The Sage of Einar

Chapter 116 - The Disgrace Of An Emperor


The emperor was screaming with all his might as he felt the edge of the golden sword cut off his left ear.

Anders who was enjoying the screams of the emperor did not stop at all and continued slowly cutting off his ear

"What is happening to you, Emperor? You can't resist having someone cut off your ear.

Maybe because of the pain you can't see well but you should pay attention to my face, you may notice that I am using a cloth to cover my eye.

This is because I lost the eye in a life or death battle and you know, unlike you, little vermin, I endured and resisted the pain ... "

Anders stopped speaking as the emperor moved from side to side as he cut the ear more deeply.

"If you keep moving, I will cut off your ear badly and you will end up suffering twice as much, if you are intelligent you will endure the pain like the man you are ..."

The emperor kept moving as he cursed Anders so that he could never step in the sky.

"You Christian noblemen do not resist anything, you are good at sending people to be murdered and feeling that you are untouchable.

But when they feel the pain, they turn into little bitches crying out for mercy.

Although in your case it is a bit strange since you move like a worm and you only dedicate yourself to cursing me, so maybe you are half a man. "

After those words, Anders uses a little more force and with his hand tore the ear which came out with a piece of skin from the neck.

The emperor, feeling the pain of losing his ear, gave a dull cry as he was clenching his teeth with all his might.

With his ear in his hand, Anders showed the cut ear to the emperor as he moved it from side to side.

"You don't think it's beautiful, you have to admit that it looks very good and you have to thank me because now you can appreciate it in all its splendor.

Only with a little blood covering it and with the guarantee that it will rot in a short time ... "

Anders was interrupted when the emperor spat in his face and glared at him "I will take revenge, I swear that I will search for you to the most remote corners of the world and I will take my revenge against you.

You will never be able to sleep peacefully knowing that there will always be people looking for you ... "

Using his hand Anders thrust the severed ear of the emperor into his mouth causing him to shut up.

Feeling the metallic taste of his blood and the softness of his ear, he watched as a happy face formed on Anders's face.

This caused the emperor to feel a sense of fear that he had not had since his father Emperor Charlemagne once beat him for raping a bishop's daughter.

Anders putting his finger in the mouth of the emperor approached the only ear the emperor had.

"You can keep quiet ...

Your cowardly voice bothers me and it was only your ear, I need to cut the fingers of your hand and later your entire arm. "

Feeling how the man who called himself emperor trembled with fear, Anders nodded silently to later stare into the emperor's green eyes.

"What you feel is true fear, but you know why you are afraid ..."

Putting the edge of his golden sword at the emperor's neck, Anders cut a small cut that let out a bit of blood.

Which he touched with one of his fingers and after this he showed him his fingers stained with blood, this caused some tears to come out of the emperor's eyes, not to mention that from the trunk where he was sitting a small yellow liquid colored the snow on the ground.

"You are afraid of dying but despite that, I am sure that you are feeling fear of an older person since from the moment you were caught your life is in my hands.

Nothing you have can help you get out alive and I am sure that when you see my eyes you can know that I will not kill you.

The real fear you have is of the unknown and the way it behaved to me.

You don't understand how someone like me can make you pee your pants ... "

Smelling a bit of an incomprehensible scent, Anders laughed and pointed at the emperor.

"Warriors, the great Emperor of the Franks, just shit and peed himself."

All the warriors began to laugh at the shameful state of calling himself emperor, Ludovico for the first time in his life felt that it was impotence.

The screams and laughter that he could hear only made him bow his head and close his eyes. He was afraid and his fate did not depend on him.

So he decided to silently endure whatever the man in front of him wanted to do with his body.

But deep inside him, the seed of revenge began to form. First, he would kill everyone in the capital of the duchy.

Later he would gather every man in the empire and arm him to launch a veritable war of destruction on the pagan kingdom of Denmark and everything that was Norse.

He planned to turn the entire land of the north into a place unfit for life. Every pagan man, woman, child, and an old man will be killed and the land will be washed with salt so that nothing can grow in it.

The forests will be burned, and the animals sacrificed, for him, everything related to the north must be sacrificed and eliminated from the world.

It would never stop until it died or it will accomplish its mission.

Anders, seeing the change in the emperor's attitude, formed a smile in which he showed his yellow teeth.

"If that is the attitude that a man who claims to be the Emperor of the Franks must-have, keep that hatred and remember it.

Kill your enemies and when you finish with them come to find me, I'll be waiting for you to kill you or for you to kill me.

Now with that attitude, I hope you support the affection with which I am going to treat you. "

Using his golden sword Anders cut one of the fingers of the emperor's right hand, he only trembled a little but ended up raising his head to stare at Anders.

Anders who enjoyed the look of the emperor cut his thumb off his hand, but despite this, the emperor endured the pain.

After this Anders continued to cut the fingers of the right hand of the emperor until leaving only the palm of the hand, so he decided to take a break.

In which he took the severed fingers from the snow and looked at them as if they were some jewels.

"Emperor, I will make you a nice souvenir with your fingers.

I would like to stay with them but their arm may be the best memory, I will take care of cleaning it and making a spear which I will use to fight you when we meet again.

Of course, the result will depend on your abilities or my luck in any way the future is uncertain and only the gods can understand it.

For people with you and me, the present is the only thing that matters, but speaking of this break I think it should heal your wounds since I don't want you to bleed to death.


Bring a red-hot sword, I have some wounds to heal. "

Fritz who was still next to a fire took a sword and put it on the fire.

The sword slowly began to redden, so when it was red enough I took it towards Anders.

Anders seeing the red sword knew that it was the correct temperature, so he took it from Fritz's hand and brought it towards the emperor's head.

Placing the red-hot metal in the place where the emperor's ear must have been, white smoke came out and the scent of burning flesh could be smelled almost immediately.

Ludovico endured the pain, but to his surprise when he blinked he could feel how everything around him began to move as if it were spinning.

Anders noticed the irrational movement of the emperor's eyes and only patted him.

"What you are feeling is a common symptom when the wound of a lost ear burns, everything will revolve around you and you will not be able to do anything to avoid it.

It is a real curse since that will follow you until the end of your life, but look on the bright side you will vomit everything you eat and you will live with another fear in your life.

Although from what I have heard from some warriors, the best way to live with that curse is to be drunk when you feel that everything revolves around you.

I don't know if it's true but ... "

Anders stopped intentionally because the emperor began to vomit uncontrollably, taking advantage of the fact that Anders used his golden sword to cut off the emperor's right arm.

After this, Anders used his other red-hot sword to burn the stump of his arm to prevent the emperor from bleeding.

"I wanted to make you suffer more but that curse that you are suffering I think will be enough, although I did not say it I can only tell you that each one of the warriors who suffered it.

They preferred to commit suicide or die in battle to end it, no one who suffers it will be able to remain calm.

It will follow you where you want you to be or who you are with, it will make you fearful of your actions and will simply slowly kill your will.

As a warrior, I can only tell you that you have less than five years to complete your revenge.

Since it's how long it takes that curse to end your will, at least that's what I've seen. "

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