The Sage of Einar

Chapter 393 - Danger Comes To The Faroe Islands

When the Drakkar arrived in the Faroe Islands with the news of an imminent attack by hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, the Jarl Mikkel prepared everything to be able to defend the tribe.

To begin, they carried out defensive measures throughout the island, so they began to build defensive walls around their small towns on the islands.

For this, they used all the extra material they had, not to mention that they used Einar's construction technique, which consisted of placing bonfires all over the place to allow the cement to dry quickly.

During the first 15 days, they built large defensive walls and prepare their entire population for a serious event that could last a few months.

They were not afraid because they knew that the great fleet of the Konungar Einar was on its way, so they were confident that they could win the war.

A few days later and when everyone was in constant stress, the alarm horns could be heard in the tribe, so all the warriors and even slaves prepared for war.

Jarl Mikkel climbed the ramparts and, using a spyglass that Kalevi had given him, he stared in horror at the great fleet that covered the sea.

It was thousands of ships sailing in a large group.. Even for a warrior like him, he could feel that his battle would be glorious.

"For a group of warriors to prepare to fight on the coast, it will be an epic battle that we will lose, but it will be a direct path to Valhalla.

Everyone prepares to face the constant attacks that we will have to face starting today.

May the god Odin give us the strength to be able to resist the attack of these savage Christians who have the audacity to come to our tribe and our lands in the north to conquer them and impose their stupid Christianity on our Sacred Lands.

Let's show those idiots what true Norsemen who don't fear battle are made of. "

The entire tribe shouted with joy as they clashed their axes against their shields, as they were all ready enough to face the enemy hosts.

They were confident because the armor and weapons they had were of a superior quality, so a group of 200 warriors and 1000 slaves, led by the tribe's berserker, came out to face the initial landing.

When they reached the coast, they could see hundreds of ships approaching where they were, so they prepared their shields and axes to face the Christians.

For their part and the ships that were approaching the coast, thousands of mercenaries and levies were completely excited to be able to face the first pagans.

Even more so because they were listening to the priests give passionate speeches about how they were the warriors of God chosen to be able to carry his word led with his divine grace.

Most of the levies were praying because they were peasants or servants of the noble lands who believed immensely in the words of the priests.

The only ones who did not seem to be affected by the speeches were the mercenaries who were only thinking about everything they could get from the riches of the war.

Not to mention, many of them might have, for the first time, a place they could call home.

The berserker, seeing how the ships approached, gave the order that the slaves step forward and prepare their crossbows because they must open fire when the battle will begin.

When the first ships began to reach the coast, the mercenaries descended and screaming as wild beings pounced on the slaves who received the order to shoot at the enemies.

The crossbow bolts flew out and quickly pierced the enemy's iron armor, for the crossbow steel bolts had the power to penetrate iron like butter.

Those mercenaries, with luck, managed to use their shields to defend themselves, but they were of little use as the steel bolts pierced the wood, piercing their hands.

Seeing the poor performance of their comrades, the next mercenaries did not get off their ships and forced the levies to go fight.

They, as a group of farmers or ordinary workers, had no idea what to do, not to mention that they only wore unarmored clothing.

Only some of them had rusty helmets or very low quality wooden shields. What they did all have were rusty swords or carvings to attack.

Without further ado, the levies launched their completely uncoordinated attacks towards the slaves who were firing non-stop with their crossbows.

But they could barely take a few steps forward before they ended up dying from the gunshots. The berserker who was looking at everything felt a sense of joy.

Because all the enemies were dropping like flies, only using the weapons that Odin's herald had delivered to his people months ago.

The slaves continued firing for some time more, but eventually what had to happen happened and that was that they ran out of ammunition.

At that moment, the berserker gave them the order to return to the walls of the tribe because it was time for the 200 warriors to fight on the battlefield to be able to go to Valhalla.

The enemies on the coast when they saw the slaves retreating ran like wild animals because they believed that things would be simple from that moment on.

Unfortunately for them, they could see how a group of people appeared with glowing armor and round shields.

All of them were taller than them and had in their hands some kind of steel axes that looked too strange.

Fear in all Christians was present because even if they were few, all of them saw themselves as powerful enemies that could kill them.

But to the surprise of the Christians at the time, the berserker looked at his soldiers and made them eat the mushrooms so that they could fight like true warriors.

"Today we fight in Midgard, but at night, we will dine in Valhalla, warriors of Odin. It is time to die."

All of them, after eating the mushrooms, entered a state of absolute tranquility and ran towards the enemy on the coast.

Brave 200 Nordic warriors were facing nearly 7000 Christian soldiers, certainly a match to be remembered.

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