The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 56: Madeline’s Villainous Ways

Chapter 56: Madeline’s Villainous Ways

Translated by XianPiete

After the girls had the potion they found out why Doreen suggested the bathhouse as their bodies secreted an oily black residue and they had to quickly use the bathroom stalls. After they had expelled all of the filth in their bodies the changes really started to manifest. Doreen smiled at them as they sat in the big hot tub together and said, "The majority of the changes to my body happened after a night's sleep, I was incredibly hungry at dinner and then when I woke up my shape had become like it is now. As you saw in the photos it added to my curves but also toned my body at the same time. The thing I most enjoyed about the effects of the potion was my skin and hair changed."

Alicia smiled and said, "I can feel it working already, I feel like my skin is softer and my hair has a luster it didn't have before."

Madeline cupped her breasts and said, "I just hope I will grow enough to get Guy's attention. He always looks at Doreen's and your chest, Alicia. I know he isn't doing it to purposely hurt me, but I wish he would look at mine that way too."

Doreen giggled and said, "He never used to look at me that way, Maddy, it's all from the potion. It's not just him, even some of the older teachers now stare into my cleavage when they talk to me." She laughed softly.

Alicia added, "I used to purposely wear clothes that showed off my chest around him so I could get his attention that way Maddy, sorry, I was hoping he would take an interest in me. Of course, that was before I had my Claude." She giggled.

Madeline pouted and then glared at Doreen, "Are you purposely doing it to Guy then?"

Doreen twirled her finger in her hair and smiled at Madeline, "It's not like you two are married or anything, right?" Doreen slid up to Madeline and got kissing close and whispered in her ear, "Maybe he is the kind of guy who'd like to have two women?"

Madeline blushed hard and stammered, "W-w-what?"

Doreen giggled and then backing off a bit smiled and said, "Well, you could always think about it, right?"

Madeline looked completely lost and confused before she thought to herself, 'This is bad, if she really wants that, could I convince him not to do it?'

Doreen pushed up close to Madeline again and then whispered in her other ear, "Sometimes it might even feel nice to be with another woman you know, as a show for your man, maybe?"

Madeline seemed to self destruct at that point if smoke could pour out of her ears it would have, her face turned beat red she thought to herself, 'Why is Doreen making my heart pound right now? This is really bad, really really bad. I need to figure out ways to keep her away from Guy. If she suggests something like this around him, he'd probably say something like, 'Of course I am not interested in that Madeline.' while staring at Doreen like she was raw meat after he had been starved for a week.'


Over the next week anytime the Council of Magic met, Madeline made sure that she was sitting next to Doreen and that Guy was always on the other side of her so that she couldn't 'accidentally' touch him. Doreen always had her same smile and did her same soft laugh. She would touch Madeline's arm and say charming things to her and make her laugh with little jokes. Madeline though was on the lookout for flirtatious behavior aimed at Guy. Once she saw Doreen start to bend over to pick something up so she quickly moved over and stood behind Doreen blocking Guy's view only she went too fast and knocked Doreen over which made her lose her own balance and fall on top of Doreen.

Doreen giggled and said, "If you are in that big of a hurry to press me down, we should invite your man too, shouldn't we?"

Guy who was watching the whole thing unfold swallowed hard. He gathered himself and said, "Don't worry Madeline, I am not interested in that."

Madeline quickly got up and pointed at Guy and loudly stammered out, "You-you-you really want to see that don't you?"

Guy turned red and tried not to meet her gaze, "I never said I want to see that, what makes you think I do?"

Olivier and Claude who were standing off to the side laughed and then Claude said, "He wants to see it alright."

Olivier laughed and said, "Hell, we all want to see that."

Guy turned pointed and glared at Olivier and Claude then barked out, "You two aren't helping, damn it!"

Madeline turned bright red and ran off. Guy quickly following behind. Doreen was left smiling and laughing softly while Claude and Olivier started making bets about whether or not Guy would get attacked by Madeline's sword.

Olivier walked up to Doreen and asked, "What's your plan in all this, Doreen?"

Doreen flipped her hair back and smiled and said, "My plan? I was just bending over to pick up the pen I dropped."

Olivier chuckled and gave his usual goofy smile and then said, "If it's her, Doreen, you're just going to end up heart broken. That girl is as straight as an arrow." He rubbed his chin and said, "Besides, I hear that the two princesses have been crowding around your table as much as those two egomaniacs that are bothering you."

Doreen shrugged and said, "Low hanging fruit is never as enticing as the ones higher on the tree." She winked.

Olivier laughed and said, "Well, don't hurt them. Guy is more like a brother to me than my own brothers. If it comes to a head between you two, I'll side with him."

Doreen sighed and said, "Yeah, you're right. I don't really want to hurt them. What if I get them both to want it though?"

Olivier face palmed and said, "You are playing with fire, woman. Just don't get hurt or hurt them. I mean it. Be the responsible one here."

"You're just no fun anymore, Olivier. You seemed like you had plenty of fun at the Inn with Renée and I that night." Doreen gave him a nudge with her hip.

Olivier blushed and laughed, "You're right I did." He sighed and then looked up in the sky, a tear rolled down his cheek, "I miss her too, Doreen. I really do. It's too bad the others never really got to know her. If there was any one thing I wish I could do with my magic, it would be to go back and save her that night." He pulled Doreen into a hug and held on to her. Doreen held him back just as tight as they cried in each other's arms.

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