The Sage of Einar

Chapter 489: The queen and the soldier

Chapter 489: The queen and the soldier

Kirk who had been riding all night took a break, as he could not put his horse’s life at risk.

He also had to check the state in which the princess was. When he reached a wooded area, he let his horse rest and lower the princess.

Which she leaned on a tree while he was getting ready to eat some food, when he was about to bite a crowbar.

He noticed the look of hatred and fear that the princess had, who was simply looking at him in silence as she was extremely tired because she had been trying to scream.

But since she was gagged, it was simply useless to do that, so she only looked at her kidnapper.

Kirk looked at her with a smile. “Don’t get that way Princess Cumman, I just follow her orders and one of those is to bring her back alive.

This is because you are going to tell me all the information related to the Irish coalition army. It is very important that you tell me that information.

For otherwise I could not defend you once we reach the border, where quite possibly King Einar will end up torturing you to get information from you.

Believe me, when I tell you that he will do it, it is because he is going to do it, that you are a woman does not mean that you will not suffer a horrible fate.

Now I will explain to you what I am going to do. I will remove the gag from your mouth, but if you scream, I will leave you without eating or drinking water.

I don’t think I have to remind you that you will be able to live without food or water for a few days, however the feeling of hunger and thirst will be so great that you could go crazy.

For a noblewoman like you who has not experienced hunger firsthand, I think it is going to be one of the most horrible sensations I have ever felt.

But the decision is entirely up to you Princess Cumman. “

Kirk approached Princess Cumman and removed the gag from her mouth. The princess glared at Kirk.

“It was about time you took that damn rag out of my mouth. Damn commoner how dare you kidnap me.

Also stop calling me princess. A long time ago I became queen, because my father stayed defending the stupid city from him.

So I became his successor as dictated by the sacred noble laws. “

Kirk laughed and bit his palanqueta “Very good Queen Cumman let me explain a little about myself. I am not a commoner, I am a citizen of the Nordic nation and my name is Kirk.

Your stupid nobility system does not matter at all because before the law we are all equal, the only ones who have a superior status are the family of King Einar who is the founding father of our nation.

You are only one more prisoner at this moment, since you know that if you call me a commoner again, I will get quite angry and I will leave you without eating or drinking water.

Now you should eat a little, because there will be no better place to do it in the day because we have to continue with our walk in a few hours. “

Kirk took out of his bag a paper bag from which he took out a strip of dried meat, which he placed over Queen Cumman’s mouth.

Queen Cumman could only bite the meat as she cried because of the helplessness she was feeling because of her being able to do absolutely nothing.

Kirk only smiled when he saw Queen Cumman eat, so he shook his head and started checking his horse.

Well, he had to check how long he could let him rest to be able to ride again because he did not want to stay in that place knowing that they were possibly following his trail.

After a few hours of rest Kirk prepared to prepare everything to be able to leave, however at that moment he noticed the strange look of Queen Cumman.

So he approached her and he touched her face to see if she did not have a fever. However, she did not have any of that, so he looked at her seriously.

“What’s wrong Queen Cumman?”

The queen blushed with embarrassment and lowered her head. “I want to go to the bathroom”

Kirk laughed and looked at her seriously. “Unfortunately, I cannot release you because you have such an important value for us that you do not have that privilege.

However, I can help you to be able to do the bathroom. Do not worry I have experience because at the time I helped my little sister.

Also, do not be afraid that I will try to do the wrong thing. It may not seem like it, but training as a special forces soldier prohibits rape.

Because it’s a real danger to us as well as to you. If I dared to do something like that, I would be judged by King Einar. “

After saying those words, Kirk under Queen Cumman’s pants, revealing her white and contoured legs.

With his hands, Kirk carried Queen Cumman by her legs and indicated that she could start.

The queen just closed her eyes in shame. After that, he cleaned her, and using soap and water, he washed his hands.

To later place the muzzle in the mouth of Queen Cumman and put her on the horse. After this he too got on and started his way south.

“I’m sorry you have to be this way, but I can’t risk your yelling and enemy warriors looking for me.

Well, that would only make my mission much more complex than it is now. You just have to endure in that position. “

Queen Cumman closed her eyes and sighed because she knew that she could not do anything to avoid that situation so she simply tried to rest because she did not want to be tired since she had to run to escape she would do it with all her strength.

As they advanced a dozen kilometers to the north, a unit of 60 knights was riding, looking for the culprits of kidnapping Queen Cumman.

They had the mission of recovering her because her disappearance had caused problems in the coalition army, who began to distrust each other.

Because they had not found traces of enemies of her, so they could assume that the kidnapping of the queen had been caused by someone who wanted to eliminate her.

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