The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Vol 2 – 20: A meeting with the King

Vol 2 – Chapter 20: A meeting with the King

Translated by XianPiete

King Albert de la Marche III paced around in his throne room, concern for the future heavy on his shoulders. He cursed and rumbled his displeasure to his closet advisers, "How can all three of my sons come to me separately with this same hairbrained idea! How did those damned Montforts corrupt the minds of my children so easily!"

One of the ministers said, "We should just eliminate House Montfort once and for all and be done with them, your Majesty. The very existence of the former Royal family has always been a threat to your family."

Another one of the ministers suggested, "Perhaps we should invite Duke Montfort here, along with his son and then allow your Majesty's Black Knights to meet them in their sleep, or when they need to use the toilet? It would be quick, efficient and could be made to look like a plot by another House, say the Harcourts?"

The King stopped and raised a finger, "Yes, I will also invite the other great Houses here. I know that at least one of them will come to me separately seeking an audience to usurp power from the Montforts. It may very well be House Harcourt, if not Taillefer. Even though Duke Aumont and Duke Montfort have always been prickly with each other, they have also always secretly been friends. When it comes to matters of the state they are always of one mind."

The Queen cleared her throat and said, "If I may be so bold, it was my father who sought to steal the throne which put the Montfort family in the position of having to step down in order to save the Kingdom they loved dearly. My father was a man of wild ambition and great military leadership, but he lacked something that the Montfort family has always shown. That is loyalty to its people and to its nobility. The la Marche family was willing to put the people and nobility of the Kingdom to the sword rather than pass on a chance to take the throne for themselves. The Montfort family wasn't. That is why you are now the King, your Majesty. I don't believe that your sons coming to you is the idea of the Montfort boy, I believe it is the idea of your son Olivier."

The King bellowed, "And why would my idiot son come up with such an asinine idea?"

The Queen shook her head and then said, "Because he loves his brothers and doesn't want to have to kill them for a position he doesn't want to have in the first place."

The King frowned and then asked in a low growl, "Then why doesn't he just support one of his brothers?"

The Queen laughed softly, "Because he knows they would destroy the country. Andre only cares about entertainment and Albert's schemes become so complex he loses control over them. Even you yourself have said as much. Even now, Albert thinks he has control over your Black Knights."

The King smashed his hand down on the table and said, "I will never Abdicate to a Montfort!"


Duke Montfort looked at his son with a slight smile on his face and then asked in a soft tone, "Have you gone mad, son?"

Guy sighed and said, "Father, I understand why you would ask me that, and honestly when they told me their idea I told them it was a bad idea, but they insisted that of all of us, I was the most suited. Olivier even explained that it should rightfully be our position anyway."

Duke Montfort rubbed his temples and said, "Son, there is a lot you children don't understand about this situation. The reason my Father was forced to abdicate the crown was to keep the Chalon and la Marche families from igniting an unwinnable civil war. Each of the four Ducal Houses at the time was fighting to steal the crown from your grandfather, but do you know why?" He sighed, "It was because your Grandfather was trying to eliminate the nobility and try a new system of government where the people themselves could have representatives instead. He called it a senate. Rather than replace the leadership through birthright, they would be chosen from the best and the brightest. Even if that meant a commoner. To be honest with you, a few of us really liked that idea, we had all seen complete idiots rise to high levels in the nobility running their territories into the ground, like the Taillefer family. Myself and your soon to be father-in-law specifically."

Guy nodded his head and said, "I see, well, my rule would be as a traditional monarch. I don't think this world is ready yet for a government run by businesses."

Duke Montfort looked surprised, "Why do you think the merchants would rise to power?"

Guy smiled and said, "A representative government will slowly be corrupted by the money needed to get the votes to become a representative. It is inevitable that the money needed would come from whoever has the most available to spend. A person barely surviving on what they make would not be able to pay to help a prospective representative spread his name in order to be elected. The only people who would have that extra money and desire to help would be merchants."

Duke Montfort looked horrified, "And then the businesses with the most money could shape the law of the land in their favor and slowly kill off any competition making it look as if the laws themselves are to protect the commoners. What a terrifyingly horrible future!"

Guy nodded and said, "In my mind, the only effective form of government is a monarchy with a leader who has enough intelligence, compassion, and power to maintain a peaceful existence for its people. At least until we educate the people to a high enough standard where they can see right from wrong. The problem is that the business culture will seek to lower the level of education and put quality education out of the reach of the majority. They will want a system that allows those with money to become a hidden nobility."

Duke Montfort looked at his son and said, "You are wise beyond your years my son, but sometimes it feels like you are seeing a future with no possibility for a good end."

Guy laughed and said, "That's how life goes, you grow until you are at your peak, and then you decline until you die."

Duke Montfort tried to think of reasons to refute his son and then he asked, "How much of that is your idea and how much is from the la Marche boy?"

Guy smiled, "Olivier convinced me that I was the only man smart and reliable enough to trust with the Kingdom. I mostly think he just refuses to take the blame." Guy laughed and then shook his head, "We saw a future that changed us, father, it made us realize how important we were to keeping this world as it is now."

Duke Montfort nodded and then said, "Well, here comes the King's messenger. It looks like we'll be headed to the Palace. Let's just hope its for a meeting and not a beheading."

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