The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 – Coronation (2)

“Are you crazy?”

Narakas, who had just heard my whole situation, gasped in shock. For the record, he was currently disguised as a stablehand in the palace.

“You seem even crazier. You actually infiltrated the royal palace under a false identity, and not just one from some random noble family?”

“Heh, this is the kind of thing you have to do if you want to lead the best intelligence organization on the continent.”

“But the palace thoroughly checks your identity before allowing entry.”

“If you disguise yourself as a previously approved servant, that’s not an issue.”

“Won’t the people around you notice something’s off?”

“My specialty is mastering the walk, speech, and even the smallest habits of my disguise target.”

Narakas responded with a voice brimming with confidence. This time, even his expression had changed.

Especially those dark, ominous eyes.

Looking into those eyes, which were completely different from before, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration.

‘Can you even change your eyes? As expected of Narakas, the man of a thousand faces.’

I was thinking this when he spoke again.

“Forget about me. What are you planning to do?”

“About what?”

“Do you really think you can escape the schemes of Duke Kairos on your own in this situation?”

“That’s why I need the help of a friend.”

“Friends, my foot. If I’d had a child early, I’d have a grandchild your age by now!”

Yeah, no. In reality, I’m actually a few years older than you.

“Now that I think about it, this is really unfair. Damn it, talking more is just going to wear me out.”

“Forget that, just give me some information on the Empire’s delegation. They’ve already arrived, haven’t they?”

“Are you really planning to go through with this?”

“If you don’t want me to mess things up out of fear, don’t you think you should give me some information on them?”

“……You have a point.”

After a brief hesitation, Narakas nodded.

“The leader of this Empire’s delegation is Count Kaiman. Have you heard of him?”


I’ve already got all the key figures of the Empire stored in my head.

But there’s no one by the name of ‘Kaiman’ among them.

Then again, it’s been over 20 years since I was actively involved.

“He’s a rising star in the Empire, and has made a name for himself lately. He apparently earned a nickname in his 30s. The fact that he’s been recognized in the Empire is something to note……”

“Spare me the long story. You’re just saying he’s a talented upstart, right?”

“……Let’s just drop it.”

Narakas sighed.

“To cut to the chase, based on our intel, he’s at least on par with the Masters of this country.”


Was he excited to see me in deep thought?

“Now you understand, right? I acknowledge your talents, but in this situation, there’s no way you can take on a Master from the Empire.”

“Who said anything about causing trouble?”

“You’re saying you won’t?”

“I do use my brain. Do I look that crazy to you?”


When you answer so bluntly, there’s not much I can say.

“……Fine, let’s take care of the urgent matters first. Here, deliver this for me.”

“What’s this?”

“A letter.”

Narakas, tilting his head in curiosity, took the item I handed him.

“It’s for…… what was her name again? Winzer? Anyway, deliver it to the youngest princess of this country. Discreetly.”


Winley had returned to the palace she so despised. As a witness in the noble assault case?


She came back of her own accord.

“P-Princess!? You’ve returned!”

“We were so worried!”

“We’re truly relieved that you’re safe, truly!”

She only gave a slight nod to the servants who greeted her. It reflected just how angry she was at that moment.

‘So, they knew everything already?’

Winley wasn’t a fool. She knew why Duke Kairos had been there. She recognized that sly look when they briefly met eyes. Even the sudden visit to Duke Herman’s house, which seemed like a random event.

‘They knew I was hiding my identity, but they just let it happen.’

She especially couldn’t face Duke Herman. It wasn’t that she felt ignored; she just felt overwhelmingly guilty towards him. That’s why she had returned, albeit belatedly.

“Princess, what about your meal……?”

“I’m not hungry.”

No matter how much she tried to live an independent life, in the end, she was just a fish caught in a net, trapped in the hands of the gods. It was her fate.

She couldn’t escape this hellish curse.

“……Damn it.”

Overwhelmed by this sense of loss, Winley stopped eating and isolated herself in her room. But then,

“……Princess, I’ll leave your meal here in the crack of the door. Please eat, for the sake of your health.”


Winley didn’t even respond. She didn’t have the strength to. However,

‘……Didn’t they just say the crack of the door?’

Wasn’t that a strange thing to say? Not ‘in front of the door’, but ‘in the crack of the door’.


Winley poked her head out from under the covers, looking around.


That’s when she noticed it. A note was sticking out from the crack in the door.

[Let’s meet around noon, in the back garden of the Royal Knights’ quarters.]

That was all it said.


That was her first thought. There was no reason to choose lunchtime otherwise.

‘……No. If assassination was the goal, they would’ve chosen midnight, not broad daylight.’

This was the royal palace, after all. If they wanted to kill her, it would’ve made more sense to do it outside, especially since her identity was already known.

More importantly,

‘There’s no political gain in it.’

Killing her outright wouldn’t be as useful as keeping her alive as a pawn in a political marriage.

Her status as a princess could be valuable to any faction.

‘……Yeah. If I’m going to live like this, I’d rather just die.’

With that, Winley staggered out of bed. What did she have to fear at this point? Besides, she felt more at ease in the Royal Knights’ training grounds than in this suffocating bedroom.

“Let’s see what kind of lunatic this is.”

At this moment, Winley couldn’t have imagined in her wildest dreams. That this ‘lunatic’ she casually mentioned in passing would turn out to be the real deal.

* * *

Reaper Scans

[Translator – San]

[Proofreader – Abstract]

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* * *

A peaceful noon, with birds chirping, and the sun warming the courtyard behind one of the palace buildings.

As she leaned out the window, the person he had been waiting for slowly appeared.


Ancelot couldn’t help but shout out in excitement.


“Let’s get engaged!”


Winley, who had just lifted her head, suddenly froze in shock.

“He’s fucking crazy, isn’t he?”

“Princess…… I think you just said that out loud.”

“Ack, sorry. It just slipped out.”

Winley quickly apologized, feeling a bit embarrassed.

“I’m really a prince. The 7th prince of the Duchy of Meeke.”


“You don’t want an arranged marriage, do you?”


Winley flinched.

“It’s an engagement, not a marriage. You can break it off anytime.”

“You mean……?”

“Those Imperial bastards are here in the palace to take you, right? Tell them with your head lifted high. That you already have someone you love.”

Winley was completely taken aback by the unexpected proposal.

“If that prince bastard isn’t some twisted freak who enjoys stealing other people’s lovers, he’ll probably give up.”


Winley didn’t answer right away. Because she disliked the proposal? No, that wasn’t it.

‘There are more twisted freaks out there than you might think.’

Her father, for instance……

“You don’t want a forced marriage, and I don’t want to go home. Isn’t this the best option we can think of?”


Despite her logical mind telling her this was crazy, Winley’s emotions were running wild. Was it because she had fallen in love with this lunatic at first sight?

Of course not.

‘This…… This plan just sounds insanely fun!’

Her heart was practically dancing with excitement.

“……Yeah, seeking you out was the best decision I ever made.”

“……All of a sudden?”

At his puzzled response, Winley lifted her chin defiantly.

“But I have a condition.”


Ancelot frowned.

“You’re shameless. Hey, didn’t you hear? This is a win-win. I even came up with the plan. All you have to do is show up, and you’re complaining?”

“So what? Beggars can’t be choosers.”

“You’re out of your mind.”

“……It’s really annoying to hear that from you, of all people.”

Winley recalled the real reason she had sought him out in the first place.

‘My swordsmanship is stagnant.’

That’s what Duke Herman, a Master, had told her. He even said that this wasn’t something his teaching could fix. She would have to learn through direct experience.

‘I thought there wasn’t anything I could learn from kids my age, but……’

Winley’s eyes gleamed. This boy was different. Someone her age, but several, no, dozens of steps ahead of her.

“Make me as strong as you!”

“……What makes you so confident?”

“Make me strong.”

“Don’t wanna.”

“Make me.”



“You brat, you keep shortening your sentences. ‘Make’, my ass. Should I just beat you up instead?”


Winley instinctively took a step back. It wasn’t her head but her body that remembered that fear.

“Enough. Are you going to do it or not?”

“My answer is……”

“Want me to hit you?”

“……I’ll do it!”

Finally, Ancelot nodded in satisfaction.

“Oh, one more thing. I’m warning you in advance, but don’t actually fall for me. This is just an act.”


For the first time, genuine confusion appeared on Winley’s face.

“Did you hit your head?”


That night.


While I was meditating quietly, I suddenly opened my eyes.

‘A presence?’

I sensed a very discreet presence outside the door.

‘It’s as stealthy as an assassin.’


But nothing of concern happened. The presence simply slipped a note under the door and disappeared.


I picked up the note, puzzled.

There was nothing written on it……

“……Yeah, right.”

I quickly lit a candle and held the paper over the flame.


Nothing appeared, no letters revealed by the light. Then, onto the second method.


I infused the paper with mana. Still, there was no reaction.

“Did they get the wrong room?”

I couldn’t help but wonder. If I were the target, they should have used a method I could easily recognize.

‘Now that I think about it, I heard that the strict Royal Knights sometimes use this method when arranging secret meetings.’

I kept tilting my head in confusion, eventually lying down on my bed.

‘……There are no coincidences in this world. Only planned coincidences.’


I quickly sat upright. With cause comes effect.

‘What if it only reacts to a specific type of mana?’

As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I remembered the tiny sliver of mana that had almost disappeared inside me. The mana I had gotten from the mana cultivation method of the Duchy of Meeke.

I activated that mana.


Bzzt! Crackle!

As soon as the insignificant mana activated, the note reacted. Red letters quickly began to engrave themselves on the paper.


I focused on the words as they formed.

[Do not trust your allies.]

“……What kind of nonsense is this?”

I frowned deeply at the first sentence. I was already sensitive about the idea of betrayal. And now they’re telling me not to trust my allies?


[They’re a spy of the Empire.]


I muttered in confusion as the next sentence appeared. But the real shock came with the final words that followed.


[……Narakas is.]


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