The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Vol 2 – 21: The Queen Speaks

Vol 2 – Chapter 21: The Queen Speaks

Translated by XianPiete

Duke Montfort and his son walked into the throne room and took a knee at the base of the long stairwell that led to the throne. The King sat on the throne glaring at them menacingly while the Queen sat in a smaller throne to back and to the side of the King. The King stood up suddenly, his hand on the golden pommel of his sword. He said in a low growl, "So, Gerard, is this the boy who would be King I see at your side? My sons have come to me asking for our House to return to being a Duke's house in order to put the..." he snorted derisively, "rightful, King on the throne in their stead." He took a step forward and asked, "Tell me, Gerard, who is the rightful King of Pays Des Abrutis?"

Duke Montfort kept his head down and said confidently, "You are, your Majesty."

The King screamed out, "You're damned right, I am! Tell me, Gerard, why is your son convincing my boys that he is the rightful ruler of Pays Des Abrutis?"

Duke Montfort replied, "Your Majesty, I don't know that he is convincing them of that."

The King looked at Guy and bellowed, "You aren't deaf boy, answer that question yourself!"

Guy looked at his father who nodded, "Your Majesty, I have no designs on the throne or the crown. It was Prince Olivier who came to me and asked if I could take power and keep the country from falling."

"And you think the country will fall if one of my sons is King?" The King bellowed louder his face was bright red and the veins protruded from his neck.

Guy shook his head and said, "No, your Majesty. I believe that Olivier would make an outstanding King who would lead Pays Des Abrutis to a new era of wealth and prosperity."

The King looked confused, "Then why is he asking for you to be King?"

Guy thought for a moment and then answered, "Your Majesty, I believe this is a question you should pose to Olivier himself, but my understanding of his thoughts on the matter are that he doesn't want to work that hard mainly, and also, he would rather not have to murder his own brothers."

The Queen laughed softly covering her mouth with her hand, "Your Majesty, it would seem that I was right if he is speaking the truth."

The King walked over and fell into his throne, he bellowed, "Someone, go get my idiot son Olivier and bring him in here!" One of the many pages standing at attention along the wall dashed off. The King looked at Duke Montfort and said in a low growl, "I guess you haven't told your son yet about why the Montfort family is no longer the royal family in Pays Des Abrutis, have you?" He looked at Guy and said, "Your Montfort line was no longer needed as a royal family because your grandfather was an inept King who would have soaked our nation in blood for useless ideas and hopelessly romantic gestures to impress a wife who was common born. I'll bet you have never heard about your commoner's blood. Your grandfather broke off his engagement to House la Marche to marry a commoner girl. Did you know that?"

Olivier entered the chamber with the page and walked over to the side of the King. He stood without saying a word. The Queen cleared her throat and announced, "Your Majesty, your son has arrived."

The King turned and stared hard at Olivier and asked, "Well, is what they are all saying true? You only want to make a Montfort King in order to get out of work?"

Olivier gave one of his normal goofy smiles, "Your Majesty, it is true, I would tire easily if tasked with running the country. However, I have several goals to accomplish by having our House return to its Ducal roots. For one, Albert and I can coexist this way. Two, Andre also would like to live a life of luxury without working, and three our country deserves better than our family is currently able to give." He looked at Guy and then pointed at him, "Lord Guy de Montfort is one hundred times the man I am, maybe more. I don't just mean in intelligence, he is actually measurably stronger, faster, smarter and more talented than I am. If I didn't have a larger penis than him, I might have committed suicide by now."

Guy couldn't help blurting out, "What the ****, Olivier?" Duke Montfort hit his son with an elbow and glared at him saying be quiet with his lips.

The King laughed hard and slapped his knee, "Like father like son, eh?"

The Queen cleared her throat, "Your Majesty, perhaps this is a discussion you should hold with your son as it doesn't seem to have been caused by the Montfort father and son."

The King glared at his wife and then waved his hand at Duke Montfort, "You and your son may leave, Olivier, I will speak with you in my chambers."

As the King and Olivier stepped into the side room the Queen said, "Gerard, may I speak with you and your son a moment?"

The Duke bowed and said, "Of course, your Majesty, I am at your service."

The Queen and two of her handmaids escorted Guy and Duke Montfort into another of the side rooms that was in a parlor style. The Queen took a large chair while her handmaids served tea and snacks. The two men waited for the Queen to say, "Please, have a seat. Would you care for a scone?"

The Duke shook his head, "Thank you, your Majesty, I have eaten."

Guy shrugged and smiled, "Please, thank you." He took one on to his little plate as the tea was served.

The Queen said to her handmaids, "Leave us." Then as they left the room she sighed and said, "Gerard, I am not sure that you and your son are out of danger. Unless Albert hears Olivier say he will be the king I am afraid that he will have assassins come for you and your son. I can't be certain that he will not do this anyway now that he has felt this much of a threat."

Duke Montfort nodded and said, "It may well be so."

The Queen looked uncomfortable and said, "Gerard, run, take your son and run. Get away from this awful place."

Duke Montfort sighed and said, "Your Majesty, I can not. If it is the will of his Majesty that I die, then I will have to die. My son, well, my son will survive me. He has a power that I can't fathom."

The Queen looked at Guy and asked, "I see." She looked at Duke Montfort and said, "Gerard, you should have been the King, even in defeat you are more royal than that man is..." She sighed, "I always knew I would one day be Queen, how could my Prince have become such a toad?"

Duke Montfort smiled sadly and said, "Our fathers had other plans."

The Queen looked at Guy and asked, "You agree with Olivier's plan?"

Guy looked at her and said, "In principle, yes."

The Queen thought for a moment and then said, "If you have to kill him, make sure that you are prepared to kill Duke Harcourt. He is the real power behind the la Marche Kingdom. My son Albert wishes to be a man like Duke Harcourt, but he isn't as gifted at juggling complex string pulling."

The Queen rang a little bell and her handmaids returned, "The Duke and his son will be leaving, please escort them out."

Guy smiled at one of the maids and said, "Hello Cecil, you are looking well today. Give my regards to your husband Norris." Guy touched his father on the back and said, "Antidote." And then waved his hand over his own chest and said it again.

The handmaid froze in place. She smiled and curtsied.

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