The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 128 - [Hidden Title]

"Well guys, take care of yourself, I leave Wasteland Valley in your hands" Said Alfonso to everyone in front of him.

Demeter, Artemis, Deferio, Cease, Susana and the wolves were there to say goodbye to Alfonso, Antiope, Cerberus and Cat one.

"Cat one" Said Artemis.

"Master" Bowed Cat one.

"Remember your mission"

"Protect My lord at all cost, even at the cost of my own life" Said Cat one with calmness.

"Good" Said Artemis.

Alfonso could only smile helplessly at this sigh, he waved his hand and said goodbye to everyone one last time before he and the rest made their way towards the Jubila forest.


A few hours passed, and they stopped for some time to rest and eat.

"Sorry guys, I know that all of you aren't tired but, as you can see…" Said Alfonso while looking at his cane.

To Alfonso, walking was extremely tedious, in fact, he was already at the verge of collapsing after three hours of walking, the only reason he could continue on was because he drank one bottle of Hygiea's potion.

"Don't say stupid things, it's a shame that I don't have my big body, if I had it , I could let you mount me" Said Cerberus.

"I also must apologize, Alfonso, I wasn't careful with your condition" Said Antiope while bowing.

"Don't worry about it, lets rest for some time, how about you tell me about the Jubila forest in the process" Said Alfonso while finding a nearby three to sit.

"The Jubila forest is the last wild zone on Leitol, for ages, it has been the home of all kind of no-human species, we, the amazons, are the only human tribe on the Jubila forest, this is due to the fact that we aren't originally from Leitol" Said Antiope.

"You aren't from Leitol?" Asked surprised Alfonso.

"Yes, our tribe came from Godshalt, we came because the first amazon, the sword goddess, was persecuted and we ended here, originally, we were the protectors of her" Explained Antiope.

"If it's good for you to answer, why was the sword goddess, persecuted?" Asked Alfonso.

"It's not really a big secret so it's okay, it was because she was too powerful" Said Antiope.

"She was so powerful that she could defeat her husband, the heaven's emperor, oh right, let me clarify, every emperor on Godshalt is called heaven's emperor, why? Because in Godshalt, we don't have 'children of the gods' so, every emperor declares war against the heavens by declaring themselves as 'heaven's emperors'"

"Wait! So, you mean that in Godshalt… there is no champions?" Asked Alfonso.

"Correct, but, at the same time, is wrong" Said Antiope.

"?" Alfonso was confused.

"Although we don't have 'children of the gods', we do have champions, however, our champions are different from yours, we don't receive gifts from the gods but, we have a natural gift ourselves, a give that make the gods jealous, that's why, we don't receive their blessings" Said Antiope.

"Something that make gods jealous?" Asked Alfonso.

"That's right, the most powerful user of this ability was the sword goddess, in all the history of Godshalt, nobody has ever show such potential as her, her husband, Vladimir Lexus, was jealous of her ability and was angered because, behind his back, people said that he only had 'paper power' the one who truly controlled the throne was the sword goddess, so, to show his might, he challenged the sword goddess to a fight, the result? The sword goddess used only three attacks to destroy him, this make the king furious and accused the sword goddess to be a 'child of the gods' , a persecution happen and a lot of our sisters die in the process, we managed to escape by stepping a lot of corpses of our own sisters, it was awful, we managed to came here and made a new life in the Jubila forest" Explained Antiope.

"So that how it was" Said Alfonso.


Just went the four of them were talking, a beast appeared in front of them, it was a bear, however, this bear was huge at least it had three meters, it was rare to see such a huge animal being so near to the border between Jubila forest and Wasteland Valley.

"I will take care of this disrespectful fellow" Said Cerberus.

"No, wait" Said Antiope.

She took a step forward and made a deep breath.

"This is a good chance"

Antiope separate her legs and closed her eyes.

She put one hand above and one hand below forming a sphere form in front of her belly button.

"This is the technic that we have practice on Godshalt that made us win the wrath of the gods" Said Antiope.

Inside the 'sphere' something was forming, however, Alfonso couldn't see it, but he could felt it.

"This is!?" Alfonso though.

Antiope exhalate a huge amount of breath and broke the 'sphere', suddenly, all the 'thing' that was accumulating on the sphere went into her belly button.

Her appearance change, her body became taller and her muscles became more pronounced, her hair grew at a naked eye speed and her eyes turned white, however, was that, on Antiope's forehead, a few letters appear.


Antiope seems to be a totally different person, even Cerberus was trebling in her presence.


Even the wind seemed to be aware of her because the natural breeze of the Jubila forest seemed to evade her making her seem like she had a some kind of invisible aura meaning from her body.

Antiope took another deep breath and opened her closed eyes, with a thunderous voice she shouted.

"OVERSOUL!" Shouted Antiope.

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