The Protagonist System

81 Errant Thoughts

81 Errant Thoughts

I still had plenty of time before curfew, not that I paid it much attention anyways, and headed for the seventh floor. I checked the map for the usual suspects, noted they were nowhere near me or coming towards me, and went to the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls to dance ballet. It was tastefully done and I promised myself to look up the techniques and spells to make moving portraits for myself.

I paced three times in front of the blank wall across from the tapestry and asked for the room of lost things. When the door appeared, I entered the room and closed the door. It disappeared upon my command and I looked at the mounds and mounds of discarded things that the house elves had piled in the place.

I imagined there were hundreds of years of things inside, if not everything lost since the castle was built. That was a heavy thought, especially if there were some old school books from back then. So, I did the only responsible thing I could.

I called for Nanny.

The house elf popped into the room with me and it took her a moment to realize where she was. She then gasped at the mess. The football stadium-sized mess. She put a tiny hand over her little heart and wavered on her feet, so I took her into a hug to hold her steady and patted her back.

“It's going to take us a long time to work through all of this safely.” I told her.

Nanny nodded her head several times and her large ears flopped violently. “Youse not be summoning anything! Youse causes everything to crashes!”

“I don't doubt that, my little friend.” I said and thought about what I knew would be in the room later. I took out the map and thought about how I would find a vanishing cabinet before it was damaged.

In the normal story, Fred and George would throw Montague into it before a big Griffindor versus Slytherin Quidditch game and he disappears for several days. He apparates out and ends up in a toilet in one of the bathrooms, then Peeves the Poltergeist tosses the cabinet down the stairs and breaks it, which makes the castle elves put it into this room, because it's broken.

The problem was, there were so many magical cabinets in the school that narrowing it down to just one on a map was just as difficult as searching the school by sight. I had the brilliant thought to cast another magic detection spell on the map for only the vanishing cabinet and hoped that asking about it by that name would count, since I didn't know what it was actually called or who made the thing.

I cast the spell on the parchment and all the other details vanished as it was replaced with the new detection spell information. There it was on the second floor and I showed Nanny where it was. She nodded and disappeared with a pop and was gone for only a minute, then popped back in with her hand on the large cabinet.

“Thank you, Nanny.” I said. “I assume you can't shrink it?”

Nanny shook her head. “The magic bees stopping changing it.”

“Ah, I figured as much. People would be carrying them around all the time if they could be shrunk.” I said and she gave me a pointed look. “They are made in pairs and you could send anything back to the one you leave at home, even other people, and there's no discernible or detectable magic use.”

“That bees just like youse teleport circles.” Nanny said and I nodded. “The other ones not bees here.”

“No, it's at a dark magic shop in Knockturn Alley. I doubt I can go there and buy it myself.” I said with a sigh.

“I bees handling thats.” Nanny said and popped away.

I opened my mouth to call her back and ask how she was going to do that, then shrugged. If she could get it for me, there was no point in bugging her about how until she returned. In the meantime, I turned to the closest pile of things and wondered how I was going to handle dismantling everything to get at the good stuff that I was sure was hidden inside.


Andromeda was having a nice relaxing evening by herself. Ted was off with the boys at the local pub, their usual fare every couple of weeks when a game was on, and she reclined on the sofa with a small sniffer of brandy.

She didn't usually indulge herself too much with the expensive alcohol; but, sometimes she couldn't resist the heady aroma and internal warmth it gave her. The satisfying buzz she enjoyed all evening without a hangover the next day was great, too. She would never suffer from drinking the cheap stuff ever again, thanks to Harry.

Andromeda sighed at the thought of the handsome young man. He had shot up in height during the summer, probably because puberty had started kicking him pretty hard in the ass, if his bulging muscles were any indication. The little devil she had loved so much all these years had grown up right in front of her eyes.

Harry was now way past her own 5 foot 2 inches of height and was 6 inches taller than her. She sincerely doubted that he was going to stop growing, too. In fact, he was already an inch taller than her idiot daughter, Nymphadora. Oh, how she had yelled and berated that moron for dumping Harry right before his birthday!

How could Nymphadora be that stupid? Andromeda asked herself, her mind full of incredulity. So what if she wanted to focus on her career? Harry was the best thing to ever happen to our family and you don't just chuck someone like that aside!

Andromeda sighed again and took another small sip of the liquid courage in her glass. She regretted that both she and Harry were strictly moral people, otherwise their flirting would have ended up with her under him and begging him to breed her like her body desperately wanted him to.

The last time they had gone to visit Sirius together, he had held her so tenderly during the teleportation that she became instantly wet for him. The knowing look Harry had given her when he let her go, had made her even wetter. Sweet Merlin, she wanted to feel such a strong man inside of her so much!

The amused face on Sirius when they had talked to him and dropped off more food for him and the guard, let her know that he knew something was going on... and she really wished there was. The problem was, as far as Harry was concerned, she was married and that was that.

Andromeda sighed once more and finished off her small sniffer. She didn't get up to pour out more, though. She sat there and wondered what Harry was doing at school and if he was going to make their normally scheduled appointment at Azkaban for end of the month.

A soft pop sounded and a nicely dressed female elf appeared in front of her.

“Hello, Nanny.” Andromeda said right away.

“Mistress Andi.” Nanny said and looked at the glass and at her face.

“I've only had two fingers worth.” Andromeda said, not that she would normally defend her actions to a house elf. She just wanted to make sure that if the elf talked to Harry, Nanny didn't tell him that she was a drunk.

“Master Harry bees needing youse help.” Nanny said.

Andromeda sat up and her slight melancholy disappeared. “What does he need me to do?”

Nanny smiled, because she knew coming to Andi had been the right decision. The older woman was as eager to make Master Harry happy as much as she was.


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore paced back and forth in front of his desk. His trick knee had decided that right before bed was the best time to act up on him. He was tired after a long day of sitting on his backside and doing paperwork. It was mind-numbing and necessary, mostly because the entire wizarding world would collapse if he ever took a day off.

That's what Albus personally believed, anyway. He would never know that the Ministry, the school board, and the ICW executives intentionally sent him twice as much paperwork and things to do, just to keep him so busy that he couldn't interfere in their lives so much. A Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump with nothing to do, was very bad for everyone else, because he always stuck his crooked nose into everything.

As he paced, Albus went over his plans for Harry Potter, the savior of the wizarding world. His not-so-subtle campaign to make the boy famous and revered had paid of handsomely. Every witch and wizard in Britain, from young children to the old and infirm, knew his name.

Albus thought it was a shame he couldn't get any part of the royalties that companies paid for using the boy's name or access to the school subsidies donated on Harry's behalf, since they bypassed the school board entirely and dealt with families directly. It had been a quite a bold and ruthless action by Andromeda Tonks and her husband to make such ironclad contracts with all of the businesses that sold Harry Potter products.

He chuckled at someone successfully blocking him from accessing Harry Potter merchandise when he had one of the most important Potter objects stashed in his personal belongings. It was another shame that he couldn't find the Potter vault key to give to Hagrid when he went looking for the boy to take him shopping.

With that thought percolating in his mind, he paced several more times as he thought about his plan to entice the boy by giving him the invisibility cloak for Yule with the compulsion to look for the mirror, then he would leave hints for Harry to keep searching for it, thanks to the charms he placed on the mirror.

That reminded him to add the tracking charms and to tie it to the boy's location charm he set into the puffing whirligig of his own creation. It was a modified Sneak-o-scope that gave the precise location and not just warned that an enemy was near, not that he thought the boy was an enemy. Far from it. He was just an ignorant boy raised by muggles that was grateful to be rescued from his abusive family.

Albus went to his stash that was full of other people's property. Most of them were dead, so he saw nothing wrong with keeping family heirlooms, rare tomes of family magic, and other magical objects that he thought were too dangerous to leave in the hands of children, despite them being the real owners.

The search for the invisibility cloak was casual at first for about ten minutes, then grew slightly more frantic over the next ten minutes. By the time half an hour had passed, Albus was kind of freaking out. He started tearing through everything, using both his wand and his hands to move and look under and inside everything.

When an hour had passed, Albus finally realized the truth. He had lost the cloak. He almost stumbled back to his office and slumped into his chair behind his desk. His plans would have to change slightly if he couldn't gift the boy his own cloak back or charm it to point Harry in the right direction.

Albus would need to check on a few things, plans already in motion for years, and perhaps he would give Hagrid more reasons to invite the boy to tea and to talk about the Philosopher's Stone... no, his family. Yes, his family. Stories about his brave and foolish father going on adventures would be best. It should put the boy into the right mindset to also go on his own adventures.

His slightly altered plan set, Albus went back to work and had completely forgotten about soothing his trick knee in order to go back to sleep. He had much more important things to worry about than sleep.


It took me nearly two hours and I was nearly done sorting through the first stack of junk and repairing everything to look for metal to convert, when Nanny popped in with her hand on a second vanishing cabinet. She also had an inordinately pleased look on her face, which made me smile. She had done something out of the ordinary to get the thing, I was sure.

“Do I even want to know how you got that?” I asked her and stored the second cabinet. With the pair, I could work out how they worked and how to duplicate them.

Nanny gave me a smug look, which looked really odd on a house elf's face. “Jelly!”

A male house elf that looked quite dapper wearing a butler outfit popped in. “Nanny bees calling her Jelly?”

I had to clamp my mouth shut to stop my laugh from escaping. She worked fast to have already claimed a Hogwarts elf as her own.

“Youse bees staying here to keeps the Come-and-Go room for Master Harry.” Nanny ordered him.

“I bees doing it, Nanny.” Jelly said with a slight bow to her.

“I bees back.” Nanny said and gave the male elf a very particular look that made the elf shiver and give her a huge smile in return. She nodded at him and took my hand. “You bees going somewheres for a bit, Master Harry.”

Before I could ask her where, she popped us out of the castle to the grounds where the teleportation circle was. It lit up briefly and we disappeared in a flash of light, only to reappear on the one in Andromeda's backyard.

“You didn't.” I said and Nanny gave me a similar look to the one she gave her elf. It made me shiver and I let out the laugh I was holding in. “Damn, you really did ask her for help.”

“She bees waiting for youse.” Nanny said and handed me a pepper-up potion.

I took it and drank it, handed her the empty vial back, and went to the house as Nanny teleported back to Hogwarts. I didn't bother knocking on the door, because my detection spell told me that Andromeda was the only person in the house. I also went through the unlocked back door to let her know I was there. She had tweaked the alert ward years ago to my magical signature.

“Harrrry.” Andromeda said in a low tone, her voice dripping with sexiness.

I entered the living room and there she was, wearing tight jeans that hugged her shapely hips and a blouse that barely contained her large breasts. Shortstack, I believed was the term for a woman like her. She also had a small sniffer glass with an inch of amber liquid in it.

“How can you look even sexier than the last time we met?” Andromeda asked me.

I couldn't help answering her with my trademark joke prompt. “I'm Harry Potter...”

“...the best Harry Potter.” Andromeda said with a laugh and downed the mouthful of alcohol.

“I was going to say the same thing to you, actually.” I said and intentionally ran my eyes from the top of her head to her feet, then slowly went all the way back up to her face as I let her see how much I appreciated the view.

Andromeda blushed at the look of desire on my face. “Harry...”

“You know it can only be flirting.” I interrupted her. “You're married and...”

Andromeda walked over to the coffee table and put her empty glass down and picked up a sheaf of papers. She walked over to me and handed them to me.

I took them and quickly read through them, my eyes wide. “You can't be serious.”

“No, that's your godfather.” Andromeda said and closed her eyes. “Nanny gave me those and Ted signed the separation papers barely ten minutes ago. We agreed to split everything in an amicable divorce, now that we no longer have Tonks in the house to keep the family together...”

I tossed the papers into the air and she stared at them flying all over, then I scooped her up into my arms and stored the papers before I teleported us to my castle and then to my lavish trophy room. Andromeda's stare changed to my face and then her eyes dropped down to my chest as I stripped off for her. She let out a sexy moan at the blatant invitation and started to tear off her own clothes.

We were soon naked and rolling around on the shag carpet that was the pelt from the Manticore I had slain. Andromeda's desperate kisses on my face, my chest, and down my abdomen, made me rock hard by the time she reached where she really wanted to kiss me.

What was it with older women being able to do that so much better? Was it experience alone or was it because they knew what they wanted and how to get it? Because sure as hell was hot, I never wanted her to stop doing what she was doing.

Andromeda looked at my face when I let out an indecent moan for her and I could feel her trying to smile while she also sucked on me like a champion. She didn't try to finish me off, though. She slowed down and moved to sit up on my waist.

“Why did you stop?” I asked her.

“If we're only doing it once, I want to feel it inside when you let it go.” Andromeda said and rubbed herself along my length to slick me up even more than her saliva had. She must have had a hidden river down there, because it just kept flowing without stopping.

“Why in the world would you think I'd only do you once?” I asked her.

Andromeda looked surprised for a moment, then she gave me a very smug look and shifted her hips. “All right, Harry. After tonight, you no longer have to pretend Nymphadora's me.”

I waited until she shoved my member inside before I spoke. “I never pretended she was, Andi.”

Andromeda caught her breath and stopped moving.

“I always made sure we were easily found and easily seen. I wanted you to stop us, because I suspected a long time ago that you were right. I was just a phase and easy for her to latch onto until she got what she wanted.” I reached up and dug my hands into her large breasts to make her moan. “I have patiently waited years to make love to such a beautiful and sexy woman.”

“Oh, Harry!” Andromeda exclaimed and laid down on top of me to kiss me passionately.


In the Come-and-Go room, two house elves were having their own little get together. The sorted, cleaned, and repaired items around them that Harry had done, drove them on to greater heights of passion. They had found someone else that cared about having a family to take care of and wanted little ones of their own to take care of while they waited for their masters to have little ones of their own.

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