The Sage of Einar

Chapter 488: Special Operation Snow Fox 3/3

Chapter 488: Special Operation Snow Fox 3/3

Kirk, who had climbed onto his horse, began riding west in order to reach the army camp.

To avoid meeting the enemies, he followed a route to the north, because that way he could avoid the enemy patrols.

As he moved through the snow, Kirk could see some bonfires in the distance, so he used his spyglass to avoid the guard posts.

After a few hours of travel, he took a break and began to draw on the map the route he had taken, as well as the things he had been seeing.

At the end, he established a small camp where he slept in the moonlight in a sleeping bag that was covered in bearskin.

Which could keep the heat so he did not suffer from the cold that was outside, as an extra measure for the defense of him he fell asleep next to his horse because the horses had the peculiarity of being able to know if there was a near danger.

With his crossbow in his hand ready to fire at any moment, he fell asleep to wake up immediately as the first rays of the sun came out.

As he got up from his sleeping bag, he took out of his travel bag an energy bar made of honey with wheat and peanut seeds.

As a member of the special forces and scout, he had had the privilege of having those energy bars called palanquetas.

As he bit into it, he looked at her curiously ‘This food made by King Einar is very delicious, however I think I still prefer dried meat.’

After eating, he drank some water that had pine needles. After that, he put away his sleeping bag and prepared everything he needed to continue his journey.

When he got on his horse, I can hear that in the distance there were a few voices, so he got off and started walking towards where the voices were.

As he advanced through the small forest he was in, it did not take long for him to reach the end of the forest where he was surprised to see many people.

They all had wooden swords in their hands while they were training in a small camp.

Taking out the notebook from his bag, he described what the training they were doing was like and the number of enemies that were in that place.

Fortunately, where he was a place where he was quite well camouflaged so that no one noticed his presence.

While he was looking at them, he realized that among all the people who were in that place there was a woman who seemed to be the leader of that group of people.

Caressing his chin, Kirk search through his notebook and could find a description of a woman that he met his description.

‘It seems that the daughter of King Faelcar chose this place to be able to establish her camp. I think I should kidnap her.

It may be a suicide mission, but I am convinced it is worth doing. ‘

Kirk then waited in that place, for this he remained lying in the snow quietly waiting for night to fall.

He always uses his spyglass to be able to see where the daughter of King Faelcar was.

When night came, he watched the princess enter a tent which was guarded by two warriors.

So he waited a little longer for most of the enemies to fall asleep. When the moon was at its highest point, it decided to start moving.

For this, he advanced in the snow while dragging his chest to the ground, fortunately because he was too close to the camp.

There were no guards guarding that place, so he was able to advance without any complications. When he reached the tents, he slowly got up from the snow and began to walk, crouching.

Kirk could feel a significant amount of adrenaline rushing through his body, for he knew that if he made a single mistake, he could lose his life and put the mission at risk.

However, he was completely sure that he might end up kidnapping the princess, so he kept advancing until he reached the tent that was guarded by the two warriors.

Which were sitting in front of a small fire, taking advantage of the fact that they weren’t paying attention. He took his crossbow and killed them immediately.

When firing bolts into their heads, which ended up piercing their skulls, killing them instantly.

Fortunately, the two corpses of the warriors fell into the snow, so no sound was created.

With the two guardian warriors completely dead, he entered the princess’s tent and slowly approached her.

Because she was asleep with her back to the entrance of the tent, Kirk was able to give her a precise blow to the head.

Causing her to completely lose consciousness of her. After this, he took her out of the covers where she was sleeping and placed some clothes on her so that she would not die of cold.

Once the princess was dressed, he left the tent and dragged the two corpses of the guards inside, that with the intention of preventing them from realizing that they had died.

When he finished, he carried the princess on his shoulders and left the tent to start his way to where her horse was.

Because there were no guards guarding the camp, it was quite easy for him to be able to get out quickly while he hid her tracks to avoid being tracked.

After walking for a few minutes, he was able to get to his horse where he placed the princess in the front, while he got on his way to the border.

He knew he had to be quick, as they might start looking for him in a few hours if he was lucky.

A few hours later, in the camp, one of the warriors woke up because he had to go to the bathroom. When he left, he realized that the guards who were guarding Queen Cumman’s tent were not there.

So he with some curiosity and fear, he walked towards the queen’s tent. When he arrived, he opened the cloth doors and realized that the two guards were dead.

At that moment, the warrior made a cry of alarm, so the entire camp woke up immediately. When they learned that the queen had disappeared, they all took up their weapons to try to find the guilty of such action.

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