The Protagonist System

83 Summarizing Things

83 Summarizing Things

The rest of the week passed by without incident, mostly because Potions classes were cancelled. Snape was being petty and didn't want anyone seeing him looking so sad and angry, which meant he had normal colored skin until he went to Dumbledore or one of the other professors for help. As long as he stayed sequestered in his rooms and out of sight, he was fine.

Since they hadn't figured out the visual component yet, every time Katie heard someone mentioning the potions teacher, I correct them and call him Grumpy Smurf. She absolutely looses it and giggles as she laughs uncontrollably, each and every time, then she hauls me off to the nearest broom cupboard or empty classroom for some slap and tickle fun. Her reactions were both hilarious and satisfying.

I easily made it onto the Quidditch team, as if there was any doubt. I did try out officially, just so anyone that missed my flying class would know that I earned my spot on the team and it wasn't just because I was famous. Our first practice was that weekend and I slotted into the team as if I had always been there.

No one was surprised that Katie fit in so well, too. It was pretty much just extending her year-long friendships with the other two chasers, Angelina and Alicia, and they worked like a well oiled machine to score. Fred and George were the experienced beaters and even they had trouble messing up the girls when they practised their plays. The new Nimbus 2000 brooms made us all perform spectacularly.

I did a lot of studying in the library and working in the Room of Requirement during all of the free time I had with so many classes being horribly taught or not taught at all. The assigned homework was laughable, since I could create a report with what I wanted on it with a wave of my hand, wand or not.

I never did it where anyone else could see, though. Blatant cheating like that would anger all of my friends that worked so hard at completing their homework. However, I did let them look at it if they were having trouble and told them to paraphrase it in their own words.

Not surprisingly, Hermione was usually one of the first ones to ask for it and compared it to her own. Her huffs of indignation were pretty cute, so I never objected. I actually enjoyed seeing her look of concentration as she meticulously went over what I had in my essays and she actually did change some of hers to be more similar to mine.

My old book stash grew as I went through each pile of junk in the Room of Requirement, as did my trunk collection, lost bags, clothing, money, sparse jewellery, and antique furniture. Any library books I found, I copied for myself and set aside for Madam Pince.

The look of desire on the librarian's face when I passed her a normal trunk full of missing library books at the end of the week, made me shiver and promise to visit her that evening when she was off work. She had a fairly nice set of rooms like an apartment that was similar to the Head Boy's suite I stayed in, which meant I was fairly comfortable there and she looked happy about that.

Hermione's birthday was a huge affair, considering she was much more personable after getting all the knowledge she could ever stand and had become good friends with her dorm mates, Lavender, Parvati, and Fay. I also pleasured her to the point that she was quite casual with showing public affection, as long as she was distracted with a book.

Hugs and kisses were now easily shared with me and Hermione was happy. She was also getting to the point that she now expected our little secret encounters and she had a sly and smug smile whenever I managed to slip us away from our friends and we had some fun together. I even heard her whisper once that she was glad I had chosen her, despite all of the much prettier girls in the school.

Needless to say, I took her to bed that night and pampered her as I whispered that she was the only one I would do that with, because she deserved it. I also said something that made her blush all the way down to her feet, which I kissed on my way back up to her face. I told her that I loved her. Her response that it was the best present I could have ever given her, had me making love to her for the rest of the night.

At the end of the month after visiting the prison, Andromeda gave me another night to remember. It was honestly funny that the guard looked forward to our visits just as much as Sirius did. They both claimed to have gained weight, which was amazing, because everyone lost weight if they stayed at Azkaban, prisoner or guard.

During the second week in October, Lavender eventually did give me a blowjob in class under a notice-me-not charm, which she had me include Parvati in, just so she could watch us. The brown-skinned girl was almost driven insane with lust as she watched Lavender work me over while Professor Flitwick taught the class the levitation charm.

Parvati's quick warning to me that I better cast a notice-me-not charm for her too, didn't stop her from joining Lavender under my desk before I could cast it. Thankfully, no one noticed us, because we were at the back of the room. Double blowjobs were the best, especially when they were Griffindors with a competitive streak, and they wanted to outdo each other by being the one to get me off first.

When one of them won, Lavender of course, I temporarily expanded the space under the desk and silenced it with a spell, then asked her to turn around. She didn't protest, even though this was way past anything we had agreed to do in public.

Parvati flipped up Lavender's skirt for me and pulled down the girl's soaked underwear, then helped guide me inside. Lavender's loud moan didn't escape the confines of the desk, thankfully. Parvati helped her move her hips more forcefully and both I and Lavender appreciated the assistance.

I didn't last long under their ministrations, despite it being my second shot, probably because having a beautiful pussy to rail under my desk was such a rare and wonderful sight. I filled her up and Lavender moaned so loudly that it strained the silence spell. I reinforced it and Parvati cleaned the both of us up, then she made us promise to let her win next time. We agreed, since doing that again was definitely something to look forward to.

Halloween arrived and passed without incident. The feast was mostly Halloween candies from both the muggle and wizarding worlds, so no real food was had until later in my room and Nanny served myself and my friends enough to counter the huge sugar rush that most of us were suffering through.

I finally turned off the ward to stop Snape from becoming blue when people saw him. He had become so twitchy that I almost felt bad about it, then he opened his mouth and spewed his usual diatribe and that feeling disappeared. Katie still dragged me to a broom cupboard for never getting caught.

I met Andromeda that weekend for another prison visit and she was just as enthusiastic in bed as she had been the first time. Her claims of having so much fun while having so much fun, made me laugh. She wasn't wrong, though. It really was fun and after only exchanging letters and short visits for more merchandise deliveries, so spending an entire evening with her was quite fun.

We didn't always have sex the entire time, either. Sometimes, we sprawled out on the couch and ate snacks as we watched television. Another time we went out on the town in London and I bought her anything she wanted. She could have bought it all herself, since she was rich as well; but, that wasn't the point. I was indulging her and she adored getting the attention.

The first Quidditch match of the season happened during the first week of November and we kicked Ravenclaw's butt. They never scored once and we were at 120 points when Oliver told me to catch the snitch. We won the game with 270 points to Ravenclaw's 0, and the party in the common room was a huge blowout. Minerva showed up at curfew to shut it down, then joined in instead. Everyone cheered.

November flew by before I knew it and December rolled in with snow aplenty. Santa Harry was going to be extra busy this Yule holiday with all of the friends I had made at school. Putting personal touches on so many presents would make them all individually happy, so I was happy to do it. I was also not staying at the castle, so most of them had to be done before I took the train home for the break.


“You know, it's kind of nice that you're not demanding all of our time and trying to control our lives.” Hermione said out of the blue. “You're not even trying to tell us who we can be friends with or who we spend our time with when we're not with you.”

The train was about a quarter of the way to London and her comment almost startled me because of how sudden it was. I turned to look at her and she didn't have her nose buried in the book on her lap.

“I'm just going to ignore that you said that pretty much at random and without any hints or lead-up.” I said and she smiled. “Instead, I'll ask you a question.”

Hermione nodded. “Go ahead.”

“What right would I have to ask any of you to do any of that?” I asked and her eyes widened. “You're all being wonderful about the antics I get up to, so why would I ever try to restrict anything you do?”

Hermione opened her mouth to respond, then closed it and looked thoughtful.

I reached over and ran my fingers through her hair and she leaned into my hand. “I've never made it a secret of what I get up to, because that would just cause hurt feelings and maybe make some of you feel neglected. I would never do that or tell you to sit around and wait for me. That would be selfish and greedy.”

Hermione hummed and closed her eyes.

“Now climb onto my lap and wait for me to snog you senseless.” I ordered her.

Hermione made a snort sound and laughed. She opened her eyes and saw my grin, put her book aside, and did as I ordered. She straddled my lap and settled herself on my growing erection as she stared deep into my eyes. I put my arms around her waist and held her tenderly.

“You don't need glasses, do you?” Hermione asked me after examining my face.

“No, they're just clear glass. Everyone expects me to have them because my dad wore them when he was a teenager.” I explained and took them off for her.

“I can't tell if you look better or not.” Hermione said with a hum and tilted her head slightly as she stared at me for another few seconds. “Did you really do everything that the books claimed you did?”

“In the ones with text, yes.” I corrected and she raised her eyebrows at me. “The children picture books were stories of other wizards that someone else stole. I made him pay for his crimes and I anonymously donated the proceeds from the book sales to the wizards he obliviated of their deeds as compensation.”

Hermione shivered and let out a soft moan. “You are too good to be true, Harry.”

“That's because I'm Harry Potter...” I prompted with a smirk.

“...the best Harry Potter.” Hermione finished and leaned in to kiss me.

We stayed there for several minutes as we enjoyed the feeling of each other's lips and tongue. A knock on the door had Hermione break the kiss and sigh.

“Come in.” I said and didn't let Hermione go when she tried to move.

The compartment door opened and Hannah was halfway through the opening before she saw the position we were in and blushed. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt anything.”

Susan stepped in and they both sat down on the other bench seat.

“It's fine.” I said and waved her apology away. “I can't keep my hands to myself and I was bound to be caught mauling a beautiful girl like Hermione eventually.”

“You prat.” Hermione said with a blush and lightly slapped my shoulder. “You can let me go now.”

I opened my mouth to protest and she gave me a quick kiss to stop me. I opened my arms and she carefully slid off my lap and stopped her skirt from lifting up and flashing the compartment.

“What can I do for you ladies?” I asked them as Hermione picked up her book and started reading.

“We wondered why you never made any time for us since school started.” Susan said, boldly.

“Susie!” Hannah gasped.

“What? We agreed to come here and confront him about it.” Susan said and gave me a self-righteous look. “After what happened during the train ride to school, we both thought you would have made at least some effort to speak to us.”

Hermione huffed and didn't say anything. She knew how busy I had been the last 4 months.

“Hannah, is that how you feel? That it was solely my responsibility to make an effort to speak to you?” I asked her.

Hannah had the same look on her face as Susan and nodded.

“Even though we have no shared classes, no mutual extra curricular activities besides meals where we usually don't see each other, and our common rooms are in different parts of the castle, it was me that had to go out of his way to go to you to start talking? That you didn't have to do anything at all but wait for me to approach you first? Is that what you're trying to tell me?”

That was when both girls realized it was them that had completely ignored me. Their self-righteous looks quickly changed to guilt and embarrassment.

“I think we should go.” Susan said and stood, took Hannah's hand, and dragged her to the compartment door. “My auntie already sent you a letter about...” She stopped and sighed. “Please ignore whatever it says.”

“No.” I said and she looked surprised. “I will send an appropriate response, whether she wants one or not. Neither my honor nor my reputation will be trampled upon, by either you or her.”

Susan looked really embarrassed now. “H-Harry...”

“I don't care if she's the Head of the DMLE and honest to a fault.” I said and stood up to my full height. “If she disparages me with false accusations, I will respond in kind... and everyone will hear of it.”

“No! You... you don't have to...” Hannah mumbled and looked embarrassed, too.

“I see you've already spread your falsehoods to the Hufflepuffs.” I said and sighed at their guilty looks. “Thank you for making even more work for me this holiday season. I need to release an announcement in the Daily Prophet and I will also send out personal notes with my Yule cards this year.”

Susan looked like she was going to say something, opened the compartment door, and stepped out.

“You should warn your aunt that she might need to call a press conference to publicly make up for your mistake.” I told her and she blushed and nodded as she shut the door.

“That was harsh and fair.” Hermione said.

I sat down beside her and sighed again. “It really will be a pain in the butt having to fix this.”

Hermione closed her book and gave me a searching look. “What's Tonks going to say about the Puffs having a bad opinion of you?”

“Honestly, I don't care. She burned that bridge during the summer. If she says anything negative to me about it, maybe I'll threaten to take back the protective amulet I gave her for being even more stupid than she already is.”

Hermione chuckled and cuddled into my side. “That won't set her off or anything.”

“That's okay. I have something to shut her up that I never told her about.”

“Oh? What is it?” Hermione asked.

I smiled at her and slowly morphed my face to look like her favorite movie actor and changed my hair color and shape to match.

Hermione's eyes widened so much that I thought they were going to pop out of her head. “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” She yelled and tackled me onto the bench seat and snogged me senseless.

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