The Sage of Einar

Chapter 392 - The Accordion A Very Personal Project

When Einar woke up the next day, he could only feel the ravages of his hangover, so he took a jug of water and drank some to cool his throat.

'I guess it's okay to have fun once in a while because you can't always have the stress of thinking about everything you have to do.


But I guess it's time to get to work. '

For this, Einar bathed using a cloth, soap and water, after which he had breakfast and returned to his cabin, where he sat on a chair while he saw a lot of pieces of different sizes on the table.

All these pieces were part of a project that Einar had in order to create a wind instrument that could be handled by keys, for which he thought to create an accordion.

A manual instrument that was not so complicated to perform, knowing how it works. Although he was not a musician, his father liked accordions very much.

So he had an immense collection of them, not only that, many times his father showed him the inside of the accordions and how they worked.

Because of that taste, his father Einar learned about how to play an accordion. Because he did not have the materials, he could not make a modern accordion.

However, it could create an accordion similar to those that were had at the end of the 19th century, since they were not accordions because they were so complicated because they only had one row of keys that, when pressed, could create sound.

They did all this through the wind principle that was used to create the warning alarms which let in wind to repeat a single note which worked as a means to alert that there was something wrong.

The first thing he did fill was to place on a wooden base already prepared a kind of metal reeds through which the air would pass once the key was pressed that would cause the noise when opening and closing the accordion could be heard.

It was much easier to make an accordion than a piano because the accordion worked only with air, while the piano requires a more complex structure.

Not to mention it could take years to just find the perfect note, but the accordion was easy to calibrate, as the sound was on the reeds.

It was enough to use an iron file to be able to remove the harshness and make the sound much clearer and clearer. Also, because the reeds were made of steel with a gold cover, it would last for many years.

Because they do not rust day in the same way that they would if they were made of steel or iron without some protection.

The process of assembling the accordion was somewhat slow but served perfectly to distract Einar, who needed some quiet before things got rough at sea.

In this way a few hours passed and when the end of the day came, Einar only ate dinner so he could go to sleep.

For the next few days, he was diligently working on assembling the accordion so when he got to the final part where he had to use pine resin glue to glue the skin to the wood.

He was able to take a break because it would take a full day for the accordion to be ready for use, so he went outside the boat and could feel the sea breeze as well as the cold outside.

It was at that moment that he could see Kalevi, who was using a fishing rod to catch some fish as a hobby.

"Fishing is working or you haven't been able to catch anything."

Kalevi pointed to a bucket with some good sized cod. "This fishing pole you made is a true work of art.

It has a very good resistance and not only that; it is also quite efficient when it comes to catching fish. Unfortunately, we only have a few hours of sunshine so I cannot continue fishing.

Because there will be no possible way to heat the fish on the solar stove. "

Einar laughed and took the bucket with the codfish and started to make some food.

"Let me cook these cod beauties, with potatoes and carrots. I will make a real food delight."

After this, Einar took out the cod and began to clean them, as well as remove the scales. When he finished, smeared them in salt with garlic and butter to later begin to fry them.

While preparing a side of carrot potatoes, which were seasoned with a little pepper and salt.

When the food was ready, he handed his plate to Kalevi, and he took the other plate so they could have a nice meal.

"Konungar Einar, I think this is the richest food I have been able to eat in a long time. You have a genuine talent to be able to cook, that I am sure many women and men would like.

Especially being able to eat something so fresh in the sea is something surprising. "

Einar just smiled as he ate a marvellous piece of fried cod "It's the power of the solar stove, we don't endanger the ship and we can produce a truly delicious meal."

After this, the two continued talking until it got dark, so each one went to his cabin.

The next day Einar realized that his accordion was ready, so he started using it to know if it was perfectly calibrated.

After a little test, he went outside so he could try it out while playing one of the songs he could remember from his childhood.

When he left his cabin, he went to the outside of the ship. Once he arrived, he sat on a chair and began to play the accordion.

Everyone who was nearby could hear the strange noise that had a rather melancholic rhythm.

It was at that moment that Einar began to sing.

"Clavado en este rincón como tú clavaste a mi corazón.1

Estos tragos que tomo yo son pura tristeza y son mi dolor…"

Einar continued singing that sad song about a man destroyed in the canteen by the departure of his lover.

After reaching the end, he did not put down his accordion and decided to play another melancholic song.

"Pero mi amigo por qué estás tan triste.1

Pues como no si me sobra razón…"

Everyone on the boats enjoyed the strange noise of the accordion and the singing in a strange language that was doing Einar.

Lisen the song ; "El chubasco"

Lisen the song: "Tragos de amargo licor"

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