The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 11: The Heroic Claude

Chapter 11: The Heroic Claude

Translated by XianPiete

Claude was beginning to accept the reality that Madeline was out of his league, not just because of their family status, but because she was someone even a young lord of a great house had to work to attain. When he compared himself to Guy de Montfort, he knew that he was not the better man. Even he was shocked the more he learned about the young lord. Any one thing about Guy de Montfort was enough to impress even the highest status lady in the kingdom. Great with the sword. Great at business. Top scholar. Excellent dancer. Claude was beginning to think that Guy de Montfort was infallible.

When Olivier turned out to be the third prince, and Guy could still talk with him on a first name basis, Claude had all but given up thinking of trying for Madeline's hand. When Guy, Olivier and Madeline had all asked him to be on a first name basis, and showed that the were genuine in thinking of him as a friend, that suddenly became enough, he understood that even though he most likely won't be the one to have her heart, he had gained something much more. Two of the great houses and the future king of Pays De Abrutis considered him a friend. The sacrifice his father had made to send him to the academy had paid off in gold.

Claude decided to get a gift for his father to send with a letter detailing his social accomplishments. He knew that after the hard times his family had to endure in order to save for his enrollment at the Academy, they would be in need of positive news. Claude checked his coin purse and frowned, he didn't have much to spend, but if he looked second hand, he could find an item that would please his mother and father. He rode his white mare into town, his sword at his side. He wore the simple black clothing with brown leather armor of his father's soldiers, the crest of his house faded but visible on the breast. His outfit was older, but well maintained.

He decided to make his way to the far end of town where the more affordable shops were located in the poorest section of the city. As he neared the shops that sold antiques and secondhand items he saw a commotion down one of the wide alleyways that connected the main street with housing for the shop keepers. Normally Claude would mind his own business in the city or signal for the city guard, but when he looked down the alley he saw a familiar face. Surrounded by a dozen men with weapons was Alicia.

Claude gave his horse a kick and trotted over to see what was happening, he drew his sword and yelled out, "What's this, a dozen men fighting a single woman?"

"Stay out of it if'n ye want to leave 'ere with that sword and 'orse!" One of the men barked.

Another of the men grinned at Claude and said, "This 'ere bird is just gonna sing fer us a bit is all."

Alicia who had her own sword drawn was carefully keeping them at a distance anxiously blurted out, "Claude get help, there are too many of them!"

Claude hopped down from his horse and walked forward with the ease of someone walking to a shop. Each man he passed by lost a limb or their head, his sword was fast, and strong. The men changed their target from Alicia to him as a sense of dread came over them. Alicia used the opportunity to strike out with her own sword. While she wasn't nearly as efficient as Claude, her swordsmanship was not bad. Compared to the men they faced, she was at a level they couldn't dream of reaching. It only took a few breaths of time before all but the few men who managed to run away were lying on the ground dead or screaming at the loss of their limbs. the street was painted red with their blood.

Claude walked up to Alicia and began to look her over, "Were you hurt?"

"No, thanks to you, I was unhurt." Alicia looked around, "Are you injured?" She noticed the large amount of blood on his arms.

"It's theirs, not mine. However, I'll need to get these things clean now." He sighed, "I was hoping to buy a gift for my mother and father too."

Alicia looked at her own clothes, "Oh no! My best outfit is ruined, I won't have the money to replace this one either." She looked into Claude's eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I caused you a lot of trouble."

Claude smiled at her, he looked into her eyes and thought, she's truly a beautiful woman. He coughed and then said, "It's only my duty. How could I leave a friend behind to face a dozen armed men just because I didn't want to get dirty?"

Alicia stared into his eyes, "You say that like it doesn't happen everyday. I don't mean you, sorry, I have a bad habit of saying the wrong things when I am anxious or upset." She looked down and then said, "I mean, a lot more people would walk away without helping, than would come to help."

"You are pretty good with a sword." Claude stated as he felt awkward accepting her strange compliment.

Alicia replied, "I wasn't very good when I came to the Academy, but I was paired up with that madwoman, Madeline. After facing her everyday for the last month I was forced to get better or my body would be covered in bruises." She laughed.

"Madeline is quite good with a sword, she wasn't my match, but she is good enough to challenge me." Claude nodded, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound like I am belittling your skill, I just... I mean, I am not the top swordsman at the Academy, but I am second."

Alicia smiled and nodded, "Guy de Montfort is quite impressive, in every way. Madeline is very lucky."

"You've given up then?" Claude asked.

Alicia nodded and said, "I know you all think I am dumb, or blind, or someone who gets a thrill stealing a man, but the truth is, I just fear being embarrassed so much, I pretend like I don't notice the obvious signs." She laughed. "How about you, have you given up?"

Claude nodded and said, "I can fight a man, and win. I can fight a bear, and win. I could fight a dragon, and win. But fighting a god in human form? I am not so sure of myself." He smiled back at her, "Can I offer you a ride back to the Academy? We should clean these before the blood sets."

Alicia nodded. Claude whistled and his horse walked over, he sat up on the horse and then reached out for her, with one hand he pulled her up to his lap and then headed back to the Academy at a good speed.

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