The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 38: Date Night

Chapter 38: Date Night

Translated by XianPiete

Madeline paced back and forth in her room, she looked at the two dresses the servants had selected and couldn't decide. One looked very formal and hid her body under layers of frilly bows and skirts creating a ball gown type look. The other dress was not layered at all and had a very simple feel, but it was much easier to move around in if the 'date' needed her to be active. Both dresses were black with maroon accents that allowed her bright red hair and grayish blue eyes to stand out. Madeline asked her maid, "Zuria, be honest with me, which dress is most suited to a nice restaurant, and a trip to the theater for a play?"

Her maid smiled and said, "M'lady, I believe the most appropriate dress for the theater is your formal attire. If it was just a restaurant, it would be fine with the other dress."

Madeline nodded and then asked, "Should I perhaps wear my formal mage uniform instead?"

Her maid thought for a moment and said, "That would also be a good choice, your uniform fits your personality the best. The black color also goes with your hair and eyes."

"If you were a man, would you be disappointed to see me wearing the uniform when being courted?" Madeline bashfully asked.

Her maid chuckled and then said, "M'lady must be joking, what man wouldn't be happy to see the woman he was courting looking her most confident and attractive?"

"Prepare my uniform, and, get the makeup." Madeline blushed.


Guy put on his formal mage uniform and made sure it looked perfect down the King's medal on his chest. He puffed up his chest as he looked into the mirror, 'I have been too slack on my physical fitness training since I have started to learn magic.' He looked around his room looking for his ceremonial sword. It was a fully functional weapon, only it had silver and gold inlays on the polished leather handle. The cross guard was also plated with silver and gold. The scabbard for the sword was a polished black leather that matched the handle of the sword that was capped with gold and silver with the crest of the Council of Magic stamped on the side in gold and silver.

His room was littered with things he had made to remind him of his home world. One of the worst parts of Aoi's transmigration to this Otome game world was that there was almost no entertainment here. For someone from the modern world used to entertainment always being by your side at the touch of a button, it was a nightmarish world of boredom. He managed to take out most of his aggression by dedicating himself first to physical fitness training, and then to study. At times when his homesickness would get to be too much, he would find craftsmen to make him props from his favorite anime and manga, such as the outfit he gave to Madeline.

Once he even tried to commission an artist to draw him a manga only to realize that the artists had no idea what he was trying to describe. After finding his sword and making sure he looked his finest, Guy took three deep breaths and then went through a Tai Chi exercise to calm his mind. 'Don't worry Aoi, you can do this, it's just Madeline.' He thought to himself.


Guy sat in the new carriage he had purchased just for the date, it was dark black with silver plated metal pieces. The doors to the cabin had the crest of the Council of Magic emblazoned on them. The inside of the carriage was a bright white fabric that was soft to the touch which lined the walls and the soft cushions of the chairs. Sitting inside the carriage was as comfortable as falling into a nice soft bed. The floor of the cabin matched the exterior of the coach, a deep black. Guy had also modified the design of the carriage adding in a leaf spring design for shock absorption, something that the other carriages of this world didn't have yet. The coach maker even gave him the carriage for free if he would allow for the design to be sold. Guy of course requested a small compensation of 10% from future sales and they shook on the deal.

The carriage moved through town at a slow pace until they arrived at the Aumont estate. As they pulled up to the entry way, Guy was surprised to see that all of the servants along with the Duke and Duchess were gathered as if awaiting the arrival of an important dignitary. Madeline was standing shyly by their side, obviously uncomfortable with her father's decision in greeting this way. Guy chuckled as he looked at her standing so awkwardly. The coachman was dressed in a new tuxedo himself, his bright white gloved hands first unrolled a long red carpet that lead to the base of the stairs, and then he announced, "Second Mage of the Council of Magic, Knight of the Order of the Rose, Sir Guy the Molester."

Guy came out smiling and confident and then looked at his coachman and his face changed to one of anger, "Olivier, you ass!"

Olivier gave his usual goofy smile and then said, "Your lady and her family are waiting, Sir Molester." He gave a gentlemanly bow.

Guy straightened out his outfit and tried to regain his confidence as he walked up, he suddenly turned to Olivier and blurted out, "It's Montfort. Mooooontfort."

Madeline was laughing but held her hand over he mouth so it wasn't as obvious. Duke Aumont was looking closely at Olivier and asked his wife, "Isn't that coachman the third prince?"

"Your future son-in-law is approaching, pay attention." She chided.

Madeline was still giggling as Guy walked up, she offered her hand to him so he leaned forward and gave her a gentle kiss on the back of the hand saying, "Mage d'Aumont, your carriage awaits you."

He looked at the Duke and Duchess and asked, "Your grace, might I borrow your daughter for the evening, I wish to show her the new play and treat her to a meal."

The Duke nodded and said, "You have my permission, Mage Molester.." His eyes opened wide, "Forgive me, I mean, Mage Montfort."

Guy turned back and glared at Olivier who was pretending to clean out his ear. Guy offered his arm to Madeline who slipped her arm through his to walk to the carriage she asked, "Why is Olivier the coachman?"

Guy frowned and said, "I don't know, he didn't ask me."

Madeline chuckled.

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