The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 37: Bringing home the Count

Chapter 37: Bringing home the Count

Translated by XianPiete

After the battle was over, the new Count Rouvroy had more work than he could imagine. Thankfully he had the help of the Council of Magic so most of the work was quickly and easily handled. Olivier for one was a huge help. As the former crown prince of Pays Des Abrutis, he was very familiar with what needed to be done to truly pass down the title and lands of the fief to the heir. Additionally, Alicia spent time with the former Countess helping solve the some of the household finance issues and the county rebuilding costs. They held a grand funeral for all of the soldiers lost in the battle, including the Count himself.

Guy and Madeline organized the battlefield cleanup and used magic to repair the damage done from the firestorms by regenerating the plant life and crops that were destroyed. Madeline was also able to organize the rebuilding effort for the town itself which was completely lost in the fire. Guy said to Madeline, "Hey, I know this is a bad time to ask, but, would you like to go out on a date?"

Madeline tilted her head a little like she was confused and then replied, "What's a date?"

"I would like to take you out to a nice restaurant, maybe catch the opera, what do you think?" Guy asked again.

Madeline thought a moment and then said, "Maybe you should ask someone with breasts, Second Mage Molester." She glared at him.

"Alicia and Claude kind of have a thing now, so it wouldn't be right to ask her... And it's Montfort." Guy rubbed his chin as he replied. As she started to draw her sword he laughed and said, "It's your own fault for being so passive aggressive. I'm very serious, I would like to take you out. Formally, you know. I wish to court you."

Madeline sighed and then pouted a bit. She threw up her hands in defeat and said, "Since my parents and your parents decided we have to marry I suppose I should at least make an attempt to get to know you better. I will try this 'date' with you." She blushed a bit even while pretending to look uninterested.

Guy smiled and then said, "Alright, lets get the County of Rouvroy on its feet first, then we can take some time for ourselves."


As everyone busily completed their tasks Olivier found time to pull Claude aside. He asked, "So, you've decided that you are going to marry Alicia?"

Claude smiled and nodded, "Yes, we've become a lot closer over the last few months."

Olivier had his normal goofy smile as he asked, "If you had to choose between your county, and Alicia, which would you choose?"

Claude thought for a minute he rubbed his chin and looked out over the county, "My father entrusted me with the county at his death, but he didn't set a requirement for how long I would have to watch over it. I believe that Alicia is worth more than a title and some land. I do believe the people of the territory deserve a proper ruler, but it doesn't have to be me."

Olivier slapped his hand on Claude's back and said, "Good answer. I'm not going to hold anything back from you then, if you marry Alicia, you can't be involved with the rule of Pays Des Abrutis in any way." He sighed and then said, "When we declared the Council of Magic independent of the Kingdom, we became our own self governed nation that consists of the Academy and the Tower of Magic. We have purchased the Academy and the ground around it from Pays Des Abrutis and starting next year, will begin a new chapter in the history of the continent. I would like you to consider becoming the swords master for the Academy."

Claude nodded and said, "It's a lot to think about. I think, the first thing I will do is pay a visit to Count Foix and ask for her hand in marriage. If he says no, then I will return to my county and bury myself in work until I can finish grieving for the loss of my father and the woman I love. If he says yes, I will take you up on your offer."


Alicia opened up a gate to her family home, she was so excited she could barely keep the spell in her head to cast the gate. The former Countess and Count Rouvroy escorted Alicia to her father's home, it was clear to Alicia he meant to formally ask for her hand in marriage from her father. Alicia's family were shocked to see her come home, after Alicia's sister came home in disgrace House Foix had become the laughing stocks of high society for raising a girl who would talk back to Her Majesty. It wasn't until their youngest daughter became the fifth mage of the Council of Magic that they had regained their standing and were able to hold their heads up high. They welcomed her home like a conquering hero.

Count Rouvroy gave a gentlemanly bow and introduced himself, "Greetings Count Foix, Countess, I am Count Rouvroy, and this is my mother, the Dowager Countess Rouvroy."

"Welcome Count Rouvroy, I knew your father well. I am sorry for your loss." Count Foix shook his hand and gave him a gentle pat on the back. "Please, come in and have a seat. How can I help you, Count Rouvroy."

He took a seat, his back rigidly straight, "Count Foix, I have come today to ask for your daughter Alicia's hand in marriage."

Count Foix frowned slightly and then asked, "I have been lead to understand that she would no longer be able to marry any of the Kingdom's entitled. You mean to give up your lands and title?"

Claude looked at his mother and then back at Count Foix, "Yes, your excellency, I do."

Count Foix thought for a moment, "Your father had no other sons. You'd be leaving your lands and title in the hands of one of my vassals, Sir Dunois's boy, Lord Dunois, your brother-in-law. He's someone I know well. He joined his father's knight order, the Order of the Porcupine, and is set to be knighted this summer. He's a very good man. He'd make an excellent Count Rouvroy."

Claude nodded and said, "I know you want the best for Alicia, so I will tell you my plan. I have been invited to become the swords master for the Academy of swords and magic run by the Council of Magic. I will also be knighted by the Order of the Rose, the Council of Magic's knight order and become first knight of the Order."

Count Foix thought it over for a moment and then asked, "You won't cast her aside if the Dunois boy screws up your county?"

"No your excellency, I wish to protect her with my life, just as I did the first time I met her." He stared directly into Count Foix's eyes.

Count Foix asked the Dowager Countess, "And you, are you prepared to have your son throw his title and lands away over a girl?"

She smiled and said, "My late husband has been waiting for the day he would ask for her hand. He threatened to disown him if he didn't marry her, that was his wish since the first time he met Alicia."

"Then we will honor your late father's wishes Count Rouvroy. I will provide you with the dowry suitable for a count's daughter, use it to give her a good home in the capital." Count Foix said with a sigh.


"Why are you wearing the outfit again?" Guy asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

Madeline tilted her head slightly, "I wish to see how many explosions I can cast before I run out of mana, and you said the outfit and the words have an effect on the casting."

Guy thought for a moment and then said, "Very well, let me come so I can carry you back after you faint."

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