The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 – A Stab in the Back (1)


I flung the door open.

”……No one?”

As expected, the dark hallway was filled only with silence. My brows gradually furrowed with frustration.

‘Who’s the bastard that pulled this kind of crap?’

Sitting back down on the bed, I fell deep into thought. It’s not like there weren’t any clues at all.

‘First, the bastard knows Narakas’ name.’

He was the head of the Mask of Night, an organization renowned as the greatest information network on the continent. He always wore a mask in public, avoiding exposure to the point of paranoia. Naturally, the true name of the leader was treated as top secret.

‘But the fact that they know his name……’

An insider, or someone with access to high-level information of that caliber at the very least.

No matter how notorious Narakas might be, decades have passed since he assumed that position. It wouldn’t be strange for a few members of the upper ranks to know his identity.

Then, there was the second clue that added weight to this hypothesis.

‘They also know that I’m a member of the royal family of the Duchy of Meeke.’

A means of communication. In other words, they chose to use mana, the ype the Meeke royal family is trained in.

Combining this first clue with the second……

‘Could it be someone in the upper ranks from the Duchy of Meeke?’

There are more than enough reasons for them to do this. It would be troubling if the exiled prince’s influence grew too strong. So, if their goal was to drive a wedge between me and Narakas……

‘……Of course, they must have anticipated that I’d think this way.’

So far, all the puzzle pieces had naturally clicked together without a single hitch. From my experience, hypotheses that fit together this smoothly are often a ‘trap’.

‘Even kings of many nations don’t dare to offend Narakas. Yet, would they really risk antagonizing the Mask of Night just to keep a lowly seventh prince, who has no backing, in check?’

As long as Narakas claimed to be my ally, doing so would also risk angering the Mask of Night.

”……I’ll check for myself tomorrow.”

With that thought, I laid back down on the bed.


The night sky was illuminated by a bright, full moon. A man, perhaps in his early thirties, slowly walked towards the stables. A striking scar that etched across his cheek set him apart from the others.

Count Kaiman.

He was a noble of the Empire, one of the most favored by the current Emperor.

”Lord Narakas.”


Narakas, who was busy cleaning up horse manure as usual while concealing his identity, slowly turned his head.

”……As expected, you always manage to find me, no matter where I hide.”

”I was quite skilled at hide-and-seek when I was little.”

”Haha, that’s quite a useful skill for people like us. Can’t you teach me the secret?”

”I don’t see why not.”

Count Kaiman faintly smiled.

”……Forget it. Judging by your face, I’m sure it won’t be for free.”

Narakas returned to cleaning the manure.

”You seem quite accustomed to this task.”

”I’ve done all sorts of menial jobs since I was young.”

”Haha, if only there were more hardworking people like you, the country would be in better shape.”

Count Kaiman let out a small laugh.

Anyone who witnessed this would have been shocked. He wasn’t known to be a man of many words. His reputation had even earned him the nickname, the ‘Knight of Silence’.

”They say that crises often arrive unexpectedly, but there are usually always signs.”

”What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

”For example, if a sack of wheat that cost 20 dongs yesterday suddenly costs 25 dongs today, and 30 dongs the next day…… prices spiraling out of control, like that.”

Narakas turned his head back towards Count Kaiman.

”In the end, the supply wouldn’t be able to keep up with the overwhelming demand. If the goods in question are luxury items for the nobility, then it may not matter. But if it was something essential like food or other necessities, it would be a different story altogether.”

”Are you trying to give me a lesson on economics?”

Count Kaiman continued speaking without acknowledging the comment.

”At that point, merchants from outside would come in, offering to sell the goods. However, they’d say, ‘We can’t trust the currency of your small country, so we’ll only accept Imperial currency, or at the very least, gold or silver.’”

”……Those outside merchants must have made preparations in advance, even if they took considerable losses.”

Count Kaiman nodded.

”At first, it might not be a problem, but as that situation repeats, the value of the small country’s currency would plummet……”

”No. No local lord would be so foolish as to manage their resources like that.”

”What if they were in on it?”


Narakas finally showed a strange expression.

”That sounds eerily familiar.”

”Isn’t it always like this? People, by nature, are selfish and prioritize their own safety. For them, others or their country will always come second.”

”Are you talking about the nobles of the Hart Kingdom?”

”No, I’m talking about humanity.”

Count Kaiman stared directly into Narakas’s eyes.

”Lord Narakas, in the end, life is about survival. Those who fail to notice changes and continue living as they always have will eventually be left behind. Thoughts like, ‘Our country will be fine’, or ‘Our family won’t be affected’, are the very thoughts that lead people into their destruction.”

”So you’ve come to threaten me, I see.”

”You’re smarter than anyone I’ve ever met, Lord Narakas.”

Under the moonlight, Count Kaiman smiled widely.

”Just ride the tide of the times, Lord Narakas.”

”I understand, so let’s end this here.”

”I apologize if I overstepped my boundaries.”

Count Kaiman immediately moved to the main topic.

”I’ve heard there was an intruder at Lord Bastion’s tomb.”

”I’ve already warned them not to get any ideas, but I can’t kill him myself.”

”The prince of the Duchy of Meeke, correct?”

”Yes. So I think it’s best not to stir up unnecessary trouble. This could easily escalate into a diplomatic issue between the two nations.”

”I see.”

”If I find anything, I’ll report it immediately. Since that’s why His Majesty kept me around.”

Count Kaiman gave a slight nod.

”But how did the prince know the code to open the tomb?”

”I’m wondering that myself. How did that young prince know?”

”So even you don’t know?”

”If I knew, I wouldn’t be observing him, would I?”

At this point, Count Kaiman’s voice dropped a little lower.

”……Then, why didn’t you inform us immediately when the tomb was opened?”

Narakas replied calmly.

”Believe it or not, I informed you as soon as I knew.”

”As I mentioned earlier, the tomb was designed to send us a signal upon its opening. However, there was a considerable delay between the time you informed us and when it actually happened.”

”If I hadn’t informed you at all, it would be a different story. Is it fair to pressure me just because I was a little late? After all I’ve done, this is disappointing.”

”Lord Narakas.”

Narakas’s tone changed.

Gone was the usual playful and light-hearted tone, replaced by something serious and weighty, befitting that of a head of a vast organization.

”Let’s stop here. Honestly, being suspected like this makes me uncomfortable.”

”I’m doing this to avoid being suspicious of you. I even sent someone separately, as I want to trust you that much.”

”Then just trust me.”

”……The tomb’s entrance was completely sealed off.”

“I’m sure it was. I closed it.”

”Why did you erase the traces of the tomb?”

”For the same reason. If traces of the Empire are found on foreign soil, His Majesty would be in a difficult position, don’t you think?”

”It was information we didn’t need to hide. All the important parts were erased anyway.”

Narakas showed his displeasure openly, but Count Kaiman seemed determined to continue.

Narakas spoke up again.

”I’m aware of the current situation. The Empire’s goal is to trigger a civil war in the Kingdom of Hart, isn’t it? In that context, any story related to a great hero is only harmful information. It would only increase their vigilance unnecessarily.”


”Do I need to explain further?”

After a brief moment of scrutiny, Count Kaiman finally took a step back.

”……My apologies. If that’s the judgment of Lord Narakas, the leader of the Mask of Night, then so be it.”

”Since earlier, I’ve had a feeling that you’re here to interrogate me, Count.”

”Indeed, I am.”

Narakas’s eyes turned cold.

”I thought I’d already proven my loyalty to the Empire.”

”Oh, don’t misunderstand, Lord Narakas. Given the recent precedent set by the Hart Kingdom, I just wanted to be extra sure. I have my own position to consider.”

Count Kaiman bowed his head slightly, seemingly genuinely apologetic.

”I’ll be going now.”

”……I’m not in the mood to tell you ‘goodnight’.”

”Haha, I do enjoy your pure-hearted nature, Lord Narakas. It doesn’t quite match your station.”

”Ha! It takes a certain skill to make a compliment out of calling someone childish.”

”Oops. I don’t want to be disliked any further, so I really should take my leave.”

With those words, Count Kaiman turned to go.

”……Oh, by the way.”

”What is it now?”

”I recently heard a strange rumor. That someone in the Hart Kingdom was using Sir Theorg’s blaze.”


In the silence, Count Kaiman’s voice rang out once more.

”……Of course, it’s probably a mistake. The flame looks just like regular fire mana on the surface. But, as they say, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. I’d appreciate it if you could let me know if you come across any relevant information.”

”I wasn’t going to mention this either.”


”I’ve heard that one of our organization’s relics is stored in the Empire’s warehouse.”


”You do understand what that means to me, don’t you?”

Count Kaiman, who had been silent for a moment, smiled faintly.

”That’s a baseless rumor. The idea that something you treasure is in the Empire’s warehouse is absurd. Are you implying we stole it?”

”For your sake, I hope not.”

Narakas abruptly turned away. It was a clear signal that the conversation was over.

”In any case, I trust you, Lord Narakas. And here, a small gift for the prince of the Duchy of Meeke.”

Narakas only turned his head slightly.

”His identity is certain, and if we can bring him to our side, all the better.”

Suddenly, a box was left where Count Kaiman had been standing. With those final words, Count Kaiman had disappeared completely.


Now alone, Narakas walked over to the box. Then, he looked up at the sky.

”……Damn moon, shining so brightly without a care in the world.”

* * *

Reaper Scans

[Translator – San]

[Proofreader – Abstract]

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* * *


As usual, Narakas slipped through the window.

”Are you asleep?”

At his words, the person lying down quietly opened their eyes.


”I brought you a gift.”


Normally, just the word ‘gift’ would have made him jump up immediately. But strangely, he continued to lie there, simply staring at Narakas for a long moment.

”……Why are you looking at me like that?”

”Hey, friend.”


”Are you struggling?”


Narakas paused briefly, then casually brushed his hair back.

”Can you see my expression even in this darkness?”

”Very clearly.”

”This is a mask, you know. I was aware of it, but it seems even you, the stable hand, can tell that I look pretty gloomy.”

”Your eyes look different than usual.”


”Of course, you’re skilled enough to even fake your gaze. But even considering that, your mood feels completely different.”

For a moment, a shiver ran down Narakas’ spine.

‘This guy is the real deal.’

Finally, as if he couldn’t help it, Narakas confessed.

”I guess I can’t fool you.”

”If you’re struggling, go ahead and spill it. What’s bothering you?”

”Well, everyone has a worry of their own, don’t they?”

Narakas shook his head as he said this.

”No, it’s not just one. As humans, we torment ourselves with all sorts of worries and anxieties about things that haven’t even happened yet.”

”Is that all?”

”That’s all. I have more mouths to feed than I can count. After all, I’m the leader of an organization, right?”

”That’s because you’re a warm-hearted guy.”


”Those who are cold-hearted only think about their own survival.”

I pointed to his chest. At that moment, Narakas’ mouth fell open in surprise. He hadn’t expected to receive such unexpected comfort from this person.

But why did those words sound so sweet?

”Most leaders treat their subordinates like disposable tools. Even when their subordinates achieve great things and make them shine, they later fear losing that shine, so they kill even the most loyal followers. Bastards.”

”Hahaha. That sounds like a tale of the great hero.”

”But compared to that, I think you’re a true leader.”

In that instant, something swelled up inside Narakas.

”……Thanks for recognizing that.”

At the same time, Ancelot slowly stood up.

”Did you betray me for your subordinates?”


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