The Protagonist System

82 Just Having Fun

82 Just Having Fun

To my surprise, Andromeda wanted to be bred by me. She actually begged to have my child and that it was her fondest wish to start fulfilling my boast to her that I would have tons of little Potters and Blacks running around. By the time morning came around, she had convinced me. Now she was pregnant and happier than I had ever seen her.

Andromeda gave me a toe-curling kiss when I dropped her off at her place and a look so sexy that I was instantly hard for her. She saw that and patted it, then promised when I visited at the end of the month to give me another night to remember.

I agreed and she sauntered towards her house with her ass swaying so much that I thought her hips were going to fall off. She turned around at the door and gave me a wave, a smug look, and entered the house. I chuckled at her intentionally and successfully keeping my attention to watch her walk, and teleported back to Hogwarts.

“Nanny.” I said and after a few moments, the house elf popped beside me and she had the exact same look on her face that Andromeda had after I had impregnated her. “Was it your plan for the both of us to have fun?”

Nanny nodded her head several times and her ears flopped violently. I laughed and took her offered hand. She popped us back into the Room of Requirement and I was glad that I didn't see a tiny bed or a half naked house elf getting dressed.

“Thank you, Nanny.” I said and hugged the little elf.

Nanny hugged me back. “Youse bees welcome, Master Harry. I goes home to takes care of Miss Amy nows.”

I nodded and she popped away. My eyes went right over to the sorted piles of items I had fixed the night before. There were piles of clothing that were a few centuries out of date, several out of print books, a mixture of furniture, school desks and chairs, two empty trunks, and a leather satchel bag with several leather pouches around the outside.

I stored everything that wasn't school property and put the desks and chairs off to the side near the front of the room. I had a bit of time left before I had to change into my school clothes and head to breakfast, so I left the room wearing my invisibility cloak and took the map back out. I cast the magic detection spell on it again and it replaced the specific one I had cast the night before.

With it showing me there was no one in the hallways, I went over to the Griffindor common room entrance and spoke the password. Funnily enough, the Fat Lady in the portrait opened without actually seeing anyone there. I kept the cloak on and entered, crossed the room, and went up the stairs.

Thankfully, no one was waiting for me in my bed and had believed me when I said my evening would be filled by talking to Daphne. The last thing I wanted to do was disappoint someone by making them wait for me all night.

I stored my cloak and took off my clothes, had a quick shower, and dressed in a high quality Griffindor uniform. It was almost funny that no one mentioned how much nicer my school clothing was than everyone else's. Was it expected that I would have better versions, or did it just become something that they didn't question?

I shrugged and left my room and went down the stairs. The Flying Foxes were there with the fifth and sixth year prefects and all five of them gave me smiles and waves. “Good morning, ladies.”

“I bet it was.” Angelina said with a smirk. “Did you get the little diva to spread her legs for you?”

The girls around her laughed.

“I will have you know I successfully inserted my tongue into Daphne's mouth and she only fainted for ten minutes.” I said in a snooty voice and they kept laughing. “All joking aside, she was adorable in how innocent she was and I can't wait to meet her sister, my future betrothed.”

All of them quieted and looked a little sad.

“Hey, it's all right. The contract doesn't come into effect for another three years when I turn 17, then I can choose to either agree to it and pay the stipulated bride price or pay the cancellation fee.” I said and all of them looked quite happy to hear that.

“We can have a lot of fun while waiting for three years.” Angelina said sexily and Alicia and Katie nodded.

“You say that now.” I said and she gave me a questioning look. “What will you say when I join the team as the new seeker?”

All five girls gasped and stared at me with wide eyes.

“The flying lessons are tomorrow afternoon for first years. If you don't have classes...” I said suggestively and Angelina, Katie, and Alicia nodded. “With that settled, are you going down to breakfast?”

“Sure, let's go.” Katie said and jumped to her feet and took my hand. “Are you really going to try and get on the house team?”

“I'll ask for a meeting with Professor McGonagall for lunch, so I'll find out then if she can lift that restriction for the youngest seeker in a century.”

Katie giggled as the girls followed us out of the common room and down the hall. “I think if you tell her that first thing, she'll agree without you having to argue about it being a good idea to let you try out for the team.”

“That's true. McGonagall is a stickler for keeping the Quidditch Cup in her trophy case.” Angelina added. “She'll do anything to make sure it stays there.”

“I'll do my best.” I promised and led them down two secret passages and through a tapestry to end up in the Entrance Hall.

“How did you do that?” The fifth year prefect named Eleanor Birchgrove asked. “I thought only Fred and George knew the castle like the back of their hand?”

“I'd say it's a trade secret, except I don't want to piss you off.” I said and she smiled. “I've been exploring every evening before I went back to the common room. There are tons of little passages and tunnels between here and everywhere else in the castle.”

The girls nodded as we entered the Great Hall and I did my duty to sit Katie first, then did the same with the other girls. They were all laughing and happy at being treated like a high class lady by the time I sat down myself.

We started eating and chatting about Quidditch as the hall slowly filled up with students. It was then that a certain potions professor entered from a side door that the teachers used, when loud laughter rang across the whole hall.

I turned to look and had a hard time not laughing myself. Snape looked like a Smurf with his bright blue skin. His trademark sneer didn't lessen as he glared at everyone, as usual, then he sat down and reached for the food to load his plate. He froze when he saw his blue skin and his sneer changed to anger.

“MISTERS WEASLEY!” Snape yelled and it echoed off the walls. “Undo this prank right now!”

As if perfectly timed, that was when Fred and George entered the Great Hall. The pair looked shocked at being accused of something, then they saw Snape and burst out laughing. The pair hung on each other as they laughed so hard that they were crying.

Minerva stood and walked over to them. “You will be in detention for a month if you don't fix this!”

“Wasn't us.” Fred managed to say between guffaws.

“Brilliant, whoever did it.” George said and he calmed down to cough and elbow Fred.

“You are the castle pranksters.” Minerva needlessly reminded them.

“Yes, ma'am. We are.” Fred said and stood up straight.

“We'd claim it if it was ours, you know we would.” George said and looked at their friends at the Griffindor table, probably for backup.

“That's so true.” Eleanor said. “We usually can't get them to shut up about their next prank.”

“It's making what's left of the Slytherins glued to their seats in History of Magic this morning.” Alicia offered and several groans came from the half-empty table.

“Yep! We've been planning it all week.” Fred said.

“We brewed special glue for it and everything.” George added, unnecessarily.

Minerva gave them a good glare, then sighed. “If it wasn't you, then who could it have been?”

“You're assuming it was a person responsible.” I said into the silence.

That comment made a few people blink in confusion and more than a few immediately turned to look at the castle ghosts floating near their house tables.

“PEEEEVES!” Snape yelled and stormed out of the Great Hall.

Everyone started laughing again at the angry blue professor's back.

“It wasn't Peeves, was it?” Katie asked me in a whisper.

“Nope.” I said and winked at her.

Katie's eyes widened briefly and then she started giggling uncontrollably. No one really noticed because of all the other people laughing. I put an arm over her shoulders and she snuggled into my side and kept giggling.

“You're so bad.” Katie whispered in my ear when she eventually calmed down.

“Like Angelina, you wouldn't have it any other way.” I whispered back.

Katie smiled and gave my neck several kisses. “How did you do it?”

“It's people-based.” I said and she stopped kissing my neck to look into my eyes. “He's only blue when people can see him. If he's alone, he's fine.”

“Oh... oh, that... that's just evil.” Katie whispered and her voice was full of admiration.

“Thank you, my dear.” I said and gave her a quick kiss. “We need to eat.”

Katie glanced down at my waist and back at my face.

I chuckled at the invitation and whispered. “If we eat quickly enough, there's a broom cupboard on the first floor we can visit before first class.”

Katie gained a determined look and nodded.

We were out of the hall ten minutes later and had a bit of fun in the dark. Apparently, Katie really liked it when someone pulled a successful and non-harmful prank and got away with it, especially on the most hated teacher in Hogwarts. We both had smiles on our faces for the whole morning after our quick shag.

Thanks to Katie's suggestion on leading with my youngest seeker in a century comment, Minerva agreed immediately to allow me to try out for the house team, as long as I borrowed a good broom. Of course, I had to tell her about the gift of brooms I gave to Hooch, just so she didn't think I was using an inferior broom.

We didn't make it to lunch.


The next day was the most anticipated first year flying lesson in years. Even though the girls had tried to keep it quiet and only known to their teammates, most of the school knew I had been given an exception to the school's policy of no first years on the House teams and a lot of them were there in the Quidditch stands to watch the class.

Because there was only one Slytherin in first year, all four houses had the class that day, which saved Madam Hooch from having to teach two different classes and repeating the same thing twice every week. She was in a very happy mood when she carried out the shrunken packing crate onto the Quidditch pitch.

That was something the girls actually managed to not let slip, so when Hooch opened the thing and proclaimed loudly that she had 50 brand new Numbus 2000 brooms that everyone could borrow for flying classes, everyone cheered, even the people in the stands.

New brooms meant that casual flying time could be freely booked and scheduled in the evenings and on the weekends, as long as there wasn't a game or team practice going on. Everyone was happy about that.

Madam Hooch beamed a smile at everyone as she went along and placed each broom next to a student and went back to the crate when she was done. Her brief words to thank the mysterious donor, went over everyone's heads, except for those in the know. I glanced over at the Griffindor stands and saw five girls with very happy faces and knowing looks.

The professor taught her first lesson eagerly about broom safety, how to handle it, and how to stop. Her enthusiasm infected everyone, even myself, and we were all eager to use the brooms and prove we were responsible enough to use them safely and not kill ourselves. Well, everyone else was, anyway. I had tons of experience with flying things and wasn't worried about it at all.

We did the basic drills needed, then we did the exercises necessary to show we knew and followed her safety procedures, then she released us to do some casual free flying. The very pointed look she gave me as the other students slowly floated up into the air, had me grinning back at her, because she knew full well how good of a flyer I was. She shook her head at me and waved towards the open sky.

I nodded and hopped onto the broom and took off like a rocket. People cheered and hollered when they saw me streak across the Quidditch pitch like it didn't exist. I did several loops in midair first, then I flew at a breakneck speed down the field and through one of the goal rings, looped it, and shot off to do the same to a goal ring at the other end of the pitch.

I slowed down near the Griffindor stands and the looks of utter desire on Angelina's, Alicia's and Katie's faces, made me smirk at them. “Hey, Oliver! You wouldn't happen to have a game snitch nearby, would you?”

“I'LL GET ONE RIGHT NOW!” Oliver yelled and practically dove down the stairs and almost killed himself to get to the equipment shed as soon as possible. The rest of the team howled in laughter at how excited he was.

Needless to say, Minerva McGonagall mysteriously appeared within the Griffindor stands and her sharp eyes watched me as I did several seeker exercises that Oliver put me through, then he let the snitch go and counted to ten and nodded to me.

I blew through and around the other students flying and had it ten seconds later. I brought it back to him and he had the same look of desire on his face that the girls had. He let the snitch go again and counted to twenty this time. I was back ten seconds later and handed him the snitch back.

“We are going to be spending a lot of time talking strategy, Potter.” Oliver said.

“As long as it's just talking. I'm a witch's bloke, just to be clear.” I confirmed.

Oliver smiled and then chuckled. “I doubt me sucking you off could make you fly faster.”

“I would to get away from that offer.” I joked and he laughed.

“That's good to know for emergencies, Potter.” Oliver said and looked over my shoulder as he smirked. “I'll release you to the foxes now.”

I felt several hands touch my shoulders and arms, so I turned around and was engulfed by the three beauties. They hugged me like I was one of my plushies and I didn't fight it or tell them to stop.

“No one is going to touch us this year.” Angelina said, her voice low and sexy. I grew hard for her and she felt it, smiled at me, and gave me a discreet kiss that no one but our little group saw it.

“Not to score, anyway.” I said and she nodded, as did Alicia and Katie.

They let me go and I walked over to the crate and Madam Hooch.

“Thanks for the loan, Madam Hooch.” I said and handed her the broom back.

“After seeing you fly like that, I'd let you keep it if it was allowed.” Madam Hooch said. “Thank you for not endangering your fellow students.”

“Safety first when non-quidditch players are involved. During a game? All bets are off.” I grinned.

Madam Hooch nodded and put the broom in the crate. She called the rest of the students back and had them sign a broom out if they wanted to keep flying until suppertime.

I walked back over to where Oliver had gathered with the team to talk about my performance. I saw Minerva in the back of the crowd. She gave me a nod and disappeared, which meant she was probably a cat and slipped away without anyone seeing her.

“Why didn't you keep one of the brooms out to keep flying?” Oliver asked me.

“A simple reason, my friend. I wanted to take my teammates out for a casual fly in style.” I said and turned to the side. “Nanny!”

My house elf popped in beside me. “Youse be calling me, Master Harry?”

“Could you pop home and grab the family magic carpet?” I asked her.

Nanny nodded and popped away. The team stared at me like I had grown a horn on my head.

“It's only illegal to buy and sell them in Britain. I already own it, so it's okay.” I said and Nanny popped in with the rolled up thing. “Thank you, Nanny.”

“Youse bees welcome.” Nanny said and popped away.

I unrolled it and it gained a lot of attention, because it was so big and colorful.

“This looks well used.” Katie commented and knelt to pet it.

“I picked it up in Egypt a long time ago when I was there.” I said, dropping a huge hint to anyone that read my book.

Fred was the first one to get it. “The Mummy's Curse!”

I smiled and nodded at him as I waved everyone to climb on. “I guess your brother Bill must know a lot about that by now.”

“He apprenticed under one of the survivors.” George said and sat down. “This is really comfy!”

The others quickly copied him and sat own, the girls relaxing and sighing after sitting on the hard wooden benches in the stands.

“I really regretted not being able to show up sooner.” I said and let them hear the pain in my voice.

Angelina pulled me into a hug and tenderly kissed me. “Hey, no more of that. You arrived and saved who you could. That's all that matters.”

“Yeah, that's right. Imagine if you never showed up at all.” Fred said. “Bill would have been stuck learning under a goblin. They hate teaching almost as much as Professor Snape does.”

That had everyone laugh and I motioned to the carpet. Angelina reluctantly let me go and I sat at the head of the carpet.

“All passengers, please note that the fasten seat belts and no smoking signs are lit.” I joked and mimed taking the flight controls. Katie and Oliver laughed.

“He's pretending to be a muggle airplane pilot.” Katie explained.

“Have any of you been on the goblin mine carts at the bank?” I asked and they all nodded. “Then this is going to feel very familiar. If you're not flying fast enough to ruffle your hair, you have to fly faster.”

They were all enthusiastic broom flyers, so they knew what I meant. They yelled happily as the carpet's protective charms activated to stop them from falling out and I flew it up into the air almost as fast as a broom. They shoved their hands up into the air like people did on a rollercoaster and cheered as I put the carpet through its paces.

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