The Sage of Einar

Chapter 54 - The Story Of A Monk

Warning: this episode can disturb for some people we recommend discretion when reading it

"I will tell you a story, about my youth and how I knew the blessing of God."

After saying those words, the monk who was boiling some water looked at the fire while remembering his childhood.

"I was born in a small village in the kingdom of Dalriada, my holy mother was a whore who provided her services to the monks of a nearby monastery.

Between many of her encounters, she became pregnant by the grace of the Lord, and it was then that I was born.

I spent my childhood being my mother's assistant in that monastery. Many times the monks used my body because my mother could not handle everyone.

It was hard work but my mother and I never lacked food, although when I was twelve everything changed. "

Angrily the monk threw the rusty iron dish where water was boiling "A damn nobleman took my mother and I never saw her again.

I only heard from one of my brothers in the monastery that this nobleman was a sinner who enjoyed mutilating women. "

The monk took a piece of linen and knelt down to wipe the water off the floor "At that moment something changed inside of me as I could hear the Lord in my head.

As I grew older, his voice became clearer and clearer. Sometimes he would tell me how to act, and other times he would order me to kill sinners to redeem his soul. "

As he cleaned the water a smile formed on his face "The first person who received the blessing of our Lord was a girl from the village.

I still remember her sinful screams, but those little screams were not enough for the Lord, so I started with a hunt for sinners and sinners.

Everyone enjoyed the Lord's blessing regardless of whether they were girls, boys, women, men, or the elderly. "

The monk rose from the ground and threw the cloth over Derick's back. "But when I finally brought the lord's blessing to the nobleman who made my mother disappear, I had to flee with other monks to this land of ice.

In this place, there are no people or anything to which the Lord can give any blessing, so I turned my brother monks into recipients for the Lord's blessing. "

The monk's head turned, and he looked at the altar in a corner. "They seven were with me for years receiving my blessing, but when they were dying one by one.

I ended up staying alone in this place until you arrived, my stupid pagan, but you don't have to worry I'll take care of your body so you can live a long life.

But when I get bored with your body, I will eat you while I keep you alive. My brother monks screamed every time I cut pieces of meat from them, but the Lord took care of me from their screams.

So I just enjoyed their meat, which was so soft that I can even taste the taste right now. "

The monk walked over to where Derick was tied up and when he arrived; he touched his muscles until he reached a muscle in his arm he liked.

At that moment, the monk opened his filthy mouth and bit Derick's arm with all his might.

Derick screamed when he felt the monk's teeth pierce his skin and muscle, but the pain increased when he felt the monk pull his teeth on his arm.

Unable to resist the pain, Derick screamed louder but the gag in his mouth silenced all his screams and having his hands tied he could only shake himself trying to get rid of the monk's teeth.

The monk who was desperate because he could not tear off the piece of the arm made more force and with a movement of his neck tore a piece of muscle from Derick's arm.

Having the piece of meat in his mouth, the monk laughed as if he would enjoy his prize, after which he bit the raw meat which filled his mouth with blood.

While this was happening, in the snow wasteland Sven and his group of warriors were killing a white bear that tried to attack them from a slope.

"Eskol just removes the bear's skin and leave the rest of the body in this place, that will prevent any herd of white bears from following us."

Eskol who had his dagger nodded and with the help of one warrior cut the bear's skin.

When he finished cleaning the skin of any piece of meat or fat that it might have, Eskol folded it until it was compressed enough to tie it.

Using a hemp rope, he tied her up and arranged her on the back of one of her companions.

Sven, seeing that they had finished, walked in the snow while holding his crossbow "Pay attention to the path in case we see a white bear or if you see any human remains in the snow.

These damn white bears leave only bones, and many times we won't even be able to find that. "

While walking in the snow Sven could see in the distance a very peculiar piece of wood that was sticking out of the snow almost imperceptibly.

Exhaling a breath of air he walked towards the piece of wood which was becoming more and more visible and he could recognize it as the handle of a crossbow.

When he pulled the crossbow out of the snow, he noticed that it had some claw marks on one side, and on the handle, he could see some runes that had Galt's name on it.

With some sadness, Sven put Galt's crossbow on his shoulder and looked at his companions "I want us to divide in this area to search this place for a trace of Galt's body.

From the marks on the crossbow, it looks like he died fighting to the end, otherwise; I don't think he casually abandoned his crossbow.

If you see a white bear, call for help and remember that those damned run faster than us so fight because it's better than dying turning your back on those damned bears. "

Eskol and the rest of the warriors began searching the snow for a trace of Galt's body.

Sven searched while walking straight, as he had a feeling that Galt had followed the same path.

In the course of his brief walk, he saw a strange little mound of snow near where he was, so he changed course towards it.

When he was near that mound Sven frowned as he could smell a smell of shit with rotting blood which was too penetrating.

With his arm covering his nose, he took a few steps until he could see the inside of that mound of snow, which was a kind of crater.

Inside the hole he could see Galt's skeleton, which was missing his arms and part of a foot. His skull only had the upper part of his jaw because the bears had eaten a large part of his skull when trying to eat his brain.

The smell of shit and blood came from an extensive amount of bear excrement which was near the skeleton, and the smell of putrefaction came from the remains of meat on the bones which were rotting.

"I found what's left of Galt's body. We need to put it in a sack so we can burn it at camp.

His family shouldn't remember him with this appearance. "

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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