The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 27: Two Tailed Runalymo.

Chapter 27: Two Tailed Runalymo.

It is a relief to no longer be chasing evolutions, I know there is a possibility of getting an even better one but just for the sake of my mental health, it was worth it. I'm kind of messed up for a six-year-old aren't I? I should just be living carefree and being a child. I am beginning to think my past life is influencing me in ways I didn't think it would. It's terrifying, I don't even know what is affecting me and how to let go of it.

Welp let's see what we got.

Race: Two Tailed Runalymo:

(Major) (Heirloom)

Race Trait 1: Mana Generation

Having traded the now unneeded physical boosting trait of their parent species the Runalymo has instead gained heightened mana generation rate by 180% and a 10% boost to their mana capacity).

Even higher mana generation and a little more mana capacity, A big upgrade but for the number of requirements and how hard they are to do this is a below average major tier which should be in the five hundred percent. I wonder if that extra was turned to the ten percent more mana or if that was influenced by the heirloom tier. The only thing that increases stats is my Kyhosa and that was unique tier and now artifact.

Race Trait 2: Sense mana (110/110)

This skill has been evolved by Alysara, the progenitor of the Two Tailed Runalymo. This race is able to tolerate sensing high amounts of mana and sense mana storms days even weeks in advance and study the turbulent nature of mana. Able to See elements, essences, and their relationship to another this race is a master at the study of mana. Able to sense different shapes and amounts within things as well as a being's unique mana signature this race is a master of navigating without sight and sensing the power of other beings.

So, all my breakthroughs got transferred over. Thinking about it, it is weird how I can level this one skill, but my eyes wraps are heirloom and they have a skill, my Kyhosa too has skills now, my bet is that the Heirloom tier scale alters skills, and possibly stats. If that's the case then is there a unique, and even artifact tier evolution?

Race Trait 3: Nutritional Milk

Having suffered through near extinction by starvation this race has turned to whatever it could in dark times and not succumb to the cursed act of cannibalism. This race's milk is very nutritional, providing a creature with all their nutritional needs for 1 meal.

Unchanged, honestly I'd rather this just go away for a better skill.

Race Trait 4: Heightened Senses

An old trait that has been honed and kept through the eons, and although this has not served the Runalymo as it has their parent species this race still has very acute hearing, smell, and sight.

Another unchanged one, it's still a good one so I'd rather keep it.

Race Trait 5: Mana sustenance

Having adapted to a low food environment and constant starvation this race now passively consumes mana to sustain bodily needs, mana regen cost increases the more that needs to be sustained

Unchanged again, but then again I haven't had to go without food for years on end so that's to be expected that this skill hasn't been honed.

Race Trait 6: Runalymo's Beauty

This race is among the most beautiful and its connection to beauty essence has increased the amount they have by 200%. In addition, they can naturally channel it to use beauty magic and their strength to this magic is boosted by 180% once their tail manifests at the age of five.

Alright! Now I don't have to bathe three times a day to keep a bonus going, and the bonus has increased! Also, there is an addition of straight up using beauty magic and enhanced beauty magic once my tail manifests. Hmm, why five years of age though? Is it because the evolution opportunity was the one I got at the age of five or was it a coincidence? Also, I am getting huge mythology vibes from this whole evolution from my past life. I wonder what's up with that.

Also, Beauty magic. Can it help cast illusions? It is based on the light element. It can be used to heal and shoot what's effectively lasers so illusions aren't out of the question, this needs experimentation. Also, beauty magic, without the need of my cursed skill! Probably the best thing this has given, kinda. I mean, my bond has that covered but hey, my kids should be able to use it I guess?

Race Trait 7: Perfectionists Eye

Following the tenets of Myrou, this race has taken great care to perfect their arts and crafts. This skill makes it so flaws are easily spotted and never overlooked. Additionally, the more creativity essence a member of this race has, the faster they'll learn and master their arts, and crafts.

No change. Moving on.

Race Trait 8: Nexus Adaptation

Adapting to the hostile environment of a nexus, even if the vast majority of the ambient mana is being siphoned, has made this race more resistant to heat and mana toxicity. Due to their adaptation to extreme environments, this race receives a 10% bonus to their endurance.

A stat bonus, Nice! Also since it's my lackluster endurance it's even better!

Race Trait 9: Inspirational Greatness

The dedication to the arts and crafts have made the Runalymo more creative, granting them a (+200%) to Creativity essence

A direct upgrade, not much else to say.

Race Trait 10: Myrou's Children

As dedicated and fervent followers of goddess Myrou, the Runalymo can more easily channel her essences of beauty and creativity (+180%).

Wait a moment, does this stack with my Runalymo's Beauty? three-sixty percent bonus?! With my Kyhosa's five hundred percent bonus that's eight-sixty percent! My intelligence stat is fairly low, however.

My base plus my age bonus then add my Kyhosa's fifty percent bonus for seventy-two inteligence, then add eight-sixty percent to my potency for an effective thirteen hundred intelligence? Maybe that's not right... intelligence and potency aren't exactly the same thing. If intelligence only increased a base number maybe, but potency might be based on mana used, which would make more sense. So does intelligence add a base number to that or a percentage bonus? Something to consider.

Still, this is scary. I'm not going to be the only person with a grand tier item, and others will have many magic items and enchanted items. Not to mention evolution and class tier bonuses. Someone like the Guardian must have bonuses in the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands. I shouldn't let these numbers get to my head. Maybe I should ask the Guardian just how strong she is? Or to what I should expect from others outside of the nexus.

It was late afternoon. Examining myself I saw a second bushy tail behind me. Both of them held my mana signature, but my new one is also fully saturated in beauty mana! Not only that, it is holding so much it can't hold on to anymore. My tail is leaking beauty essence. Looking at myself more closely I can definitely see the increased beauty and creativity mana in me. I am also producing way more beauty mana passively. I am like a fountain of beauty mana!

I touched my tails to make sure they are actually real and physical and not manifested mana. They were, in fact, real and felt heavenly to touch. The silkiness of my fur does feel smoother and silkier than before. I jumped off my bed and test my tails by swishing them around. I move in several positions to test my balance and found it easier to maintain it in more crazy positions. Still, with tails this long, especially with my extra long ones I thought maybe I'd have a harder time with readjustment.

I step out of my room and into the hall adjacent to the lounge where Mom and Dad were having a tea party with Aunty. Nyam is here too. I step into Mom and Dad's [Sense Mana] range and they gasp.

"What's wrong?" Aunty asks, perplexed, and looks over her shoulder. I wasn't in the room yet so that made her even more confused.

"Aly's Awake, and she's had quite the improvement" Mom informs her.

I decide to play a prank on Aunty. With a grin, I thought of a beauty spell I could try out. I focus, Similar to how I enchanted the lightning silk. I focus on transforming my mana into beauty magic and adding a spell signature to it, mostly with my own signature mana. An illusory double of me made of around forty mana forms next to me like condensing mist. No cursed skill needed. I made sure to have a link to the illusion like my familiar and mentally command it to walk in side by side with me.

Casting spells is easier than I thought! How can anyone struggle doing so? Just imagine it and poof!

"How do you know-" Before she could finish her question I walk into the room. Aunty's and Nyam's jaw dropped.

"Hrmm, This is going to take some getting used to." I say with a frown and swished my tails. "Oh, and this too," I say motioning to my illusory twin.

The first thing that gave it away was, that the twin was made of mana, the second was everything else was copied, my Kyhosa and eye wraps included, I also couldn't mimic the mana signature of magic items, which'll be incredibly hard to do, even more so with pure beauty essence.

"W-wh-what?! T-two? How? When?! What is going on?!" Aunty's brain broke, oops.

Nyam just stood there in dumbfounded shock, eyes wide and mouth agape. Mom and Dad both burst out laughing, they have [Sense Mana] so they knew instantly what was going on. I wave my hand through the illusion.

"Racial magic!" This gave me an idea for a new bond skill. Beauty Clones! More useful. Can be used to attack and such. My level is probably too low for what I want, however. "I can now use Beauty magic directly as a race skill!" I say to clarify.

"Is the other tail fake too?" Nyam asks.

"It's real" I answer and bring it in front of me to show its physicality.

"This is the first I've ever heard of an evolution that grows a second tail," Aunty says, looking at me skeptically.

"It's very rare and strong" I say with a smile.

"You're going to be the talk of the village for a month at least with that second tail," Dad says.

Oh, shit.

Silence crept over the room.

I had not thought of that. Of course, people are going to talk. Me, who is probably already known to other villages now. If I go out with two tails everyone's going to stare and ask questions. I don't want that, nope, I don't want to deal with that crap.

If I can cast an illusion then what about hiding my tail? Cover it in invisibility? After some contemplation, I cast the spell. It won't fool [Sense Mana] or [Mana Sight] but it should fool mundane eyes.

"Did it work?" I ask mom. I couldn’t actually see if my spell works or not

"Hiding your tail? Yes but your other tail looks crooked now."

Of course, one tail comes out straight. Two tails comes out in a V. If I want to hide I need a third tail. Or I could hide both tails and make an illusory third, the biggest problem is that since my tails are extra long for an already long tailed race there is a good chance of being found out. Not to mention, stray collections of dark elements would dispel my illusion. One way or another I'm going to be found out. I mean, I could try to dodge the dark elements but that'd probably have me make weird movements.

Welp, might as well just own it. I sigh and I dispell the invisibility. This Lojyo is going to be awkward.

I got many double takes as I watch the dancers move in rhythm with the music. Both Mom and Dad were getting bombarded with questions and I've had quite a few myself.

"That's quite a unique evolution you got!" A tall girl said. She was about sixteen years old. Had long hair and an air element bond. Her class however had a rare sound essence. I can, with some focus, see that the sound essence is air element based so the combo works out. The girl also had a hint of sound-based evolution. My guess is that one or two skills affect sound essence, I wonder which ones? Perhaps [Perfectionist’s Eye]? Most definitely inspirational greatness.

The girl had a stringed instrument very similar to a violin, there are of course a few notable differences, more strings, for example. It is obvious that she specializes in music.

"Y-yeah" I awkwardly say, with a crooked smile.

"Your song was very beautiful, I was wondering if you'd play with us on the next song"

It is actually a surprise to get invited to play with the musicians.

"I-I didn't bring my flute with me." I kind of want to decline and actually gave a good excuse.

"But you can sing, right? I heard you sing before on the island"

She was listening?!

"I-I-I'm n-not good enough" I nervously say, fidgeting a little. Maybe I'd do it with my flute skills if persuaded enough but definitely not for singing.

"Don't worry about that! It's just for fun!" The girl, Who hadn't even told me her name, drags me by the hand to the music players.

The current song has just ended and the others were now looking at me

"Finally got your hands on her, eh, Chofel?"

"Yup! Let's follow her lead!"


"Look at her Chofel, she looks terrified." The other woman says.

"She needs to blossom sooner or later. Someone of her talent shouldn't be hiding away!" Chofel cheerfully smiled at me. I get the impression that she is the energetic bubbly type.

The crowd is staring at me and probably at my two tails too. That's one way to get it over with quickly.

I try to say something but my voice caught in my throat. There are still so many people. Sure not everyone is here for the dancing, the kids are off playing something, some adults are off courting in the distance but there's still way too many people for this.

"Uuh, Err..." I could only stammer. My ears start drooping as tears threatened to spring forth. I could feel my legs tremble and my hands shake.

"You can do it!" A cheer came forth from the crowd.

"Be brave!"

"Give your best, Aly!" That one was from Dad.

More and more people start cheering for me; It warms my heart. No one sees me any differently even with my second tail. Everyone, even if I don't know their name or only greet them while passing by, is supporting me and cheering for me, this tear of a different nature is trying to overwhelm me. I sniff and smile and soon my voice spill from my throat.

I want people to know what I am going through, I want them to know that I too have hardships and strive, that I am not just a prodigy who is good at everything she touches. I want them to see that I put my life into my practice. I just start saying words with this in mind.

"In a new world I found myself,

In a new world I found life,

Yet I don't know who I am.

Many wonders I saw,

Many things I'm awed by,

Yet my path lay hidden."

I am frustrated that I don't know where to go in life, I am lost and wandering aimlessly.

The music started, a lonely flute and a keyed instrument sounding similar to a piano.

"I found family,

I found opportunity,

Yet I reach too far."

I carry a curse that has altered my life forever. Something I honestly regret.

A single drumbeat to signify a darker turn, and the large cello-like instruments replaced the now silent flute

"I lost sight of the world,

I lost sight of my loved ones,

Yet a spark I found to light my way."

I had found hope in Sense Mana but I had to really work at it to see as I do now, and even then there are some things still hidden from me.

Two violins sprang up combatting the deep cellos along with a happy tone of the piano.

"For many days,

For many months,

I grew this spark to replace what I lost,

I found my way,

I found my sight,

I gave it my all!

I gave it my best!

Yet many don't see my struggle,

Yet many don't see my tests"

Many people ignore my effort and only focus on my accomplishments.

The drumbeat slowly, aiding the dark undertones of the cellos

"I grew my sight,

I grew my light,

I grew my life,

And I grew my blight.

I saw dark clouds,

I saw cold nights,

I saw heavy rains,

And I saw coming storms.

I fought for life!

I fought for friends!

I fought for family!

And I fought for my people!"

I tried so hard to save everyone yet I was too weak, many people died during that storm, If only I was stronger, If I had worked harder people wouldn't have had to grieve.

The flute had come back helping build the high.

"I stood triumphant,

I cried for the sacrificed,

Yet the people could not see my pain.

I showed others my sight,

I showed others my struggle,

Yet my paths became closed.

In a new world I found life,

In a new world I found strife,

In a new world I family,

And in a new world I found myself,

Yet I don't know who I am."

Just who was I? Why I can't just live carefreely, why must I always be improving?

Ting! Musician has met requirements for a breakthrough. Musician will now continue leveling past level 50!

Ting! Musician has obtained level 45!

Ting! Musician has obtained level 49!

Musician: You have a base knowledge of music and several types of instruments

1st Breakthrough: You've played a wind-based instrument to a beginner level. This will help you master this instrument.

2nd Breakthrough: You've imbued mana into sound, Able to cast magic through your songs. Effects may vary and adapt to the type of song.

3rd Breakthrough: You've instilled an emotion in your audience. This will help you do so again with more ease.

4th Breakthrough: You've trained your voice to sing at a beginner level. This will help you master this instrument.

5th Breakthrough: You've managed to imbue your feelings into your music, this will help you touch the hearts of others.

Musician: 10/10

1st Breakthrough: 10/10

2nd Breakthrough: 10/10

3rd Breakthrough: 10/10

4th Breakthrough: 6/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 3/5)

5th Breakthrough: 3/10 (Action: 2/5 Knowledge 1/5)

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