The Sage of Einar

Chapter 490: The encounter between Einar and a royal prisoner

Chapter 490: The encounter between Einar and a royal prisoner

Kirk who was riding through the small forests that were in the Bangor barony.

He can safely arrive with Queen Cumman at the guard post of the vanguard of the special forces soldiers.

Once he arrived, he quickly informed the leader of that guard post that they would give him a new horse and that they would grant him protection while he traveled to the post at the border.

This because he was taking with him Queen Cumman, the daughter of King Faelcar, so the queen had important information because she had been with the soldiers of the Irish coalition.

The leader of that outpost without wasting time gave him the soldiers he needed and a new horse.

Because of this, Kirk could advance without any inconvenience. It is the last straight of the road until after two days I can reach the base located on the border.

Where Ansgar who was sitting reading some reports was surprised to hear the noise of some horses, so when he came out of his tent he was surprised to see a group of soldiers from the special forces.

Which were protecting a woman who was tied up and gagged. As he approached, he looked at the special forces soldiers seriously.

“Who is that woman who looks very similar to King Faelcar?”

Kirk got off the horse and also got down Queen Cumman. “She is Queen Cumman. She is the daughter of King Faelcar.

During my investigations in the north of the barony, I was able to meet her. It was a real adventure for me to capture her.

Since I had to go straight into the enemy base in order to kidnap her from her tent, it was a real feat, but here we are completely safe. “

Ansgar took a deep breath and looked at Kirk quite seriously as he was surprised, but at the same time he had a feeling of quite great discomfort.

“You certainly accomplished something amazing, but did you check correctly that they didn’t follow you?”

Kirk nodded. “I worked hard to erase my horse’s tracks without mentioning what must have been hours since I kidnapped the princess to the moment they realized she was no longer with them.

That I can assure you completely because I have been riding for days. I have even taken hours of rest, but I have not seen any movement of troops or knights.

Chances are they don’t even know that there are enemies within the barony, so we still have the upper hand either way if at some point the snow fox operation fails.

I will personally take responsibility for the consequences of having caused such a great failure for our entire army.

However, I firmly believe that the things that we will achieve with Queen Cumman will be much greater than the disadvantages that we could have got.

We only need to bring her to the head of King Einar, so that she can tell in her own words all the information she knows about the coalition army. “

Ansgar nodded and patted Kirk. “You did a dangerous job, however I can see you perfectly fulfilled your duty.

You can retreat so you can go to King Einar while you take care of Queen Cumman. Just remember that you have to take care of her until you meet King Einar.

Once at that moment, her safety will no longer depend on you, you will also have to stay in the main camp until the other soldiers of the special forces report the situation in the region.

This is because, most likely, too great an alteration of power has been created in that entire region, because I am even thinking that if Queen Cumman disappeared without a trace.

She may have created a great internal problem between all the kings of the coalition, for they do know that there are no enemies within the barony.

The kidnapping of Queen Cumman may have passed as a revenge attack by other kings.

Either way, depending on the reports you will know if you are going to receive a punishment or a reward, because although you achieved something great you also put all the work we have been doing at risk. “

Kirk gave Ansgar a serious look before nodding at her, after which Kirk took a full day’s break and stripped Queen Cumman of the ropes that bound her.

“You are free to move. Remember that special forces soldiers are watching you so if you try to hide or run you can be truly punished.

Be very careful in the actions you take because things can get out of hand and you will end up completely punished, not to mention that in this place the last word is Commander Ansgar.

He is the current leader of our small troop contingent and just so you know he is a true Norse, who has been able to survive a long winter trek alone where he toured over half the island.

He without a doubt he is not a person that you want to make angry. That is why if you have to be careful because not even I could defend you from any punishment they could do with you.

I hope you can remember these words otherwise you will have a lot of trouble. “

Queen Cumman only looked at Kirk before clenching his fists helplessly. “I’ll follow the rules.”

The next day Kirk left with Queen Cumman and a group of guards who were accompanying him at all times to prevent the queen from escaping.

Einar who was supervising the construction of wooden spears looked at Dreide with a smile.

“What do you think of these small auxiliary weapons? With them, we will be able to deploy an impressive line of defense at any time against enemy knights.

This is because the only disadvantage we have in war is cavalry. That is why with these wooden spears we can prevent them from charging against us.

Although it is only an auxiliary tool, it will help us a lot because the true defensive power of our troops will be the explosive crossbow bolts.

Well, no matter how powerful the knights are, they will all be completely weak once an explosion ends their life.

As for the horses, ending them will be the easiest because the wooden spears will completely end their lives … “

Einar interrupted his words when I can see many horses coming from far away. This surprised him a lot because it must be something important.

As he got closer to see better, he realized that there was a woman on one of the horses. This made him raise his eyebrow.

So I wait in silence for the special forces soldiers to finish getting off their horses.

When they did, one of them approached, holding the woman’s hand. When the soldier arrived, he quickly gave a military salute.

“I am Special Forces soldier Kirk, reporting to Queen Cumman, the daughter of King Faelcar, whom I captured directly from her camp in the Bangor barony.”

Einar smiled and looked at the woman curiously. “Welcome to my camp Queen Cumman. I hope the journey of days has not been complicated for you.

Although I would love to receive you in another way, I am not really interested in maintaining courtesies for my enemies, but you must remember that with those who fulfill a function things are different.

I am not at all interested in knowing your past or your present. The only thing that interests me is to see some specific things about the army of the Irish coalition.

If you can answer my questions correctly and do it honestly, I will promise you that you will be able to maintain your nobility.

For this, I will offer you two options. The first is that you join the Nordic nation as a duchess. Although it is a noble title, it has no power.

However, you would have the right to have your own castle and to be able to belong to the few lines of nobles that currently exist in the Nordic nation.

This might sound unfair. however you would be a Nordic citizen so your life would be much better than it already is.

But you also have the second option, which is that I send you to the island of Brittany so that you can start a new life. Just remember what will launch an attack the following year after you conquer this island.

This is not a threat, it is an action that I am going to take, but now dear Queen Cumman, what are you going to choose?

A life in the beautiful Nordic nation, a sad life on the island of Brittany Hello, most painful option for you and which could cost you your life.

Which is to slowly torture you until I can break your mental defenses in order to get the information I want.

I’m not interested in knowing anything about your life. I just want you to tell me about the Irish coalition army.

How the approximate number of enemies to the exact location of where the enemy army is and what do you think will be the plan that they will use once our armies meet.

I’ll let you think about those questions while you enjoy some time to bathe, I think you urgently need it. “

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