The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 26: Heirloom

Chapter 26: Heirloom

Today we will speak with the Guardian. I prepared my flute in case the Guardian would let me play for her and sat at the dining room table.

Mom is cooking breakfast, domr meat, like always, with some fruit slices and this time cold root. The roots are bulbous at the start but branch down several carrot-like tendrils. The excess ice mana blends well with its sweet taste, like eating a veggie ice cream.

I start going over what I want to ask the guardian in my head. First, I need to ask about better ways of leveling my Bond. Second I need to know if there is a way to use my cursed skill without it corrupting my evolutions. And third, I want to ask about heirloom evolutions.

"Aly, are you sure you want to do this today? We can wait for a couple of months for the normal time," Dad said.

Dad had finally gotten a good location for our new place and the construction teams are now building it.

"Why wait? The sooner I know what position I am in the better it is for me. " I answered

For the first time, Mom won't be with me. We're not sure how mana toxicity would affect the unborn babies and don't want to take any risks.

After breakfast, we walked to the pier. I nervously fingered my flute. I'm not sure how I should approach the Guardian about playing my song for her. Do dragons even like music? Will she be offended? Welp, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"Off to temple island again?" A diver asked, she had just gotten back and was unloading sponges, gems, pearls and shells from coral reef below.

"Yeah" Dad replied with a nod.

We got on a communal boat and Dad started rowing. I played my music for practice, observing the seafloor with my aura. There are many Domrs crawling around, the bivalve crabs pinched at each other for territory. As some are fighting each, other others are bathing in a pocket of their element. Fydomrs, the fire element ones, are crowding around a geothermal vent, growing to worrying size. One was even bigger than me!

In fact, many Domrs had grown to large sizes from the storms and while a lot had been culled by the fighters since they were causing trouble and injuring, even killing people; many had carved out their territories and never approached the villages. Occasionally a diver would report a sighting of one but most fighters are ill-suited for underwater combat and those Domrs are generally left alone.

Landing on the island I saw the Storm Wardens in training meditating and practicing their sense mana. I'll have to teach them my sixth breakthrough soon and teach them the knowledge levels. To say that is important is an understatement. It's the sole reason for their insanely fast growth. Some, despite being taught, still don't level up until they see it for themselves. It slows progress down a lot. By now most of them would have three or four levels in action for most if not all their breakthroughs. They don't really have bad storms to provide extreme conditions and sometimes normal storms don't do the trick to push them to five levels.

We are now only meeting once a week for lessons and once they get the eighth breakthrough, the one that predicts storms, they'll be sent to other villages as proper Storm Wardens. Most have now adopted eye wraps to blindfold themselves. I have no idea why they do that. It's only something I do because of my cursed [True sight]. If light passes through my eyelids it's enough to cause discomfort like having an eyelash in your eye.

The Storm Wardens have also taken to priestess duties. Seeing as how only one priestess miraculously survived the center of the storm many have taken up the duties. I mean, what else are they doing? Sitting around and meditating like monks all day, might as well be useful.

We walked down the stone brick paths to the Guardian's nesting place. The path ended a respectful distance away from the dragon's chosen spot.

I noticed the incredible amount of mana in the area lessened as we approached. The Guardian noticed us and started restricting how much mana she leaks. It makes me wonder. If I get as strong as the dragon will I be forced into self isolation? Never able to feel the touch of a loved one again? Or can I become immune to mana toxicity and be able to perfectly hold in my mana? Maybe I should level up my Mana Toxicity Tolerance more.

"You have come early little ones," The Guardian said. Raising her head and speaking with majesty. "You've come for advice again, have you not?"

"I have," I reply with a bow of respect. Dad has stayed back this time. The Guardian always asked me to approach. I noticed she has asked me to approach a little closer every time; she knows I have mana toxicity tolerance. I wonder if this insanely powerful being is lonely.

"First tell me everything you've learned of mana. I may have many of your lifetimes' worth of experience with [Mana Sight] but your general skill offers more concrete insight into the workings of mana."

Whether or not the dragon knew I told the Guardian what I have learned and observed. The guardian did not interrupt. I told her of the MM force and the enhancing field. I explained how mana currents work as to my observations. I told her of the relationships of essences and elements. Explained how mana can transform into others and fuse. I explained how things like sand mana is a fusion of earth and another essence. I explained how the Nexus mana cores were formed and the cause of the superstorm, and how to destroy such a storm. I told her everything I knew so far.

"To have such insight at such a young age, truly remarkable." There was a hint of respect in her voice, barely noticeable with the prideful tones she spoke with. "You have confirmed many Hypotheses I have and explained a couple I have never thought to consider. Yet you still have more to learn, more to grow. Now, what is it you wish to ask of me?" I felt like the dragon already knew most of what I told her she didn't seem too impressed but I think I may have exceeded her expectations just a little.

"My new cursed skill, my third one. Mana Manipulation; It is corrupting many good evolution opportunities but more than that. I can't get skills like mana weaving and spell casting. The only thing I have left in terms of magic is my bond. I have a good evolution that remains pure but it's heavily reliant on my bond. I reached a level in my bond that now has me leveling very slowly. I want to get it to a point where I can further my evolution before my next potential evolution."

"Hmmm" The guardian gave a moment for thought before continuing. "I see. You little ones rarely fight monsters so it's understandable that you don't know better ways to level up. Risk and danger are always rewarded, little one. The higher the risk, the greater the stakes, the greater the danger the more you will grow. Killing monsters by yourself that are many levels above your own will net you with great rewards and potential evolutions. However, at your age and without a class it is too dangerous for you. If you cannot grow any further, then it's best that you evolve soon."

I see, so that's why. The superstorm was dangerous with stakes on the entire village, not just my own.

"Do you think using my cursed skill could bring me any good without corrupting potential evolutions?" I had to know. I've already given up on being a proper mage but maybe I can still use it while keeping my evolutions clean.

"There is always a risk of the cursed skill influencing your evolutions. The greater your skill becomes the more potential evolutions become reliant on it should they even come close to falling within its sphere of influence. Your only choice for magic is choosing a Bond class or non-caster class. Although less versatile it is more powerful. A class heavily reliant on your bond will less likely become influenced by skills. More so if they require your bond skills. I can tell that your bond level is sufficiently high for a good class, do keep in mind that most of your kind has nowhere near your bond level by the time their class unlocks."

"What do you know of Heirloom Evolutions? How do they work exactly and are they dangerous?" I decided that the second note of the evolution couldn't be ignored, especially that 'Take your race to ever greater heights, or burn to ashes trying.'

There was a long silence while the Guardian processed her thoughts. breeze swept through, carrying it some air mana.

"Heirloom? No wonder you seek constant improvement. I've only personally met one person to follow the path of an heirloom race. He always sought ever greater heights, always seeking improvement, bettering his skills and seeking greater race and class evolutions." The guardian had said, "Kysa" or "Life giver" when saying "he" at least that's what I think the Guardian meant.

"Heirloom permanently alters your race. Not just for you but for your descendants too. The Runalymo are born at Adept tier you have the potential to raise your race to major or even higher. The further you follow this path, the greater your race becomes, but Heirloom also requires greater requirements to improve. As the tier increases the harder it will be to improve your race evolution. In order to further yourself and your descendant, you must seek out dangers. In order to reach truly great heights, you will have to leave this peaceful place. There is little opportunity here."

If I really want to reach heights befitting of legends then I will have to leave? I thought about my life here. How peaceful it is, mostly. No wars to worry about. No slavers to be fearful of. No tyrant to oppress us. Everyone is cooperative and free to do what they want and pursue their craft and happiness. Why would I want to leave?

"This is the path you will inevitably choose if you take the Heirloom evolution. Perhaps not even that. You were only presented with that option because this path is inevitable for you, little one. You will seek greatness, to rise up from being a lesser being to a great one."

I can be happy here, I don't have to leave. I don't want to leave. But, what if there's a way to remove my cursed skills?

"Guardian. Is it possible to remove my cursed skills?"

"No." It was an immediate answer "There has been no case known of a curse having been removed from a skill. But, a long time ago when I still resided in elven lands I once heard of a rumor wherein one was successful. I disregarded as false bragging and I still do, but maybe you'll want to investigate on your travels"

The dragon is already treating me like I'll leave, I won't. Why would I? also elves sound familiar, why?

"I'm not going to leave. This place is good enough for me" I said, pouting a little.

"You walk your own path, wherever it'll take you" The Guardian responded with amusement in her voice.

"One last thing," I said nervously. Noticing the buildup of mana toxicity in both of us. "Will you listen to my song?" I had said it. Moment of truth, will the Guardian get angry or not?

"I will listen to your song, little one" The dragon said with greater amusement

Relief spread throughout me and I breathed a sigh to release stress. I raised my flute to my lips and began playing my song.

Ting! Musician has obtained level 34!

After the song the Guardian dismissed us. I had gotten my level although I get the feeling like a mere level thirty skill should not have affected something as powerful as the dragon. Did she let me influence her to get a skill level?

"You have an Heirloom evolution?" Dad asked as we walked back on the stone path. I nodded.

"I want to level my Bond so I can improve it"

We walked for the next few minutes in silence while Dad formulated his reply.

"You are so focused on that aren't you? Yes, you'll get better evolutions but at the cost of not living. Focus on living life, Aly. Don't always chase Evolutions. You can be happy as a normal person, that's how you want to be treated as, right? Be normal Aly. Play with other kids your age, choose an art or craft that you enjoy, and look forward to doing it every day."

I tried being normal. I felt guilty for not doing something that'll improve me, I felt like I was wasting time. What if something is wrong with me? What if I can't be normal?

"You're only six years old Aly. Do not go seeking danger just for a little better evolution you're too young. In the first place, most children only get their first evolution at age ten. You're already way ahead of everyone, Aly. You've done a good job, now let yourself rest, take a break from all this." Dad argued.

She was right. I am way ahead of everyone. Maybe I should let this go and evolve. It'll help clear my mind, let me focus on other things, further my Sense Mana again.

On the way back many thoughts swirled around my head. Potential futures, and daydreams of going on grand adventures. I thought about how living day after day working at the same job would be. It is peaceful here and I have every reason to stay, but can I really live like that?

Once we made it back home I sat down with Mom and Dad.

"I am going to evolve today. I've been putting it off for a long time now and it's time. I can't reasonably push it off anymore."

When I evolve I'll fall unconscious for several hours so it's important to let my parents know.

"Also," I said. "Don't be surprised. The evolution is a Two Tailed Runalymo. It is a major and Heirloom Tier evolution"

Mom gasped at that.

"Major! And Heirloom?" Apparently, Heirloom races are unheard of. Not surprisingly too if the Guardian only met one in her long life, although meeting one and hearing about them is different, surely the dragon had heard of more.

"It'll add my [Sense Mana] skill to my race, and I'll be able to continue leveling it up. What's more, My descendants will inherit the evolution. Maybe being born at major or even grand tier."

"T-that's Amazing!" Mom looked pretty stunned.

"See you when I wake back up" I went to my bedroom.

"Have good dreams!"

I lay down on my bed and confirmed my evolution choice. The world started to go black as my tail started burning and itching.

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