The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 129 - Does It Work?

"Over… soul" murmured Alfonso.

"Oversoul grant us the ability to take the power of nature and transform it in our own, we take the soul power that is in the environment and fused with our own, making our own soul power maximize, take a good look" Said Antiope while she moved forward to the bear.

"Even Cerberus would have some troubles with that bear" Analyzed Alfonso.

Antiope moved forward when suddenly.


She disappeared!

"What!?" Alfonso was surprised.

Cerberus eyes suddenly frowned and move its eyes to the sky.

"GRRRR" The bear seemed as confused as Alfonso.

Right when it moved its eyes to the sides, it felt a dangerous coming to him, he dodged by jumping to the right side, just in time when a palm descended to its head!


A small explosion sound could be heard when Antiope's palm reached the ground, she composed and stood up once again.

"Teleportation?" Asked Alfonso.

"No, she just moved too fast for you to follow" Said Cerberus by his side. Cat one didn't say anything, but she agreed with Cerberus.

"I also couldn't see her, but, the change on the wind give up her position, its similar when master disappears from sigh, although she herself is invisible, the movements in the ground can not be camouflage, is the same with Antiope and her speed, but, even them, I doubt that I can pinpoint her position in time before she attacks, that bear would be dead by right if she had go serious" Said Cat one.

"She wasn't serious?" Asked Alfonso.

The bear looked at Antiope with a meaningful gaze and then turned around, Antiope relaxed and then her hair and eyes came back to normal.

"We, Amazons, don't kill just for the pleasure of it, we only kill living things to eat, that's the rule our ancestor gave us, we must respect this planet and it will respect us" Said Antiope.

Alfonso made a small smile and then stood up.

"If only my world would have more people like you, I am sure that we won't be as we are now" Said Alfonso.

Antiope didn't understand what he meant, in fact, maybe the only person who understand that sentence was Alfonso himself.

After witness the might of the amazons, Cerberus and Cat one were looking forward to meet them, however, Alfonso has other worries.

"If they are this powerful… what kind of enemy could they be facing that they need our help?" Pondered Alfonso.


Thanks to Antiope, Alfonso and the others didn't have much of an issue in their journey, originally, to Antiope I would have take only three days to get there, however, because of Alfonso, they had to stop and rest longer than expected, so the journey took an entire week.

"We are almost there" Said Antiope with a smile on her face.

Its obviously that she was homesick.

"Is there any rule that we must follow or some prohibitions that we should know before hand?" Asked Alfonso.

Obviously, as a different kind of people, they have their own rules and it would be best to know them before hand so there won't be any misunderstanding.

"Mmmm… well… how do I say this…" Said Antiope with some awkwardness.

"?" Alfonso was confused.

"Well, you see, here is the thing, the amazons are an only woman tribe, so, how do you think that we reproduce?" Asked Antiope.

"Oh… yeah… now that you mention it…" Said Alfonso.

"This is very important so listen carefully, went we are about to die, our soul is extracted from our decaying bodies, the body is buried in the earth and then we let them rest for three days, after that the soul and the body resonate with each other and we have what we could our 'rebirth', for each rebirth that we have a number will appear in a part of our body, by the way, every time that we experience a rebirth, our soul becomes weaker, of course, we must die for all age, if we die for a disease or we are killed, we can't experience a rebirth, as to how this works and why only us can do it, I don't know, the only one who know is the ancestor, anyway, let's get back to topic, the issue here is that, no all of us have the same life span, when the soul is more powerful, our lifespan is several times stronger, for example take a look at this" Antiope lifter her skirt and, on her thigh, a number appeared.

"seven" Murmured Alfonso.

"That's right, I have died and have my rebirth seven times, my soul is seven times weaker than what it used to be, after we experience nine rebirths, we can't have more rebirths and we will die, by now, we have lost thirty sisters because of this" Said Antiope with some sadness.

"I see" Said Alfonso.

"So, you must absolutely not provoked the ones with low numbers, especially… be careful of sister Pentiselea, she hates men" Said Antiope.

"Oh… by the way, what number Pentiselea has?" Asked Alfonso.

"three" Said Antiope.

"…" Alfonso didn't know what to say.

"Oh, I have a question myself… but I don't know if you could answer it or not" Said Antiope with some redness in her cheeks.

"Oh, don't worry go ahead and ask" Said Alfonso.

"Does it work?" Asked Antiope.

"What thing?" Asked Alfonso.

"You know… down there…"


"You know… your 'little buddy'"

"Your 'best friend'"

" Your 'Ding-Dong'",

"Your 'wee-wee'"

"your Dong- "


"…" The both of them stood in an awkward silence for some time.

"Why are you asking something like that!?" Asked Alfonso.

"Is because of something concerning our tribe, please just answer! Your friend didn't hesitate when he answered, what are you so sissy about!?" Refuted Antiope

Alfonso didn't know what to say after some time, he awkwardly answered.

"Yes, it does" Said Alfonso with a tiny voice.

"Okay" Said Antiope.

Alfonso was confused, why would she ask something like that, but he didn't notice that the fist of Antiope made a small victory pose.

After that the both of them stood silence the rest of the trip until they finally arrived to the amazon tribe.

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