The Sage of Einar

Chapter 115 - Talk With The Emperor

At dawn, the dim light of dawn could be seen on the horizon and it was then that the group of warriors who were asleep opened their eyes completely as they began to hear noises that came from afar.

They could see how a group of people began to approach, but unlike the last ambush they made, they seemed to be a vanguard group.

This caused everyone to stay in their places and allowed the advance team to continue with their work, only they would assassinate anyone who dared to see beyond the path.

The situation was quite tense for the warriors, as the emperor's vanguard group consisted mainly of armed knights who rode large horses.

All of them had their bodies covered with a large metal armor, which only allowed part of their eyes to be seen. The warriors knew that if perhaps they faced them, perhaps they could win.

But then he would lose the opportunity to capture the emperor, so they watched as the vanguard walked up the lonely path.

Everything went relatively well except that at some point one of the knights got off his horse and taking off part of his armor approached one of the bushes where one of the warriors was hiding.

The knight, without paying attention to the bush, lowered his pants and began to urinate on the face of the warrior who could only contain his anger while the urine wet his face.

Anders who was looking at everything from another bush contained his desire to mock that warrior who was suffering a real golden shower.

Fritz who was next to Anders only sighed and thanked Odin that that knight did not try on his bush.

"Hey Travis, we're wasting a lot of time waiting for you so you'd better press your bladder otherwise we'll have to leave you in this place where the birds don't shit."

The knight Travis just clicked his tongue "I understand the importance we have to investigate the roads from now on, but it really is necessary to take away the only pleasure we can have in this place.

If we really didn't have to make the vanguard of the emperor, believe me, that right now I would be shitting. "

The knight who had yelled at Travis just shook his head "Do what you want Travis, but I just remind you that if the emperor asks names I will not hesitate to say yours."

Travis was quite angry he could only get his pants up and walked his horse where he put on his helmet and metal gloves before getting on his horse.

After this, all the members of the vanguard began to leave the forest, leaving only one of them at the entrance of it, as he would be the guide for the rest of the people who accompanied the emperor.

The warrior who had been urinated used a cloth to wipe his face because he could not move.

'If any of those sons of bitches dare to bring up this matter in the future, I'll have to challenge them to a duel to cut off their damn head.


As for your knight Travis, I will take it upon myself to look for you so that I can get my revenge, either with you or your family if you have any. '

After this, a few minutes passed. The warriors who were used to the snow could feel that some carriages were approaching in the distance.

Because the ground was vibrating, Anders who was quite impatient made some signs to the warriors to prepare the traps.

Which were mostly made up of trunks which had been tied to the trees near the road so that it was only a matter of cutting a rope and that they hit with all the force whatever was in front of them.

But those weren't the only traps as some rocks were prepared around the trail that was covered in grease and oil to block the trail.

While they were preparing the traps, it did not take long to see a large entourage arrive, which was being led by a man who had a purple cape and a golden crown.

He also had armor which was decorated with gold and silver embroidery which gave him a mystical appearance, not to mention that his sword seemed to have a large gem on the hilt.

All this together with the large number of knights who were accompanying him gave him a mystical and at the same time dangerous appearance, which only served to cheer Anders, who turned his face and spoke in a low voice to Fritz.

"When the battle is over, please bring my golden sword I think for that emperor it will be perfect."

Fritz nodded and prepared for battle as it was not long before the emperor reached the designated area and Anders gave the order to activate the traps.

Ludovico Pio, better known as Louis I or the Emperor of the Franks, was enjoying the walk after returning from the battlefront.

Well, it was a valuable time that he could take advantage of to rest a little from the massacres that were carried out on the battlefield.

Not to mention, it also worked in a de-stressing way as the campaign was not going his way, as the Danes put up even more serious resistance than he had planned.

Reaching the point where he could not even break through the wall of Danevirke, which had managed to stop his advance and turn the battlefront into a true meat grinder for both sides.

But despite all that, the emperor still had hopes that a miracle would present itself and that he could break through the defenses of the Danes so that he could enter their lands and carry the word of the lord to those pagans.

While he was thinking about what he would have to do, he had the feeling that something was not right, so when he raised his head and paid more attention to his surroundings he heard the noise of a horn.

At that moment, from the trees on the side of the road, large trunks hung with ropes began to hit the knights and the emperor himself, causing them to fall from their horses.

Taking advantage of the moment you get out of control caused by the trees, the warriors got up from their hiding places and began to run to kill those knights as quickly as possible before they could get up.

The battle was quite short but lasted long enough to claim his life and about five warriors while from the emperor's entourage all his knights and squires who accompanied him died.

The emperor who could feel him being tied up and carried, took a while to regain consciousness that the blow had made him lose consciousness.

When he was finally able to regain consciousness, he looked in horror at how around him were numerous impaled heads.

Which he could recognize as that of the knights and other people who accompanied him on his way to the capital of the duchy of Dithmarschen.

Swallowing some saliva to ease the dryness in his throat, the emperor glared around him in an attempt to find the culprits.

But to his surprise, it did not take long to find them completely drunk and lying in the snow as if the cold will not affect them at all.

"Some of you dirty heathens are awake ...

They know what they have done, those people who are impaled were my closest confidants ... "

A punch ended the little speech that the emperor was giving, so he glared at the person who had hit him.

Which turned out to be a guy who had a cloth covering one eye. He was looking at him with a very uncomfortable smile.

"I see that the emperor has awakened, but I don't think you understand where you are at this moment.

How can you see this is the humble abode that we call camp.

It is not very big; it has no frills and we have to shit on the floor like the decent people that we are.

But that is not what matters since from this moment on you are just one more peasant who is at my mercy and if I want you to live, you will live, and if not then I will simply kill you.

In this place, your titles mean nothing and neither do your promises, so I hope you are prepared to suffer the worst torture.

But despite all that you must thank me as I will use this golden sword to torture you, I hope this weapon is to your liking, Emperor. "

After saying those words, Anders took out his golden sword, which had some Latin inscriptions, and placed it on the emperor's cheek.

"I want you to know that this was all caused by Queen Malene, who asked me to make you suffer enough to prevent you from forgetting her.

It also doesn't matter if you believe me or not, but you should know that someone from the place where you were going gave us this information for free.

I would not like to be in your place since you first have to deal with an external enemy who is doing everything possible to trap you.

While on the other hand, your very allies are doing everything possible to kill you.

But do not worry, I will simply make you suffer enough and when I get tired, I will set you free, I am almost sure that you will try to come to find me, and here I will be waiting for you with open arms.

Although if you are intelligent, your target will not be me those people who sold you, you should think while he tortured you, who was the cause of all this. "

After saying those words, Anders began to cut the emperor's cheek with a big smile of satisfaction.

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