moment, she nodded slightly and finally let my robes go to open her backpack and took out the charms book and some parchment, ink, and a quill. She stuffed my plushie inside her backpack at the same time.

Professor Flitwick easily gained our attention by standing on top of a stack of books that were on top of his desk. As I predicted, the first lesson was mostly lecture and warnings, which both Hermione and I copied down, word for word. Our writing speed was on par, which surprised the both of us. Me because of my abilities and her because I was matching her year of practice with a quill.

When the class ended, I helped her pack up and she gave me a pointed look. I chuckled and wordlessly offered to carry the backpack or let her handle it. She nodded and slung it over her own shoulders. She had to secure both straps to handle the weight and to stop it from shifting. I helped her, of course. We were heading outside for Herbology class until lunchtime and she wouldn't have to bear the weight for long.

Hermione was sweating by the time we reached the right greenhouse. The oppressive heat when we entered had almost overwhelmed her and she nearly fainted. I scooped her up into my arms and brought her over to the large table we would be working behind.

Lavender and Parvati joined us as I stood Hermione up and leaned her against the table and took off her backpack. I cast a cleaning spell to clear off her sweat and a slight obscuring spell on her, then I cast minor healing on her. Hermione sucked in a sharp breath at the tingle and slight glow of magic.

“How do you feel? Are you going to be okay?” I asked her and rubbed her back as I dispelled the obscure spell.

“Y-yes, I... I'm fine. Thank you, Harry.” Hermione responded.

“You're welcome, Hermione.” I said and stopped rubbing her back.

Hermione blinked her eyes at me. “You said my name right.”

I chuckled. “What kind of friend would I be if I couldn't do something so simple as saying your name right?”

Hermione kept blinking her eyes at me. “We... we're friends?” She asked, surprised.

I gave her my best smile and decide to tease her a little. “I don't let just anyone lick my tonsils, Hermione.”

Lavender barked a laugh, Parvati snorted and laughed, and Hermione blushed to a deep red. Before anyone else could react, Professor Sprout entered the greenhouse and told us to pay attention. She gave us a lecture about safety, what we would be doing this year, and that our dragonhide gloves had better be a good brand because we would be using them a lot.

When class was over and we all headed to the bathrooms to wash up before heading to the Great Hall for lunch, I had to admit that it had been a great first morning of classes.

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