The Sage of Einar

Chapter 53 - Cabin On The Edge Of The Forest

-Warning this episode can be disturbing for some people discretion is recommended when reading it.-

Max, who was cleaning his wounds with a little soap and water in the camp, was interrupted when he heard his father's voice.

"How do you feel about your wounds Son, there is no danger that they will turn black or start to smell bad."

Max raised his face and looked at his father. "There is not much danger that they can get infected because I clean them daily, not to mention that alcohol helps prevent infections.

I will only be in trouble if I let myself be taken care of or if my defenses go down with some flu. "

Sven smiled at his son. "I'm glad your injuries are healing smoothly, but I have something important to tell you."

Sven's hand touched Einar's shoulder, and he looked at him thoughtfully. "I spoke with Eskol in the afternoon, and tomorrow we will leave with three warriors in search of the Ansgar and Galt groups.

You will stay as the leader of the rest of the group to continue hunting white bears and Einar.

I should be back in the afternoon or evening, but if I don't return for some reason, you will have to wait five days if I don't return in that time. "

Max patted his father's hand. "It's bad luck to think you won't come back, but I understand what you mean, father.

Either way, whatever killed or injured our people should be related to some herd of white bears.

Like the one that attacked us yesterday morning, if you are going to leave, just be careful and take with you some makeshift spears so that two warriors can use them to repel the bears.

It may not be an excellent defense, but with the spears, it should be enough to stop the white bears' onslaught for a few precious seconds that you can use to reload your crossbows. "

Sven nodded and got up from the log where he was sitting to prepare everything for his little trip to search for his missing companions.

While this was happening at the camp, Derick, who was placing some marks on a tree, rested his forehead on his arm for a few seconds before raising his head and continuing to walk.

As he moved through the trees, he could see a rather strange vapor in the distance because it did not seem to be coming from a pool of thermal waters, not to mention that he could also smell the aroma of meat being roasted.

This made him swallow a bit of saliva as he was hungry, so he took his crossbow from his shoulder and began to walk very carefully through the snow until he came out of that forest where he was.

He could then see a small log hut poorly built, but a large amount of smoke came out of its chimney and the aroma of meat being roasted.

Derick stared at that hut for a few seconds before looking around to see if he saw anyone.

But no matter how much he looked through the trees or the snow on the ground, he couldn't find any indication that anyone was outside.

So he started walking through the snow until he came to the poorly built wooden door.

Using his left hand, he began to push the piece of wood that served as a door, while with his right hand, he held his crossbow, ready to face any threat inside the hut.

When he pushed the door, he fell to the ground, and he could see that inside the cabin, there was a burning stove where there was a piece of meat being roasted.

As his eyes roamed the interior of the hut, he could also see a bed that was made of leaves that were covered by animal skins, but what most caught his attention was a small altar.

Which was placed in the corner of the hut, on it were seven skulls and in the middle of them was a large gold cross.

"Why is there a cross in this place ..."

Derick could not finish his sentence because he felt someone hit his head from behind, so he lost consciousness at that moment.

Between dreams, he could feel how some cold things were placed on his wrists and then hung it while his head leaned against the wood of that hut.

What he felt afterward was the humiliation of his body accompanied by some prayers in Latin; each time the voice got louder, Derick only felt his body slam against the wooden wall.

This lasted for some time until he felt again being hit on the head.

When he regained his consciousness, Derick could feel different parts of his body ache, especially his butt, so he opened his eyes and tried to scream in anger.

But when he opened his eyes, he realized that he could only see the wall of logs and that his mouth was gagged, so his screams were silenced by a piece of cloth.

When he tried to move his hands and feet, he realized that they were tied with chains that were supported on the wall of logs.

At that moment, Derick knew he was trapped in that hut, but he could not think long because he heard the thick voice of a man.

"Even if you try to move evil beast, you won't be able to free yourself; those chains can stop your body.

They were a gift from one of my fellow monks who came with me to this forsaken land of God. "

Derick could hear him getting up from where the man was, so he tried to turn his head to see the face of that degenerate monk.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't and could only hear that voice again.

"You know, it's been so long since I've been able to see anyone on this ice wasteland that I couldn't contain my most impure desires."

The unkempt-looking monk with long hair and a gnawed brown robe, walked to the altar and knelt down.

"So I had to use your body as a recipient of all my sins, but you should not worry because your body will be blessed by my body.

Because, I am a representative of the Lord, and he will cleanse you from all your sins through my body."

The monk opened his hands and looked up at the ceiling. "Rejoice pagan, you will receive the blessing of the Lord as many times as necessary.

When your body has no value for the Lord, I will eat your flesh, and with it, your soul will be guaranteed entry to heaven. "

Derick began to move in a desperate way, trying to free his hands, so the noise of the chains made the monk angry.

He got up from the floor and walked to his bed from where he took a club and then hit Derick on the head.

When Derick lost consciousness, the monk began to laugh as he removed his robe.

"Damn pagan, you will receive our lord's blessing whether you like it or not ...."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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