The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 12: The strongest sword

Chapter 12: The strongest sword

Translated by XianPiete

Madeline was practicing her basic attack and defense with Alicia at the training ground during the morning swordsmanship drill when Alicia asked, "Don't you think Claude is getting more handsome lately?"

Madeline lost her focus for a moment and took a blow from Alicia which irritated her enough for her to give a quick blow in reply. Madeline then said, "Claude seems to be the same to me."

Alicia furrowed her brow and then asked, "Have you ever seen Guy fight with a sword? I don't mean on the training ground, but fight a battle of life and death?"

Madeline shook her head and then said, "He is the top swordsman at the school, but he never seems to be in a hurry to have people know it. He solves problems with his mind so that the sword isn't needed." Madeline blocked an attack from Alicia.

Alicia barely blocked Madeline's next attack, "Claude came to my rescue the other day in town, I was surrounded by a dozen men, and he defeated half of them when I could only injure one of them. I didn't think there was such a distance in skill between the top ranks."

Madeline nodded and said, "Claude is familiar with a few different styles of swordsmanship taught by the knight orders, even I could barely keep a sword in my hand against him. From what Claude has said, facing Guy's sword is just as hard for him." Madeline deftly parried an attack from Alicia. "Top swordsmen like a knight know little tricks for taking a sword out of your hand and use the timing of your attacks and defenses to catch you in a moment where you can't properly use your strength because your body is in the wrong position or your balance is not right."

Alicia nodded and said, "Claude said that I don't move my feet right, which is why I am not able to bring out my best."

Madeline nodded and then shifted her feet swinging her sword at a strange angle that went past Alicia's defense, "Did you see that? When you keep your feet pointed at your opponent you have more power and are able to put your sword in to the spot you want. The way you stand, with your back foot pointed out, you lose that."

Alicia whimpered and moaned, "Maddy, you hit me too hard!"


Madeline was sitting with her friends like normal in the Order's dining hall listening to Alicia and Claude discuss swordsmanship. She couldn't help but look over at Guy from time to time just to see if he was agreeing to the things Claude was saying or if he was shaking his head that it was wrong. Madeline started to just steal a glance here and there at first, but eventually found herself taking longer looks. Eventually she turned her head only to see Guy staring back at her, which caused her face to burn red in embarrassment.

Guy smiled and asked, "You want to know if I agree with Claude, right?"

Madeline nodded without speaking.

"Claude is right with everything he said. The differences between top swordsmen are usually just the command of the basics, reactions and an intangible aura. A kind of pressure they exert just by always being able to read movements and place themselves in a way that takes away advances and retreats. It's like the person you are up against grows as tall as a mountain." Guy smiled at her and then took another bite of his food.

Alicia asked, "Guy, it isn't it the style of your swordsmanship that matters then?"

Guy shook his head, he finished the bite in his mouth and then said, "It's about practicing your style to a point that you eliminate unneeded movements. Claude for example, when he fights, you'd think he was just out for a walk in the park."

Alicia nodded remembering the ease with which Claude dealt with her attackers. Alicia looked at Guy and said, "I would like to see how you fight."

The voice of the second prince suddenly spoke up, "I would like to see that as well."

Olivier turned and saw his brother Andre, the older Lady Foix and Wolter von Plettenberg walking over to their table. The others at the table all took a knee and said, "Your highness."

The second prince smiled and said, "Please, be at ease. I am just visiting today to help show our good friend prince Wolter von Plettenberg the Academy, he has agreed to join the Order of the Rose and as an alumni myself, I thought who better to introduce him around."

Olivier stood up and smiled, "Wolter, it's good to see you again."

Wolter just glared at him and made a grunting sound.

The second prince smiled and then said, "I understand that you are current top swordsman at the Academy, Lord Montfort?"

Guy nodded and said, "For now, I do not consider myself a master of the sword."

The second prince laughed, "Oh, no need to be humble. You're all the talk at the Palace you know. Some of the knights there are hoping you'll join their own orders." He smiled ruthlessly and then continued, "My friend Wolter here is something of an expert in the sword himself and was hoping to find someone who could help him stay in practice, I wonder if you wouldn't mind having a little spar with him on the practice grounds?"

Guy looked at Wolter and spoke in Japanese, "What dan are you?"

Wolter kept staring at Guy like he couldn't understand him.

Guy smiled and said, "Sure, I wouldn't mind a little spar."


They all moved out to the training ground together. Claude and Alicia stood side by side. Olivier and Madeline across from them. Wolter and Guy each took one of the heavy wooden practice swords, each one going through a set of warm up exercises and swinging the swords to get used to their weight and balance before walking out to the sparring ground and lining up opposite of each other. Guy gave a short bow to the man and then lifted the sword above his head like he was going to chop it straight down. Wolter on the other side just held his sword out in front of himself.

The two men seemed stand there like statues staring at each other. Claude couldn't even breath as he watched, he was sure the first sound would cause a vicious exchange of blows between the two. Guy slowly moved his sword down until it was held exactly as Wolter's sword. Wolter shifted his feet forward just slightly, the two wooden swords lightly touched each other and then both men took a step back. Claude felt his back becoming drenched in sweat. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The vicious exchange of blows was replaced by a war of the minds between the two swordsmen.

Guy lunged forward and chopped down on his opponents head. He saw Wolter smirk, and then he took a shot to the ribs that broke the heavy wooden sword Wolter was holding. Guy coughed up blood as he felt one of his ribs break and puncture his lung, he fell to the ground wheezing. Wolter walked up to him and spit on him before tossing the broken handle of the sword away carelessly.

The second prince walked over and squatted down whispering, "Maybe I should see about having that engagement with the girl from house Aumont reinstated." He stood up and walked away while laughing.

Olivier and Madeline were the first to reach Guy and help him to the medical office.

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